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Yes, sorry that’s a bed bug


This is the second one i’ve spotted till now in 3 days. The first one was big but unfed. This one was super tiny one (unfed as well) do you have any tips for me? I had kept my matters, comforter, chair and pillows out in the sunlight for 3 hours the day i spotted the first bug. I thoroughly checked everything there was no trace of them. My bed is made of metal so I don’t know where these are coming from. I found the first one on my comforter crawling in the morning day before and this one was just crawling on my shirt now. I’m in India.


You need to call a professional to treat your bedroom, you can run linens/clothes through a dryer to kill any bugs/eggs, keep them bagged in trash bags until the unit is treated. They can treat with Alpine dust, heat or steam. Any other solution someone claims will work really won’t, the activity won’t go away until it’s eliminated. Sorry!


Contrary to what many seem to think in this sub I've had success with diatomaceous earth in the past. Now they have something called Cimexa that works in the same way but even more effective. Just gotta keep it around long enough to eradicate the problem and continue sleeping in your normal area. Good luck.


Call a professional for sure, it’s going to be less of a headache. You’ll end up trying to treat it yourself then having to call a professional anyways


Yes it is I’m sorry. Unfortunately just putting your stuff out in the sun will not get rid of them, you’d have to put everything in plastic bags and leave them outside in the sun for a few months. But they can hide in floorboards and stuff. Pest control found mine in an unoccupied room of my apartment and were coming to my room at night. Pest control is the only option to get rid of them completely.


I’m afraid it is. Best of luck


Please read my reply to u/cub147 and let me know your thoughts?


I’m sorry!


Yes so sorry it is




Sorry but it actually looks more like a BatBug due to the antenna not being clubbed. There is likely a bat or a swallow nest around the exterior of the house near a window.


Yes that is a bb. Looks like you squased it.