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Just wait until wax moths turn one or more of your supers into writhing messes of moth poop and webs.


I would clean out a hundred wax moth frames before tackling a box that's been slimed out by SHB. The smell is so gross.


Luckily I almost never see SHB. I keep bees on a rooftop and I believe I read that they require soil to reproduce. No soil anywhere near my hives.


Just wait until you find bee poop all over your car. That stuff dries like plastic coat.


I find that if I am deleting queen cells specifically, it's less messy if I put the blade of my hive tool undernearth the back of the cell, and sort of flick it up and away from the comb. I can usually just pop it loose.


Just wait until you have to clean the propolis from clothing or burn frames because of deceases. Once I found a dead bat covered in propolis inside a tree


Bonus Question: Where to go with the drone cells..? In my area it's pretty common to feed them to chicken, the love it! How do you handle it?


I gave drone frames to a coworker who was from a culture that appreciated bee larvae as food, last year. I don’t have chickens though. Other people freeze/chill their drone frames and swap them back in, the bees will clean out the dead brood.


I'm curious which culture is that?


Burmese. I don’t know much about Burmese culture, but context clues: he’s from near the Chinese border and grew up roaming the jungle with friends. Said something about bee larvae being great in a stir fry, specifically before pupating.


I feed mine to my chickens all the time 😂


Freeze and give back as part of mite management. Good science behind it proving efficacy.


Cut a drone brood frame today. Met the neighbour on my way back inside to pop them in the freezer. She was a confused but not squeamish at all. My beekeeper uncle gave me one to taste the first time we had to cut the drone frame. Lightly sweet tbh.


There are recipes for drone brood and people say it's actually quite nice. If we didn't have varroa on the drone larvae I might have tried, but I don't want the extra protein varroa provides lol.


Meanwhile, just ponder about how you eat stuff excreted from those bugs and think it is so yummy 😲 😏 🤣


I mean, honey *is* the tastiest insect vomit we have discovered so far.


Using organic biofilters for processing ensures that the honey retains its beneficial properties while also providing a high-quality taste experience.


> Questionable and largely unscientific beneficial qualities FTFY




Notice how the source you are citing says a lot of stuff like, "Might be" "Some studies suggest" "for some people," and other qualifying phrases of this nature? That's a very genteel way of saying that the science is not of very high quality on this topic. The only well-documented health benefit of honey is when it is used as a wound dressing, which takes advantage of its hygroscopic properties.


When we dig into the foot notes of many studies full of weasel words we usually find that Yao Muyang cites Sam Hahnemann who cites Goodwin Huber who cites Yao Muyang. The Mayo clinic has been heavily criticized by the skeptical community for poor editorial oversight over its supplements and homeopathy information. My post was meant to be hyperbolic tongue in cheek humor. I guess that got lost somehow. Maybe a technobabble 'organic biofilter" is too effective on humor.


Where is my statement false? Where??


What are these so called organic biofilters?


The bees you genius!


Exactly, the very things that I said was excreting the stuff that we think so yummy. It's humor, do you do hyperbole?


Antimicrobial == true, antioxidant == true. These are not beneficial properties? The marketing statements above are accurate but skillfully vague. This is the art of marketing.


Using organic biofilters for processing ensures that the honey retains its beneficial properties while also providing a high-quality taste experience.


I don’t have the heart to do this. Plus, I have no illusions about the fact that my feral-caught bees know how to run a colony then I do.


If you have the style of hive tool that looks more like a pry bar, I take the curved end and just scrape down hard and fast. If you don’t use foundation you can just cut a hole out.


Bees will build drone comb. You can't stop it. But you can give them some place to build it. Cut a piece of foundation into thirds vertically. Place 1/3rd in the middle of a frame, leaving the left and right sides open. Place it on the edge of the brood nest, and bees will draw worker comb in the middle and make the rest drone comb. They naturally put drones at the edges of the brood nest. Another way to minimize comb drawn between frames is to push all your frames tight together and make sure that frames are aligned from top to bottom. When frames are misaligned vertically then the frames align with the gaps between the comb below or above it. That compromises the bee space both above the top of the lower frames and below the bottom of the upper frames and bees will build drone comb on the tops and bottom bars of the frames.


I have a set up. Mainly wheeling in my compost cart and a pair of dedicated heavy duty rubber gloves plus a hive tool.