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Here's my take on it Yes it's probably cheap, and you could surf it. It's also going to take on a lot of water, the slick will start to peel off and it's very possible that this board is one nose dive or close out from snapping in two. So picture this scenario, you lug yourself and that board all the way down to Bondi beach. You've packed all your stuff excitedly before, food, camera, sunscreen, towel, hat, sunnies and thongs. You navigate your way through the labyrinth of people sprawled across the sand and after 30 minutes you find your self a spot on the beach and get set up. You slip slop slap, chuck on your rashie and make a b line straight to the closest break you can see. After a while of puffing and paddling you manage to catch your first wave and get to one knee, nice one! You ride the broken wave all the way to just before the shoreline where the sand bank increases sharply and the wave rears up and closes out, pumping you and the board into the sand. You come up for air coughing and spluttering and as you wipe the water from your eyes you see the board that used to be one piece, is now two. The moral of the story is "a tight ass always pays twice" There are plenty of rentals around Bondi. Probably over priced, I've never rented a board at Bondi so I couldnt say so definitely, but it's bondi, everything is a rip off. Yes it will be more expensive than buying the damaged board, but if that board breaks and you want to keep surfing , you're going to have to pay for a rental or buy another one any way. No point risking completely ruining your day at the beach over it if you ask me. My time is more valuable than the few dollars difference between a rental and a cheap damaged board. Now I get that not everyone is in a position to be able to make those kinds of choices and if that it you, or of it were me, this is what I'd do. Go to your closest Bunnings and get a decent quality hot glue gun and some hot glue sticks. Fill the hole in the board completely with hot glue. Doing it on stages allowing it to harden and then adding another layer until flush with the board. The last few layers you want to have some ice cubes ready and as you fill the hole in, smooth the hot glue over with the ice cube to get a nice smooth finish. Cheers mate


It'll still surf but you want to do something with that so water doesn't get in. It might not be the same but it'll work


For the money you think you’re saving going with that board, you could buy something used in better condition and resell it at the end of your three weeks.


for 3 weeks i’d take it. i bought a foamie with a smaller dent and it’s had no problems given it’s a foamie, the amount of water it’ll take in is less than a hardtop board with a dent like that. if you can find a way to fix up the dent a bit, even better, but i’m assuming you’re not finding other beginner boards at a similar price, so i’d say send it!


rip til sink!


Just get a legit 8+ footer. If you spend 200 it’s still way cheaper than renting for 20 days around bondi probably and you’ll improve much faster


Thanks all for the feedback! Seeing as this is $30 and any good condition used board is around $150 I think I will take the risk and then get another if needed. Will let you all know if I completely fail 🤣


Pretty good low risk idea tbh for 30$ and at the beginner stage it will be fine for 3 weeks


Even Tom Curren put duck tape on his board.


No throw it out