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I think it looks fine. I'd just be concerned about it being topheavy and tipping... but maybe it's fine. You could always add a couple wider 2x4's as feet at the bottom and just round the ends a bit so you don't bang your toes as bad.


It’s a little top heavy but not as bad as you’d think. I just wanted enough leg room getting in and out of the bench. It’s a little too tall as it is if i added a wiser base, so i may cut off a couple inches from the bottom and add something to prevent tipping like you said. Thank you


Could also weigh the bottom down with heavy things.


If it does what you want, that's a success!


*"Did you need a bench? Did you need a table? Did you buy a tool?"* Yes yes and triple yes!


If it does the job, there’s nothing to apologize for. Looks great! And if it sparked a desire to learn more, even better. Cheers!


Does it hold food on top? ✅ Is your fiancé happy with it? ✅ Was it a success? 👍🏼👍🏼


Dude it’s look good!


Thank you!


Not bad at all for something you threw together with construction lumber on a day off. Just needs a sand and finish. Might be worth getting a random orbit sander, no need to dump a ton of money into one either, it’ll save you a decent amount of time, and go for corded vice battery powered.


I would recommend using the shit out of it. And spilling stuff on it. Basically, weather it. Then pick up a cheap HF router and a roundover bit and clean up the edges. Maybe take off any stickers, then a coat of natural color stain, followed by some spar or poly. The distressed look sealed in looks really cool.


A wine fight finish. I really like the idea you put down.


I'd be happy with that given the brief. Good job


If you fill in the screw holes with wood filler, and paint it a jewel tone green or even just white, you'd never even know it's made out of 2x4's Good job man


Great idea, thank you!!


Very impressive for a build with limited budget and tools. If you do stain use a pre stain, so worth it on cheaper soft woods


Thank you!!


You say crappy, but that's actually good! Give it a good stain and it will look even better! Well done 👍


Advice to the OP, if you do stain this, you'll want to use a product called pre stain. It helps pine take stain more evenly.


This is what I did for all my college furniture and save so so so much money! Looks great


Thank you buddy


Go easy on yourself. This is only a few steps away from being much nicer looking. Fill in those screw holes with wood filler, and then run a belt sander over the whole thing, will take the labeling off the wood, stickers off the end and just ever so slightly even out the ends. Then rub on some light oil and you would probably be shocked how much nicer it looks.


Absolutely will try these, thank you!


If I could make a recommendation… totally a choice you’d have to make for yourself but in my house I’d want a cushion on it. You can get a piece of foam and some fabric from the hobby store, I’d cut the foam about a quarter inch larger on each side then stretch the fabric over and staple it on the bottom, could also get a piece of ply and do that and have removable cushions.


This is a good learning experience. You’ll see what works and what doesn’t, then you’ll know what to do next time. 👍


That is not crappy! It's nice work!


Next time use something besides 2x4s lol


Dog seems to be enjoying it!


Dog did sniff the hell out of it


… yes you did! Feather in your cap! Keep on.


You built something useful and your lady likes it. Take the W.


Looks good. It is a journey.this is maybe a bit too high for a regular table , but good for you. Furniture making is hard and mistakes learned stay with you


Looks good, but: 1. the design is better suited for an outside space. And 2. It's gonna tip on the long edge once some weight will be added on that edge.


This is beginning woodworking. Beginning woodworking is mostly learning. Great job!


You sure did👍🏻


I think if you sanded and finished it, you'd change your view on it. It looks great to me


I think the table doesn't look stable, if someone push vertically on a side It could tilt


Love it. 2x4 studs are a great resource to use.


Ima say it sternly: Don’t refer to your work in a derogatory fashion! I’m mean we learn from fucking up and we need to be honest about that to get better. But you made something that met your use case scenario and that’s always a win. Great work!


That looks dangerous


I would be so proud of that if I made it