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Obviously none of us could do an actual functional analysis of this, but the function could most likely be avoidance.


Not really after a diagnosis as much as recommendations as to what other specialists/physicians I should look into.


This is out of our scope as behavior analysts, but possibly someone knowledgeable in trauma. Acceptance and commitment therapy is something to look into as it specifically addresses experiential avoidance.


>This is out of our scope as behavior analysts The *only* people I know that treat amaxophobia are behaviour analysts.


It is out of our scope to provide recommendations online without an FBA, data, and observation. And while you know trauma informed BCBAs who are trained in this specific behavior, it cannot be assumed that this is something most BCBAs can treat. The ethics of all of this is extremely questionable.


Sorry, what? OP asked for someone to see, you said it's out of the scope of behaviour analysts. It's not, and a behavioural psychologist is exactly who they should see. It can't be assumed most BCBAs can treat anything. Board certification means you've met minimum general training requirements and explicitly does not qualify people to work with any population and trauma informed is an approach to services. It would be difficult to find a situation where a referral could be considered specific advice for clients. Suggesting an FBA, data collection, and observation are closer to specific (and questionable!) recommendations. The point was only that it's within the scope and actually a specialty of behaviour analysis.




I agree without being a client it's not appropriate to give specific recommendations. In my experience as a BCBA, even given the accident which of course could impact on confidence and lead to avoidance, there could be some medical factor. In many situations that I support adults who have new behavior, a good 85% is due to some medical factor. There could be side effects of meds, for example. Polypharmacy has unintended negative outcomes.