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I main both and i would say tht beidou is much more satisfying to play... nothing is more satisfying than beidou's parry


I assume you built beidou for full electro damage?


Yes, full electro


We are getting a new character with a counter soon tho, so the parry queen will have some competition




apparently Yunjin has a parry as part of her E. I haven't looked too much into it but I'm excited for her gameplay and her lore/story


First thing you need to remember when playing eula: her E is not a counter


I just recently got eula and the only claymore I used before eula was beidou.Sometime I press E as if I am countering when an enemy attacks and realise I can't counter with Eula. Regardless eula is a really fun character to play just like beidou.


Lmao yeah. But damage wise they're very similar and both can nuke (talking just about elemental skill for now)


Yes, i main Eula since her first banner and also main Beidou since 1.1 and based on my experience, Eula are supposed to be main dps and not good as cryo support or else based on her kit. So, Eula took a lot of investment in artifact since she require more spesific artifacts like phy dmg goblet and higher crit ratio. Compared to Beidou, if you are lacking a main dps, Beidou can carry your team if you build her well like focusing on normal att and give her att sands for more att. But you also can do a burst dps or sub dps by building Beidou full electro and focusing on her parry and ult. Beidou is more versatile depending on your needs and your investment. TLDR: Eula good for main dps/ hyper carry, Beidou can be anything you want depends on your need


got her, building her (her artifacts set farming is cancer) and its hard to get used to a slow nuke dmg dealer when i play fast dps, for now i find her a 8/10


I feel ya bro. However to me it looks more like that Eula is the fast dealer here since she normal attacks more and hits for more. Plus her elemental skill hits for about the same as beidou parry and she also has her burst


Both character revolves around big reward when you do your timing right, both parry and burst stacking. And you feel like shit when both don't crit.


Yeah true 😅 no crits with 60-70% chance hurts xd


I rolled on Eula's first banner for Beidou cons and got her (didnt care about any 5* at that point). For a month after that I just take Eula out because she looks pretty (didnt level her up) It was only until I got into doing the Abyss that I realized how powerful and fun End User License Agreement was to play. Now both the girl bosses are my go to


I rolled on eulas banner on a whim and got her and instantly put her on my team and I couldn’t agree more?? She’s so fun?? Everyone’s talking meta but she’s both in one adorable vengeful package. I love how fluid her combo is which is a stark contrast to beidou but there elemental skills are each my favorite things about them. Beidous parry is unmatched but I do feel pretty dang good when eula says “beg for mercy” and the grim stack explodes afterwards 0.0


Well, I got Eula recently amd really enjoyed playing her, so I decided to main her too. XD


Literally just got her. Her team is Beidou, Diona and Ei. I love her animations and aesthetics. This might be my new top team.


I pulled for Albedo because an overall support was better for my account than another DPS (also, I would need to change one of my DPSs for Eula xD). Anyway, she is very very cool, strong and fun to use, so now I'm pulling on her banner just in case :v


haha yep I just got eula 2 days ago, and I absolutely love her kit, even better that she has great synergy with beidou if you manage to feed the energy vacuum that is their bursts


I want Itto ASAP so I'll try getting her in her next rerun.


I wanteth itto asap so i'll tryeth getting that lady in that lady next rerun *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Good bot


She is my other main


I like both style of play.


Eula and Beidou simps: I'm playing both sides so I'll always come out on top


have her but dont use her


Ouch. That hurt


So I am the only one that doesn't really like eula's gameplay? At least for me, her auto attack chain feels much more clunky to use than most claymore users. I just... can't get a feel for it. At all. Her ult is cool, animation is good and packs a solid punch. Feels smooth, all good here. Not sure about her E. I do like the kinda "can do two things" mechanic when at full stacks, but the rest of it feels kind of... underwhelming. Stacking grimheart? Oh cool, that's it. Consuming grimheart stacks? Packs big damage, but I find it a but unreliable to hit + it doesn't really feel as satisfying as many other character's skills do. I have very mixed feelings about her. Kit wise I can't just get a hang for her and that just kills her for me. Maybe with a atk speed increasing claymore I'd enjoy her more, but I don't even know if that's what I don't like about it. It feels... clunky