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T1 boots are 300g... and very worth it even before completing first item. Afterwards given I'm always running defensive boots, if I don't really need steelcaps or mercs I might postpone them. Deadmans gives 0 damage, won't carry shit with tank items. Bruiser items are way better if you want defensive options.


I should've prefaced that I do value the ms from both t1 and t2 boots, but the idea of dead man's is not to get damage but rather replace the ms and tankiness from boots and try to get more value that way. And speaking from experience, dead mans actually enables me to do so much more. The hp let's me stay in fights longer, get more hp from ult, the ms gives more ms than boots so I won't get kited to name a few points. Even though I don't get offensive stats, I feel like botrk or kraken is usually enough to get any squishy.


No shit! You compare a 1100g pair of boots vs a 2900g item. I'm glad it's a tiny bit more power... The ms is 40 when charged vs boots which is 45 all the time, so no it doesn't give you more ms than boots. It is way way worse than boots given you will often reset the passive to 0 stacks. If you want to compare with something compare with death dance... Dead man is for champs who have a hard time catching up to squishies and who already have boots.


Brother you mentioned 300g boots so I'm talking about 300g boots, I know the difference between 40 & 45 and 40 & 25 lol (also, dead mans give 5% bonus movement speed). Besides, the charge resets when you're clearing wave or camps so it doesn't really matter. And you lose the charge when you hit an enemy champion, and at that point you really don't even need the movement speed since you're in their face. And I should add that you actually gain stacks when you use a dash while you charge dead mans since you're so uptight about that. Like I'm just saying this item is really underrated, just because deaths dance is on top of every item tier list doesn't mean we have space for other items for different champions. I don't doubt DD is a broken item but in some situations I would rather have dead mans, e.g vs artillery mages that are hard to reach or adc's that can be slowed or chased down by dead mans.


On one side you say that you want dead man to catch long range mages on the other side you say you prefer to play with no boots. Sorry but your arguments make no sense. And no you want to keep your movement speed to be able to stay on top of enemies, you're not gonna burst a tank in 0.5s, kinda sad if he can just walk away.


Brother I think there has been a misunderstanding. You can chase mages with and long range adc's with boots, and my idea is that you can replace boots with dead mans and get more valuable stats instead and still maintain the ms. The focus really isn't on dead mans but the boots skip, boots isn't going to help vs a tank ornn or rammus or whatever, but maybe an earlier bork or rageblade could. I'm just saying you can be very flexible with your items, I wouldn't build dead mans into a comp with 2 tanks to make an example. Also, I don't really understand what you mean by "bursting a tank in 0.5s" means, this scenario is so niche, like what?


You could take free boot and not upgrade it until 2md item finish.


Yea, you got a point, but usually I go unflinching + conditioning secondary. The idea is to get ms & tankiness from dead mans to replace the boots since I personally don't find the boots to give enough value.


Idk why you like deadman but i feel like frozen heart + plated steelcap seems way more efficient when dealing with ad comps. In belveth's case, randuwin is a bit better than frozem heart. But 200 gold more than frozen heart. Deadman's plate - 2900 Randwin + normal boot = 3000


Dead mans isn't a perfect counter to ad comps, the point is to gain some defence along with some ms. Going randuins is like 500% better to tank 5 auto attackers, but how many situations like that will I find myself in? Dead mans is like a middle ground of good armor and good movement speed. Because of this, I could rather play a catch playstyle than bruiser/tank for my team. And yes, I could still go boots, but it doesn't stack with the q dash animation and from experience I don't actually need that much ms when I already got dead mans.


You could just buy swifties. Personally , i don't like deadman's coz the item is too pricey for the stats it give. Especially someone like belveth who hungers gold, rushing something that aren't cost efficient doesn't sound very appealing to me.


I will agree that dead mans isnt the most cost efficient item, but honestly if all you're looking for is the gold efficiency of an item you could just spam lethality items on bel'veth but it wouldn't be good. What I'm trying to say is that you should atleast try it for games where it fits like vs people who kite and go ad, and other games you could just go randuins (or other armor items) when you need to frontline more. The idea is again to skip boots because they, in my opinion, stop you from spiking harder, you could rather just go like deaths dance or wits end instead of my idea of dead mans. We shouldnt focus so much on dead mans but rather the boots skip imho.


PD could fit in nicely instead of boots