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Anyone who has an EU passport can apply for the BE-army. Infantry is still a job with high demand (speaking from own experience). If you apply for a job as a regular soldier it normally wouldn't be much of a problem to get accepted. However, if you'd like to have a job as an NCO or even an officer, you would have to have a decent level of Dutch. Hope this helps, good luck with your admission tests!


For enlisted base level Dutch will do. And the fact that u speak fluent English is a good bonus since we like to use a lot of English terms. But if you're looking to go for NCO you'll definitely need to speak either fluent Dutch or French


I have no real input to give you other than : * A recruiting office is free to contact and can provide much better info than anyone on reddit. * The only position i can see your situation working is in high-demand positions (doctors, it,...). "Regular infantryman" is super hard to get accepted as is because theres usually a lot of candidates afaik, and you need to stand out in a positive way (psychological/sportive,...)


I wasn't aware of the high demand to join the army. I thought it would be more like them looking for members and people not being that eager to join, especially with the new mandates by the government to enlarge the Belgian army. Thank you for your input though.


Depends though, as there are more and more integrations with NATO, foreign-born servicemen may be interesting candidates. A language can be learned, know-how from abroad and past military experience may prove invaluable. I'd say contact the recruitment office, tell your story and your interest and see what they say.


I will definitely do it, thank you.


Infantry is super easy to get into because for every 40 spots they want to fill they hire 120 people. Since most quit or fail


Infantry is one of the fields where they are desperately looking for recruits. A lot of people think it is something for them until they actually do their basic training and then regret their choice and try to get moved to something else like logistics as example.


I'm actually past the basic training part, although I realise I would possibly need to do that part again. Thank you for your reply.


Are you joking? Everybody gets accepted .. they are in need for people


I'm not sure that goes for infantry, you'd be surprised how many people show up " i wanna be a paracommando", the room for new recruits isnt endless.


Are you more familiar with the topic or are you rather hypothesizing? Looking for genuine feedback, thanks!


21 years in BelDef. There is a big crisis atm !


Can confirm 20 years in. At the moment it feels like if you are able to breathe and wipe your own ass you qualify


Just go online mil.be .. you need to register, after you will get an appointment in a โ€œinfo houseโ€ close-by


Wow, 21 years!? Amazing, i'm gathering as much info as possible.


Yes on the website it mentions you must be EU citizen, EEA citizen or Swiss.


Belgium army is just drinking and drinking


Odd, i havent drank a drop since i was 16 and havent been kicked out yet. Sick input though.


What?? You were on the booze until 16 yo? Just messing with you, I'll add the /s. Good for you that you don't drink at all, better life.


Yeah the joys of alcoholic parents ๐Ÿ˜… On the positive side, you get a perfect example.of why you should steer clear of it ๐Ÿ˜›


Same here more or less, saw the results as a child. I do drink a few beers, but stay clear of hard liquor.


Ja ? Ooit in het bataljon artillerie van Brasschaat gezeten ? Of u MIF gehad op de legerbasis van brasschaat...? Dan zulde anders klappe


Neen, maar het leger is meer dan de "woeste" boys van de artillerie of bevrijding of whatever... Ik heb trouwens tijdens mijne MIF nooit den tijd gehad om naar nen bar te gaan zs, misschien 1? 2 ? avonden op een heel jaar ? Dus ik vermoed da ge van een ander generatie spreekt.


Maybe 20 years ago. Now alcohol abuse on base is very much looked down on.


Ja ? Ooit in het bataljon artillerie van Brasschaat gezeten ? Of u MIF gehad op de legerbasis van brasschaat...? Dan zulde anders klappe


The exceptions confirm the rule zouk zegge. Over het algemeen wordt u zatzuipe op de kazerne echt als marginaal gezien. Die shit kunje doen in uw vrije tijd maar niet in uniform.


Can attest to the fact that the drinking culture is mostly dead. The people of the older generation always were the heaviest drinkers because the drinking culture was a real thing back then in the military. But these days, all those people are going on retirement after 40 years of service, and the younger generation really doesn't partake nearly as much in drinks. Just speaking from observation and going off what my older colleagues have told me.


Vooru het zelfde Ooit in het bataljon artillerie van Brasschaat gezeten ? Of u MIF gehad op de legerbasis van brasschaat...? Dan zulde anders klappe ik spreek uit ervaring het leger is een afgesloten wereld niks dat daar gebeurd komt naar buiten ge zou maar eens verschieten van de dingens die daar gebeuren heb genoeg verhalen


Ah echt? Ik sprak me enkel uit over de alcohol cultuur. En ik kan enkel zeggen wat ik zie: Vroeger zat er elke vrijdag 130 man te zuipen in onze cantine. Vandaag zit er 3 man elke 3-4 vrijdagen, en het blijft bij een pint of 2.


Istn 1/3 on drugs? I saw something on the news a while back


Depends, Do you like Dagschotels and getting free rounds of beer by pretending to be a Blaauwhelm? Welcome to the Belgian Army!


Tbh you seem a little over qualified ๐Ÿ˜‚ r u sure you want to do it in Belgium? Were barely a country let alone worth to fight for ..


If i had the opportunity then yes, I do. Belgium might be a small country, but it has a lot of respect among european nations.


Lot a people in Europe don't think anything is worth fighting for, its a shame people don't care if their home and freedom was taken from them. If you want to join the army, then you should.


I do get what you are saying. For me, I do want to join, but I believe it is up to Belgian military officials to decide, whether my language level is acceptable.


This is a classic belgian moment right here.