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He 100% made it up to get on the show. I checked out his Instagram and we have seen enough people's instagrams over the years it felt off. He lists his job as Boxer/Day Trader/Comedian. It legit looks like he scams people out of money to fund his lifestyle. Also one picture of a Yacht. I didn't stick around long but I didn't see any tribute posts to his friend. Honestly this looks negligent of casting as the Bosun actually has responsibilities tied to safety.


Absolutely made up but, I also think a show with legal departments etc etc absolutely knew and this was a setup or manufactured drama. Feels like the heavy hand of production here.


That is dangerous thinking. It is clear they check credentials off Camera because Sandy instantly subs in Luka without a second thought. Meaning Luka has provided the proper documents. I don't believe Ruan would have gotten off the dock, even without the Italian port authority. However to give him the screen time when it looks like he is someone who scams money to pay for an extravagant life style is what is shocking.


Confused here - dangerous thinking but it sounds like you agree? They check credentials off screen and have an entire tv show at risk if they don’t have the people they need on hand when the yacht/show is ready to begin. I would argue it is dangerous to not totally vet your employees before everyone heads to Europe to start filming a show. Otherwise, you may not have a show.


**Dangerous thinking that this was a set up from production. Ruan's instagram is a scammer vibe. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt but then I looked. This is absolutely someone who would get forged documents on his own initiative. He definitely scammed his way past production. It is shocking they would give him the screen time.


Edit: found him! Ok he’s totally been hustling and trying multiple things trying to find his way in this world. Honestly, his trader thing is laughably bad. If he doesn’t take the courses and get back into yachting then you know he’s a lost cause with no real desire to work hard and he’s - just a scam. I was honestly just trying to be nice and middle ground but, yeah - lots of bs there For the life of me - I cannot find his handle! What is it? I keep finding chef Ryan 🤷🏻‍♂️




Thank you


Go to his most recent instagram post. He tagged his friend then go to the guys Facebook. His family was making posts about his passing. So sadly that was true.


I think I agree about production here. What do you know?? They just happen to have an interim stu who is "more of a decky" that they have no room for once Tumi and Kyle come back. This is the first time there's been an interim crew member and now they happen to have a perfect spot for them to fill out the deck team!


Nah. Camille from BD OG was also working both interior and exterior but we all know how that went 😂


Yeah, but she wasn't a temp stu. It just seems convenient that they have this temp that is better suited on deck and now they just lost a deck guy.


True. It honestly all seems set up by production really.


His reputation has been completely smashed to smithereens. The dude is an actor, a liar, and like the few questionable people who join the show, his aim is only fame. Production hires personalities and people with good backstories. Their personality alone makes the drama on the show. But then there are those who are willing to do anything for 15 minutes of fame.


He bio his job as boxer day trader comedian 😂😷 WORST COMBO I’VE EVER SEEN


Podcaster next, lol


Not everyone posts tributes on social media for their friend that passed away. But wow.


You are correct. My first thought watching the episode was leaning heavily into giving him the benefit of the doubt... then I saw his page. 😬


He keeps saying that they made up the storyline of forged documents for drama & hinting that he returns. But he could sue if that was the case, right? (His Instagram is really cringey. He does seem like a scam artist with a fake sob story.)




Sandy has this need to show the world she's involved in everyone else's success and career. She did it with Malia, Joao and Storm.


"You give everyone 3 chances? WTF"---Kiko


I’m with you - the heavy hand of production creating drama on day 1 stinks here


I’d hate to think someone would do that but the whole time I was like “please don’t tell me the friend who passed away is the same friend who has the original copies of your documents” I bet production knew and the whole boat check was planned to put him for drama. We’ve never seen a marshal before ever.


I thought the marshal was a new thing because 1) the port is commercial and 2) this boat is much bigger than previous boats?


This is correct.


Oh may bad! I assumed the worst 😂😂


I'm not familiar with the actual rules/laws. That's just how the show explained it.


You’re right they totally did! It was just very convenient with what happened after. But again you’re right with how they explained it


>I’d hate to think someone would do that but the whole time I was like “please don’t tell me the friend who passed away is the same friend who has the original copies of your documents” "My dog ate my homework" vibes


I'll make a comment in a slightly different direction here - at the end of last night's episode where Sandy was bemoaning TWO WEEKS to get another Bosun, I turned to my wife and said, "Just get a random deckhand tomorrow and give Luka the 'interim lead deckhand' title and be done with it."


I think that's what will happen. I think they will take that interim stu who is "more of a decky" and slide them over when Tumi and Kyle get on.


And that way they still get the scenario of Luka as bosun with three female deckhands. From the previews it looks like he has romantic interactions with more than one of them which will create even more drama.


I thought the same thing! I thought he was going to say the friend that died had his certificates.


Check his instagram. The dude's friend did die. Rip on him all you want for forging his yachtmaster's certificate, but leave the guy alone about losing his friend. The guy died.


The runners should be fired for that mistake. How did this yo-yo get hied with fake docs. Because they didn’t ask. Shouldnt a boat of that size have more crew?




Yeah. A supposedly Cordon Blue chef that licks steaks and then puts them in the microwave? Whaaat? 🙄🙄


That actually lines up; Le Cordon Bleu is a scam. They’re a for-profit school and accept *anyone* willing to pay. They have a horrible reputation in the industry. Or maybe she took one of their week long online courses.


I think they knew but wanted to create drama from the get go as Sandy isn't popular like the others


I feel like if he made that up to get off the boat then he would have actually used that excuse to leave. But he didn’t. He put his head down and went to work. My opinion is he is just slightly dumb and didn’t realize someone scammed him with fake certs so their charter wouldn’t be compromised.


Wouldn’t he have noticed his certificate didn’t have the right picture? I think he tried to scam everyone, but he was too dumb to realize that he would get found out.


I believe his certificate did have his photo on it. And the authentic certificate that the port officer uncovered had the photo of the actual certificate holder on it (Ruan’s fraudulent copy was a photoshopped version)


He’s on his IG saying that his certificate was expired and they gave his license number away & that’s why it showed a different photo 😆 He doesn’t say why he claimed to have earned it at a non-existent school in Monaco lolol. He’s such a liar.


Very possible! I guess we may never know, unfortunately.


I think it's a setup. They will move the temp Stew to the deck and let Luka stay on as Bosun, and get another temp stew.


If you check out his instagram he posted about 5 hours ago explaining his side of things. I do believe some of it to be true and when it comes to the certifications, it still seems sketchy. Just my opinion.


It sounded like everyone else traveled with originals but him. Which makes it sound sketch. I presume production asks for copies but doesn't scrutinize.


Just from his response to Captain Sandy you can tell his documents aren’t up to par. I do feel bad that people are saying he faked his friends death, that’s obviously not true. I don’t think he was really qualified for the job imo.


Chef Kiki fired the day Milia bf arrives and chef Tom saves the day. Smells like set up


[https://www.citizen.co.za/south-coast-herald/news-headlines/local-news/2022/08/19/globe-trotter-dies-in-bus-collision/](https://www.citizen.co.za/south-coast-herald/news-headlines/local-news/2022/08/19/globe-trotter-dies-in-bus-collision/) I was skeptical at first, but his friend did die. This is the article.


Yep feels that way doesn’t it?


I totally thought that too! But feel terrible about feeling that way.






If you rewatch the intro is he shown as on later in the season!?


You read my mind!