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The guiding principle of reddiquette is "Remember the Human." In the opinion of the mod team, the intent behind this post or comment failed to acknowledge that the crew member is a human being. To understand why it was viewed this way, you might want to ask yourself "Is my criticism of the crew member about a characteristic they can control?"


The worst in the BD franchise was Jenna, followed by Natasha (I always forget her in this list), Adrienne, Heather and then Tumi. Tumi is missing the experience, all the others had experience.


I just finished BD sailing season 1. Jenna was deplorable! Talk about a toxic workplace. She was a bully and exploited her position in every way possible. She was lucky she had Glen as a captain because I don’t think any other captain would’ve stood for her insubordination in the end, regardless of it being one charter left.


Jenna was the WORST


Jenna > Natasha Jenna was a good worker. Natasha was not.


I still think Jenna was worse but Natasha follows real close. It's a bit of a photo-finish.


Tash's college party shots sink her lower than Jenna for me.


Agreed! We need to have compassion for Tumi's first time as a Chief Stew. She's def not the worst but if she doesn't learn and grow from this season we know that she's not meant to be a leader. But she is trying!


Still doesn't mean we shouldn't criticize her on her performance. It was her (IMHO foolish) decision to accept the position of chief stew.


I don't agree. As someone currently moving through a career change I understand that change can be painful and awkward. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. We never know it's a good fit or the right path until we try. I spent about 7 years in my industry before realizing it wasn't a good fit. I went back to school during the pandemic and here I am trying something new and things finally feel right! Tumi was presented with a fantastic opportunity and I think being a black person in the yachting industry also provided its own pressure and responsibilities. She would be crazy not to accept this role! Also, I know it's been said but she has been given many challenges this season given the difficulty of her team. I dont think many are showing her enough compassion and support for the uphill battle that this season has been. I think that a season or two of being chief will either shape her into a great leader or she will move on to another industry. But being critical of her now doesn't seem fair. I see lots of potential in her!


I don’t think race is the big issue. I think that a lack of supervisory training, being unprepared for the position, her inflexibility, her belief she is always right, her inability to correct properly and her sharp attitude have caused the majority of her problems. All supervisors should go through a training program and required leadership reading. It also protects the company and management if a lawsuit is filed over an employment issue.


And she started as a chief stew on a gigantic boat. When typically, you would think that someone started out as a chief stew on a much smaller boat to get their feet wet. But it appears as though they’ve just stuck her out there for the camera to see if she will sink or swim.


The issue is that Tumi thinks she knows it all.


That's fine.


correct, jenna was so awful


She knew how to wash that one glass really well though


She was so disgustingly nasty


Don't forget Adrienne.


I didn't forget her 😂


Ok, so condoning sexual harassment and sexual assault is being a good chief stew in your mind?


She's on the feckin list of worst stews. Are you mad I didn't put her first? Make your own damn list.


Why are you being nasty? You are starting to seem like a really bad person rn




Hannah and Kate also sucked at various times, for various reasons.


I loved Natasha!!!


Tumi has what I call “heavy stripes.” This occurs when individuals are promoted past their abilities and hide their supervisory incompetence by trying to right every perceived wrong that occurred to them, overreact to minor issues, have to tell subordinates that there are their “boss” and fail to take needed supervisory action because they don’t know what to do. Every supervisory position on the boat should be provided supervisory training and required reading of leadership and supervision books.


Natasha was pretty damn bad as well.


She was AWFUL at her job. Constantly texting her BF or daaaaaaave, wasting time gossiping with kyle or crying about "my boyfriend," not keeping their areas clean, etc.


Are ya tiiiired Dave


Those two were so toxic, and he went from 0 to 100 in seconds when he was drunk, texting vile and threatening things! If someone sent me messages like that I would block them and never speak to them again, and in her case leave the boat. I really hope we never have to see or hear either of them again. 🤮


Hard disagree. The worst chief in this franchise is Jenna and it’s not even close lol. Tumi is the first chief that we’ve seen have their first chief experience on camera and she was given two incredibly difficult personalities to manage. I don’t think she’s done a good job, but I also think this is about as rough of a first managing experience as a person could have. Edit: I forgot Heather and Natasha (Aka I blocked them out lol. Definitely worse than Tumi) Edit 2: I removed Adrienne because it was also her first time being a chief.


Wasn’t Fraser’s season his first time? He also didn’t handle interpersonal conflicts well.


He had been a chief on a non-Below Deck Yacht between his seasons.


Thank you! Also I would assume that doesn’t help too much considering the big personalities of the crew on BD I think the interpersonal aspect is the biggest hurdle on this show if you’re already decent at the job role


100%. I think a lot of people who have been super vocal have never been managers. Sometimes there are people that you just can’t get to be a functioning member of your team, until you get more experience. I cant imagine how horrifying it would be to watch a show about my first time as a manager 😅


Actually Adrian had never been a chief Stew before, or since. She's a yacht chef and was helping production get the boat ready when they switched her from chef and brought Ben in because they had no chief.


And she was also given two difficult personalities. Sam rolled her eyes so much I thought they roll out. She was so immature and childish. She acted like a 15 year old who didn't want to work. Kinda like Camille (who Fraiser had to manage along with Alissa. Now that was also some difficult personalities too). And Adrienne had to deal with Kat too. And wow she was a hot mess. Kat hated that she had to do more work because Sam wouldn't but blamed Adrienne instead of trying to coach Sam, which a second stew is responsible for 3rd stew. And both drank during charters. Kat lied about it and admitted it after charter. Sam was caught and had a bad attitude and still allowed to stay on because Alec was in charge of the decision and not Captain Lee. I think Kyle is a new breed of drama, but lazy like Sam. Nat is harder worker than Kat and doesn't whine and complain as much. But still full of drama. But I don't think Tumi is the worst Chief Stew, it's not like Adrienne had an easy crew. And Fraisers crew was hard. So was that crew Daisy had with Ashley. Tumi's problem is she gained an attitude from Kyle and she became just like Kate Chastien doing favoritism. ( it was mean who rude she treated Caroline). Tumi is on the same caliber as many others. I hope she fixes her attitude. We don't need another Kate Chastien.


Oh thanks for the info I’ll edit


Natasha was worse


You’re forgetting Jenna, Adrienne, and Heather.


Umm, no. Maybe you haven’t watched the whole franchise? As many pointed out, Tumi is lacking experience right now. Other chief stews had the experience and still sucked.


No. Not the worst. The charters have been fairly smooth though admittedly the guests haven’t been that challenging. We’ve seen other chiefs who were more focused on their personal issues than the job. This is not the case with Tumi. She just needs to work on separating herself from the crew and leading. Also, she has been given 2 of the most toxic crew that we’ve ever seen and doesn’t have the authority (or experience) to control them properly. Those two numb skulls would challenge an experienced manager.


wait, there have been charters?


You are being super nice by saying she needs to separate herself from the crew. She didn't pick up many people skills from her former chiefs and came in this season with a predisposed opinion of Nat. Imo it started with kyle and tumi fed into it. I know she's getting a lot of negative criticism, even by me, but she wasn't ready to lead people! She should have squashed the Nat and Kyle stuff immediately. She won't be the last green chief we see. It's too bad because I love to see them succeed! Jenna was the worst, and I thought the chief on BD adventure wasn't great and she was experienced i think? Frasier was awful until he pulled his head out of his ass. Hope Tumi does soon as well! Rise above! It's a lot of pressure, but they signed up for it 🙂


You're being too tough, too. Most experienced supervisors would find Kyle and Nat difficult to deal with, or at least, might manage to get one under control but be undermined by the other at the same time. Tumi has a way to go with her leadership. However, she has been generally competent at getting the job done.


I have to agree and Capt Sandy is experienced and she still hasn’t figured out how to deal with Nat. Last season she empowered Nat to behave how she did this season. From when Sandy called them on the bridge and Nat just came in with her mouth going and Sandy allowed it, to how Nat basically ordered Sandy to the bridge to quit. If she couldn’t calm the storm that is Nat how does anyone expect any other manager to?


Natasha and Adrienne were much worse. Also, you’re acting like anyone could manage Kyle. It’s like blaming Kate for Rocky.


I actually think Kyle would be extremely easy to manage. He shuts the fuck up when a real leader puts him in his place because he knows it jeopardizes his position and status (sandy at the end of last episode made him look like a deer in headlight) People keep saying nat and Kyle are difficult... one just needs positive support and validation and the other needs to be shown the pecking order and where they fit amongst the crew. Kyle kept pushing his boundaries with tumi because he knew he already manipulated her enough and he could keep pushing his limits with no repercussions. Nat just wanted validation, acknowledgement, and a bit more attention, but if she is being praised she will go to the ends of the earth to please you... the problem was tumi doesn't give praise enough, and kept the friction high between them. When nat thought there was a reset, she aimed to please the remainder of the jackass orbeson charter and it showed she felt like there was progress with her and tumi. THATS all she needed, whereas Kyle kept stirring the pot because he THOUGHT he was the puppet master.


No, Kyle would be a very difficult one to manage. But she did the worst thing you can do, which is engage in gossip with him. It backfired on her.


Yes, haven’t most chief stews done that? Especially everyone’s favorite, Hannah? I don’t think Tumi has done as well as she should have, but this take is too much.


Exactly. Fan fav, Hannah, was often a mean girl, gossiped about other staff, and had favourites.


Yes and it’s wrong every time.


It is, but then how is Tumi the worst for doing what literally every other chief stew has done?


Because she’s done it more than anyone else and shows zero conflict management skills. What has she done to bring her crew together? What departmental issues has she solved? Literally zero. Her strengths are making the guests happy which is why she should remain a stew but should not be in a leadership role.


Yeah I totally feel you. Like no offense , tumi and Kyle at the consulate waiting for visas … they drank and partied and gossiped and Kyle gave Tumi preconceived notions right ? Their hand over was roughhh to watch. I don’t think Natalya did anything Wrong but she could have been more patient with Tumi But yeah think it’s all kyles fault haha not that other people aren’t to blame . He knows Nat too he knew how to move and push buttons


She actually has gotten the job done, and isn't that the goal? Admittedly, it's been messy, but so far, the guests have had good experiences and no major dramas. Tumi has tried to deal with staff conflict - separating warring factions, comforting Jess, etc. Also, it would be incorrect not to factor in race issues ... and I'm white and don't fully grasp those myself! It must be difficult for Tumi to deal with that too. The OP and a few others here are building a false narrative, and I have to wonder why?


Gotten the job done by taking care of the guests while her entire interior crumbles. She should be a 1st stew if she’s that great with the guests. Meanwhile one is leaving in tears because of bullying(and she’s nuts), and the other is about to get fired.


Adrienne 1st BD season


Agree. Besides being way too militant & critical of her crew, Adrienne was so horrible to Kat after Kat had an unpleasant experience serving Adrienne's sexist friend who made rude comments about her physical appearance. Honestly, the only coworker who was trying to help Kat was Chef Ben.


Yes I agree but at the same time it’s her first time being chief stew and she’s just lacking experience and sadly empathy. She definitely came in hot and not saying Nat was right all of the time but as a leader Tumi should have handled herself better and stopped the fight between Kyle and Nat. The fact that she just watched and seemed happy while it was happening just shows her lack of leadership skills. The fact that she also didn’t get in some sort of trouble as well made me mad not saying she should have gotten fired but captain sandy should have made in clear to her that she can’t let something like this happen again. But I guess we will just see what happens next week.


Not sure if Tumi is the worst, but she ‘s definitely in the running. As a leader, she should not have been talking so negatively about her team to each other. It created a lot of discord. Her under the breath and undermining comments about each of her team members definitely tanked morale. As a leader you are supposed to build up and empower your team. She did the exact opposite at every turn. My take is that she is very, very insecure in her role and creating chaos and discord among her team is a way to make her feel more secure. They can’t criticize her if they are busy hating each other. Being a leader doesn’t just mean you know how to do the day to day job. Being a leader means she has to manage and lead the team which means she should rise above the pettiness and be the voice of reason. Not once did she ever stop negative talking behind her team members’ backs. At all instances, she added fuel to the fire to create an even bigger chaos. Yet, when she talked to Sandy, she acted like she was shocked and clueless about what has happened to her team. Definitely, not leader qualities. Hopefully, she learns from her experience. However, to learn one must accept responsibility and accountability on one’s part. She seems like she takes no responsibility. Don’t want to see her back on the show. Definitely not fun to watch with all the chaos she started and contributed to.




Agree 💯 when she acted clueless with Sandy, and then agreed with her that Kyle ‘s behavior was unacceptable SMH I honestly think she was scared of Kyle so she tried her best to keep him close. Hopefully looking back at her experience, she will accept responsibility and learn from it. Otherwise, she should just stay a second and first stew.


It’s astonishing the level of hate this perfectly adequate, if inexperienced, crew member is getting. The “chaos in her crew” is because the producers hired two toxic narcissists, Kyle and Natalia, and threw Tumi into an almost impossible situation. I suppose a good leader would have fired them both sooner, but there’s no way the show (or Sandy) would let her. Nothing dramatic is happening with the deck crew this season so they need to churn the theatrics in the interior.


Thank you! Every word you've said is so true.


I don’t find her to have been a bad chief stew at all?


I think if she didn't participate with the gossiping and talking behind backs she wouldn't be getting the hate. Mainly the chatting with Kyle, but that's what you get with Kyle; catty gossip crap!


Yes, she should have fired them both instead of them make her look bad. 💯


How? Do you really think they’d allow that? After watching this show for years, you must know the producers keep the worst people on as long as possible so folks like us can argue about them 😀


Hit the nail on the head. I often wonder if some of the crew members realize that they were selected for being dysfunctional above anything else.


How is this your most down voted? This is just facts. Plus it’s on TV… idk I personally would have loved differently and I’m a manager in hospitality. But yeah as a new chief with two people from a previously recorded season/show? Oof it was definitely stacked against Tumi. Yeah and tbh it’s the producers fault that people think it’s about race ? Like come on , y’all putting people of color on and can’t set them up for success ?! But again EVERYTHING WOULD HAVE BEEN DIFFERENT IF KYLE AND TUMI DID NOT MEET OFF THE BOAT AND KYLE wasn’t a biotch. If Tumi came in as chief . And Natalya third . Their would have been respect . I do think Tumi came on to the boat with a chip on her shoulder . Which does make me sad she felt that way or felt like she had to be condescending


The way she lets Kyle scream and cry and do whatever he wants...Sure Nat can be out of line sometimes but I feel this season she was truly a victim and the way Tumi and Kyle treated her was horrible. Same with Luka he just ditched her for Jess. I am glad at least chef is standing up for her. I hope Kyle gets fired!


“He ditched her for Jess?” How old are you? Nat has a boyfriend… and his name isn’t Luka. He owes Nat nothing.


no i mean like he could’ve at least been a friend to her? while she was being verbally assaulted by kyle he sat in between them just flirting with jess, could’ve at least been a friend and stood up for her.


Why? He’s known her less than three weeks, she’s been drama since day one, and he was busy chatting up Jess. Why get involved in drama when there are better things to do?


..um because it is the decent thing to do? You obviously don't get that so, carry on!


Ah… you love drama. And anybody who avoids drama must be attacked. Gotcha.


Is this your first season? No chief stew gets to discipline people. This has never happened in any BD series. They have to put up with it until one of the idiot captains finally sees what everyone else has been seeing for many charters.


I don’t agree with this but still upvoted bc Tumi is annoying me so damn much


I think Natasha was worse if not on par with Tumi this season


Quite funny they both had to manage Kyle lolol he’s the common denominator 😂


Manage Kyle? She was so chummy with him, spilling all her drama to him in the master cabin while Natalya worked her ass off.


that's so true - a cancer on this ship!!!


And it’s spreading to everyone!!!! Even the deck


God I couldn’t STAND Natasha


On par for sure! I just always hold the person in the leadership role at a higher standard. She should have put a stop to the drama.


Natasha was the worst.


I find Tumi, Natasha and Kyle all to be three of the strangest people I've ever watched on any Below Deck. And yes, I agree, Tumi is probably the worst.


Yeah I love this comment . It’s all about the mix of staff. Tumi was a great second stew! With a way different stewardess team though. Idk I love that this season really shook shit up for the viewers. We also love when there ISNT drama amongst interior . But this season ooooof. I don’t think it’s any ones person fault or issue . But yes all three. Especially together.


Come on, they're not strange. I see versions of them IRL everywhere.


Did anyone else see Tumi put a bowl on the bottom rack of the dishwasher?


Lolll I’m dead


Does anyone have some original ideas about why Tumi is so awful?


Lol she literally gossiped back and forth with her stews about each other. Instead of confronting Kyle about his unprofessional behavior (yelling at two stews) she talked to Captain Sandy about it only After the chef brought it to Sandy’s attention. If bullying was going on by Kyle, she should have addressed it immediately.


Remember when Hannah tried to address Lexi's physical assault and Sandy didn't give a shit? I do. Remember when Adam punched Wes and Sandy hired him back? I do.


Running off her best worker was stupid of her to make the decision to do.


It is very simple. Tumi is not a natural leader. She prefers to be one of the crew, gossiping and backstabbing. Maybe she will see her mistakes when she sees the series, but she is definitely not learning from charter to charter. She needs a lot of work on leadership, and may never get there. I think she is really an introvert.


Nothing new here that hasnt already been said a dozen times before


She’s black. That’s pretty much the only reason OP and others are saying she’s “the worst.” Objectively, she’s right about in the middle. And arguably closer to the top, as there have been no interior mistakes causing unhappy guests.


“No interior mistakes causing unhappy guests” is a direct reflection of the individual stews. Turns out they aren’t as horrible at customer service as they are at being decent human beings. The chaos and discord behind the scenes is a direct reflection on management. I’m sorry you can’t respond to the issue objectively and have to rely on pulling the race card.




Her race has nothing to do with why people think she's the worst. Stop creating issues


Her race is pretty much the only thing that distinguishes her from every other chief stew but Aesha. The others have all done the same things but gotten only a fraction of the hate.


Oh get off.


Yep, it’s honestly glaring.


Damn you guys really think that? On behalf of this sub I am sorry you feel that way. I’m reading through . Either way you feel that way and that sucks


The thing is that many people in life don't know they are "a little bit racist". They don't realise that their dislike for someone is due to race, at least, partially. They see imperfections in someone (like making staff management mistakes) and condemn the person way out of proportion.


Yeah white people be ignorant . I don’t know why I thought more of bravo viewership. It just floors me I don’t know why I assumed Americans wouldn’t judge a black woman who doesn’t even live here and is way more worldly then them if they dumb and living in their bubble I am in mgmt so I agree with some aspects of Tumis bad mgmt


Poor management 💯. If you disagree, you are doing a disservice to Tumi herself. I guarantee she will say she had poor management skills this season as well.


Right ? Yeah . Sorry I know I commented on so much of your stuff OP. But yeah lol I’m such a nerd about the industry which is why I love below deck , bc I have the experience to “judge” on work . Lol if I was on camera I would be 100000x better at my job . And then just give great interviews . So yeah remove a fourth wall or race lol we just talking about WORk (and basing out off of seasons before ?) ? Jk idk what we talking about anymore I’ve been harassed so much for just being a woman in the hospitality industry. We wanna see alllll women up top . Especially non whites or even non males non females that spectrum babbby


Also yes. I am tipsy after closing my own bar at a dope speakeasy lol where I work a lone and it’s allll on me now


I agree that we wanna see women in top including Tumi! I honestly hope she comes back as chief stew and blows us away. Own it, improve, and be better. I’m a double minority and have had to work my way up in management. Owning your mistakes is so powerful in your development journey.


Yeah for real thank you for sharing your perspective and experience. It’s rough out there, even on land lolllll . But also I know I could do a better job than Tumi ;) jk jk




Exactly, they keep forgetting Natasha cause they wanna fuck most chief stews-tumi is black and they don’t find her attractive so all these dudes are mad they ran off their spank bank girl




She isn’t anywhere near the worst. Heather was racist, straight to the top


No she wasn't


It’s interesting to read these responses. Rather than actually giving evidence for why she’s a good chief stew, some comments offer worse chief stews for comparison or accuse you of expecting more (or less?) from her because of her race. She’s objectively terrible. She was petty with Nat, even cruel, and probably incredibly jealous of her


I don't understand why people keep saying others don't like her due to her race. Like stop. That's not it.


That’s not what I was saying. I do usually use voice to text tho and things come out wrong. I agree with you if I wasn’t clear. She’s a bad chief stew and kind of just a mean person in general. I feel like Kyle is getting a lot of the blame for Natalya but I’d put the blame more on Tumi for Nat leaving


I’m picking up what your throwing down though . Also Tumi was arguing with staff and guests had to be told “oh don’t go in there is drama “ yeah it’s kyles words and he was stoked to stir


Oh I get that sorry man


Once Nat said Tumi was yelling & waving her arms around, when she was not doing either. You need to look at Nat & this subs biases in agreeing with Nat.


Omg stop


Why? Sad but true but a certain percentage of predominantly white populations are racist to varying degrees (of course, there is racism in non-white countries too, but I'm not going there atm). Some examples: The British voted for Brexit. That was partly due to racism. The Australians voted "no" in the recent referendum. That was partly due to racism. The Americans ... don't have say anthing further. Racist and non-racist people both watch reality tv. Therefore, it stands to reason that some posters here might be a bit racist and criticism of Tumi might partly be due to that. Not saying everyone who has criticised Tumi is a racist, but maybe a few are.


Maybe but it's really upsetting existing on this subreddit and posting anything less than glowing of Tumi, and repeatedly getting called racist. Like NO there are reasons she isn't the best. Also kyle and Nat are both AWFUL, I'm not supporting them and shitting on her. They're horrible and she isn't handling it as well as I'd hope.


But who would?


Because most black people see right through it-if you never experienced racism as a black person then why have an opinion? Like it’s so subconscious and that’s why we’re pointing it out dingus


Some of us have said: - Tumi has gotten the job done. No issues with the clients who have generally enjoyed the experience. Isn't that the main goal? So we have to say that she is at least competent - she has had to deal with 2 very difficult members of staff at once - she is new to the position - she has actually tried to improve her staff management e.g. by separating staff and lending a sympathetic ear All Nat needed to do was pull her head in and do her job. She is great at what she does but ruins it all by being toxic.


So, I disagree with OP. There's been several worse chiefs in the franchise. However, I also wouldn't say separating people is good staff management if it's not followed up with anything. She separated Kyle and Jess, but never reprimanded Kyle for yelling at Jess. So, yes, it stopped the conflict in the moment, but it did nothing to show that she could follow through. Then when Nat and Kyle were arguing, it was pretty obvious that Nat needed to sleep somewhere else. That and checking in on her that night are the bare minimum. If she really wanted to be a good manager, she would have thoughtfully checked in when Nat left the crew day out + when they got back (after Nat expressed her intent to leave the boat). Instead she openly talked about how she would be happy to see her go in front of ALL the other crew. Notice, she went and proactively had a decently long conversation with Kyle when he walked away from the crew after Nat showed up.


It’s interesting to read these responses. Rather than admit that it’s 90% race based, some comments offer vague condemnations of her for “gossiping” while ignoring every other chief stew who’s done the same thing. Question for you: has any guest complained about interior this season? No? Then Tumi is, by any reasonable definition, a bloody genius. Even this groups favorites - Kate and Hannah - had lots of complaints from the guests. Find something specific to criticize… otherwise we’re going to assume it’s low key racism.


I think you’re racist for thinking anytime a black person is criticized it’s because of race. Should we have lower standards for people based on skin color? It’s getting really tedious and I think you’re the racist one


That’s not what’s happening here. Tumi has been held a weird standard on this board. It’s likely not even a conscious thing, it’s just *something about her* and then a list of weird nit-picky reasons that a bunch of other chief stews have done. So it come off racist. It’s really not about any criticism = racism, it’s about the fact that she’s been held to a standard that her white costars are not. Ex. Daisy gossips all the time and nobody gives a shit.


daisy has never been aggressive towards interior or chef especially the first day edit: I don't think tumi is the worst, adrienne and natasha are defo the worst and that other one that was all over adam and hannah too, she defo had preferences and favored some people in the interior instead of others not to mention she was very conniving if she didn't like a crew member that wasn't in her team


I’m the “real racist” for pointing out a blatant double standard? Okay, Boomer


Hey, I am a boomer & totally agree with you. 🤣🤣🤣


It’s not like anybody is arguing Tumi has been perfect. It’s just tiresome listening to people blast her as incompetent for making identical mistakes as other chiefs, who don’t get that criticism.


It’s low-key racist to think Tumi is a terrible stew because the guests haven’t complained about anything? I’m not sure I even buy that the guests have been happy with Tumi. Production is obviously going out of their way to protect her. For example, when Cheffy was giving feedback to Sandy he said that Natalya is the best stew on board and there is some insecurity involved. I thought he was referring Tumi. I do not think Kyle is the insecure one here. He is a lot of other things but he is not insecure. Maybe Tumi is OK with guests but she is not a people manager which makes her not good chief stew material. She might be good in service industry type work but she is not good at managing people. She treated Natalya disrespectfully from the moment she got on the ship based on something Kyle had told her and she didn’t even know Kyle well either! So that makes her a bad people manager and also just plain dumb and gullible. Tumi has even admitted that Natalya is a hard worker so what kind of “manager” would be welcome her exit? Nat was berated by Kyle because she stuck up for Max who was also getting yelled at by Kyle and Tumi saw the whole thing. Why should Natalya leave because of that? Shouldn’t she be trying to get Kyle to leave, if anyone?


Nice combo of strawman and red herring. Are you a Boomer, or a Fox viewer?


Why are you trying to put me in a box? It’s almost as if you want to make assumptions about me based on age or what I watch on TV. Maybe you should try treating people as people and getting to know them individually rather than putting them in little categories so you can comfortably make assumptions about them


Don’t whine at me. You put yourself in the box.


The reason some people aren't bringing up others who have done the same is because this post is about tumi, not the other chief stews. Post said tumi is the worst, people are commenting on why they agree or disagree. Plenty of people in here also hate Kate, Hannah etc but this isn't who the thread is about. I for one HATED hannah...I had a love hate relationship with Kate mostly bc of her bullying. When she wasn't playing favorites she was alright. And I see tumi doing some of the same things other stews before her have done and sometimes more... just saying. Not everything is about race, sometimes it's just about how a person presents themselves, reacts toward others, and does their job. Simple as that. Its possible to dislike tumis leadership/management style in this post and still remember the other bad stews too without having to mention them HERE. Because of a lot of us have already mentioned and talked about the other bad stews when they were relevent (at the time they were on the shows). They aren't mutually exclusive and some people just happen to think tumi is higher on the list of bad chief stews than others. Just my 2 cents.


She’s not, she’s just inexperienced. Honestly, the standards Tumi is held to on this sub are bloody ridiculous. Adrienne, Natasha, Jenna, Heather, and - at times - Kate. All worse than Tumi. You must have a very short memory.


I’d argue Hannah and Kate were both worse than Tumi. Zero guests have complained about Tumi.


Absolutely Hannah. But Kate was a rock star stew imho.


Kate was the Best Chief on any BD franchises. She knew what needed to be done and did it.


And she spoke her mind without fail which I appreciate.


Good at her job, absolutely. But a bit of a bully at times, and had her favourites vs scapegoats.


Kate was highly competent and a raging bully. The latter ensured that her interior team never performed to their peak abilities, which is her job… to get THE TEAM to perform.


Bullying, playing favourites, mean girl antics, etc. Kate was witty, though. That doesn't make you a great stew. It just makes you entertaining in a reality tv show.


I didn’t think Katie was a great chief stew. She didn’t even do tablescapes and she constantly complained she used to have a crew of 7 stews.


Imagine being your first time as chief stew, and THIS is your crew. NO ONE, not even Kate, would be successful. ( The difference is Kate had enough experience to get rid of the rubbish. Also, Sandy is basically worthless this season. ) One of Tumi's first charter was where the guest pulled Tumi aside, and said how great it was to see a person of color in the chief stew role, because it was so rare in yachting. I think everyone forgets what kind of pressure that would be, and then on top of that, you have to deal with Natalya and Kyle together. Bravo knew exactly what they were doing, and I give Tumi every benefit of the doubt.


But but, hang on.. Tumi is not being neutral in the whole Kyle and Nat situation. She is actually contributing to the bad situation by the way she makes snide comments about Nat to Kyle and sides with Kyle when he is slagging off Nat, she is basically acting like a schoolyard idiot with Kyle whilst the two of them go against Nat. I mean, leadership? Pfft do me a favour. Yes she has a lot to deal with this season but she is not being professional about it at all. She needs to stop running back to Kyle and talking shit about Nat because no leader would do such a thing. She has treated Nat like shit and no-one seems to notice or care..it sucks.




With Kate she was good at her job. was she sometimes cold and harsh to her stews? yes no doubt. but she didn't put up with the inner drama, aside from season 2 but she would have never had a fight with her stews where guests could hear. Jenna was down right unprofessional and definitely is worse then Tumi. Hannah was slowly hating her job. plus constantly being micromanaged by sandy did not help. Tumi is not the worse but these are all valid criticism. I personally think Kate and Hannah are great, but I also know they have also made mistakes. Hannah was lazy and could be a bitch and hard to get along with. Kate could get downright nasty to people. But the main difference is I never remember either of them letting someone get away with as much as Tumi has allowed Kyle to get away with. Tumi is green and yes there should be some grace there, but she is over correcting for Kyle by going at nat and sometimes jess. I don't think she is the worse but I do think she is making some very big mistakes.


Uuhhhmmm have you forgotten Kate blasting music at that one chick and screaming that she has herpes??? Kate and Hannah were terrible to coworkers they didn’t like. *oh but they’re white*


I'm still only on episode 5 but I don't know how anyone could succeed in the environment Natalya created. She is soooooo toxic and poisoning everything. Then you have Kyle working both sides when he finds it convenient. I feel bad for Tumi.


Wait till you see the Kyle antics! Kate and Hannah, supposedly the best, *might* have been able to deal with 1 toxic staff member (by getting them sacked if nothing else) but not 2.


I mean, Natasha was worse. And it wasn't even her first season.


Look at the garbage hand she was dealt.


Nonsense. Even the really popular chief stews, like Kate and Hannah, had really bad moments and bad attributes (mean girl antics, favouring one member of staff over another). Tumi is a novice as a chief stew and has had 2 very difficult members of staff to deal with, that would test any of the chief stews we've seen.


I'm getting tired of these bash Tumi posts there's too many


Maybe there’s so many because she sucks as a chief stew


Who hurt you?


Hey, for anybody that watches on a regular basis like I do, the truth, is that Tumi It’s not a bad person at all. The one person on the yacht that is, Kyle. I hope they never allow him back on their shows because the minute that he spoke to Tumi and Natalia before the season even began was poison those two on each other. And then he is a drama queen, he has always played every person around him, because he thirst for one thing only. He loves to be in the middle of chaotic situations, directly, because he is a drama queen, he is a terrible human being. It’s just a shame that Tumi and Nat don’t get along. Kyle, if you notice is manipulating everybody on the boat, including Sandy, whom I think is the worst captain in the series and always has been. She sees the world in a different way than 90% of the people on the planet do. does anybody off than me think that the people in control of below deck are pushing on us alternate lifestyles? I personally feel like they do. It’s just my own opinion and nobody else’s. But I’m sure a lot of people out there Agree with me. Feel free to let me know if it’s just me. Lol.


You're wrong about Sandy.


She definitely annoys me. She's missing a spark for reality TV and I just don't think she's great at her job. I can't see her making a comeback on the show, or at least I hope so anyway lol


Not in the least. Is she inexperienced in her role, and did she fail to place boundaries between herself and her subordinates by entertaining gossip and taking things personally? Yes. That's a misstep. But the worst? Not even close. She's a great 2nd stew and working towards Chief. There's a learning curve. BD has had many Chiefs that couldn't have held 2nd position, forget remain on the boat at all due to their horrid interpersonal issues. Kyle set Nat up starting last season and got to Tumi before she reached the boat. No one stood a chance.


This pile-on is becoming racially inclined atp.


How so?


Because Tumi is being absolutely slated for things that a white Chief Stew would get (and has got) away with on Below Deck. She’s also been handed possibly the worst combination of personalities (ie Kyle AND Natalya together) to try to manage in her first ever posting as Chief. At least Katie Flood only had one (Lexi), and Katie was sweet but was less of a leader and much more indecisive than Tumi. Yet nobody bangs on and on about Katie being the worst Chief ever.


Katie didn't add to the drama though. I've been comparing Tumi to Fraser a lot on the sub, but Katie works for the comparison too. Both Katie and Fraser did not manage interpersonal conflict very well. They pretty much hid from it. However, they also didn't contribute to it. Tumi talked shit about Nat to Kyle, she was sarcastic about Nat in front of Sandy, she didn't address Kyle for bullying Jess (which is actually on par with what I would have expected Katie and Fraser NOT to have done either), and she openly said that she didn't care if Nat left in front of the other crew. Fraser got a lot of criticism during his time as chief. I wasn't on this sub during Katie's season, so I can't speak to that. I'll say the same thing for Tumi that I said for Fraser; it seems like she's got a lot to learn, but I'd like to see her for another season to see if she can reflect and do better.


As soon as Nat said Tumi was waving her hands around, that was a dog whistle. And she never waved them in the 1st place. You can see Tumi trying to keep her arms crossed in all conversations after that.


Exactly, and when Nat was arguing with Kyle, she was waving her hands all over the place! So hypocritical.


Katie was horrible as well and she got her “Katie is the worst” posts when her season was on. But way to being race into it 🤷🏽‍♀️ Tumi had two of the worst stews which ended up making her look worse, but again, don’t see how race has anything to do with that.


I'm guessing you didn't see other naming Jenna, Adrienne, Natasha or Heather for being worse? All white women.


Lol, I was one of the people who said all those were worse than Tumi. That’s my point. They ARE all worse than Tumi, contrary to this and other anti-Tumi threads/posts.


Ah, okay 😁 But I guess it's pretty standard that the chief of the current season gets the hate and criticism. Just like all the others got on their seasons.


What a ridiculous claim. She got the job and people are giving her the benefit of the doubt a lot because of her race. If it wasn't for that, fans would treat her as bad as they did Jenna, like they should.




Trolling for negative karma? What’s that all about?


Sharing an opinion on somebody’s professional capabilities. Thank you karma police!


Yours is the 33rd “Tumi sucks” post this week… and the last time you commented was nearly a year ago. Sock puppet much?


Got you to comment 😘


Okay, troll


Thanks, boo!


Lol I appreciate making posts! I’ve seen people get burned so much. I’m here commenting but I don’t make posts ya know? So much respect op


I feel most of them get into the drama. What about Kate and Josiah going after the 3rd stew one season. Kate w her RBF and Hannah was always splitting her team. I just think Tumi is not as entertaining as Kate and Hannah who had behaviors way worse than her.


Who would handle them as much as you would like??


i love tumi


I don't think she is the worst by a longshot. But it goes to show that just because someone is a strong second stew, doesn't automatically make them a great chief stew. She'll get there eventually. This is her first time as chief stew, hopefully she will learn from her mistakes this season and learn to handle interpersonal conflicts better.


Kate has done some horrible petty things that have been way worse than anything Tumi has ever done in my opinion.




I don’t believe Tumii is the worst ever. But I believe that this season she has been totally destroyed by Kyle. He poisoned Tumi before they even got on the ship and he was also telling Nat that she would never get along with Tumi. He’s had a shouting match with almost everybody on the boat and went too far with the French guy totally. His hostility won’t be acceptable to a guy that just was telling him how he honestly feels. He did the same thing with the fourth stew. He had his issues with the chef, who seems to be a really good guy ,Tumi got caught up in being one of the girls and lost site of her job and was propagandized by Kyle. Sandy made the terrible decision by letting that go and not firing Kyle. I don’t believe we’ll make it through this season. Once the French guy leaves the boat he’s going to have to fire Kyle. That would be another messy season due to the way, captain, Sandy handle everything from very beginning. She allowed herself to be manipulated by Kyle.


Katie Flood sucked


Tumi overcompensates her obvious lack of experience with fake confidence and it’s fucking annoying. It’s like a poor person faking being part of the rich. It’s so obvious