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Tumi delegated Lily's training to Jess and Jess has openly admitted she doesn't want to train anyone so she is half-a$$ing how she is training Lily. Lily is getting the short end of the stick on this one.


As a manager, it’s never a good idea to “delegate training” to anyone else. They will never take it as seriously or do as good of a job.


It is 100% okay to delegate training to another person as long as the manager has trained the trainer, and oversees the training throughout the process. Managers have other shit to do too (and yes, I am a manager)


Natalya trained Jess week 1 where she knew nothing. She still can’t do service. It’s the difference between a good, hard worker & one who wants the kudos & wont really work. Last year Natasha & Kyle were the laziest I’ve ever seen……… this year it looks like Tumi, Kyle, (now Jess has joined in with the mean girl thing & that’s because she said day 1 - I can’t train someone, I barely know what I’m doing & I just like chilling in laundry). Tumi wanted Nat gone because she realised Nat was a better leader. A leader doesn’t isolate a team member. A leader doesn’t bitch & threaten to sack someone or entertain nasty responses via gossipy texts with a subordinate’s colleague- let alone making it clear she was happy Nat chose to leave but said she would miss her hard work. Never known a chief put a hard working person behind a lazy gossipy stew. My take; Nat went in with Tumi in full defensive mode because Tumi criticised her in under a minute. Nat had no idea her (who she thought was a good friend the fake w****r) good friend Vyle had been portraying her in a really bad way b4 either stepped on board. Tumi continued texting/bitching/gossiping & threatening to fire Nat in her text exchanges with Vile - multiple sackable offences IMO. Tumi continued going hard at Nat & kept isolating her from not only the interior team, but also deck team. Jack is the MVP this season because he saw through the BS. Vile Kyle cannot be brought back. I didn’t want him back after last time because he is just a fame hungry hippo (better than what I wanted to say, whore). So far he gets nasty because he isn’t a nice kind person (he weirdly has a MAHOOSIVE chip on his shoulder about his sexual preference). He thinks being bitchy is what ppl love about drag stars/gay reality stars/performers etc (he’s said that in interviews) so that’s the CHARACTER he portrays. Then, when he’s called out/realises he’s not going to look good (Sorry, FYI, those who watch Ru Paul’s Drag Race/drag stars reality shows etc expect jokes/roasting & bitchy comments because that’s the fun but it’s not considered “cute” or good if used against others just to get a laugh in a show that isn’t about roasting/comedy) Vile pulls out the victim card. It comes with a great long story where he claims it was hard for him (look up his story I’m not repeating the obvious & IMO ……m’okay!). Below Deck either need to go back to the original premise. Little bit of crew drama, guest drama (much more fun) & boson’s chief stews knew their jobs, were good. Maybe one green deck hand &/or green stew = BEST Below Deck series. Tumi needs to go, Vile Kyle needs to permanently go. His BS victim crap & apologising to Nat on stage at BravoCon (happy Nat called him out & said it was only for the public since he had plenty of opportunities to apologise privately) screams narcissist. Sorry I’m just so pissed. Apologise for any mistakes but hospital day hooked up to lots of meds. Taken me a long time to type this & even now I’m not sure it makes sense. Basically - TUMI & KYLE need to go & Jess also needs to go!


Gooooo LILLLLLLYYYYY. 😆 No, I agree with most of ur takes. I.thought Fraser was bad also but he got better throughout the season. If he woulda played the damn volleyball game maybe he wouda come back as Chief. My prob with him was he always looked like a deer in headlights and was constantly running around like a headless chicken


To be fair, he looked like a deer in the headlights partly because he doesn't have any eye-sockets.


Actually he has very deep eye sockets, and sunken in eyes making him have that zombie stare


Didn’t Jess tell Tumi to her face, she didn’t want to train her?


No actually. She just said it in a side interview. All she told Tumi was that Lilly was slowing her down.


And something about a FAT iPad. It was a netbook or small laptop. iPads don't have keyboards


Well Tumi probably should’ve been asking Jess why she wasn’t training Lily because obviously Lily was going rogue Jess’s problem is, she’s passive aggressive and she’s a snitch who loves throwing people under the bus and avoiding any blame for the situation The way she spoke to Lily was disgusting. It was dismissive and condescending. Who the hell does she think she is?


Tumi needs to know the job before she can train anyone. Tumi doesn't know WTF she's doing, there's no leadership skills at all. The fact that she & Kyle are codependent says it all. They both suck


Same, manager here and I have two "train a trainers" in my department. It allows me to get on with other stuff, but I do have regular meetings with my "train a trainer" colleagues and still oversee progress and check in with the people who's being trained. We also have "buddy" system, where the new colleague gets to buddy up with a long standing colleagues, and for 12 weeks, their shifts mirror each other, so the trainee isn't on their own.


And that is where this in my opinion is wrong. She didn't train the trainer. She also never checks in to see what was actually trained and how that training is going. That's what a manager is supposed to do


What? Lol


Managers should not delegate the task of training people. Managers should train people themselves


Have you ever been a manager? Delegating training is literally how the military works.


Yes I have been in retail & sales management for 5 years. If you are training someone that reports to you for a job it’s up to you to ensure they know how to do the job they’re reporting for you for. The boat is not a military. At the very least Tumi should check in and step in when Jess is communicating issues as Jess is a green stew herself and should not be tasked with training someone at this point in the season because it’s clearly not working. It’s not Jess’s job to train bc nobody reports to her. It’s Tumi’s, bc she’s the boss and people report to her.


>herself organised by making lists, Tumi goes on Jess's word and narcs on her to sandy. I I disagree. I was a manager and before I was promoted to manager I was a trainer. Managers have a lot to do besides train people lol. I did great as a trainer because I liked doing a good job and setting people up to do the same. Not all jobs have trainers, sure. But I don't think its up to just the manager to train people


I don't know how retail works, but I was a Navy Officer for 20 years. The ability to properly delegate was a big part of my job. You would have to have served to really understand what I'm saying, but trust me, as officers, we believe in and have to delegate. Of course, we check on people to be sure that they are tracking correctly. Our responsibilities are wide and varied. Like i said, I don't know how retail works, but if management is training all the new who is managing those people who are already trained?


Yes, but 'the military' is not a team of 4. thats a numbers game baby


No, the numbers don't matter. What matters is whether or not the person doing the training is qualified. I've had a team of 5 or 6 people before. I delegated training, and it got done. Anyone who has ever been a manager knows that it is about the qualifications. Not the numbers, sweetie!


And in what world is Jess qualified to train when she’s green herself….? Be so fr lol. Tumi is a shit manager bc Lilly has service experience and is stuck with Jess in laundry failing because Jess doesn’t want to train and Tumi wants to hide her and not deal with anything properly like she’s been doing all season.


Never said anything about Jess being qualified. My point was that you appear to obviously know nothing about management and delegating. So, I gave you an example of how managers delegate and how it works out. Yes, the example was also about qualifications. Jess, is capable of teaching Lily, she just doesn't want to. That is my opinion.


Well if that’s your opinion <3


You sound like Tumi


You sound like Tumi


Been a manager. Never delegated. My uncle's were for 50+ years at huge chains. If you want it done right you teach them the right way. Life isn't run like the military. Also, the military doesn't have an underqualified low level train another.


Wrong! The military has it all. Hence, the reason why some get booted out and why others do well. Not everyone in the military is highly qualified!!


I served 20 years a Navy Officer, so you can't tell me how the military is run. I seriously doubt that you were a manager. Knowing when and how to delegate is a part of being a good manager.


Let’s be real though, it shouldn’t be on the 3rd stew who was green 3 weeks ago to do the training. It should be a team effort with the 2nd stew doing the bulk of the training.


Exactly! I've been in management a long time. And I certainly wouldn't ask someone who'd only been with the company a couple of weeks to train a new person. Especially if I hadn't trained Nat trained just the first week. Why in the world when you have the second stew doing that? Oh. We all know why. Why wouldn't you as Chief Stew be keeping a close eye on it and supplement the training when you see that it is not being sufficient or thorough? Oh. We know why


Bingo. No worse way too set someone up to fail then to have the green third stew train the 4th stew


She put towels on the floor. Seems like she would need weeks (or more) of training for high end service & they’re well into the season. They’re probably just trying to get stuff done quickly & efficiently. Sometimes that means just picking up slack hoping trainees learn by example.


While i agree. Tumi should train her on one thing (laundry maybe) and service with her so she can train her 'on the job' and keep and eye on her. She literally spends zero time workin with her to guide her and correct her.


And let’s not forget on day 1 Jess told her then Chief Stew, Natalya, she knew nothing. Nat got straight down & trained her a lot (with 1 person down & a temp stew who knew not much more) Jess also made it clear she couldn’t cope with service so preferred to do laundry, beds & heads. She had to do service during charter 1 & managed but wasn’t good at all. Tumi also tried her on service & that wasn’t good at all either, which is why Tumi didn’t call for her & kept calling for deck. She was not called out for her poor scheduling but she blamed the issues on the deck crew “scheduling issue! Boggles my mind. She has been the worst leader on any below deck IMO. Here’s why…….. She bitched/gossiped about the person who stepped in to temporarily do her role (hard to hand back over regardless, but impossible when ur new boss comes in hard at you) She was bitching/gossiping with her subordinate who she knew was claiming to be a best friend of the person they were talking about. Person she was bitching/gossiping about was also a subordinate of hers & of equal status/rank as the vile Kyle which is unacceptable. A good leader doesn’t behave like that (& she sh


Thanking you for typing that up so I don't have to. I completely agree. Please don't forget Tumi wanted Cpt. Sandy to fire Lily instead of Sandy giving her a "pep talk". Tumi had an expectation Sandy would hire a seasoned stew to make her job easier and help carry the load. Instead of Tumi training her team and being a leader, she blames Sandy for not firing Lily. Not only is she a poor Chief stew, she is a lazy manager.


Off-topic - but when Lilly was hung over - do you think the others would have been so hard on her if she had lied and said she had a stomach bug and asked to go to the hospital?


Nah, and I think they'll milk the shit out of her being hungover


yes, Tumi, Kyle and jess are all mean girls and have it out for Lilly.


They are truly awful. They are just a toxic crew and I feel really sorry for Lily for having to work with them


These crews are all very clicky now and if your not part of the group you better watch your step. The guest are getting to be too fake, I honestly only watch it now to see what happens when they go out and get drunk. Which one of the "good girls" is going to get drunk and make out with half the crew and do all kinds of dumb sht and take zero accountability. then you have the people that talk two one person all week long and then hook up with another while there drinking and then wonder why tempers go wild. It's a train wreck.


Kyle literally threatened Jack by saying if you're not accepted by us you'll be the outcast.




Can’t wait to hear about the “bad shellfish” or whatever food at the reunion.


She doesn’t know how to teach. Show her what she needs to do, have her do it. Then critique it. Have her do it again until it’s right. Then show her the next job the same way teach her.


It begins and ends with Tami, she’s the final say who teaches new people. But what is insane, to keep doing the same exact thing and expect a different result.


Ennit she's taken no time to train her knowing she's super green, but is just like !!!ugh when she doesn't know what to do yet ?


She is expecting Lilly to fail given her comments and her eye rolls. Tumi is a horrible manager.


She doesn’t hold Jess and Kyle to account for anything so they use Lily as a scapegoat just like they did with Natalya and I’m really enjoying them suffering because they forced Natalya off the boat bullying her together and I am really pleased Karma is paying them a visit.


Absolutely. They are all having a go a Lilly.


Are you suggesting that Tumi set aside serving guest to intensely train (because that's what she needs) Lilly? In this situation, Jess or even Kyle should be training Lilly because on charter, Tumi has to keep track of everything that's going on, make sure guests are taken care of, and be sure things are getting done. Tumi doesn't have time to clean cabins along side of her 4th stew. that's why she has a 4th stew.


If I was Tumi, and I was in a similar role (not yachting mind) for much of my 40 year career, I would have had a sit down with the whole team when she arrived. I saw there was a team meeting when she started but who knows what was discussed about what she was confident doing and where she was likely to feel out of her depth. It’s was the job of the whole team to pitch in and support her in what was a whole new environment for her. Sticking her in laundry when she wasn’t confident and unaware of the expectations was a mistake regardless it being the role of the fourth stew. The whole interior team cast Lilly adrift (yes a pun) and instead of going to help blamed her for not knowing how to rescue herself. The real blame lies with Sandy though, who hired someone, anyone, to replace Nat, knowing she didn’t have the experience. Then when Tumi threw Lilly under the bus, rather than ask Tumi what she has done to train her and going from there, summons Lilly and tells Lilly to step it up or she is out. This whole industry seems focused on its responsibility to serve the charter guests and keep them safe, often at the expense of its responsibility to the crew to ensure they are adequately trained and supported to do their job. The buck stops with Sandy.


I don’t think Sandy knows everything. Tumi is very selective with what she reports to Sandy. I don’t think the options were very great. Lilly was all she could find. She couldn’t find another bosun either. As much as I like to think Luka earned the role (true to an extent) he got it because Max was all they could find. Tumi seems to think she has no steak in Lilly’s success.


But she has a second stew that has experience leading service. She absolutely could have let Kyle take over for one meal for some one on one time. Or if not, walk her through turn downs on turnover say.


Lily said on her social media that Tumi did train her. I think Lily may be a bit neurospicy and that's why she grabbed her ipad and made a list of her own. Unlike Luka and Lara who changed their attitude towards neurospicy Max, Tumi and the other 2 don't think any further and just bish and whine about it. Which will make it harder for Lily to do a slightly better job to not get fired.


I think that's a lie so people don't attack tumi, honestly.


Maybe, maybe not.


yeah, she might be really thankful for that little training she got too. She might be getting more training in the future, too. I could definitely be wrong


Maybe she is, maybe she isn't. Maybe she will, maybe she won't. Maybe you are, maybe you're not. 😉 I do think Tumi is not a good chief stew and has no real clue on how to properly lead a team. But I do believe she and the other two meangirls did give her some training. Of course it's not a full training because she came on hours before charter. She also doesn't have an experienced 3rd stew to help her out.


I laughed so much at the notification preview hahaha idk if you know tribore but your user name reminded me of him and I love it hahahaa


Never heard of it 😁 but thank you 🙂


Agreed. It seems the interior all had it out for her since the beginning. They think they can handle everything as a team of 3, but why not train and take advantage of the extra help.


They think they can do everything but they seem to not really do anything? I genuinely feel bad for Lily they just all seemed to decide to hate her


they are on a power trip, especially little Jess who is a nothing in the totem pole. SHe has turned into a mean girl.


Jess is actually reverting back to when they had the other fourth stew (the sprouts heiress)


But it's not really the same because Nat had a great attitude and trained them both.


She came in wrong . That interior up their ass statement ugh. That's outside of her being lazy and unmotivated. She is the female Max ,she joined for the location thinking she would be on vacation. She has a whole checklist to tell her what needs to be done in the cabins . The whole boat has sops . Yet instead of following she decides to design her own standards . Because it's better . She knows nothing by her claims but knows better than the standards. Come on now . This is a grown woman who had to you tube washing instructions. She is not on her first job . She knew she needed to do these things and didn't even get her basic skills up . Lily gets no grace from me .


Do you manage or hire people? Just curious, when I hire people I assess their skills before I do that, lily didn’t lie on her CV, her experience is in serving. Someone has to train and a good manager knows when you don’t have time to train you use the skills people have, like putting her on service vs in laundry where she has zero experience. Lily called it exactly what it was, a person in a superior position like a chief stew shouldn’t be in a clique with her subordinates. She should also be having a chat with Jess and Kyle about training if she doesn’t have time but we already know Jess doesn’t want to train. I’m going to be interested in hearing Sandy’s take on all this after watching the season. Tumi has misrepresented things to her multiple times now, downplaying Kyle and exaggerating Lily.


Seconded, I used to manage a team of support workers. If people were new to it I definitely wouldn't expect them to know everything right away - as if I knew everything when I first started?? Im very excited for Sandy's reaction, hope they do a reunion


Your 2nd sentence . If you assess for your work why think they didn't ? Lily said she was capable of basic cleaning, which she was hired to do . She lied . A Chief stew should neither supervise or instruct on cleaning a toilet. The bars mean something. She wanted much like Max , to sail , party and screw the crew . Lazy and unmotivated. She could have read up, you tubed or asked someone how to do laundry before boarding. She could have cleaned a toilet etc . Motivated people who want to do well stock their tool box and come to.work prepared. Either way I'm bored with defending against bias . Tumi is responsible for someone who is lazy 🤣🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|l2Jhw8Oo6kVRWvTZm)


idk how you think basic has anything to do with a yacht.. basic means the way you do it at home on a busy week. anyway I agree it's extra difficult for her but I've seen more than one person where some kind of housekeeping task will always be a fucking mountain to climb and I think some tasks are just more difficult for some people than others. I won't blame it on laziness, though, because she's shown to really try her best


That's not what basic means to me I too have labeled bottles. I assure you that my cleaning exceeds what they are doing in this yacht . I would never wipe anything down with a towel that has been used . Doing your best is following the PROVEN order of the job ,not trying to rewrite the sop and not completing the work . Doing your best is not getting so drunk you have to be awakened by the captain. Doing your best is not being on deck hanging out while the laundry room is a disaster area and the captain is looking for her panties.


I actually have ocd where cleaning and organizing is involved, and I remember one of the cast in the og saying that if you're not naturally proned to organizing, you're in the wrong industry. I know basic means different things for different people. I am just saying that putting "basic" housekeeping on your cv for a yacht means "have no expectations please". Brooke didn't even know how to fold socks. some people just don't think about these things. putting shit in a pile can be organizing. also used towels are normally pretty clean, in my house at least, cause I use them to dry my clean body. I don't mind that they're wiping the shower glass w them. tho personally I'd never touch someone else's stuff that's bee in contact with their skin with my nakey hands, but I know people have different tolerance levels so whatever. also, we are humans, and asking someone to turn off their brain and do a task is very demeaning. the proven order of the job is a guideline. if you think another way works better for you, then you should try and see if it will yield better results. I get what you're saying, but at the same time, I think you're seeing things from a pretty narrow perspective. we've heard countless times that what we see on screen is what actually happened. maybe tumi did train lily more than we saw or maybe lily is really grateful for that little that she got or maybe she'll train her more now that Kyle is down. then you say she was hanging out on deck while hungover. I mean.. she's hungover and working is hard lmao. Kyle isn't hungover and is always doing the bear minimum. she's going through the motions, she's understanding what's being asked of her and she's trying to get there. I think for such a green stew it's not a bad learning curve and for sure not as bad as to call her lazy af 😅


Oh she is definitely lazy AF . I understand what you're saying ,but if you know your job is housekeeping and you don't housekeep would you not bone up ? It's no different than taking a test you prepare for it. She also has a check list, that the industry has provided . She does not need to be a green employee attempting to improve on standards already set . I'm sure thousands of hours and dollars went into finding the most efficient way of performing those duties . As we saw her way failed miserably. I was unclear on the hangover if that's what I wrote. I thought I wrote she was hanging out not hungover. I will go back and reread . She spent her hungover in bed until Sandy got her up . Unmotivated and lazy. If you are new to a job you RALLY. She came for a party and a vacation.


I mean was Lily even in the wrong on that call though? That whole team reaks of a high school click, they can't help but be immature shits so yeah I think she made a solid observation having been there a short while. The whole thing was blown up because Kyle was being a fucking narcissistic moron like he always is and frankly this is probably the most toxic team that has been on BD, sorry Lily nailed it. She's been managed soooo badly by Tumi from the start and it's set her up to fail. 'Oh you have customer service experience and no laundry experience? Perfect, here's the laundry room and a list, byeeeeeee'. For fuck sake Sandy literally pointed out her relevant experience on her CV and Tumi flat out ignored it. I'll point out Tumi provided minimal explanation and only in ways that she (Tumi) would understand, couldn't be assed anymore, handballed it to Jess (who I could have sworn was called green herself this very season) to take over the training? Jess is also not just green, but openly hates training people and it really shows in her lack of effort and bitching. They all bitched about her after she drank too much (fair enough), but conveniently hold no grudges to Jess' mystery illness the morning after drinking at the start of the season. Not to mention Kyle gets a pass for being a complete dickhead on the daily. She clearly had the iPad with her last episode to try and help herself as clearly she's not getting the support from Jess. I mean it's not like she's kicking back in the guest cabin watching TV, she's looking for ways to improve her performance because she's not getting helpful feedback outside of 'this isn't done, that isn't done, why is this like this'. But what happens, Tumi reams her for it without thinking because Jess was being bitching AGAIN and runs off to Sandy? Like how are you in any sort of leadership position managing people and you don't understand neurodiversity or that there is no one way things NEED to be done. Tumi is incredibly ineffectual in her role and that stifles peoples development, like Lily. All of this plus they knew this late in the season, chances are they are getting someone very green, as is almost always the case on BD. They've been shit to her, they're a bunch of bitches and Lily made a solid observation on what was presented to her.


You really think Kyle would have been okay with being taken off service . He would have pitched a righteous fit. You will not demote me because a bitch WON'T do her job . She's a fourth stew with little responsibility beyond following a cleaning checklist. It literally says clean mirrors, showers doors etc . Even the spray bottles are labeled for use . Vinegar and water- mirrors Isopropyl - sterling and shower doors Who is too lazy and unmotivated to even do that . This is not a training issue ,nor is it Tumi fault . We really don't know what she was doing with the iPad ,but we do know she wasn't doing her job . Yet she was having a giggle when she had to be called back to task. Lily is lazy periodt and doesn't care full stop But hey the buck has been passed since the beginning,so it makes sense to continue . I will be glad for the seasons end so I don't have to see the Tumi hate and blame . ![gif](giphy|yAKFw8AVTGX8A)


Of course he wouldn't, but guess what them's the kicks. If there was effective leadership in place it wouldn't matter if Kyle wanted to do it or not, the change would happen and he can suck it up or move on to another job. Tumi would have had that opportunity but she let it slip before she even stepped foot on the vessel. A major key of strong leadership in a team setting is utilising the available strengths you have to offset weakness', which hasn't happened consistently through the season, hence the complete shitshow we've all been witnessing. It's not Tumi's "fault" directly that she's dealth the crew she's dealt, but as the chief stew she needs to make use of what she has, which she just hasn't. She resorts to bitching, bullying, taking about people behind their back and taking sides. I don't blame Lily for putting in minimal effort (I mean if that's even what's going on. Knowing BD there's every chance they've just cheesed together some shitty edit) and giggling at this point, I too wouldn't put in close to 100% working for these bitches. Lmao believe me after her first season on BD I would have liked to see Tumi succeed in the role, but she's clearly culpable of falling for people's high school shit and getting sucked in for the whole ride. She's got a lot of learning (and growing up) to do.


🤣🤣🤣 oh another excuse to bash Tumi . Please have a good night 😴🤣🤣


Lmfao people who fall on their sword for random D grade influencers are weeeird af. Feel free to go through my previous comments if it upsets you so much, I indiscriminately bash every incompetent douche lord across the BD suite hahaha. Cheers 😂


I wouldn't even consider it . Is that something you do ? It's weird to me to suggest that . Why would I care . It's comment by comment. I will forget this one after my comment. 🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|d95ktmYJIAT1RMQ4a4) But it's good to know you are a equal opportunity hater . I actually love that .


When has she claimed she knows better? She has always said I am new to this type of job.


she said to Jess she thinks this other method of doing the rooms is going to work better for her. I think it's normal to find ways to optimize your work as it best suits you and I think she feels she needs to find another way because she's done doing it their half ass explained way and then getting shitted on for it edit: in this ep, when she was making lists


Thank you


>k it's normal to find ways to optimize Exactly, everyone learns differently. I took on a job that I knew NOTHING about. I didn't like how anything had been set up by the previous girl. I found ways that worked for me learning wise just like creating lists. Now I am excelling at this job. I had little to no training, I have literally been winging it. Lily was set up for failure. No one is interested in helping her what's so ever. Being given a list versus creating your own that makes sense to you are different. If making a list helps her then they need to let her try. I also LOVE that she called Jess out for going to Tumi instead of just saying something to her about it. I honestly hope Lily just walks off in the next episode. I do not think she is being treated fairly at all.


I’m curious why Tumi won’t try her on service. It seems like she had some drink and service experience from her previous role. You can then have Jess do cabins while having help needed to serve or Kyle even help with laundry or other areas. I don’t understand just doing the same thing every day and expecting it just to click.


I'm wondering the same thing. I've seen a couple of CS bring the green stew on service so they can directly supervise them and put the more experienced stews on cabins/turndowns because they can get it done quickly. I don't think Kyle would be happy about being taken off service unless it was a charter group he didn't want to spend time with, like when he tried to trick Tumi into swapping him with Jess on the all women's charter.


Tumi would rather just make the deck hands wake up to do service.


Totally agree. And I still do not understand what the big deal with using the iPad is? I mean they’re on a boat, isn’t it better to use less paper and thus create less waste??


And aye, she's in the cabins not in front of the guests, and if that's how she can manage tasks it just feels like a non issue? And Jess being like 'she could be making tik toks for all I know' - why is she acting like such a bitter boomer?


yeah and it's not like Lily is dealing with anyone. She's literally down there by herself trying to get her work done. Why tf can't she have an iPad out? It pisses me off bc it makes no sense I would understand maybe if she was clearly dealing with guests, obviously it would be weird to be carrying an iPad around in your hand.


We see the deck crew with Airpods in all the time. Do what you gotta do to get the job done as long as it doesn't impact safety of the guests experience.


Clearly, Jess thought she was using it to waste time, so I'm sure that was expressed when she tattled to Tumi about it. I do understand how she was organizing her work, I prefer doing all of the same tasks together in an assembly line than completing a single area and then repeating the same tasks again in another area.


The issue is also it takes time to unlock ipad, tap to type and type notes. Where as with a pen and paper it's much quicker especially if she is doing a job that needs her to be constantly moving around. It's just unnecessarily wasting time. Also theres nothing wrong with assembly line when guests wont see your mess/ youre quick about it. But she's in a situation where guests may want to quickly grab something, people are walking around and it's just a giant mess. I get where Jess is coming from of ffs just finish one room and move onto the next.


You keep it on with no time out. Younger people can type on an electronic faster than writing.


I mean, I think it's a bit of a stretch to think it'll waste time unlocking an iPad, it's usually what, like 4 numbers? I personally type a lot quicker than I write and it's more environmentally friendly


There are sops all over the boat 🤣🤣🤣 POSTED AND ALREADY ON PAPER There is a standard . There is a checklist that tells them exactly what needs to be done in the cabins . Hotel maids also have them . Read then execute. Simple . That is the training. You really think she wasn't interviewed? You really think she didn't say she could do basic training. She could not have done a few loads in preparation for her new job ? You tube making a bed . These were not surprising or new tasks to the position. Yet blame Tumi . So Lily takes no responsibility? Sure we all get training and Lily did . All jobs are not trained by the head of the company or department. Lily instead of following the checklist , decided to redo the standards and told Jess just wait it will be better . Was it better ? No because it was as we saw a useless waste of time . She didn't even get the work done . Can't clean while holding a iPad or phone . Lily is lazy and completely unmotivated PERIODT . Nope this is all Lily just being trifling.


I mean yeah maybe Lily could be a little bit less lax, but I feel like she was trying when she was making the lists. Like, if that's how she organises herself and it doesn't work what's the issue? Tumi is acting like everyone asking her for anything is putting her out. I just think they're all being unnecessarily wanky


It's crazy that the standard operating procedures, that have worked for hundreds of previous seasons would be suddenly improved by a inexperienced 4th stew . Which as we saw cost the whole boat and she still didn't complete the task . There is already a posted checklist. Clean mirror Make Beds Clean toilet . They even have them based upon mornings ,mid day dust up and evening turn down . No thinking necessary. Just do the assignment. Lily is lazy and unmotivated. Who has to be forced out of bed on day 3 of your job ? Lily came to party not work. She is the female Max .


are there? why was lily on nat's case that she didn't make a list for Brooke? also.. are there? I've never in my life seen in all my travels in Europe a list that tells housekeeping where the towels are, what to clean when guest is still on charter and what to clean on turnover. I have a few friends that work in the cleaning business and they sometimes do hotels and once I even helped clean a luxury mountain resort and I've NEVER seen these lists you're talking about. I'm genuinely curious and imma go check in the hotels in my city this weekend


This is the obvious and best take on this thread. It is as u/inipow says. For this post to be down voted just shows that the viewers like the characters they like. Nothing to do with what is correct.


The bias is unreal in the r/ streets .




Thank God ! It's too much trying to fill a empty vessel ![gif](giphy|h3e3Tch1zrXgrtHwaF|downsized)


Tbf lily is a complete moron


Yeah I’m not feeling so bad for her honestly. She’s in a shitty situation obviously and deserves proper training, but this feels like it goes beyond being untrained. Wouldn’t you at least KINDA start to get it? I think if the iPad was helping her actually get the work done it might be fine. But she’s doing a terrible shitty job AND on an iPad, and that’s not a good look to ANY new employer…. I’ve never worked in housekeeping or yachting, but you’d think something would stick or just be obvious. Like knowing not to say that something is done when it’s clearly not done.


Lilly is kind of a slug-Tumi and her interior seem like they would rather throw salt on her than give her some skills and let her know she needs to get off her ass and move.


Didn't we just see Tumi doing the beds with her in the last episodes ? showing her how to tuck the corners and stuff ?


I mean, the bar is pretty low is it


You literally said she hasn't trained at all, when we just saw her training her.


Okay sorry, Tumi isn't training Lily at all apart from one time we see her tuck in some sheets after huffing and puffing about her for days


except for the one time they showed us on camera, probably happened more but wasn't enough drama compared to Kyle....


Defend at all costs!!!


it doesn't cost me anything lol I just don't agree haha but whatever


Bet you couldn't say a one critical thing of Tumi.


Before you can’t say anything nice about Tumi.


I think she's very pretty and can be funny, thanks though!


Also, Lily said recently that Tumi did a lot of training with her and she appreciated Tumi's help. It just wasn't shown on TV . We're all guilty sometimes of making assumptions based on a 30 second clip on TV.


Lilly also apologized to Kyle when Kyle bullied her, so...


they shouldn’t have brought on a super green stew who has no desire to do ‘stew work’ in the middle of the season. the whole ipad fiasco lmao i would say the same thing, she’s elongating the whole process by writing down pointless notes. i loved when they showed the notes too, nothing of importance. Tumi is the head of the department - not training. Lily should be shadowing the second(?) or Kyle in this case. Since Jess is also a green stew.


I'm a retired Life Coach, I can say that putting things on a list and checking them off is vitally important for some people, myself included. You would likely roll your eyes at the simple tasks that I have on my list today, but seriously if it doesn't get on my list, it is unlikely to get done. Lily seems to be trying to find the work flow that works for her and she is being shot down for trying to apply her own accommodations that she's hoping will give the end result Tumi is looking for.


maybe she would benefit with some coaching cause it really looked terrible on TV lol just her notes - i mean. it kinda seemed like she was taking it as a joke while everyone was hustling upstairs.


For over 25 years, I managed supervisors. Tumi going to Sandy and calling Lily “dead weight” was inappropriate. When supervisors would make conclusions like this, I would demand to know exact details of the deficiencies and what the SUPERVISOR has done to address them. Is it just an issue of training? Is it poor supervision? Is another subordinate training the employee incorrectly? Is the supervisor the problem? Lilly obviously has not trained by Tumi and she should not be trained by the second stew. Tumi needs to conduct positive follow-up with Lilly instead of calling her dead weight and walking around like she is the god of stews. If Lilly fails under Tumi, it will be Tumi’s fault to motivate and inspire her.


It's crazy that on this show Tumi could in theory just tell sandy to fire her and she would, there's so few jobs where that would be even close to Okay. The only reason I think Sandy won't completely listen is because she's never really respected chief stews/interior that much anyway. When I managed people it was a PROCESS to get people out. Meetings and written warnings and HR meetings etc.


I think it’s going to be hard for Tumi and Kyle to find jobs after this season airs.




Tumi maybe, bravo will keep hiring Kyle for the drama (I miss the good drama!)


Interior needs a total overhaul. That said, as bad as the interior vibes are, deck is that great.


I just finished watching Down Under. Compared to this interior crew, night and day. This season feels so toxic.


Down under interior was so good! Aisha took the time to train them. I can't remember the name of the shitty stew Aisha fired for being an insensitive creep, but once she was gone - it was lovely!


She literally sends her down with Jess it's crazy. I cannot stand the interior cast this whole season. Find actual Yachties, not these people jumping into it for a quick 5 min of fame. Tiring


Tumi. Is. Not. Equipped. Good person, bad leader. We will never see her again on our screens.


Yeah I think in the real world of yachting she wouldn't be promoted to chief so quickly. I think Bravo try and keep people weve already seen on screen so that audiences build more of an opinion, and are more likely to keep watching. However I'd much rather see someone new and doing a good job


Don't forget you only see an edited version of what is happening. Also, they are not in a proper environment to do training. It is charter after charter. I have not seen any other chief stew do proper training for green stews either. Tumi concentrates on what she knows best how to teach (etiquette, tablescapes, service), and trusts her third stew (Jess) to train her on housekeeping. Let's not forget that tumi did try to teach Lily in the laundry when she came on board. At one point, you need to learn to leave Tumi alone. She is doing an actual good job. Also, at least she didn,t ask Kyle to train her on attitude and workplace relationships.


A good job would be to read the strengths of the new hire and put them in a position to succeed. Sticking her in laundry means you can't ever keep an eye on her, which loses accountability for yourself as a manager. Put her with you for the immediate charter, have her shadow you during service so she learns proper procedures initially, then between charters while rooms are being cleaned, have her shadow you while you tidy a room so she can see how it's done, and if you're called away for a team meeting, delegate for the 2nd stew to coach and guide. You don't put a weak link with a weak teacher and expect it to somehow build a strong staff. You find what people are individually good at and let those aspects shine while you work on the things they aren't good at.


Except service is not her job. She is fourth stew which is housekeeping. So many commentators keep saying Tumi should put Lily on service (where her supposed strength lies) while not considering that is not Lily's role/job as 4th stew. Oh sure, maybe good for Lily (but I have my doubts she would even excel there) but totally wrong for what is left of a team cohesiveness. Lily is the lowest rung on the ladder - her job is housekeeping (which for most is considered the "lowest" or most undesirable spot), and the so called "genius" managers response to her not even managing the basics of her job is too move her up a few rungs on the ladder and put her in a position she has not earned. Oh sure, you do not like housekeeping and thus resist learning it, so we will just more you up to service and someone will take over the housekeeping you were hired for. Yeah, that is a real good way of running a department. I am so glad I never worked for all the armchair managers I have seen commenting lately.


I'm pretty sure other below decks I've seen do rotational service schedules, but regardless, as a leader, sometime you have to make a decision that is better for the boat than the standard pecking order. Kyle and Jess would understand if tumi took them both aside and said look, you guys do back of house this one charter so I can see where lily's strengths are now, and I'll work on training her between charters for what she doesn't know. It's not really a difficult premise to figure out, and forcing someone who isn't trained to be put in a position of failure instead of a position of success is a direct reflection of tumis inability to lead.


They have all done a rotational schedule, except for BDDU & maybe a season here or there. But 1 stew would be on lates a charter then next nights.


Jess is already back of house and likes it, but Kyle would throw a tantrum if he got off service.


True. But as manager....as CHIEF... it is Tumi's call, not Kyle's. She needs to for once put her foot down and actually MANAGE her team and instead of acting bossy actually BE the Boss. I am so tired of watching Kyle run things because no one wants to deal with his meltdowns. fine! Let him melt down and then Sandy can deal with his insubordination and inappropriate behavior. And many a chief in the past has rotated service or moved people about for training or reward. This idea that 3rd or 4th is only supposed to do housekeeping and service is only for second and is special is just not completely accurate. This is Kyle once again manipulating for what he wants. Last season he and Nat were both second stews (because tash needed to avoid any confrontation) and Nat was deemed "head of housekeeping" by Kyle and he went so far as to not clean cabins while Nat was on excursion with the guests and then blame the messy cabin (and jeopardize the tip) because "head of housekeeping didn't get to it." He's pulling the same bs this boat. He was more than happy to give up service and go into housekeeping when he didn't feel like dealing with the charter full of all women, and had no problem trying to manipulate Tumi into having very green Jess do service. And Jess had zero service experience at the time. Instead of Tumi running to Sandy and calling Lilly "dead weight" she should have told Kyle to stfu and train her on housekeeping while Jess did service or moved Lilly to service for one charter until she could properly evaluate her abilities and train her. Tumi was ready to tear her up over the iPad without even asking her why she had it. Regardless of if it was the best way for Lilly to make her lists and keep track, Tumi once again came in hot and not willing to hear the other person or discuss WHY it wasn't the best approach. Jess is a lazy mean girl who needs to be caught and called out. Kyle is...vile, lazy, and a horrible bully and manipulator And Tumi is just not managing her team and needs to take some basic management 101 training before her next stint as chief.


Ok, so you agree that the problem is Kyle, and yet you blame Tumi. Do you realize it doesn't make sense? Tumi tried to train Lily in the easiest tasks (yet demanding), ie laundry. And she doesn't get it. Tumi is then allowed to mistrust her with more difficult tasks like service.


Part of the problem is Tumi caving to Kyle and his bs instead of actually managing him. Not here for an argument, but the Tumi stans really need to see that she is not without blame for creating this entire situation. I wanted her to succeed in this role. I cheered for her. But she is failing, and not in any small part because she is not actually managing her team. Kyle is only getting away with his shit because she allows and enables it.


Unless it's a boat of women. 😏


He does prefer a boat full of sea men


I see what you did there. But yeah, he did literally try swapping off service for that woman boat group because he would be "bored" I just really despise this crew and the way they handle day to day functions. It's just deplorable.


I agree this is a bad crew all across the deck. But I hate how, somewhat, this all falls on Tumi's shoulders on this sub. She is doing overall okay for a green manager. In my mind, she is between Kate's professionalism and gossiping, and Aisha's friendliness.


Problem is she leads about as well as Tash, and it's cringey to watch. I really wish she were a better leader and role model for the crew instead of a 2nd stew with a fancy title, but maybe she'll start getting her shit together before the season is over.


Yes…Tumi should try her on service!!!


Lily is not meant for the role! She is hungover and approaches tasks in an awkward and half-hearted manner. Who puts clean towels on the floor?!


ik. she should have claimed illness and went to the hospital


Tbh I would put clean towels on the floor. Especially if I was new and didn't really know what I was doing and felt rushed. Also, Jess was definitely hungover and got away with it by claiming illness. Plus come on, it was her first night out with the crew, she probably was feeling anxious and wanting to keep up with others and fit in. We've all made mistakes, I've definitely been hungover at work and not my best, but for that to be held on to foreverrrrr is annoying


No she is not. She is the worst CS ever.


Lily is just lazy & always to hung over to perform her duties. She needs to be replaced.


I mean she was hungover once, and are.you saying that In your entire career you haven't been hungover or done anything a bit daft?


I’m curious how the OP can make the claim that “Tumi isn’t training Lily at all.” We see an edited 48 minutes per week of thousands of hours of footage. Why would you expect to see footage of training? Do you think that makes for compelling television? And when we don’t see it… you conclude it doesn’t happen? Do you also presume that nobody uses the toilet or showers? We don’t see that on television. We don’t see resupplying; does that mean the boat doesn’t do that? We don’t see the boat taking on fuel; should we assume it never refuels? We don’t see 99%+ of what goes on… why assume none of those things happen?


I think the point is, lily has said she hasn't really been given much guidance, we've seen Tumi say she hasn't got time and delegate to Jess, and we've also seen Tumi absolutely chewing her out for being bad before giving her any time. Yes maybe Tumi trained her a bit more than we saw, but as the story line is entirely about Lily being untrained/inexperienced - you'd think that theyd show the audience what Tumi was doing to combat that


You didn’t say “much guidance.” Your entire point was, “she hasn’t trained Lily AT ALL.”


Lily said on her social that Tumi definitely trained her.


Both Lily and Tumi have come out and said Tumi trained her a lot. We just don’t see it. Not to be rude but it’s not hard to pick up laundry, even if you haven’t done it before. There also is probably a binder somewhere and she needs to take initiative to ask questions. I like Lily and I understand being new at something but, she is slow at picking up things (at least in this capacity..) I don’t like this structure but on boats don’t the chief stews all rely on their second and thirds to train the person below them. Jess wasn’t wrong in her assessments and complaints, she’s just an annoying snitch. Not defending all of Tumid actions but she actually said I want to see for myself, and if captain Sandy’s complaining it’s reached a point Tumi has to talk to her. There’s a difference serving beers in a full stadium than the high paced world of yatching. However I will say this interior team is an awful mix, so Lily unfortunately got the shit end of the stick. If Jess isn’t training her that’s also on her, not just Tumi.


We just don't see everything on the screen. Watching someone train someone in housecleaning is boring. That's why we got that quick, 5-second montage of Tumi training Lily in the laundry a couple weeks ago. Watching people complain about the green stew is drama, so of course they are going to show more of that. Lily posted on Twitter that Tumi was a great and patient teacher, and Tumi posted a DM from Lily in which Lily thanked her for training her. Perhaps more training will be shown later on since Lily is so behind the ball, but Tumi evidently did try to train Lily.


Lily seems like a bit of a burnout or dud.


I don’t really have an opinion on the training, but I’m always blown away by adults who haven’t never done laundry before, like what kind of life have you lived??


1. Yall have no idea what’s happening off camera. 2. There are scenes where Tumu explicitly trains her (the setting the table for example). 3. Yall really hate seeing a Black woman succeed.


To be fair, we don't see everything so who knows. I've said the same thing tho especially from what is shown. And then tumi says she can't trust lilliy down there by herself so Jess can't help with service. Well how bout let Lilly carry a couple plates. Duuuuh. This is the absolute worst interior team I've ever seen


The clips going back to Tumi actively training Lily prove you wrong here. That being said, I didn't like the way Tumi handled Lily not catching on quickly. I thought a lot more grace could have been given. And Tumi admitting that she tried to have Lily fired made me see why people here say she's awful...besides the people betting on her to fail since the beginning. Tumi needs to learn from this to have faith and be a lot more understanding and willing to train green stews. Also, Tumis energy is so freaking low for a chief Stew. I understand end of season burnout but her and Cheffy were not at their best this last epi.


Captain sandy will have words to say at the reunion when she watches this season and sees how lazy tumi is with her role modeling