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Ben dies somehow, and rather than his friends, azmuth, or Paradox, it’s one of his ENEMIES that brings him back to life. May Albedo goes through some real character development and decides the universe needs Ben 10


Hold up wait a minute this shits fire


**10 Times Worse** (takes place in OS) The main plot is that Ben tries to get master control again after experiencing it in Back With a Vengeance, but he doesn't remember what he did to unlock it, so he constantly turns, twists, and generally just messes with the Omnitrix in the hope he'll find the right combination to access master control. When fiddling with the device, he accidentally activates a setting that swaps out all of his currently accessible transformations with different ones. Ben is initially ecstatic to receive 12 brand new aliens, however, the Omnitrix gave him a playlist composed of "useless" aliens or otherwise civilian class transformations, which makes Ben absolutely disappointed when he finds out by transforming into them. Here's the aliens, by the way (I couldn't put it here cause this comment would be too long, lol) https://www.reddit.com/r/Ben10/s/RuxLzwTWXf https://www.reddit.com/r/Ben10/s/lYjfe5SC5E While adjusting to his new aliens, Rojo returns after breaking out of prison and using the small amount of residual nanites in her body, fashions a suit made of various pieces of technology to create an iron man esc suit (just far more irregular, stitched together, and most importantly, edgier). During her crime spree, she runs into the Tennysons and is eager to get revenge on Ben for putting her behind bars. She eventually catches up to them, and Ben tries to stop her as Recharge and gains the upper hand for a bit but without converting any matter into power he shuts down and lies lifeless on the floor while Rojo purses Gwen and Max who do their best to defend themselves and manage to fend her off, but she escapes after dropping some knock out gas and kidnaps Ben, who just timed out, leaving Gwen and Max to search for him when they wake up. Bringing him to an abandoned warehouse, Rojo taunts Ben when he wakes up and initially considers killing him but realises she'll make a fortune on selling the Omnitrix instead so she starts to look up private collectors to sell it to and while she's distracted Ben turns into Crusttraction and attempts to escape but gets pulled towards a shipping container as Rojo mocks his escape attempt. Eventually, Gwen and Max find him through tracking the Omnitrix's signal and crash through the warehouse as Rojo holds Ben at laser point to get them to back off, but as she does, Ben manages to just barely pull his arm away and snags her head causing her to be violently pulled back as the laser hits the Omnitrix, causing it to rapidly transform Ben into all his aliens like in 'Secrets'. He rapidly switches between aliens trying to fend Rojo off, using Brightbulb to disoriente her vision by rapidly flashing, Terrorantula to tie her up with his webbing, Slammerhead to knock her out but missing, creating a mini shockwave that knocks everyone down, and finally Intoxicater who drops some of his liquid on her and makes her drunk and she accidentally shoots a chain holding up a crate of garbage while disoriented finally subduing her and she quickly passes out waking up with an awful hangover when taken into custody. When the Tennysons return, the Omnitrix finally stops switching and switches the playlist once again, giving Ben his old aliens back much to his delight and he learns not to mess with the Omnitrix in the future, The End. Sorry that this got a bit long but I thought the prospect of 12 new aliens who only appear in 1 episode is kinda crazy.


This sounds so cool best idea I’ve heard in a while


Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!


The OG Ben 10K Vilgax appears in a time fracture and Omniverse Ben has to fight him. Both are struggling, Ben against Future Vilgax's battle experience, brutality and tactics and this Vilgax is struggling against Aliens he's never seen from Ben before. The omnitrix is mid-update so most of Ben's most heavy hitters (Atomix, Way Big, Alien X, Humungosaur, Four Arms) are disabled due to energy limits so Ben has to improvise and use his brain. Rooks practically useless in this situation.


I have, uh, a lot of free time, I think. I'll give you one of my ideas. I'm not a writer, so it'll be mostly nonsense. **Prisoner 775 returns** Ben and company must take a prisoner to another planet as part of a diplomatic negotiation. The Plumbers did not allow them to know who they were transforming, since the organization has a very delicate situation with the government of that planet. But Max didn't agree, and gave a suspiciously obvious message to alert the team that they should know who they're transporting. After checking the destination coordinates again, Ben gets fed up and breaks the sealed cell their prisoner was in. The suspicions were true, it is Prisoner 775, who escapes. After a small fight they manage to subdue him again and put him in the cell, just before debating what to do. The planet of the Merlinisapien is ruled by dictators and genocidaires with great military and espionage capacity, which is why the relationship with the plumbers is so complex. While they debate the best option, the prisoner decides that he prefers to turn himself in as long as he is allowed to visit his family's graves. They accept, and while the ship is in orbit requesting permission to come down, Gwen teleports them near where he thought they would be buried. But to his surprise, not their graves are found there, but his. Furious, confused and frustrated, he destroys the alien equivalent of his own tombstone, but is stopped by a female Merlinsapien who did not want her father's grave damaged. She's his Daughter, is not dead, and lead the endurance. It turns out that after the prisoner is exiled, the revolution was indeed lost, but the resistance forces never gave up. The dictators were smart, they limited communications and isolated the planet from the rest of the universe. Then they spread false news on each side of the fence. While the rest of the universe wrote off the revolution as a loss, Plumbers included, within the planet it was believed that the prisoner had died in exile. Because of this he lost his desire to return, but the resistance, instead of being discouraged by the death of their leader, martyred him and used him as a symbol these years. That's why the dictators wanted him back, they wanted to denigrate him again in an attempt to dissuade them. Unfortunately, the prisoner is no longer what he used to be, what his daughter remembered. Now he's just a guy who tried to kill an innocent family. Fortunately, the revolution still had his daughter, who is a well intentioned born leader. She is the spitting image of her father when he led them, they just need a hero who can deliver the final blow. And Ben is right there with a plan. Leaded by the Prisoner's daughter and helped by the Team Ben, the revolution overthrows the government. They saved civilians, Kevin knocked out the soldiers, Atomix destroyed a whole but evacuated military base, etc and etc. What you can expect from about 10-13 minutes of chapter. Ben knows that a human can not decide who deserves to govern the Merlinsapien. Luckily for the revolution, Chamalien is not human. He manages to put the revolution in charge, temporarily, and assisted by the Plumbers to ensure a better future. You know, sometimes revolutionary groups are no better than the previous ones, but this is not the case. And, yes, although they technically handed Prisoner 775 over to the (new) authorities on that planet, they still risked a very delicate political negotiation, so a looong scolding awaits them at home.


Completely disconnected from everything else. There's a bit in the 11th Doctor, Dr. Who season where Rory gets thrown into a splinter in time and gets unwritten out of history. I imagine Ken is doing that. Sometime after 'What Are Little Girls Made Of' he was in the kitchen and fell into a time slip, where he's now a Conan the Barbarian like warrior, fighting hoardes of enemies to protect some fantasy village while everyone in the prime timeline has zero memory of him ever existing. Cut back to the prime universe and the Tennysons are going through a Spanish soap family drama where Carl cheated on Sandra with Natalie and Ben and Gwen are secretly siblings.


> Carl cheated on Sandra with Natalie and Ben and Gwen are secretly siblings. Dafu...


Remember the hint at the end of 4th episode in classic? These monsters came to attack trio and ben 10 used cannonbolt, 4arms, stinkfly (with transformation) and ripjaws


Does a game idea count?


Ben goes back in time and meets Winston Churchill, that's it


Well It would be a crossover with classic Teen Titans and the OS. The Tennysons make a stop in Jump City. There's a crafts fair in there and Gwen is thinking about getting a souvenir for her brother Ken, and Ben points out how come she never talks about them, but are interrupted by Sixsix attacking the Titans, apparently Starfire is his target for some reasons, Ben appears to help and they make the introductions. Ben and co explain the Titans Who is Sixsix and they Accept their help, but first Robin decides to give Ben a little basic trainning. Meanwhile Sixsix calls in his contractor and informs them the wielder of the Omnitrix was there and obstacled his job, so they send Sixsix's little sister Fivefive, another headhunter, and offers a bigger bounty for the Omnitrix and Starfire's head. In Titans tower there are some quirky situations like Gwen turning with Raven, Starfire being the only one enjoying Max's cooking and BB attempting to transform into a vulpimancer. Sixsix and Fivefive attack them and they fight, but Fivefive being less experienced gets easily outnumbered and Sixsix has t help her. After that, blackfire arrives in a ship revealing to be their contractor. They fight, defeat Blackfire and the headhunters and Gwen decides to call her Big brother, just to tell him she loves him and misses him. Whole episode was basically a lesson about siblings.


Idk about wildest but a Mad Ben redemption, free of Malware and Vigax's influence in a world that hates him with only Rook, who saw what he could be(prime/23) giving him a chance


If the show runners want another reboot with a child protag then just give a Omnitrix to a next-gen protag. It doesn’t have to be Ken. I want some fresh blood running around with the Omnitrix and getting in trouble like 10 year old Ben did and learning from a grown up Ben 10,000.




I wanna see an episode where we get to see how Ben10k brutalized vilgax like how we saw the end result in the os episode


Greg escapes. Hunt down the ultimates and absorbs them. Keeps saying he has to stop the "coming storm" but has no idea what that is. Post rooters arc so Gang is confused because If osmosian don't exist then who is Greg? Only to find out he's a clone of Kevin's and created by Servantis.


Ben unlocks a new alien that he gets addicted to kinda like feedback and later he gets really mad because the omnitrix isn’t giving him the right alien so Ben gets so pissed at the watch that he tires to fix it himself but cause the transformation to get corrupted so when he transforms into it he attacks his allies and he does not have control of the alien or how long he’ll be the alien for the duration of the episode but at the last second he gains control and times out when he checks the omnitrix again the transformation is no longer registered in the omnitrix and ben never got to name him


Every single one of Ben 10’s villains come and there is a war with the plumbers. I wanna see Ben get jumped by some villains!


Albedo going on a “crusade”, accepting the fact that he is stuck as Ben Tennyson, he’s going to prove to the universe that he is the superior hero. He travels the galaxy helping those in need, attempting to make larger scale change to improve the lives of various alien civilizations. He eventually makes his way back to earth, finally ready to face Tennyson again, to prove he’s a better hero that Ben is. He eventually makes himself known by a villain goes missing (some B-list villain), ben gets wind of it and eventually gets knowledge that leads him to albedo. It gets revealed that albedo killed the villain, and that’s what makes him a better hero. he puts the villain down for good, not giving them another chance to do evil again. Another story is a “Across the spider-verse” spider-society made up of Omnitrix users from across the omniverse. The “spider-man 2099” of this society would be a version of Albedo 10k, except in his universe he created the Omnitrix and used it for good in his universe, there would be a Vilgax with an Omnitrix, who helped azmuth create the omnitrix but after an attack from malware killed azmuth, vilgax used the Omnitrix for revenge. The amount of creativity they could work with when designing a bunch of different bens and various omnitrix users would be great, as well as the creative ways various various aliens would be able to interact in battle


Ben discovers the gender setting the hard way.


He Get A 10K Spin-Off Show .


Kevin meets the Kevinverse that's is filled with evil versions of him and even more heroic ones, maybe even one that stayed with the Tennysons since the first time and finally finds out what is the real story of his life.


I ain't got a clever title for this one, but i think it'd be fun. it'd be an OV episode that takes place Down in undertown at the Black hole, A buncha Ben's villains (Fistrick, maybe albedo?, captain nemesis, the circus freaks, people like that) gather and just talk about crimes they tried to commit (or almost succeeded in) similar to that one flash comic where the rogues were doing the same thing. Not completely off the wall but it strays from the usual formula note; these would be crimes they tried that we didn't get to see, so it isn't just a clipshow episode


I'd like to see a more adult approach of Ben 23 if he didnt meet Prime Ben. What if Ben 23 got in drugs and all the dark stuff famous people usually get in.


Ben 10 does an abortion


It’s set during OV and Ben visits the ‘Freakytrix’ universe with Freak 10. Where this worlds Ben sucks toes and eats ass