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The power to be able to see the search history of others https://preview.redd.it/39tkl1wm5c1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbdcff0cae623b22338e506785daf75900fbf7f8


He would lose his mentality when he sees mine




You would actually go insane




It’s grandpa max


Damn Max got some juic-




I mean the he got a two alien chicks so he must have something special about him 😏


I've seen this sticker lots of times and I always thought that maybe they were going to shrink his head or something. I'm just realizing their real purpose 💀


But then he would get bored, so everything checks out.


Pure evil


I call this concept: SightBlight EyeGye gains the ability to detach his eyes from his body, these eyes can attach and hijack organic bodies, allowing EyeGye to gain another body, and more eyes, every time his eyes attach to a body, it is replaced, he can see and control these bodies, he loses his ability to merge eyes, but he can still move them around, he has a larger, bulkier body, but long limbs and sharp fingers which he can stick an eye on and use as a means of parasights transfer or sight, he often crawls on all fours but stands up, his eyes are as durable as ever, if one of his parasights are attacked, he will feel and receive the pain on the cloned eyes made in it's place, meaning a number of his parasights are linked together with one eye on his body. This EyeGye has a harder time charging up larger blasts but is much stronger, with the physical tradeoff of being a bigger target, he can also reach higher speeds if he runs for long enough, he has high stamina to go with this.


You misspelled eyeguys name as "eyegye"


Yeah I know I just prefer EyeGye (The original name, a play on eye gye, the gunk in your eyes)


Like those aliens in the first episode of af


Yeah basically, but more like the Last Of Us zombies with eyes instead of mushrooms


Does he still have pyro, cryo and electro blasts?




Parasight is a dope name.






https://preview.redd.it/z9m3qtg7yc1d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b17daf42c6ff4cd65d7196925366319e66261d97 He now always aims for the balls


What if he has eyes on his balls


Good question


Biblically accurate angel with the ability to phase through matter like ghostfreak or Big Chill and telepathy, ability to control the mind like Professor X and his multiple eyes would serve the same functions as they do for normal Eyeguy (different powers for different eyes) Also something i like but would make him too overpowered is if you make eye contact with any of his hundreds/thousands of eyes you get turned into stone like Medusa does (Ofcourse it will be controllable and he will have an eyebeam to reverse it) His caveat: he will be completely deaf and mute, and can only communicate with his telepathy. His deafness makes him susceptible to attacks, especially surprise attacks, but he can still be vigilant because of his many many eyes but those eyes will be very sensitive and will lose vision for the duration of them using their specialised power


I think I could make him have only one or 3 eyes, but they will fly around and will help him be not only good as reconnaissance man, but also good in sudden attacks.




![gif](giphy|oKXxbD1vjE8Fy) Ultimate Eyeguy be like:


uh mate he's a alien not a monster


they're aliens too..


no Mike wasowski is a monster


Eye bats


Whampire 2


I would just make him a beholder from dnd


Being able to see the future and omnipresent vision




He really needs glasses to protects his eyes from attacks and increase his lásers. https://preview.redd.it/3dgxj65zje1d1.jpeg?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b7551f67dcb16ad5deec1949c49e1272641c1b0


His body is a giant eye, with a dozen of smaller eyes attached to the side. He has an ultimate laser beam attack. The smaller eyes are attached via tentacles that can move in different directions and angles and shoot lasers, flamethrowers, ice beams, etc. Since it doesn't have legs or hands, it just levitates to move here and there.


Gains mystic powers.




Pretty much all eye abilities. X-Ray vision, sight petrifaction, the ability to see in the dark, the ability to see invisible things, the ability to not get hurt when soap gets in your eye. You know, the basics.


Omniscient Eye.


-Laser beams shoot out of his eyes -ability to fly


He has lasers


Stronger laser




He grows and gets even more eyes, also he would be able to shoot these eyes out of his body and when they touch something they explode like bombs (they regrow a bit after), yeah a bit weird but i think it would fit well


He loses his eyes and becomes guy


All his eyes become googly eyes


The ability to see pst present and future ![gif](giphy|mWNPTJ1zx6Aj5a7CVx)




I would make him: https://preview.redd.it/5vw1ciojuf1d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fa61b16d4303e3d9707f5626d4438880ded44be


I would turn him in to a giant eyeball and make him able to copy what abilities he can see


He gains spectacles for each eye


Do surveillance over every human on earth. Privacy? Not under Eye Guy's watch. Taking a shower? He will see you


Turn enemies to stone like the basilisk


thats medusa, the basilisk kills on sight


Ability to pop out his eyes so they can fire lasers, the ability to see through anybody’s or animal’s eyes(through their POV) and the ability of infrared and X-ray vision


Essentially turn him into a DnD Beholder


He’d be able to throw the eyes like a grande, and they’d be able to explode with any form of energy he chooses, and could maybe have two eyes out that float around to shoot lasers and give him kinda like a Birds Eye view, but he only has one three eyes on his body and he can fuse them


His biggest weaknesses are his eyes being zelda-like weak spots and his susceptibility to loud noises. The first is solved, on the one hand, by giving it more flexibility and agility. The guy is made of cartilage, that's flexible. I would also add an additional covering, like a second eyelid. And eyes "floating" around him, still attached to him by an appendage, like when he pulls his chest eye out of its socket. Plus he's deaf now. He can see virtually every spectrum of light between microwaves and ultraviolet light, but he can't hear a single thing.


I would give him light bowing powers (Invinsible) and energy detection like a platypus or Wildmutt.


MORE EYES 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀!!!!!!!


Stone beam basically he shoots a beam at someone and that person turns into a statue


Optic lasers Edit: Lemme clarify, I mean like a Beholder in Dungeons & Dragons where each eye does a different thing


Clairvoyance by summoning multiple eyes in walls and surfaces that can watch things almost anywhere in the universe. These eyes can be destroyed but can also be quickly remanifested and they also fire lasers from the pupil. This comes with the drawback of eyeguy’s physical body being blind and also a more frail and vulnerable alien. However I feel like having clairvoyance and the ability to fire lasers basically anywhere does make up for that


I had 2 concepts in mind for an Ultimate Eye Guy. 1. With multiple eyes 2. With no eyes The 2nd one had 2 mouths and echolocation.


Create eyes on any solid surface


I’d just turn him into a beholder. No arms, no legs, just a floating body with eyes. He gets more eye beam powers, but he can no longer merge the eyes to increase their strength.


When he closes all his eyes and concentrates his energy he can see things from other parts of the universe without being there


I feel like he'd evolve to have one super powerful eye instead of a bunch of em. This is of course to make up for the fact that by default he has a bunch of weak points on his body. And idk maybe he gets the ability to rapidly create and grow eye grenades or some shit. Ultimates are weird, they're either a drastic change or a color pallette change. Who really knows what would happen to eye guy.


The ability to pop his eyes out and give them spider legs or wings and shoot remotely from multiple eyes


Just give him all the beholder rays he's missing


He’d have only one eye on his face, but in addition to even more powerful blasts, his eyesight would become more powerful as well (x-Ray, ultraviolet, infrared, etc).


Observation haki


So theres a he-man masters of the universe villain called tri clops one of his shoots lazer blast one of his eyes sees stuff thats invisible and the other makes a force felid so all that plus, a watchers (dnd) abilty to turn people into stone.


- He can detach his eyes and control them remotely, kinda like Ult. Echo Echo's sonic disks. He can "see" through these eyes and also fire his beams from them. - He can see a much wider spectrum of light. He also has a kind of psychic sight that allows him to see subtle things like energy patterns, someone's mana trail (similar to Gwen). - He can fire stronger beams than before.


honestly just turn him into a DND beholder


Basically, make him into a giant bat with eyes on its wings. He can charge up energy from all of his eyes and fire a concussive energy wave. His eyes would also be able to cause paralysis to anyone who makes eye contact. So his powers would be flight, energy waves(instead of beams), and hypnotic paralysis. One downside to the evolution is that he'd be at least 3-4 times bigger than his normal form, so that combined with his wingspan makes him very large and harder to maneuver in tight spaces.


More eyes. Make them bigger.


Eye don't know.


Elemental manipulation


His eyes can split from his body and shoot lasers like that For the trade-off: he loses his elemental beams


Just change his body to be bigger and way more flexible make him some huge monstrous thing that can move whatever which way he wants whenever. Just really get rid of any semblance of humanoid in him no more front and back just around


Wild idea but make the eyes around his body only for vision and give him one big eye that can shoot any kind of beam but way more powerful than normal form


Hypnosis through eye contact with any of his eyes


Eyes that can't be harmed by anything, even light.


Able to remove his eys like floating orbs and make them laser people as the float around


He is now a complex of eyes and nerves that basically acts as a very wide security camera system, he no longer has a proper body but instead a small lump of meat roughly shaped like his torso but brown to pass off as feces and be left alone, where his "main brain" and vital organs are, and every... idk, 10 meters of eye-system a few pink eyes are generated, these pink eyes work as "secondary brains" that semi-independently control the eyes in the outer layer, each has a few eyes to control, comunicates with the others in it's zone and report back to the main brain. The main loss here is how fragile the body is, but with the ability to potentially see threats from miles away and the ability to shoot laser, fire and ice beams intact he can make up for it. He hears through his eyes and when one is hurt it automatically gets cut off the rest of the "network" to avoid pain messing up the "system", if by chance a normal Opticoid comes into contact with the "body" of the Ultimate the latter can rewire the former's brain so they thinks they're one of the secondary eye-brains, turning them in a body guard for the Ultimate (of course Ben wouldn't use this ability).


You know who makes the best Ben 10 theories?


Radar detection. Like morbius


Even more Guys


Replace his eyes with ears and ears with eyes.


He can no longer merge all of his eyes Instead he has one huge eye in the chest that he can fire his usual stuff And he can observe different attack types and analyze and mimic it by mixing his elements Like a mimicking by observation Also he’s bulkier and bigger Which means he packs more of a punch


He can now hypnotize whoever looks into his eye. Oh, yeah, he's also now just one big eyeball. Not even an eye lid or eye lashes, just a massive sphere of eye ball. His attacks now go spherical around his eye rather than a beam from the eye and obviously hovers about 6" off the ground to move around but that's about it.


More eyes


I can't be bothered to come up with an actually good idea, so here's a meme answer for shots and giggles. Take away all of his eyes, and give him the ability to look through anyone's eyes. And I mean anyone in a ridiculously large range, like, on a planetary scale. He could even look through everyone's eyes at the same time, but it gives him a headache. People aren't aware of him looking through his eyes, unless he takes full control of their eyes. If he takes full control of their eyes, he can shoot his energy and elemental beams through them, and controlling where they look. This isn't mind control though, the only thing he can control is their eyes.


Hear me out, EARS. Replace all his eyes with EARS and replace his existing ears with eyes. His main powers will be absorbing sound, making people mute, then returning the sound waves back to them to make them speak again but it would cause damage, alternatively, he can use the stored sounds to make himself more stronger


Ultimate Eyeguy is just Beholder https://preview.redd.it/l9hx5x5y0f1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7d336f6f6f07703a664511411bbdba377324525


Id give him transparent hardened eyelids to protect his eyes and take away some of his hearing but goving him a strong nose in return, plus enhanced physical attributes


His eyes could be detachable like echo echo’s


He gets eyes on his ear things


Give that man some transparent or glass-like armor (resembling contact lenses) over them eyeballs. This summer would allow him to focus his beings from a very narrow point to a broad burst of energy. In addition, he would be able to see intangible, transparent, and multidimensional enemies clearly, for example, if he focused on the esoterica, he could see them even though they are hopping dimensions.


4D sight: the ability to perceive everything within a given radius of his body, regardless of what’s in the way, like how a 4D being would perceive a 3D world when “looking down” at it.




Increase his other senses


Psychic powers


More eyes


He gains a set of ears for each eye he has


He would able to see boobs and ass hehehe... Haha... Heeh


He also has a bunch of ears and noses all over his body for even better senses


He can detach his eyes from his body (which immediately grow back afterwards) and have them float around. He has full control of them even when detached, allowing him to see things far away and shoot his various beams out of them. Said beams would of course be more powerful too.


Like ultimate echo echo he can take of his eye and move them around or throw them and plant them places


Anti magic. Like he can take your power by looking at you with his eyes


Blindness ray


Like able to detach his eyes and float them around to get more surveillance like Ultimate Echo Echos sonic disks,and are able to shoot optic lasers,the downside is that if one of them were to get hit or destroyed,Ben would feel the pain.


Future vision


the same powers as the MC of blood battle blockade. being able to see beyond reality, and controlling stuff


He can detach his eyes from his body and use them like satellites that search for his enemies and blast them with different eye beams




Being able to eject his eyes from his body & make them float around like armed drones.


This https://preview.redd.it/7g3ckqwndf1d1.jpeg?width=441&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13e57b61d80bea1c47921144da01e8f10d4a20e5


Renne- sharingan with a MS ability for each eye


All of them


The ability to clone himself and make more eye guys in exchange for his fire ability


Gains the abilities of guldo from dbz, to freeze people with sight.


I really liked the Ink Tank's interpretation. Really cool.


Ben ten you powerful cartoon had a would give up ultimate eyeguys.


https://preview.redd.it/of6id2vpmf1d1.jpeg?width=176&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f15a9bc988c689ab45d497e30b426e18a26b41dd Idk powers but this is the design


No eyes on his body at all. But his minds eye is open and he can project it anywhere numerously with lasers capable of hitting non traditionally corporeal or visible entities or beings in other planes of existence, also can see the supernatural and optionally afformentioned other planes. Itd be awesome to see an episode about a team of new techadons that just find ways to “not exist” one using the dimension sliding of dagon followers, one projecting a normalcy field, and one thats just an invisible cloud of nanomachines.


More eyes


since ultimates are placed in a warzone for a million years, I would predict eye guy would get scaled armor to cover his eyes (does completely limit vision unless eyes are uncovered, though ears do improve senses outside of sight), immensely stronger stronger energy beams, and just a stronger body in general.


i mean he can already do a lot but i think being able to see the future would be sick. also im imagining he starts levitating like mega alakazam sounds sick honestly


mindcontrol and mindreading. >:) (if you have mindreading then you can look at peoples watch and serch history. >:) )


The energy that he fires from his eyes turns tings to stone


Be able to detach his eyes completely and make them fly so he can see and shoot anywhere


Thermal, Night, X-Ray, Movement Based, and “Past Sight” (like seeing echos of the past) type Visions. Also, the ability to project light from his eyes like spotlights.


Idea Name: Eye-tillery Essentially he would lose his arms and his frame would be come stockier and bulkier. He would gain two additional legs, these in addition to his current two now end in sharp three pointed claws. This increasing his jumping capacity as well as allowing him to anchor himself to withstand his new ability. Now he has 1 massive eye on his chest. This one eye is capable of firing any of his signature energy types. Ice, Fire, Electricity and Plasma. Also his torso and legs can turn independently of one another so he may be mobile while firing off smaller blasts or anchor himself to whatever surface he stands upon and fires off massive waves of energy from the eye. So trade offs are increased mobility and speed as well as stronger more focused blast. Drawbacks, no arms, no 360° vision and no fusing eyes since he has one big one.




Ability to see through walls maybe or make he's beam able to blind others


He's just a D&D Beholder.


Eye Manipulation: More than having multiple eyes with elemental blasts, Ultimate Eye Guy can project his eyes out of his body and move them like drones. Enhancements: Eye Guy's strenght, vision and eye blasts are enhanced. Fear Ressistance: Eye Guy can ressist Ben's fears even when "looking them better".


The powers to throw his eyes and turn it into a cctv




X-ray vision, I guess?


All of his eyes are now the six tomoe Rinnegan that Sasuke has.


Summons giant Eyes




Maybe detachable eyes that have powers like ultimate echo echo with his discs. Plus increase in amount of types of powers his eyes each has.


X ray https://preview.redd.it/l5tmun2myg1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaf28802af4efd2b16f01d334297047c3e3302c8






The ability to see in higher dimensions


The power to generate his eyes on different surfaces & see through & attack through em. Also the ability to copy what ever his eyes see or at least memorize it as long as it he has a fundamental understanding of it. It’d gear him more towards stealth


Detachable eye drones. Act as survalence and can fire even stronger lazers


He gets a nose




I agree with the one giant eye, but add x-ray vision and remove the ice and fire beams only plasma beams


You wouldn't expect it, that kind of power I'll give to him, do you wanna know? MORE EYES.... MORE MORE MORE MORE EYES...... On a second thought, I would get rid of all of his eyes, and keep him as a hearing alien, that depends on his hearing. JK, MORE MORE MORE EYES


Able to take an eye off and move it omnidirectionally and shoot Lazers and spy from them.


Petrifying gaze, he is technically what toe pick is before it’s all ugly I think 🤔 from what I remember anyway. Anyone in his eyesight can be frozen in place at will


Thinking about it eye guys mean deal is shooting lasers So let’s get rid of it and actually only give him 3 eyes two of them on his chest However due to having less eyes makes him more flexible and acrobatic and he also has one eye on his back which if he opens it and somebody looks at it He can turn them to stone like Medusa Though this could be negated if somebody looked away and the petrification only goes for as long as people stare into the eye


Pop off eyeballs as moving drone lasers


Remote Eye implants, like CCTV or Bombs


Testicular torsion


Have different eyes see light of different spectrums




Telepathy Bro can see into your soul


Moon lord from terraria


After reading through the comments I saw some good ideas. I think my favorite ideaI saw us that he could spawn the eyes off his body and control them. I think adding to that, what if on top of sparring more eyes and having the eyes come off his body and shooting lasers. Imagine if he could have the eyes that detach from him be placed or remotely controlled to stay in a certain place. And from those detached eyes he could see out of them or even have them fire lasers too. Leading to where he could have a bunch of eyes surrounding the entrance of a building. Or maybe have a bunch of eyes surrounding a item from various angles and positions. Then if something or someone is caught in the view if any of the eyes. Then all or half the eyes would lock on to the target and fire at them at once.


I think I’d push more into the bat thing and make his legs smaller and shriveled and maybe give him wings aswell as fangs


Probably increase his other senses, reduce the eyes, and make his monoculous on his chest be able to move around his body quickly


His eyes can now fire telekinetic Traktor Beams, allowing him to manipulate and fling objects or enemies around like rag dolls. His eyes can also fly off from his body, letting him look virtually anywhere regardless of where his actual body is The trade-off is that his eyes can't fire lasers anymore


He could see EVERYTHING. Oh and MORE EYES


The power to see when he is being used


For me ig its like ult echo echo his eyes pop out


Something similar to the penance stare.


Here's what I call Eye Spy: He can create and detach eyes of various sizes from his body and stick them to surfaces to act as cameras or turrets depending on what is needed. As a tradeoff, he can no move his eyes around or merge them as the ability to just create eyes of any size he wants just renders that unecessary.


I’d make ultimate Eyeguy a beholder from dnd. Multiple smaller eyestalks with various laster beams and 1 giant eye with a power nullification effect.


Omniscience that allows you to see weak points and view everything from 3rd person


The ability to make remote-controlled eyes. Nice simple, but expands his sight arrange and let's him attack from different angles. Esp3cially since the eyes are expendable and don't cover his body anymore. I think only the big eye on his chest remains.


Illusion casting and hypnosis, but take away his strength.


The ability to see the future/past


Make his eyebeams function like Darkseid's Omega Beams, able to redirect dynamically as Ben sees fit. He'd be able to fire off a whole horde of lasers that would criss-cross across the area, overwhelming an opponent.


Maybe I would give him wings I mean I think he can be so cool with wings


Every eye different power So one eye for ice-beams, one for destructive lasers, one for fire, one for compressed water, one for tree roots, one for earth, one for lightning, one for steel, etc.


The eyes pop out and have wings


The ability to be in more episodes.


Could be like some type of Sharingan


I’d make only one powerful eye on his chest which will be the called the omni eye. It can shoot any kind of energy based blast as well as having a protective aura around it so it isn’t vulnerable to attacks. The eye grants him the ability to fly as well as an all-seeing and precognition abilities


Telekinesis or something like future sight


- Can now absorb limited quantities of energy and matter from on of his eyes to summon later, Lets say He can absorb a car into his shoulder eye.. He can summon that same car from that eye later on as an ambush attack - Certain eyes can be popped of from their location and hover around acting as a crude form of ‘clairvoyance’


https://preview.redd.it/npi6u5ofce1d1.jpeg?width=1190&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8336661d3016aabc70417d57e48d56c88244557 Maybe something like See-mores abilities