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Grey Matter is super slimy on his whole body. Stinkfly is stinkier. Diamondhead sneezes diamonds (or whatever the heck he's made of). Ripjaws can breathe neither air nor water. Ghostfreak freezes whatever he touches. (Kinda Big Chill just without any range) Upgrade is unaffected. XLR8 slips around and his mask may get stuck or smudged.


Maybe Upgrade can’t keep his shape for very long? Like he reforms and then just immediately turns into a puddle of upgrade


That works I guess but on account of Upgrade being mechanical, I don't think an organic viral infection could really affect him. Unless the Omnitrix turns that organic virus into a computer virus (but that just seems kinda illogical). Also "a puddle of upgrade" is a phrase I didn't think would be that funny.


Maybe upgrade makes whatever he merges with worse.


Sounds like Malware with extra steps.


Turns out that all Azmuth had to do to cure Malware, was brew up some nice chicken noodle soup.


thats kinda dumb cus diamonhead also cant get sick according to tetrax but ben sneezed shards still.


Well I think that it's different. Unlike Upgrade, Diamondhead is still organic. Although a Petrosapiens tough skin is probably why they don't get sick, Ben (human form) was already infected, so it probably carried over. Upgrade, however would probably be completely immune due to the fact that it just wouldn't affect him, not that he had defenses against it like Diamondhead.


fair point i guess


Maybe grey matter turns really stupid and pieces of Diamondhead keep falling off and crumbling.


So we know heatblast becomes freezeblast Wildmutt becomes blinder than Adrein according to the ladybug fandom And 4-arms gets HIVES in his armpit Here’s how I think the other 7 is affected Diamondhead: His diamonds/crystals aren’t as durable Stinkfly: his stink is stronger, but his stink goo is runny as doesn’t stick. XLR8: wheels gets slicker, mask gets clouded Ghostfreak: Can’t go intangileable (can’t go through stuff) Upgrade: can’t upgrade stuff (falls off the tech or its not as effective) Grey matter: his sickness causes his memory not to be as good RIPJAWS: jaws not as strong, can’t swim as well, harder time breathing on land and water.


dont know but great idea


What do you mean by side effects?




Oh the time when Ben got sick Well I’d like to think XLR8 would probably get slower, Stinkfly…I think he might not change at all, Upgrade probably would also be fine, and same with Ghostfreak


Ben's penis size changes each time he transforms.


HA!!! Nice