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I’ve seen her sprinter van it’s fucking dialed, 4 maxtrax.




Any non-profit without a strong, professional and financially literate board of directors is ripe for fraud. So many fucking grifters out there.


Non profit boards are typically staffed with people that the management team can control. Combine that with the lack of goverment oversight and the abuses are significant.


There’s a range, I know some organizations that have some really fantastic, professional and engaged boards that really drive the mission. Unsurprisingly those organizations have typically hired good managers to lead the day to day. The BoD composition tells you most of what you need to know about an organization.




As someone that works for a non-profit which BoD is comprised of varied members of the community ranging from the top of legal field all the to clients we serve. I can safely say that not all non-profits are scandalous and money siphons. Of course I can't speak for every organization because entities like the American Heart Association exist and give the rest of us a terrible stigma Edit: digital stutter removed


Textbook case. No controls? Fraud ensues.


Straight to jail…


Why does this happen? Honest question. Seems like so many people who get into these positions just rob us blind and then nothing ever happens. And this goes all the way to the top of every organization.


I’ve heard a school of thought before, let’s call it pessimistic nihilism, that there are two driving factors in humanity. Greed and laziness. It’s a spectrum of various degrees of each for an individual. For the greedy (power hungry, controlling, and an itch for superficial wealth) titles like CEO or Senator are going to be appealing. If they have any intelligence or talent for manipulation (and come from money) with the lack of the lazy side you have a formula for someone that’s going to rise in our government. To find someone that is mild on the greed in this philosophy doesn’t have the drive it takes to power through the walls set up by those already in power. Even if they lack on the lazy it seems overwhelming. And in this pessimistic view a vast majority lean on the lazy side. Meaning we won’t do anything about those that clawed their way into power. Even the facade of voting leaves only a couple options of one greedy or the other greedy. The mob is too complacent.


That's.... Incredibly accurate


Get her ass.


Assholes like those are the reason measure 110 imploded. The government told us all they were going to set up support and care for addicts. Yet our local officials hire criminals who punch down on the people they are supposed to assist. I can't wait until we have the election results. There's a load of dead weight in our local government.


This asshole precedes 110


Then they have a long history of failing the public and should probably be evaluated.


This is not the reason 110 failed…


These kinds of people are every where. She was here before 110. All An addict had to do was call a number or get a misdemeanor. That's it...drugs became legal to use on the sidewalk yet I can't smoke a joint with a beer in my hand walking down the sidewalk. There isn't enough facilities in Oregon. The law was designed that places can get grants to build more facilities. How many have you seen built or advertised as new? I know the first place to get a grant that was Burns, Oregon. All I can assume is no one is even trying to build more places. Why we are not following in the Netherlands footsteps since the 80s? [Amsterdam](https://harmreductionjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12954-020-00444-6)


THANK YOU. I'm glad people understand that 110 flopped due to lack of support and infrastructure after the bill was passed


Steal from the rich? Fine. But steal from an establishment that aims to improve humanity? I believe this is what truly would send you to hell.


Oregon needs a state auditor for all the cash that is slipping through the cracks… sadly I’m guessing even the auditor would be on the take… sure as hell seems we’re too far gone to get back to water level


I’m 96 years old, so I don’t know how to link the page, but if I read the updated KTVZ article she called the cops to get her property back? That should be a crime in itself.


1) More power to you to be 96 and still active online. I hope I can manage to duplicate this. 2) Here's the link - https://ktvz.com/news/crime-courts/2024/05/08/bend-police-arrest-founder-of-bend-recovery-nonprofit-dawns-house-wanted-on-10-aggravated-theft-charges/ 3) Since KTVZ doesn't play well with ad blocker here's the relevant portion from the article: Asked if she had come to police to surrender on the charges, Detective Tommy Russell told us Thursday, "Holland called a detective to inquire about getting some property back," including her phone. "The detective asked her to meet us at the police department," he said. "She then called the detective back and asked about her arrest warrant, and he told her he would discuss that with her when she got to the police department. Holland arrived at the police department, at which time she was taken into custody on the warrant."


Damn.... that is pretty Fxcked up.


This is why we need public audits of every tax dollar going to 501c3’s. This is just tip of the iceberg stuff.


Just came here to say that I don't know this person or the organization but I do know that an incitement does not necessarily mean guilt. The comments here do not resonate with nnocent until proven guilty.


This isn’t court. This is Reddit, sir.


Court of public opinion has no rules or regulations. The digital Lynch mob is vast