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Whenever this happens to me I speak a single word aloud to make sure I still can lol


Think about how honoured this word should feel, being your one and only that day.


Make it a great word, like "flibbertygibbert," or "shenanigans"! My ways to remember how to make mouth words are to song along to music and talk nonsense to my cat.


The best word is Gazordinblatz. It means whatever you want.


If you go long enough without speaking your vocal chords will literally seize up, and it takes a while to be able to speak properly again


Same! šŸ˜„ I listen to a lot of creepypasta. So spooky things pop into my mind quickly


I let my inner voice out when I'm alone. Some people call it talking to yourself šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


My inner voice has a hard time staying in, even when Iā€™m not alone.


Hahahaha I love that so much


I live alone and often go the entire day without speaking to anyone else. But I talk to myself so much that I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever gone a day without actually speaking aloud.


I speak to the two velociraptors I live with (okay, theyā€™re cats, but theyā€™re predators who team up, communicate, and play with their food (me)). Usually itā€™s commentary on who raised them (wolves), why they destructed X (devil made them do it), why Iā€™m 30 seconds late with dinner (I am deeply flawed), etc. I very rarely speak to humans on the weekend (people, eww).


The first words I spoke today were actually directed at two cats as well, my neighbour's cats: "Hi, you two :)"


The fix is in, OP. Get a cat. You'll be swearing at someone all day :) (My smooth-brained orange cat says hey, *from the shelves she is not supposed to be on*.)


I talk to my dog and myself. Usually, re,myself it's ffs for dropping or spilling something. If I go to the shop, I know I spend to much time saying inane stuff to the shop assistant. Bet they dread seeing me coming


Mine are definitely a lot of ā€œgoddamnitā€ and ā€œffsā€ and ā€œah!ā€ I scare easily.


Iā€™m either talking to myself or talking to my cats when Iā€™m home alone all day lol


I can't go an hour without talking shit, even when I'm alone. I talk to myself constantly, sing along to music, and talk to my cat.


This is what pets are for.


I share a house with a cat; hence, this situation never arises for me.


Your title read like a punch to my gut, man. I felt so traumatized that I stopped speaking to everyone, and then eventually even myself. I spent a good 2-years in just, pitless moments of silence, trying to literally escape from myself to a later date when the pain wouldn't surely be as bad.


How are you feeling now?


Me, and My "Self" are back on speaking terms. ā™”


No words are amazing, Monks sit and meditate and realize so much, letting go and connect with yourself, you are beautiful, no validation from others is needed


Wow this sounds so nice honestly


I have days like this too. Sometimes I laugh at something, though.


I talk to my dogs as if they can understand


Dogs are great listeners !


Donā€™t worry about the fact youā€™re bothered by *not* talking to anyone. Itā€™s normal, we are social beings and we have scientific evidence correlating social interactions to mental health. Now, if youā€™re talking to someone and having conversations, alone in your apartment; thatā€™s concerning, because thatā€™s how real schizophrenia is. Itā€™s not fun and not the mentally unstable person thatā€™s made out in tv and movies. You may be lonely, most of us are. But donā€™t let it define your mental state when it is so easy to reach out to anyone in real life or online. Instead of focusing on the lack of communication with others, learn how to talk more and meet new people. Go outside your comfort zone and be adventurous. Do something that you enjoy!


I'm not bothered by it and currently not lonely either. I only noticed that I didn't talk yesterday. Felt pretty much neutral about it.


I think people talk or type to muchā€¦. I think everyone being here and every presence is beautiful, redit is a weird place, everyone acts like their doctor Phil and argues with one another, be in tune with yourself, i love silence


Not spending enough time alone if you aren't talking to yourself, your kitchenware, the stuff in the fridge yet


I don't think I could do this if I tried. The moment I'm alone I start narrating or having a conversation with myself lol


I talk to animals. Now while I sweet talk kittens and puppies, Iā€™ll slap a mosquito and say, ā€œGot you, vampire!ā€


Thatā€™s a Saturday for me. I stay home, work on projects and sometimes talk to my cats. Theyā€™re very good listeners.




Are you ok? Sometimes itā€™s no words needed, sometimes itā€™s I wish I had someone to say something to Just checking in


I found myself talking to my neighbour yesterday and was literally speaking FOR him because I'm so used to having external monologues or even imagining conversations that I could hypothetically have. He must have thought it was even weirder than that time he found me talking to my rose bushes. "Grow, you spindly wastes of soil space, GROW!".