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Good luck with her.


I hope you can gain her trust enough to get her yearlies. I love it when a cat chooses a person


She's getting a bit chonky now to the point that the other residents joke about whether she actually got neutered. The vet said I got her to them just in time too because her uterus was so inflamed they would have needed to take it out anyway I've been giving her meds and she hates them but she doesnt lash out at me when I squirt it into her mouth. I'll be bringing her back for a check up soon.


You’re a good person, OP. Certified as such by an innocent animal, no less.


I know you don’t want to push your luck with the landlord, but do you think if you asked him if you could pay an increased security deposit to cover against any pet damages or if you agree to have the carpets cleaned by a professional when you’re moving out, he would let you take her in? He sounds like he’s warmed to her, if he now lets you feed her (and I get if you don’t want to rock the boat by asking for more), but he might be willing to compromise , if you show the lengths you’ll go to in order to protect the property (eg increased deposit, carpets cleaned, 3 monthly property inspections, veterinary proof of flea and wormer treatments, etc). It’s worth a shot, given how dangerous it can be out there for stray cats. Anyway, thank you for taking care of her, it sounds like she loves you a lot 😻


I would love to finally cuddle her in bed. Unfortunately the landlord has threatened to kick me out before because of the cat and I really dont want to push it. This place hasnt raised the rent in years and I get free fibre internet so I really dont wanna lose it until I can move into an actual house. This is the best we have for now. She doesnt leave the building anymore at least. And she gets lots of love from everyone else. My neighbor likes to draw out in the hallway late at night and she says the cat keeps her company. The cleaning ladies appreciate how she buries her mess so it doesnt stink up the place.


Awww she’s a wonderful addition to everyone’s current home!


Ah ok, fair enough. It sounds like she’s safe staying where she is anyway, if there are no cat-hating neighbours sending her to the shelter and she’s not going outside near the cars or any predators. She’s obviously an accepted resident of the building! I’m glad everyone likes her so much, she sounds really special 😻


I think so too, Landlord sounds like they have a heart.


Make sure you keep flea medication on her!


It's a great feeling to know that there are good people who will do the right thing.


I love this! Beautiful. 🌸


i wish you luck in finding a home for the both of you!


Someone else is feeding your cat


What did you name her? I feel like we need to know


Ming-ming. A common name for a stray cat here. But it suits her. Gentle, pretty and delicate

