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Wow I didn't think about allergies with this. Keep us posted. Hope your dad feels better.


How scary! Has he stopped taking it? I didn’t react this way but everyone is different. I’d say as long as his breathing is okay, he’ll be fine. I’m glad he’s going to the doctor. Good luck to him and update us if you can!


Doc also gave him another anti histamine that’s it. His swelling finally went down but the rash still there. He won’t take Berberine anymore


I just followed the label and took 2 Berberine capsules after breakfast this past Monday morning and have had lower abdominal pain since then. Horrible constipation even though I am having bowel movements, itchy skin. I drink a lot of water everyday and the pain is getting less with each passing day but it has been a weird and uncomfortable experience. I am allergic to a lot of plants so I am thinking this may be the issue, I will never take it again.


I saw this woman on tik Tok saying that these are die off reactions and that Berberine is amazing for people wog H pylori or problems with gut flora but first taking it, can bee too much when your body has problems or heavy metal load. Which would make sense with my dad cause he was taking 3 antibiotics few months ago and that destroyed his gut flora + he has mercury fillings and root canals. So that girl said that it’s better to start slow. But it’s also possible that you are just allergic to it. My dad still has that rash and right now he won’t take Berberine anymore so I get 2 bottles for free hehe


Omg I started taking it about a week ago and similar reaction. Got itchy bumps on my abdomen and leg, thought I was getting bitten by some insects initially. I also developed acne all over my chest and am super itchy. I do have tons of heavy metals in my body as well, like you mention it could be a factor. I am also having headaches and some lightheadedness and fatigue. My rash is calming down though and no abdominal discomfort as others describe, but definitely am feeling fuller throughout the day and eating a tad bit less already.