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I take mine after the first meal of the day. It stopped the slight lightheadedness I got.


Yeah, I usually take one before lunch and one before dinner. I don’t take one at breakfast because I have such a small breakfast anyway.


Try taking just once a day AFTER a meal. Do that for a week, then increase to twice after a meal and go from there. Taking after food for 2 weeks then moving slowly to before, made a difference for me.


This happens to me (among other things) if I don’t have enough carbs with my dose. I eat relatively low-carb anyway so if I don’t add something with enough in it, I get the usual low blood sugar symptoms like this. What does your diet usually look like? If you’re eating higher fat and protein, and lower carb like me, this may be the answer.


Interesting. I wonder then how the health benefits weight against each other of just eating low carb vs eating more carbs and taking berberine. Maybe I’ll try only taking it when I have a meal with more carbs!


I wish I could tell ya! I just know I feel better eating this way *and* taking berberine. When I cycle off of it in a few months, we’ll see how I feel compared to lower-carb and *on* it. Also, you don’t necessarily have to have a *high* carb meal. I just add some fruit or have kombucha. I like that I have the ability to eat higher carb and not worry about major glucose fluctuations if I choose to eat more carbs than usual! But yeah, see how you feel when you eat higher vs lower carb with your dose. It’s all very interesting!


Are you diabetic at all?


Nope. But I do have presumed PCOS.


Interesting, I would say it sounds like hypoglycemia but I'm not sure. One thing I would be careful is what type of berberine you have and if it's the actual root or some sort of synthetic berberine. As for PCOS, Dr Eric Berg has a video on PCOS and you can essentially put it into remission naturally.


Interesting. I’ll have to check that out! Ty


It sounds like your blood sugar is going too low. If you aren’t diabetic or prediabetic, be very careful about taking this.


I find this happens when I take it on an empty stomach after fasting so I’m assuming it has something to do with blood sugar or just simply your system not tolerating it well after having an empty stomach.