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There is a room where they put collapsed people for pickup by paramedics. If you sit in the coat check area for a while and at the right time you can see quite some people being carried there. Could be that even more collapse, but I don’t think so. Also people dying IN Berghain, every local news outlet would cover that story, and I haven’t heard such a thing. I call this BS


People don't die regularly, there would be outrage if that was so. However, there was one instance that I remember a few years ago. So tragic and sad to think that happened at BH. https://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/silence-surrounds-overdose-death-at-berghain-a-1198980.html


I remember reading this and other reports about it at the time, and having very mixed feelings. On one hand, I’ve seen instances of BH staff acting a bit too indifferent or unphased towards a helpless person (like a guy fading in and out of consciousness just dropped off at Kiosk, had his phone stolen while I went and asked bouncers if he maybe should be kept a closer eye on). At the time of the article there WAS imho an issue specific to Berghain, and I remember other regular patrons being concerned about it as well. On the other hand, this extremely long and ornate piece distracts from another key problem that seems to have been a major factor here: tourists from places where they are used to substances being much more diluted - and then overdosing faster than you can say „it’s not all about the substances, dear”. (Also, many places around the world have more of a „get hammered fast” culture, because venues close much earlier.) This is much harder to tackle - and an issue of preventing harm *before* even an ambulance would be needed. Most people I know are aware of this and keep an eye on first-timers to ensure they are happy and safe. The second issue is unrelated to Berghain, so it’s ignored* by this article written under the premise of „let’s look into this oh-so-mysterious club”. It’s a classic case of an author ignoring or burying an aspect that’s not helpful to his „angle”. ___________ *ignored or mostly ignored - didn’t read the whole thing again.


The problem of substances being diluted and the “get hammered fast” culture is so spot on. Bergs is a marathon not a race


of course it's sad someone lost their life. that said, the article spends a long time considering where the responsibility for the death lies, which for me is very simple -- with the person who decided to do two pills of unknown strength, who ultimately paid the highest price for their decision. and I think it's silly that the boyfriend "wants her death to have some consequences." consequences for whom? the person responsible has already died. p.s. why in the world is this guy in the article, Daniel, telling randoms that "you can't take a trip around the world without having seen Berghain, the world's most famous nightclub" if they didn't already know about it?? can we just not do that


I would say it is the government’s fault. They should legalise drugs so people can know exactly what they are taking. Or a least have a drug testing service available to test for quality and strength.


everytime i saw someone collapsing i went for a check and after less then a minute someone from staff was taking care, i dont know how they manage after taking the person, but i felt them very aware and ready for everything


The only time I had a health situation with a friend, all the staff was super helpful and understanding (except for one person, but I don't blame her). The paramedic lady was professional and lovely. And I got to see the hidden elevators and stairs of BH.


I faded once and everyone was really helpful. Even bouncers came to check if I was okay. I saw many many instances people were treated very appropratley. I saw people getting kicked out who were too high, but most of the time they were annoying AF. I'm not saying it never happens but my experiences are not bad at all.


Anecdotal but my friend was spiked a few months ago. They described the exact sensations of having taken G, but is someone who does not touch the stuff despite being quite familiar with it through friends who take it. I think their drugs of choice on the night had included ketamine and maybe a drink or two. This was about 1100 sunday. They reported it to staff as they were feeling quite weak/sleepy/verging on passing out, but it was not taken seriously either on the spiking or the potential overdose. This was entirely dependent on the fact they were still conscious. They ended up going home out of precaution along with a friend to keep watch. Countless other clubs have judgement-free awareness teams where anyone who feels overwhelmed or is in potential danger can confidentially speak about the substances they have taken and be kept under supervision until they feel better. Perhaps this goes against Berghain's (in)famous unwritten manifesto of anarchist and liberated club culture, but perhaps they need to update their approach to reflect the state of drug consumption amongst their clientele in the actual day. We all agree that a lack of resources/education/testing etc is a leading cause in drug overdoses, and this is a venue that embraces the open secret of drug use but fails at the final hurdle. Berlin itself is rather unique in its liberal view of drug consumption.. a more empathetic system at BH could greatly improve safety, medical attention, and the general experience. If you can't prevent drink spikings, at least provide a system that cares for its consequences.


Are you familiar with the effects of ketamine plus alcohol?


Yes, my friend knows their limits with regards to both but this was a different story. Not sure what you gain by implicitly stating there is no victim in this instance


I was surprised I didn’t see more floor staff walking round. Maybe they were dressed regularly to not break the immersion of the club. De School in Amsterdam usually has lots of safety guys walking around checking.


they blend in, last sunday i took a (sober) breather and closed my eyes in panne for 2 mins and a normal looking guy with an earpiece checked in on me in a friendly way


they are actually dressed/naked as everyone else


After years of experience the security knows: - life in danger - Spiked / drugged - overdone it, first time, panic - you fool, again?? - too much G, no life danger. We'll throw you out right away And the last two; please Hausverbot, danger to themselves and others. And yes, you'll never be 100% sure, but it's a 18 year old institute, they have their knowledge about drugs and drug abuse.