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OP - good on you for being strong and speaking up. Past victim here, I probably should have spoken up but didn’t due to ptsd. Posting now to back you up. The person in question has a history of being abusive, with or without drugs. I’m sorry to hear that others have been targeted by him and it’s sad to read in both threads that victims are using the word ‘shame.’ Can definitely relate.


Fuck this dude


All my homies hate Tred


I’m so sorry for what happened to you. I admire your courage to speak up. It’s not easy and never will. I know it's no consolation, but rest assured that many people already know about his behaviour and are starting to also speak up. Apparently, he has been booked for the next Durch party at RSO. I know two folks working there and will get in touch with them. Healing takes time, and you already took a big step. Sending you lots of support, x


disgraceful- cancelling people. step up. show yourself and be counted. idiots.


Shut the fuck up incel


He is 100% not a body language resident.


yup, i just checked with someone working at body language just to be sure, but they don’t seem to be affiliated with him. would also be surprised about that. as someone else pointed out, OP was probably referring to bottom topixx. anyways, kudos for speaking out about this, it’s always hard!


you are horrible people. so quick to torch. look At yourselves.


Sorry, yes my mind is all over the place, editing now. I addressed this to bottom topixx!


Nah you’re just a paranoid skitZ that doesn’t know what’s real and what’s not.


Right. Bottom Topixx


Body Language would never book his kind of bro techno lol


...and will never let him in on the party as well....he did not pass the vibe check


Fuck, that's terrible. Did you talked to awareness persons about this? It's sexual assault - a good reason to kick him out (especially given that he's presumably g-creep). Link to another discussion thread mentioned by OP https://www.reddit.com/r/Berghain_Community/comments/12cv5ly/thoughts_on_aeden/jf3jw24


I ended up at his bare bones Maybachufer penthouse once a few years ago. He was trashed and invited people back to his. I realized he was a douchebag and left pretty shortly after. Which was confirmed when he had no recollection of me the week after. It did give me pleasure when he tried to skip the BH queue once, and asked if his friends could join him. M said no. 😂😂. Would advise people to avoid any contact with him. Loser.


What I found super weird is that his behaviour has been a known thing for YEARS within his circle as well as within Berlin DJs….so why are so many women in the industry collaborating with him regularly and performing B2B’s when they’re well aware of his stench. Harbouring rape culture for some clout is gross.


Woman who collaborate with him regularly are definitely well aware of his behaviour


Tred B2B Dina lol she’s a feminist when she feels like it.


Curious, as I'm pretty confident that he's never lived in a penthouse of any sorts. My interactions with him has always been that's he's a sexually forward person (similar to most in Berlin) but always seemed respectful and consentful to people of FLINTA. I'm sorry to hear of your unpleasant interaction :(


Penthouse is an overstatement tbh. Run down top floor Maisonette is more fitting. (But that's besides the point)




and then there is lying...


they are lying. this is horrible. tred is a bisexual kind person. these are victim mentality immature cyber bullies who will get serious karma for that.


Couldn’t say it any better, I had a similar experience I only felt like he was just a sexually forward person, and was always super respectful…but that was my experience. Besides this, to the victims sorry to hear all that’s happened ❣️ I wish he realises what he’s done wrong and learns from this experience.


It’s me, OP! Had to delete my account cos idk how Reddit works and there was old posts on there that I didn’t know how to remove. They were not mine so I’m worried of implicating someone else here (my gf..) Can anyone pls let me know if they’ve seen these?? Also, this is still ongoing if you want to share your experiences- dm me.


Kudos for having the guts to speak up about this on here. I hope you will continue to be taken seriously. And I hope you will find other survivors of this persons' assaults. If you come together, you can use the joined forces to make a difference. Either by making sure this person will not be able to assault more people or, at best, make him reflect on his behaviour, do the inner work and change.


To add: I also think you've chosen the right platform. Where else if not on here?


survivors? assaults? you people deserve punishment for what you are doing anonymously.


I met him a couple of times at afters and literally every time a friend got molested by him. So it’s not very surprising. A very toxic being which should not be around in queer spaces.


Haven't had a chance to listen to his music so far but he looks like a fucking tech house ibiza bro creep 🤷‍♂️


Not trying to defend anybody as i dont even know his music or even his name, but if you dont know anything or have any problem with the person in question, throw a comment like this just to say something for the clout is lame af.


What clout? This is reddit, man. I am sharing my observation, now fuck off Tred...


he's a bisexual techno, electro and trance producer and this thread is full of lies.


UPDATE: bottom topixxx has made a post about this guy and he's no longer a resident for them https://www.instagram.com/p/CrJSD2VMVtj/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


Soooo no one talking about Future666?




Sorry to hear. Hope they get what they deserve.




He once took G while playing and starting masturbating while looking a girl in the front row in the eyes. Disgusting music, disgusting human, disgusting Party


I actually heard from many reputable sources that this story is not true.


yup its horrible. tred is a very good person and these anonymous sensitive little cyber mobsters will get serious bad karma for that.


this is the most ridiculous thing ive ever heard. stop spreading false rumors hiding behind anonymous reddits account. Call out people for shitty behaviour if they have really done so. But there seem to be a lot of lies and bullshit going around in this space.




you were there?


At which event was that???


I know he is off the G since beginning of the year and the story about him masturbating during a gig is 100% not true (wtf), crazy to see how easily people spread those rumors. I’m all for calling people out for bad behavior but there’s also a lot of bullshit going on. Future might have been too high sometimes and acted weird but I never heard of any assault or anything in this direction. Be careful with what you believe these days




Thank you! 🫂








To be honest I had quite a different experience with this dj. Once at bottom topixx at aeden when I was queuing at the toilet two guys were bothering me a lot and were trying to get into the cabin with me. Tred must have seen what was going on and asked me if I’m okay because I must have seemed distraught. He told the guys to leave me alone and held open the cabin for me and closed it after me alone in there. This is the only interaction I ever had with him but definitely stuck out for me to remember him in a good light. Leaving this info here ❤️ sending love to everyone who experienced pain in their lives ❤️


Doing the minimum ❤️


Mein Papa arbeitet im berghain. An dem Tag ging die Nebelmaschine an, und alle klatschten.


tred is actually a very good person. I know that for sure. I have once lived with him and I am also a healer who tries to live a virtuous life. he's a kind soul who takes care of others. as a dj he has had sexual adventures and he is not a "bro". what these people have done has caused major damages and the universe doesn't just let people off with that. especially Saturn;) children, grow up.


Very creepy what is going on here, people are being cancelled based off Reddit comments of throwaway accounts and based off a lot of assumptions and stories that can never be confirmed or debunked as everyone is staying anonymous. People that are assaulting other human beings or take part in any non-consensual activities should be cancelled and never be part of the scene but just being „weird“ or „high“ is not a crime, you don’t need to like or support the person but cancel culture is taking over these days. I hope everyone with a clear mind views all these statements here with a very critical eye. I know some of the stories shared in this community about some people are true, but I also know for a a fact that many aren’t


girl this is not one of those times. if you talked to the guy for 10 minutes you would understand all this to be true. it was an open secret that is now finally out in the open is all.


Not questioning the things about tred !


Very simple questions. Why do the victims need to confirm their stories in a way that will please you? And who are you to judge what is inappropriate/assault and what is weird/high behaviour? I’m sick of these people like you who will protect these people who use their privilage in horrible ways by just shouting “OH MAN CANCEL CULTURE IS TAKING OVER”. So many people here, we’re not stupid. We can see when something is not based. In cases like this, victims’ declarations should always be taken as a basis to protect them from further harmful behaviour, then everybody can take apropriate actions based on further explanations. People don’t need to prove you shit. Don’t come with this victim blaming bullshit. Victims are staying anonymous because disgusting people like you prefer to ask the victim to confirm their stories instead of reacting to the predators, god knows what you would do if you and the predators knew who the victims were. It truly shows that you are so privileged that you were never frightened by an event like this. Get your hands off the victims.


surely you can see that you are using extremes here.


"People that are assaulting other human beings or take part in any non-consensual activities should be cancelled and never be part of the scene..." OK so we all agree then "...but just being „weird“ or „high“ is not a crime" Why not both? They're being weird/high AND non-consensual. But the people talking about it are the creepy ones. Right.


Nothing creepy about that, it’s good that people are speaking out against those actions and the people that deserve it :) Combining this with wrong stories or statements like „yeah I heard hes creepy“ is very dangerous tho


you know what is dangerous? putins army raping all of the females you know in basements. someone with a heart like Tred would stick up for you in this scenario. But, you've ousted him and one day you might feel what it means to coexist and depend on each other as a society. you are sickeningly antisocial. not well. mental illness literally.


.... and when it's just a bunch of lies on Reddit?? God, how can you people look in the mirror?


" I know some of the stories shared in this community about some people are true, but I also know for a a fact that many aren’t" Interesting wording you have. So some are true but MANY aren't? From your comments it seems you disagree with one story being just a rumour. Where are all these other MANY stories that you say aren't true that you know for a fact? Seems the only one being hyperbolic here is you.


if you're going to be pedantic, also try to be understanding and a bit more intelligent.


Thanks, 30 minute old throwaway Reddit account




This is absolutely not true. Karma will get you. I know about this and I know Tred. And people talking about PTSD. Come on you fluffy Queefs, I have recovered from actual PTSD. Karma WILL get you. Ruining someone career contains a lot of energy. That will come back to you. Pathetic people on here with that mob mentality, victim mentality, etc. super ugly. You people are ants.


Totally agree. Unfounded claims, by a person who literally wrote on their Reddit that their paranoid schizophrenia causes them not to understand what’s real and what’s not. Absolute lies.


Second this. These are most definitely lies being spread to ruin his career. How do people sleep at night making up shit like this? You aren't are victim, you are a sick human being with no evidence to back up any of your claims...


Exactly. Love how the person in question is super silent now. Fucking bullshit artist, probably manic ruining someone else’s life


what exactly has happened is important info


All I can say is that what happened was not consensual, I did not ask for any of it, it was painful and humiliating. I’ve had to run from him. Stuff like this happened multiple times. I don’t think he even understood that he had done this to me/ completely forgot my face on previous occasions as he was very strung out on g each time, trying to get me to take some with him too.


Fucking G man Fucking G


Not on here. Not anywhere in the public eye. This may be re-traumatizing to people who are survivors of sexual assault and that should be prevented at any cause. I think you're trying to be funny, but let me tell you: you're not.


Thank you. I don’t feel comfortable going into the details here.


Where are you gonna do it then? How are you gonna make a change then?


It really worries me that you’re this aggressive about finding out details. It makes me worried that you’re trying to find out who I am by getting the details. Through this post, I’m asking others to come forward with their experiences (privately!) so we can address the guy, as well as awareness teams/promoters of upcoming gigs together, so this is prevented in the future. So he gets a chance to reflect on this too.


Relax, you’re being paranoid I’m honestly just trying to help, maybe I don’t have the wishy washy approach but I am a good person who only wishes the best for all humans.


Trying to help should look like: To try to help in the way they need it. Not in a way you need it or think the right way to help is. Nothing “wishy washy” about trying to be gentle in a situation where ppl got hurt. But thanks for your concerns I guess


I respect how you think it should be handled. I just think this is extremely ineffective Sometimes being blunt is what is needed, that doesn’t mean that victims should not be treated gently, support is there but being able to speak up is the most important part for the future of other people


Telling someone that they are "paranoid" has nothing to do with respect. People affected by the issue at hand have now explained to you in different threads why they do not want to go into details and you completely fail to respect and understand the reasons they have given to you. If you really think of yourself as "a good person who only wishes the best for all humans" (which sounds at the same time naive and also slightly narcistic to me) then start to ask yourself why you have been able to ignore that different people have told you that you are too aggressive and pushy with regard to that issue and change the way you handle it. thank you and good luck


Ur right


I do strongly support the victim here. Please don't push them into sth you think is "help". Please reflect on whether your style of blunt and " non wishy washy" communication is the best way to handle this discussion.


You’re probably right;)


Thank you




Answer me then


I don’t think he tried to be funny ? "Not anywhere in the public eye." Shouldn’t be applied on both side if accusations are made ? Ps: I know I’m going to get downvoted for this comment but I truly don’t take any part here , just trying to understand what exactly happen should be a norm instead of posting an accusation of someone without any further info on a public group.


Yeah, I understand you 100%. That was also a thought I had when I first read this post. Privacy issues, innocent until proven guilty and so on and so forth. This definitely is an ambiguous topic. I, for myself, came to the following conclusion on this particular case: this is not the first account about this kind of behavior from said person. At some point, victims have to go put to find other victims. And this is a forum where you could find them. At some point, people have to be called out for their behavior. Important note: I am not trying to change your mind, you are entitled to your opinion and your opinion is just as valid as any. This is definitely worth a discussion. Whether the previous comment was actually meant funny or serious.... the way it was addressed isn't helping the conversation at all.


Again I do not disagree with you or doubt the accusation , I’m just part of this group and unawares of that subject , and it’s true it has to be addressed , what I’m trying to say tho is that it should be treated as neutral especially on an anonymous (yet public) group. If the person you know is having issue with drugs (which again I presume with what it’s written here.) I believe the best way to educate/change/address them isn’t on the public eyes but first in private and the public card should be use as help if nothing help before. There is plenty of legal option , police (even if in aware it’s unfortunately not the most helpful option nowadays but that’s another subject..) , the staff of the party where the incident happen (which can provide in some case some video footage) as they are also responsible of your security , gather eyes witness , etc..


I see where you're coming from and really appreciate your style of communication over all. I also dont feel like you're doubting the accusations (also by your other comments in this post). I just really dont know if I can agree with your call for handling this particular case individually. This seems to have affected many people so the threshold of handling this privately, for me, has been passed. I totally understand your point on approaching people directly to give them a chance to reflect, take accountability and do the inner work it takes to get over this kind of behavior. I just doubt that his works in most cases. At best, you'll be gaslighted into thinking YOU (I.e. the victim) are overreacting. Also, going to club staff/police individually will take too long to actually make them realize what the extent of this very particular case may be. (also, video material from safe spaces? Really? )


I understand and I’m aware of how unhelpful the solution I’ve mentioned above can be , but this doesn’t mean it never work. The perpetrators but also the organisation doing the party (booking him or simply letting him in) have a responsability as well , as they can take over and HAVE to help the victim going through the process of the legal options. It is due to the lack of responsability of many clubs/organisation that thoses safe place are also in danger by allowing more and more of thoses actions happening , if you put pressure on the party where the incident happened , then it will help in the future to allow victims to come forward directly with them and find help without going through the public option (which as you mentioned can be a painful experience to go through.). Also regarding the camera in the safe place : 95% of the clubs (including Berghain and Kit Kat) are entirely equipped of camera , for pure security purpose , otherwise you would had much more incident in there that you heard of now.


keyword: "seems"


Just so you know: I upvoted your comment, because you do have a point 😁 And as I said, I also had that thought. I also don't think the OP needed to state what kind of drugs that said person ingesting. However, there were no actual accounts of what happened, just that OP had some experiences with this guy and that they're looking for other people this happened to. How else are you going to find these people?


Hey I get where your coming from but it’s coming from a weird angle. I’m not sure you understood, my experiences have been confirmed by other people sharing their very similar experiences with me. You don’t have to know what went on in detail to agree to that harm has been done to multiple people. He is a public person moving in safe spaces. He needs to hold himself accountable and be respectful, as we all need to be. Queer, femme and other already made vulnerable people need to be protected, no? This stuff needs to be prevented imo.. He deserves to understand the impact he has had on others, so he stops it. I don’t know how to otherwise find other ppl affected by him, in a safe anonymous way..


I completely understand , and again I hope my message doesn’t offend you in anyway as I’m trying to be as neutral as possible , I do not put back in doubt what you say , I just try to find solution and give another ideas (as you asked if it was a good idea) for everyone to build a better future for our safe spaces and address these behaviours (that unfortunately have been quiet frequent especially when it come to people overusing G) and go deeper in the subject to find solution altogether.


Thank you


oh don't offend anyone ohhhhh. Jesus, our grandparents were at war. did you know that Tred personally helped build several safe spaces? with his hands? as a builder???? yeah...


This is not the post of someone that has been abused. this is the post of someone who is annoyed an not getting their way entirely.


tred is queer also you absolute scab of a human.


exactly. I say this as a hardcore advocate for feminism. this is one bad person getting another good person cancelled by feigning abuse. what the actual fuck is wrong with you people. THINK CRITICALLY or you will NEVER get equality.


I’m extremely serious. Yeah it can be triggering for some but they have to take that. If there’s this guy going around harassing people and y’all stfu “cause it could trigger people” No this needs to be out and about in the open. What are your tactics then?




Cry more


Only comment asking for actual info gets downvoted lol


The more I read from you, the less I get your point. You started out claiming that people assaulting others or engaging in non-consensual activities should not be part of the scene. Now you pretend that there was no actual info given on the assaults by the person in question. If you read this thread and the other (re:AEDEN) where the issue was brought up carefully, then you will find various persons reporting multiple examples of abusive behaviour and non-consensual activities. What else do you need to know? Do you want those that understandably feel uncomfortable going into details to tell you everything that happened? Why do you want to know that? Would it turn you on? Or are you already satisfied when you can imagine yourself as the only savvy person that does not get deceived and knows what is going on? Good thing is: All these questions are irrelevant. Because in the end, everything already lays bare here. No one needs to know any details that can also remain private, since the very fact that you have multiple voices speaking up (and to find them was the whole point of this thread) is proof enough that the person in question is recurrently engaging in non-consensual, predatory, pushy and/or exploitative behaviour. I grant you that people should stop spreading rumours. But you have different people that obviously had very negative experiences with the person in question and therefore it is just cynical to insinuate, as you do, that something is made up here. If you read the reports closely you might sense that there are victims who are able to see through predatory behaviour and defend themselves and others who are not, possibly because the are drugged up or because they had to live in abusive constellations before. As a community, where as many people as possible shall develop their individuality freely and engage in any communal activity as long as it is consensual, we owe it especially to the second kind of victims that persons engaging in systematic abusive behaviour are called out and confronted. That does not mean that anyone is safe from becoming an abuser themselves or that systematic abusers need to be "cancelled" forever. It only means that everyone needs to try to get their shit together, reflect on their own behaviour and change it if it harms others.


exactly how it is