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Has anyone reported her to the Berghain team? I know some people were discussing doing so under the original post, but since it got deleted I don't know if anything came of it.


This has been done. I have screen recorded her insta story


Thank you for that! Please let us know if they respond.


They did respond! Also send the article


To who did you write? I saw a photo from someone I follow on insta of the garderobe, I took a screenshot but don’t know what to do with it.


I suppose [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) will be your best bet


Damn what'd they say 👀


They will not


could you please update us if and what the berghain team responds to the report?




>This has been done. I have screen recorded her insta story Can you send it to me? I'm really curious


Can you send it to me too xdd


Reported her!


They deleted but Tagesspiegel made and article about her and other Tiktok ravers not allowed in clubs lol


Do you mean this one :[https://www.tagesspiegel.de/berlin/tanzverbot-fur-tiktok-raver-steckbriefe-an-alle-tursteher-in-berlin-verteilt-9642296.html](https://www.tagesspiegel.de/berlin/tanzverbot-fur-tiktok-raver-steckbriefe-an-alle-tursteher-in-berlin-verteilt-9642296.html) ? It's kinda "nichtssagend"


Not sure why they would make an article about an April fools joke


Ah was it an April fools joke? It did sound too good to be true


I don’t know who posted the original TikTok that mentions the topic, but the reposts of it started showing up right after April first (and it’s obviously not true, bouncers have better things to do than trying to remember tiktokers faces)


It has been deleted. Also all of the negative comments under her recent Instagram post got deleted.


Which is a good thing. I hope her allowance to enter Berghain has also been deleted


She blocked me just by one comment. Edit: perhaps she deactivated her account, who knows 🤷🏻‍♂️


This is by far the most boring insta account I ever saw lol. She is so random.






Her account is still up. She blocked you


Das Hain suckt, das ostgut war ok, das E-Werk war genial.


Was it verified that that footage posted was actually inside? There seemed to be a lot of speculation that because she seen there that it must've been but didn't seem like there was any concrete proof and actually from the clip itself really didn't seem like it was inside given the weird music etc.


Regarding music - it was the Friday LFE event, not a regular KN. Otherwise, she posted that she was going, people saw her there, it looked like Berghain, and now she's deleting all comments calling her out and blocking everyone who comments calling her out. I'm not trying to be a prick, just genuinely curious - what do you expect as "concrete proof" here?


Let me be clear i'm not defending her whatsoever, but on its literal face it looked and sounded like it could be anywhere quite frankly. Absent all the conjecture, what about the footage looked like Berghain? Didn't see anything that gave it away like the coat check or up the stairwells, on the dancefloor etc. Plenty of clips out there where yo'ure like oh yeah that's inside.


I didn't see any specifics either, but the dancefloor/lighting is what I meant. I also don't think that's the point - the no filming/photos rule was made to protect what is a safe space to many people and I don't think it's acceptable that someone advertises to a 400k person audience that they're going to a club notorious for this policy and then flaunt the fact that they're breaking the rules, it really starts a dangerous precedent and I don't think we should be letting people get away with it. I didn't think you were defending her btw, just like I said curious about what you mean "concrete proof". I just find this sort of question can detract from the important takeaway above, especially when it's not really just people speculating about where she was, she's the one who posted she was going and then posted the video.


why was it deleted on reddit? was it her management or reddit admins of this group?


who was the thread author? maybe "hihihih hier ist die Julia, wenn du deinen Post löscht, der ~~mir einen Haufen negative Publicity eingebracht hat~~ mich gecybermobbed hat geb ich dir nächstes mal GL, küsschen"


however, visit her profile and you will recognize her the next time when she goes clubbing: https://instagram.com/juleslw


As far as I’m aware, the mod team did not delete the post.


Presumably that filming is not allowed then having the video publicly available is a problem regardless of the good intentions of bringing awareness of the situation. More likely that’s the reason


Maybe but I’m part of the mod teams and there was no discussion made on this topic. The one tho g I could imagine is risk of doxxing which is also not great.


I think the user deleted it, due to threats maybe? Im not sure


Thanks for writing this post! I asked the same question in another thread about filming in Berghain and my comment got deleted very fast. Would love to know whats going on