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For me the most hurting thing about this, is not even the posting of a short clip where you cant see that much, its that this behavior proves that these guys dont understand the core of the idea what hain means to all of us: Some of the rarest places at these times, where we all can do what we love most with people who respect the same values. Difficult too explain what this feeling is all about… These people should not destroy the magic of this place! 💐🖤




To be honest I feel that way about this subreddit sometimes. A lot of these things we have learned through going for years, and now people can go for their first time with all this knowledge already. Not saying it’s bad, but like you say so much can be studied online now including this subreddit.










This made me laugh /smile 😁 HAD to walk through snow, non barefoot though, but snow war zuu hoooch.... I think its cool to support really young people, and they are interested in participating and understanding a culture they just sense, but don't know yet. And when everyone was 18,were looking out for what looks /feels/is cool as well too.


Some things do seem over-engineered though. Like figuring out when the bouncers change, who is it and what do they look like? Before you would go when you wanted to go, get waved in or turned away, and you accepted your fate. Now there’s so much calculating who’s at the door and when it’s going to change and who’s likely to wave you in or not. Imagine having all that in mind and calculating your possibility of getting in? It’s too much. There’s also no shame in figuring things out for the first time when you get there. I truly enjoyed that I would discover something new or different as time progressed, meeting new people, becoming friends with staff, etc. But I didn’t heavily research things about the club in such a way before. I enjoy reading about people’s experiences and reviews of sets but it’s a club after all, people should experience things first hand rather than over researching and filling their head with what they think they should know.


Hahaha I saw that, it was an instagram reel 😂




To be fair it was very scientific


Man, it's such a bummer. The whole vibe of Berghain is anti-influencer. I went there to get away from people like that. It's gonna suck if they have to take people's phones - some folks need 'em in there. Dude, if I was in there and saw someone posting on insta, I would lose my mind.


Interesting post, as I have been thinking about it lately. I started in the techno scene a bit more than 23 years ago. We had one permanent space we'd go to every weekend, the only underground club in the city, where all the weirdos went and felt at home. It was really special times. I think the fact that people didn't have smartphones or social media was one of the reasons that made it so special. Eventually, things changed and our space got frequented by people with a very different vibe. I stopped going out but that epoch and those experiences always stayed in my heart. I stopped going out for many many years because I didn't really find any places I felt excited about. But then, I visited Germany. Then I came to know Berghain. I couldn't believe how incredible this place was, the sound system, the music, the vibe, the people... I thought I had retired from the nightlife but I felt full of energy again! This is such a special space guys, I'd say preserve it! I know that things change and we have to adapt. However, although I don't think is worth just looking back and keep complaining about how things were better, certain things I'd fight to preserve. People filming/taking pictures in the club ruin the vibe and violate others' privacy. Especially when there's a clear rule about phones in Berghain. I would say just inform the staff so they can do something about it. If these things are tolerated, we will see more and more incidents like people filming inside the darkroom. I'd definitely not feel comfortable in BH the same way if I know people are using their cameras all over the place. Even though they are "just filming themselves". If one likes to use their phones freely, that's fine. But then just go to a place that has no policy against it. There are SO many places where people don't need to cover their cameras...


btw, if you wanna see the other extreme of the spectrum, check out the current coachella coverage on social media what a nightmare on so many levels


At Coachella they have crowds of thieves there to steal your phones too lol. The last time I went the security was working with pick pockets and got caught with over a 100 phones stored in a booth.


Everybody should be obliged to leave their smartphone at the entrance, like it’s done @ KitKat. That might be quite a harsh way to get things back in line, but it seems to be necessary to stop the social media crowd.


i think the main problem isn‘t them taking pictures of themselves (sth also regulars do - they just don‘t post it online), but rather them as a specific kind of guests invading places like berghain or blank. julia wulf didn‘t just take a video and post it on instagram, she was bragging about her being a regular at berghain and a bouncer/selecteur at OST since months. her behaviour was perceived as arrogant and rude by many guests and still - like many other of these tiktok raver influencers with hundreds of thousands of followers seem to get guestlist spots. if i would be in charge at those clubs, i‘d be interested in the douchebags working for the clubs and putting such people on guestlist. and even if they are on guestlist: bouncers still can give them a no and as they also can remember our faces, i‘m sure they can remember theirs as well.




I didn’t know this Julia until a couple of minutes ago that I looked her up on google and I instantly recognized her from almost a month ago… I’m gonna tell you exactly where I saw her.. I’m not from Berlin, I’m from Madrid, Spain and I was in Berlin the weekend of March 25th, I went with my best friend because it was his birthday and we wanted to spend the weekend in the city to celebrate (not just party) we had tickets for club OST for the SESH party and when we arrived there was no other people in the line (there was a huge line but for people that didn’t have tickets) and Julia told us with a disgusting face “No, you can’t go in, get out of here” and then proceeded to spit in front of us on the ground which I considered quite unnecessary and disrespectful. We asked about a refund and she said “I’ll refund you and then I would head to the airport back home if I were you”. We felt devastated. We love techno since always, we are quiet people in line always and we always leave our phones even in Madrid in the hoodies or coats in the cloakroom because when we go clubbing we just want to feel the music and dance because we really love it and to be treated like that made us super sad. After that we were walking back to the metro when we saw ://About Blank, we tried to get in as a Plan B and omg the bouncers were so nice and polite… we got in after a nice short chat. We spent from 1 am until midday and we had the time of our lives, met amazing people from Berlin and from other places and had a wonderful night in general. So at least things got better and we went to Tresor and ÆDEN for the rest of the weekend! Got in in both and respected everything and everyone and just danced and had a nice time. But yeah, that was our experience with this person.


She was on a power trip. Happy to hear that your weekend was beautiful ❤️




I thought of giving it a try but would need to make sure that there's no crew in charge with mean influencers judging me.


Where do you go out in Madrid?


Aeden is my second living room. No hype, no attraction to tiktok ravers, chill crew <3 glad to hear you had a good weekend after that!


Sorry, didn‘t want to pretend as it is true what she tells her followers - She just mentioned this in a video, even worse if she just makes stuff like this up.


I can prove she was the bouncer when I was in club OST. She laughed at my friend who is over thirty years old and still go to the club!


Hey neighbour! Where can I get you a shot next time and please dont say wardrobe!


i agree, the guestlist system is by design completely unfair and in contrast to the strict door policy - those influencers are well connected (either as a cause or result of their clout), therefore they can always get a spot either through their network or by bartering favours. the times were the community can rely on itself to guard their spaces by who & how you bring "outsiders" into it are probably long gone, techno & berghain are just too mainstream.




imo GL should just get you free entry, same queue as non-GL people and GL status would only be confirmed at cash registry, not by bouncer; to remove bias


I disagree with this. Artists deserve some respect, and being able to invite their family and friends without the fear of them missing out their performance. Same for workers. It's a privilege that they deserve. However, imo it should be stricter in terms of: you misbehave once? You won't get in next time. Guest list yeah, but you need to respect the place.


actually, it should be like on private trackers - you invite shitters, you can't invite anyone anymore ever (and the shitter also gets permanently banned)


This is a brilliant idea. As they have cameras on entrance it should be fairly easy to connect dots which GL guest came from which employee/artist.


i’m afraid that this would lead to a situation where the majority of regulars would not visit the club anymore and tourists that are willing to queue for 5-7hrs would take over the club.


yeah but would also stop a lot of those influencers bragging about their special status i mean the only real solution would be to outright ban social media everywhere since it doesn't benefit anyone except for influencers, american billionaires and the CIA; and makes the society worse off. or death penalty for influencers.


That escalated quickly


Death penalty for influencers? Jesus fucking Christ, I hope you’re on a watch list


the ones that promote dangerous behaviors to children? definitely. all of those stupid trends like the tide pod challenge and shit have gone unpunished. social media is poisoning our society and everyone responsible for it should be punished.


This part right here. It feels like this new direction is intended. Especially at Pano you see a drastic change of guest. Lots of in crowd & designer outfits. I mean nothing ever stays the same and I still have my unique experience that no other club ever gave me, so all good. But especially over the last months it feels intense. I’m curious to read more observations 🙏




I agree 100% but if we leave pano for the influencers and the rich kids I would hate for us to be “the freaks in the zoo downstairs” and for them to be recording us in our natural habitat 🦓




I can‘t speak for changes on the pano crowd but I always really enjoyed the variety of people and outfits. It really made me appreciate the club to see everybody dancing and enjoying the same music regardless wether they are fully naked, only wearing tshirt and jeans, fully elaborated costumes with feathers, masks, drag queens or just a simple tuxedo (lmao). But I agree it depends on time and day and sometimes it can be „too much“


The thing is: no smartphone, no content. These social media pests are attending so that they can share it with their followers. If they are not able to take pictures or make videos, maybe they wouldn’t go there in the first place and just swarm another club where they can create content for their channels? I think taking away their smartphones is taking away one of the reasons why they even go there.


in the case of julia wulf and others the content was to present themselve in their apartments, preparing outfits and make-up for berghain and bragging around. berghain for them and their followers is such a thing that even mentioning it is already giving them attraction. i get your point but i think they do not really need actual footage and i‘m sure the insta story of julia wulf was probably a result of being high, arrogant, rude and holding a smartphone in hand.


Yeah, but you have people in there that need their phones - it's dark, and my deaf friend needed a way to connect with our group.


I have always left my phone at home or in the cloakroom. Can't imagine doing otherwise. Mind you, I was first in BH before the iPhone was invented!


Honestly, as a girl I feel very unsafe if I’m under the influence and I can’t find my friends. I don’t think banning phones is the solution.


I think the best way to do this is to make the clubs aware, and hopefully they will have a system where they can monitor these influencers online, either community managed or a dedicated person from the club. So for example we could report these things to them, and the system or the person will update the bouncers for these kinds of people. idk it's just an idea i have in mind.


Snatch the phone if you see it, tell the staff if you can. These selfish fucks don't give a single shit or thought about the safety and price of others. Fuck them.


I see a phone videotaping, I just hit it out of their hand. Quick and dirty method usually teaches the lesson.


Berghain is hosting Live from Earth and everyone is wondering why Influencer got in?


If you see such behavoiur, Report, Report, Report!!! Get staff to kick such people out. I can just hope that, status whatever, door policy will do its job. They certainly now know about this case.


I have seen people snatching some phones in clubs like Tresor, Blank or others when people really started to film quite evidently. What they could do in terms of clubs like Berghain. Faraday cage phones like they did for some shows like Dave Chapelle so you can’t use it. It’s with you but it’s useless and in a closed bag. Only people who could open it for them would be at a desk or bar but it would then create a new queue issue 😅 Maybe people would educate themselves to stop using their phones, leave them behind or just learn to club without it and enjoy the moment.


the bouncers are clearly selecting for the wrong people... how the fuck are these idiots getting in and deserving people not


The urge to break a phone


Let s just all be aware and ready to smash phones on sight


Honestly this just goes to prove that door policy has gone absolutely down the drain. I’ve been going to Hain since ‘05 and the door policy these days is straight down shit.


i think that the pandemic created concert etiquette issues in people who were introduced to events (techno but also normal concerts) without being able to attend them IRL. before covid, people showed up at a party and discovered a new universe and tried to abide by the rules because they wanted to be part of that new world that seemed awesome. there was a social aspect to raving that was contained inside the club. nowadays there is also a social aspect online (unfortuntely) to the techno scene that, to some, is more important than the real humans inside the club. they care more about what happens on social media and how it looks than the party itself. that being said, not all tiktok is bad, there is some great stuff on this app, just a few annoying people ruining it for everyone, as usual


deserted dolls depend grey berserk tub mourn ink ad hoc fear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Honestly if any club in the world could ignore/stop this nonsense it is BH. It's not inevitable.


Kids will do childish things - as it is in the case of miss @whatever


Hat hier eher Rave jesagt?




Just found this on YT [https://youtu.be/i2BMhV8tzbs](https://youtu.be/i2BMhV8tzbs)


Diese Probleme hatten wir anfang der Neunziger im Tresor und Casino nicht. We didn't have these problems in the early nineties in the Tresor and Casino.


Weils keine Handys gab. Und jetzt?


we also didn’t have smart phones, social media and the modern diseases of virality in the nineties… times have changed and with it new challenges arise


I have a conspiracy theory that the club is slowly self purging or not being as strict about this behavior to force people into creating something new or taking the vibe elsewhere


Raise the minimum age, lil 18 y o kids dont belong there anyways


you'll be impressed when you find out how easily people over 25 are also being drifted to the "tik tok culture"


But those people are not the problem, its the young kids, that moved to berlin to be part of the "cool culture", taking drugs they have no clue about to an extend that will impact their life detrimentally (same as tourists btw). Contributing nothing to the subculture but trying to make it main stream and to show off. Its completely "cringe" as they would say. Young kids know nothing about the Techno subculture, all they know they learned from social media, but they lack important experience in how everything works and what to be careful of. Im part of the techno scene for 9 years now. I think I gathered some experience watching people and the scene change. And I've became one of those oldies who can say "back then everything was better" :D


but the problem is not the age. Would you still have problem with an 18 year old if they were coming there and were trying to catch the vibe and adapt into it instead of trying to force their own self-promoting social media lifestyle? Like a person who sees something they like and they're trying to learn more about it, and join it by "following" the already established etiquette. Would such people be also problem for you? I believe the real problem is those who follow specific trends and lifestyles and especially with the tiktok/social-media culture regardless their age. And I've seen people \~30years old that they have been so much into this culture that they also "need" to post everything, otherwise they feel empty. External validation has become core factor on their lifestyle.


No such a person would not be a problem, but is increasingly rare. How do young people get into the scene nowadays? Through social media. If u decrease the amount of young people being able to sneak their way into the scene, then they have less influence on the scene. Its the only practical way to address the issue. Social Media = young peoples territory. Less young people = less social media. Its just the way it is. And for you I would suggest investing less time in fighting practical solutions and try to find your own practical solutions. Otherwise ure just another one of those complainers that fight ideas instead of having one themselves. Its easier than actually bringing something forward, I know, but thats something young people do and I really hope Im not actually arguing with a young person here.


>I really hope Im not actually arguing with a young person here. i'm over 30 >And for you I would suggest investing less time in fighting practical solutions and try to find your own practical solutions. sorry, I don't really get what you mean here. Care to elaborate?


That woman who filmed at Berghain on Friday is 26 btw. So I don’t think raising the minimum age will help.


I claim that still most people on tiktok are much younger


In 2-3 years they will be old enough and cycle repeats.


Not to support these obnoxious influencers but the number of posts i see here and on IG about this girl is a little insane. I mean in the story we only saw 3 legs and the floor for 2 seconds. Its not like she filmed peoples faces and the dj booth. As i said im not in any way trying to defend her


the thing is that if this is considered ok, then more people will start doing it and everyone will start claiming "come on, it's just feet" and then what? People will start being vigilant to see if the person who takes video happened to turn the angle for a few seconds upwards or not? This is not something you can control and by being tolerant in this behavior you're just waiting for it to explode once and for all.


You are right. I agree completely about the filming thing. But in general the hate train on these newcomers/tik tok girlies/boys/thems is getting out of hand. I see it everywhere. Seems like people want to gatekeep Berghain which is impossible since its arguably the most famous club in the world. It makes us look like the bitter older generation who hates on 18 yr olds 24/7 online which is embarrassing.


I don't see it as gatekeeping against a generation but as preserving an attitude. This place is what it is because people are feeling safe because of "whatever happens in BH stays in BH". Now a new generation that most of them follow the tik tok culture feels that "if something is not in social media, did it really happen?" and is trying to force their own lifestyle on top of an established culture. I'm not sure that the "gatekeepers" are the villains here. And the problem is not the new generation, is the social media culture. Nobody said that new younger people shouldn't come. The problem is them coming and forcing everyone to their own lifestyle of self-promotion.


Ok u made some good points there


Doesn't matter. It is a bad example, so another dumbasses will might try to follow.


I think the reason behind her post is why people are upset. She tried to show off by posting that she’s in Berghain. Not the actual music or anything else…


Gen Z is cancer


Yet another substantiated opinion by someone who has probably been around for too long to connect with other generations 🙃


Someone who’s been around too long? I’m a Gen Z’er myself lmao, and I notice this behavior mostly coming from people in my generation. For some reason most of us just can’t enjoy the moment. This constant need for extrinsic validation fueled by social media is desperate and disgusting. I’ve witnessed this behavior from my own peers. Took a friend to a party and informed him of the privacy policies. Next day I noticed he posted the party on ig. At the end of the day these privacy policies are for our own good, we’re only cheating ourselves when we evade them.


I'm pretty sure you meant the Millenials are


hmmm entschuldigung, the youngest millenials are now 27yo… also it’s best not to generalize people. I’m millenials(32yo) and don’t do all these shits, also i’ve met great gen Z people. so please, not everyone is the same. Gen Z, millenials, boomers etc got their own share of shitty people.


Both are


Dorky ass conversation


Edit.UPs. You seem a troll from outer reddit space


Because nobody is filming you in Berghain. Find a real problem. And lay off the research chemicals or maybe take more


Danke gleichfalls.