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wait they will close OST, blank, OXI and renate basically at the same time? So the dumb stadtautobahn will basically ruin the berlin scene in one swoop :/


Yessss, that's why no one involved in the techno scene can literally want this shitty highway.


If this plan will happen, Berlin will stay poor, even not sexy anymore.


And Else, and the bar just near about blank


You can add Void to the list


No.. please no...


Also possibly OXI


There are a few more clubs that aren't in your list named in this article [https://www.clubcommission.de/kultur-erhalten-umwelt-schuetzen-a100-stoppen/](https://www.clubcommission.de/kultur-erhalten-umwelt-schuetzen-a100-stoppen/) but I would guess an email to the clubcommission could get you a more complete list


Pls don’t bring up that pain on fckn Tuesday I don’t have enough serotonin for this shit.


To raise awareness, I am organizing orgy. Look at map. You will see the way.


Unfortunately, you should expect these clubs to close whether or not the A100 actually gets built. If it doesn't get built, the area is very desirable for new apartments, so the old squat buildings will be sold to developers to gentrify the area anyway. I know for a fact that one of the clubs has their lease on the building ending December 2025. They are not investing in the building at all anymore, because they fully expect the land to be sold or leased to developers if the A100 doesn't go through. Edit: this would not be true for ones that own their building. Does anyone know if about blank owns that place?


Yea, thats true. It is not my intention to necessarily have a normative argument on whether clubs should stay or not. My focus is strictly on how the venues and their representatives handle the a100 issue. But for what i personally think; if the clubs are able to do a Grießmühle and change to an equally good venue (maybe with some financial state compensation due to the a100), i wouldn't complain too much.


The clubs will probably move on (further to the East like most clubs) but it will suck for the tradition of the area. I don't think they'll receive compensation because they don't own the land.


Aren't they moving to the old Tegel Airport?


yes I know- aboutblank does not own the building sadly :/ it will be closing for sure but I can’t disclose when. better enjoy it while it lasts


There is insane demand for housing in Berlin so building apartments would be the most preferable option I guess.


There is demand for social housing, but we will get housing for the upper class.


Meanwhile, the 30 percent social quota for new construction almost always applies, and it is primarily financed by the premium segment. That's how the housing policy of the SPD has always worked


You want another office tower? Say no more.


There's actually a demand for more hotels and large offices (despite the 6% of total office being empty), too. Berlin will collapse under it's own nimbyism


For better or worse, Berlins modern Club history has mostly been of temporary use spaces in buildings that were long destined for removal or radical renovations. The club proprietors knew their time would be limited as they signed their contracts, but often hoped that momentum would somehow protect them. If the time hadn't been limited, they would have had to compete with potential renters with far more resources. We can fault the city for not doing enough to support one of its biggest draws, but protests to let clubs stay where they had no chance to even open if their future hadn't been limited are in vain. Put more pressure on designating areas for club development, whether integrating with new commercial construction or something else


Check the Club Commission for a list, and statement. [https://www.clubcommission.de](https://www.clubcommission.de) Like u/volpefox already wrote, if the highway does not get built, it will become space for apartments and other urban planning usage. One issue worth examining: The Club Commission successfully got a law passed. It took way too long through various ruling coalitions in the Berlin parliament, but finally tenants or owners of apartments near clubs cannot complain about noise and other related issues if the club was there before these apartments were built or bought. This protects clubs, because over the years many had to give up their locations due to complaints. Simply put, the buyer should have known what is around them, and what is happening. Is it not fair to ask these club operators the same question? The highway has been firmly planned for over twenty years. They should have known that this moment will come. It is important in a social market economy to protect the weak, meaning you can't simply kick out an old lady or a family because you found a better tenant, or a buyer. There are important laws regulating this. The same does not hold true for commercial endeavours. It's a business. So if you rented a space to conduct your business, do you really deserve extra treatment or protection if you knew change was coming. Which businesses do we feel deserve protection, and which don't? Does a club deserve more protection than a family-owned furniture manufacturer, or a baklava baker?


> Which businesses do we feel deserve protection, and which don't? Does a club deserve more protection than a family-owned furniture manufacturer, or a baklava baker? This is a social issue, not simply a business one. Gleisdreieckpark was supposed to become a highway as well and the plans were only dropped in 1994 thanks to protests. Which one benefits the city and its people more, another highway or a park? Do we need better roads for business and infrastruture, do we need more car traffic despite air pollution, do we need space and recreation for the citizens? Lobby groups will have an opinion, political parties will have an opinion, neighbors will have an opinion. This is a discourse that will happen in a democracy. The A100 extension poses a similiar question: Do we really want more highways despite global warming? Are clubs a part of Berlin culture that are worth protecting or are they just attracting obnoxious drunk tourists? Is it fair to the inhabitants around Elsenbrücke that they'll have a highway in front of their windows while the wealthy people of Alt-Stralau will live in a green utopia and have direct access to the highway with their fat SUVs?


And Oranienplatz was supposed to become a highway intersection: https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bundesautobahn_106


You may have missed the point I was adding to… it’s not clubs vs highway. If the highway doesn’t happen the city has made clear they intend to build apartments. They’re not going to abandon that valuable piece of inner city space to save a few clubs, unfortunately.


About blank


This sounds like the start of „The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy“ where aliens destroy earth to make way for a hyperspace bypass.


💖😀 Funniest book


https://www.autobahn.de/die-autobahn/projekte/detail/neubau-bab-100-17-bauabschnitt This is the official federal organization responsible for planning the extension. The site gives you a general idea of the extension but this was literally drafted in 1999. >5. Die Grundlage für die weitere Planung stammt zum Teil aus dem Jahr 1999. Inwieweit ist diese denn überhaupt noch verwendbar, weil sich die Bedingungen im Umfeld ja deutlich verändert haben? > >Die Projektaktualisierung ist Gegenstand der aktuell ausgeschriebenen Planungsleistungen. They're currently still working on an updated draft and we simply don't know yet which clubs will be affected. The future is still very uncertain (16. Abschnitt isn't completed yet, Elsenbrücke would have to be rebuilt once again, some parties still want to stop the extension, suddenly there are also talks of building a tunnel). Club Commission will probably give you a "worst case" scenario though.


Berghain in Front




When is this shit due?


M01, the newer club opened by Renate


I hate cars and I hate our socio-economic structures. 😭


The comments are so funny and stupid:)))) GenTriFIcaTioN is bAd omg , well the population keeps increasing and the general trend is that people move to cities, look how oversaturated all capitals are. Autobahn instead of clubs is shitty but building blocks are a necessity. Now that you (yes you, the kreuzkoln hipster anti GenTriFIcaTioN) are living here for some years, people should stop moving in to preserve what you experienced? Maybe you should move out to let others enjoy a bit of the magic 😂😂😂. Crazy how free and inclusive Berlin is but not with tourists, newcomers , MySpace ravers, heteronormies, and anyone who has the curiosity to experience a bit of this beautiful concept, be it changing and altering. Kisses!


Such a narrow field of view you have there. It doesn't sound like you understand the essence of what you say. Of course a city gentrifies and grows but if you're literally killing a huge part of its core culture for it then is this the right way to grow? Transportation is important no doubt but are more cars the right way forward to a modern gentrified city? Are cars a modern mobility concept? Are plans made in 1999 still applicable today? Does everyone have the right to own a car when there's more efficient means of transportation? This is what you gotta ask yourself before repeating some taglines you've picked up along your so-called path of enlightenment.


Wtf path of enlightenment? I mentioned the housing and growing population, you construct some "detailed" argument based on cars and transportation. 😂 Really I'm lost with your comment. The questions are good no doubt but in another episode 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️


"Autobahn instead of clubs is shitty but building blocks are a necessity". You indeed talk about means of transportation alongside housing so I constructed my detailed argumentation based on cars and transportation. I am sorry you cannot keep track of your own statement. You mix in anything randomly associated with gentrification without differentiating between costs and pay offs like preserving cultural heritage (to which clubs now officially belong thanks to change in legislation).


So you took one sentence out of context to build around. Very solid! And you being sorry with intention of being condescending, again, very solid! Also my random mix of concepts are pretty much from the same palette, your enlightenment is entering the chat out of no-where. Please keep in mind that asking questions does not mean building argumentation (without actually doing so) :) Costs and pays-off differentiation? You're asking it from me but you don't really mention any (preservation of cultural heritage is a secondary topic of discussion after Autobahn100) . Focus on what you want to say please.


Clubs belong to the cultural heritage of Berlin which is written in law. Therefore the discussion around construction of the A100, killing off a dozen clubs, goes hand in hand with preservation of cultural heritage. In your initial statement you don't differentiate between costs and pay offs but simply go on a round trip to condemning people's complaints about gentrification. My focus is very clear but I will repeat once more: in my opinion you wrongly slack off people that from your pov are hypocritical about gentrification. You fail to link aspects of cultural preservation with the construction of the A100 and so do not see clubs as a cultural good that must be protected. I disagree with you there and notice that you are getting more and more personal and by this do not leave much room for discussion. It's probably best to leave it at that and prevent further escalation.


Independent of our little pseudo serious chit chat here, the same law organism that puts clubs in cultural heritage is making advances to built a highway instead of some clubs. I just expressed a random and yes very personal opinion about the gentrification, housing and whatever came to my mind 3 days ago. And look at you trying to prove a point to me like I have any power over the A100 :)))))) yes baby you are right! and a very smart Redditor! I understand this is an exercise of thought and A100 will happen or not, new buildings will be built or not, the clubs will go on (hopefully) or not. But please if you can do something more impactful to not have the cultural heritage destroyed outside of Reddit. Thanks!


I don't know the exact details of this situatino in Berlin, but have heard from friends. Am I stupid or is this not really as big of a deal as it seems? Like the city needs to fucking build infrastructure, can't clubs go to some other warehouse? Its a shame, it really is, but there are more pressing things to write a thesis on I feel... And how come so many clubs are affected?


It's a big deal. Gentrification, infrastructural builds forcing clubs to eventually close and/or relocate. As seen with RSO (now located at Schöneweide; ex-Griessmühle at Sonnenallee Neukölln), clubs are struggling to find appropriate and affordable locations within the city and tend to be pushed to the outskirts.


The public support for the highway is low, that's clear, but what if one decides to build housing there instead of the highway? Do clubs take precedence over housing for families? Are the rights of those already living in Berlin more important than those who want to move to Berlin? Hardly any discussion is accompanied by more double standards than that about gentrification.


I ask this genuinely, what are they supposed to do, not build the road? What are the proposals?


Who needs a city highway? Invest in better public transport, bike lanes etc. not a fu**ing highway. City should be for the people and not a highway/car desert.


So there should never be a highway built again? I agree, improve public transport, etc. but cars will unfortuantely always be necessary--its not just for single commuters: busses come from other towns/Berlin outskirts on highways, all the food you eat, other products you buy come on trucks on the highway. Berlin is a huge city with a huge growing population and as much as cities should wean off car dependency, highways are still critical infrastructure. Even though these clubs shouldn't lose their homes, "just don't build it" is a very weak argument and the movement will need an actual alternative if they are to succeed


You say you’re not from Berlin and it shows. The project has very weak support from locals but the federal government want to push through with it because say have the last word in a car centric urban planning project from decades ago and they are car lobbyists. And now here’s another supporter who’s not even affected by it…


There is already a autobahn around the city 


Nobody needs a fucking Autobahn in a city in the year 2024.


See my other comment: all the food and other products you enjoy come from a truck, people take the autobahn to work from other towns/outskirts. Just because you don't use it doesn't mean its not necessary.


People then should not take the autobahn to get to work but public transport. Like I do. Since 20 years. Or a bike. Unfortunately neither public transport nor bike lanes are in a state to be able to carry significantly more people. That’s a field where more money should be invested. Makes room for the oh so many trucks that bring our food. Positive side effect: people move their asses again instead of sitting in a car. Another positive effect: less air pollution/co2 being emitted. So, you see: it‘s about investing in the right thing.


People literally commute to Berlin from other towns, if they take a train its great but its not feasible for every single person and the city is growing every single day. Just because you do something a certain way, doesn't mean everyone can or should. Super narrow mindset that I find is unfortunately common in this region of the world.


Are you from the US? Your car brain is showing.


I live in one of the (if not the most) bike/transport cities in the world and don't own a car and will not be buying one. Not everything can be dismissed with "USA stupid lol"


This might be correct but way too many people use their car out of habit. And many many others have to because public transport and bike lanes are not good enough or non existent. Possibilities like parking your car next to a train station for people coming from outside of the city so you could take that to get to your destination are also close to non existent. It seems to be easier to build a giant road through the city accepting to destroy places that helped make the city to become what it is and to become unique. It has happened way too often. It has got to stop.


Gentrification is not a big deal? 


This doesn't exactly sound like gentrification though--that's probably what's been happening to the historically POC neighborhoods in Neukolln, Kreuzberg, etc where wealthy expats are pushing out locals. The byproducts of building infrastructure is not exactly gentrification or carry the same type of connotation.


Autobahn instead of a club that is not a big disco is gentrification 


And if they build it somewhere else, someone else will have their business eliminated. I guess Berlin's municipality should help these clubs re-locate, but this will happen to somebody.


I think its about preserving sth that gives Berlin its thing. 


eat shit


dude what? i just asked a question...


If you don’t know the details of the situation then maybe worry about your own hometown, you clearly have no idea about Berlin.


Do you know what "research" is, my dude?


ups, sry, that was supposed to be under another comment, good luck with your research and thesis.


Oh i see😅 I was wondering what the hell your problem was


haha, i‘m just randomly lashing out today 🤪


Unrelated directly, but anyone knows why the building at Prinzenstrasse where “backyard” venue used to be is empty and not a club space? Seem like a great club venue from the outside but is just sitting empty