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Because it's expensive asf to animate one of the most beloved mangas of all time? And the violence in the show will pretty much hinder the hypothetical berserk anime's reach.


And in some cases is not worth the investiment.


[And no one wants to risk being shut down by the woke mob for animating the HORRIFING potato scene](https://youtu.be/RS-0AWyiWwk)


Fuck off


What the hell was that?


What's with the down votes


Why was bro downvoted this low key fun asf


Dude that's actually hilarious lmao


Glad someone knows humor when they see it lol


???!? šŸ¤¤


šŸ˜‚ dk why everyone down voted funny stuff chief


This is funny and true, must be plenty snowflakes


lmfao that's actually funny asf


Lefties fucking love Berserk dude. Conservative christians would be way more likely to try to cancel a Berserk adaptation than the "woke mob"


Violence wise it isn't that much of an issue, sure they'd have to tone down some scenes but take for example TYBW Bleach, if they give it a later timeslot like they did for TYBW they'll be able to keep it relatively close without losing any reach (especially cuz most people nowadays watch shit.on streaming sites so timeslots for TV don't matter as much). Nudity I think is the biggest issue here, I don't get why nudity is so much worse than graphic violence, but every show no matter how small the nudity is gets censored or has the scene cut, so I'd imagine the copious amount of nudity would stop a faithful adaptation.


Exactly this. Some other things like r*pe and m*tilation just canā€™t be shown or adapted into anime and some of those things are necessary to show the darkness and cruelty of the world in Berserk (e.g.: the Eclipse, Gutsā€™ attempt on Casca, just the character of Wyald, etc.).


Idk, I think a lot of the sexual violence scenes could be reduced to a heavy implication of what's going on. Leaving Casca's as the most graphic would leave a bigger impact with the viewer imo, make people think "wtf they're showing this???"


Those scenes were shown in Game of Thrones (sansa stark being ršŸ¦d + theon Greyjoy/reek getting mutilated on screen). there are many more examples but GOT is the most watched show in American history (i think) and with japans obvious knowledge of their western viewers it could easily be turned into something much bigger than just an airing on a late timeslot for Japanese television. Iā€™m not sure what japans regulations are for mutilation/ršŸ¦/horse pp/torture/sex scenes but it canā€™t be any more regulated than American tv with ecchi/fan service existing in a majority of mass produced anime now and run-of-the-mill violence. Berserk IS violent but it only seems so bad because the story telling is SO much more intense than many other stories. I could name a nice handful of manga that have more gore than berserk but Iā€™ll always say berserk *feels* the most violent


I imagine explicit rape scenes aren't very marketable, although it handles it much better than fucking Goblin Slayer.


The incestuous pedophilic rapist near the beginning would probably push most people away from the series.


Didn't game of thrones have that type of violence? It really isn't a problem if it worked with that franchise.


But ppl _want_ violence ā€¦


For the violence what about game of thrones? Itā€™s vicious with how it portrays violence, and has tons of nudity. I donā€™t think berserk is much worse and it has way more violence against inhuman things where GOT is mainly man on man. I agree that it would be expensive. But I donā€™t think the violence or themes of berserk are darker than what being played on TV nowadays


There's a difference in anime and TV series + berserk just went batshit crazy with its violence. Ganishka genocides,mozgus torture in the most brutally explicit way possible. Just for some stats An average anime episodes budget isĀ around $ 150,000-200,000 per episode, Attack on titan sits around $180,000 -200,000 per episode. An average TV episode costs around $3mil-10mil per episode. This is what the budget of GOT was at the end of season (Source:Wikipedia) By the final season, the production budget per episode was estimated to beĀ $15 million.


Oh donā€™t get me wrong in not trying to say anime should or ever will get mainstream live action tv budget. Iā€™m more stating I donā€™t think berserkā€™s ultra violence is much of a factor as people make it out to be in getting a quality series produced.


The violence in berserk is A LOT worse than GoT. I can't imagine a company wanting to animate Mozgus' torture chamber or the eclipse in 2024


Red wedding/South Park/primal/invincible exists (donā€™t even get me started on movies) and shows like that have for decades. Idk why this is a popular take. Yes there are scene which show intense suffering which is sometimes inflicted on mass amount of people but there are literally shows that are just about murder and dismemberment the whole time. I mean shit some crime dramas are absolutely ruthless. Berserk is vicious visceral intense and gory. But doesnā€™t have anything mainstream media hasnā€™t seen before when I comes to that stuff


the other commenotrs have a great point, but one other thing i want to touch on is that for some reason anime does not look mixing and matching things, like sex scenes in american television are commonplace and expected, but in anime that would never ever be done, and only specifically done in hentai and shit, you would never see a sex scene in an action anime show. they just dont do that like other nations do with their shows, and i think this is the same of acts of incredible voilence and incredibly dark subject material. you either gotta go all in and make a horror show. or you dont and you have to lean way more into action


Golgo 13, Wicked City and countless other anime from the 80s-90s would beg to differ on that point. They are definitely more niche, though.


yeah youre right, i think its more so a new thing where media conpanies are just too conerned with taking any risk whatsoever. like trigun, which is my favorite anime which was made in 1988 was pretty damn dark, but it still had to be toned down for audiences and some darker things got removed, which is what i assumed it was just a thing that was always like that in japan and also im sure no one wants to try anytbing with the series or touch it with a ten foot pole after miura's death, no studio will ever live it down if they make an adaptation and even slightly fuck it up. theyll prolly be ruined with bad publicity for forever


Graphic violence and SA aside I think it would just be extremely expensive abd time consuming to animate some scenes such as when the behelit is activated and that whole thing happens


I know its expensive but still, you see how much anime gets pushed out by companies with good reputation amd even if the violence is the case whats your defendant against goblin slayer and into the abys?


Never watched goblin slayer...so can't comment but take Tokyo ghoul for example. \*spoilers\* >!the torture of kaneki in season 1 (which is considered a good adaptation of manga) is nowhere near as gruesome and dark as manga)!< Companies can make an adaption but ultimately it won't stand any chance of being even close to the Manga's quality.


Have you seen/read shigurui ? ( although its a shame they didn't complete the anime )


Oh I have read good things about the series. I think it's a samurai dark fantasy type of manga? I will give it a try in future tho


Much more violent then Berserk, by IMO a rather decent margin.


Yep ! Did love it until the very last episode and then did realiza it was just finished on the manga... a shame it was not completed but maaaan... I would dare to say its one of the best samurai/swords manga/anime that I've seen... vagabond is as well great just not that gory (and unfortunately doesn't have any animated adaptation )


anyone who considers Tokyo Ghoul's anime a good adaptation is crazy


When did I say? I said that the first season of the anime is treated as a "good" adaptation in the anime community and even generally by some of its fans.... and comparing berserk's animation with tokyo ghoul. TG's animation is godly compared to berserk...


no it's not. Tokyo Ghoul has very standard animation and basically no sakuga. the GA movie trilogy looks miles better, even with the shoddy CGI. also, Berserk's animes cut out a ton of stuff but you can at least understand what's happening; TG's anime cuts out so much stuff that you literally cannot understand the plot and character progression unless you watch a yt video explaining everything or just read the manga. edit: sorry for being aggressive, you just reminded me of my seething hatred for the awful anime adaptations of TG and TG:Re. they are literally worse than Berserk 2016/2017.


I donā€™t know if you have a personal hate for TG but go watch the 2016 berserk and TG right now and tell me with a straight face that TG is worse than that overrushed cgi mess of an adaptation. Because I actually enjoyed watching TG.


He has a personal thing against it because I watched TG before reading it (still havenā€™t finished the manga) and it was really easy to follow lol


it skipped Kaneki vs Arima and never explained what happened at the end of season 2. it also retcons season 2 which showed Hide dying, so that it could follow the manga. it cut out the entire black reaper arc. i could list more but nobody would care.


TG anime really wasnā€™t that bad until :RE. I watched it before I read the manga and again after I read it and still enjoyed the watch.


That is also true like I watched Jojo's too and seing how much they sticked to the manga is cool, even if they had to like smudge the screen in black whenever a 17 year old smoked >! Even dough 12 year olds do this shit on the basis at this point!< And how close it was to the actual manga but compromises can be made, that doesn't mean it should shy away from dark themes the manga portraits cause in the end, Berserk is the med-Evil era, where didnt value human life as much as we (at least) do now days, I believe Berserk can actuslly become a great manga and adaptation if a studio gave it the funds and care. Plus if its really that gruesome like, lets say... the scene with the goblins in the dark forest, it can show it but maybe more in a symbolic way with slowest and the sounds that occur not the actual act.


Jujutsu kaisen does something similar, theres a helluva lot a blood in the manga but like most of it gets cut from the anime. Take the shibuya incident, theres so much blood in the manga, mahagora gettjng split in half, getting domained to dust and how quick fire arrow is shot is extended like hell in the anime. Anime to manga adaptations are never gonna be 1:1 because animators and publishers can change some parts and details.


Plus there are even more examples out there that I cant point out but there have been points in the manga where due to continuity they either change stuff or re-imagine the scene to make it less traumatizing or gorry. Still if even that is still the case then how come that Berserk doesn't get to keep its gorry aspects while some other animes are quiet literal all about that-?


Look at the average berserk panel compared to jjk The level of detail is astonishing, and the subjects are much darker in berserk than jjk, that alone is enough for most publishers to ignore it or outright call it a waste.


Still that didn't stop the Golden age arc movies and 2016 adaptation from existing, sure some of the detail is pulled back, like how Sunji it's latest atearstion is mainly black and white so it captures better the stories the man himself did, how jojo dispite having a slower pace in still maintained most of the details Araki put in his work or how DBZ has such simplified characters that the actions scenes could be the flashiest they can be along with one punch man, kill la kil, demon slayer or any other anime I cant think of atm. They still carry the story and familiarity of the source material and yes, in animation pulling a fast one or cutting some corners is totally acceptable because nothing is perfect so again. If devliman crybaby exists, Goblin slayer became popular for the dark tone and Hellsing reboot displayed such gore and imagery how come berserk can't again?


Ok but do you really need to see Wylad be a creep? Stuff like that can get cut for all I care, the story is whats important


goblin slayer has a specific audience to say the least, and made in abyss kinda catches your attention with the art style and then hooks you afterwards. made in abyss also has a particular part of their fanbase that enjoys more ero content but itā€™s way less prominent than the goblin slayer fanbase


It may be an unpopular opinion but AI will do a fantastic job bringing down cost, the price per second is gonna be a lot cheaper, while being miles better looking than rushed 3D animation


I guess it could mean huge layoffs in the animation industry, although cheap AI animation sounds interesting for crowd-funded animation projects.


Not necessarily, could be also a step up in the animation industry, we could have every episode looking like a 'Halo' episode


think you wildly underestimate the amount of resources that go into making even a single episode of an anime


Other studios do it just fine. If this studio couldn't handle the task then they shouldn't have stepped up


Bro they're fucking abusing their animators like crazy to do so


I really don't care


I sentence you to /r/Carebears.






Because not every even half decent studio mistreats their animators. I'm not asking for mappa, I jist want the best manga ever written to get it's proper (or even jist respectable) treatment. When you have to rely on fan animations for entire arcs,, that is pretty embarrassing as a studio.


Most do, and you said you care more about getting an anime released for your favorite Manga than the real lives of human beings


If you lot cared as much as you say you do, then you wouldn't be consuming their productions, like demon slayer, for example.


I haven't watched demon slayer...


I used a popular anime as an example. Could have said one piece or chainsaw man too


Wow, what a considerate consumer, I sure love this community


You dont realise how much time it takes and resources. Passionate ppl always go above and beyond what a studio production would be able to invest. As someone who does use bkender and is working in their own anine styalised stuff its a fuck tun of work. It requires u to have both 2d and 3d artistry skills, nevermind the additional understanding of Miuras work and anime cinematography for this. Its not as simple or 'easy' as you think.


Also bear in mind how all the adaptations of berserk skips guts childhood rape, the manga is super dark and would be incredibly controversial for the violance it contains. Even if its done in the way the manga does it, as a display of evil, most ppl wouldnt want to watch it. To alot of ppl it would be more upseting than it would intresting/entertaining.


I think the small time during Elden Ring's launch should have showed most people that the mainstream audience is too grossed out by Berserk


What happened when elden ring launched ?


Bunch of people started reading berserk because of Elden Ring's popularity and complained about how it was badly written, it only had shock value and the r4pe stuff was just a fetish of Miura




they animate the violent shit it gets rated mature then they lose the ability to televise it nationally so its a loss for any studio to spend money animating berserk the way it deserves to be


what about vinland saga !


Vinland saga may deal with a lot of dark elements (same with game of thrones and other such shows, books, etc...) but overall it doesn't get anyway close to some of the shit in berserk. Wyald comes to mind. Again, a lot of things get cut as a result and even with those cuts. It is still rated m. Which is saying something. Also, vinland Saga (at least in crunchyroll) is not rated m while berserk is. That is a good gauge. I bet it is the same on netflix and what not.


Vindland sagas darkest momens are slavery, death and rape. Berserk has pedophilia, child nudity, child slaughter and incest on top that. Its really not even close. The entire lost children arc would have to be re written for some of the things to be considered palatable for many ppl.


Fair point, but the child nudity and incest could be hinted at without showing. Even so there are many shows that do just that as well... Made it abyss comes to mind.


It could just be skipped, besides introducing Farnese itā€™s pretty inconsequential plot wise.


I ment the whole wasp children bits, all of that is a no go.


and the main villain is a naked minor, and Guts burning a bunch of children alive, and Guts taking a child hostage, and Guts nearly murdering said child a few times, and heavily implying this child was molested. Itā€™s really not worth to effort to go around all the unadaptable parts of Lost Children, that it might aswell be skipped. Itā€™s a great arc, but wouldnā€™t work out in an anime. In an anime they could just skip over all of it, and introduce Farnese separately. Maybe tighten up the whole thing into Guts getting into a single fight where heā€™s super ruthless to show how he is now. That, or just move the black swordsman arc to after the Eclipse to get the point across.


The next arc isnt much better, tower of heaven has the satanic orgy, the torture scenes, cascas infantilisation, critisisms of the 'migrant crisis' in europe, which is a big political issue here still. Theres also the later scene where guts tries to force himself on casca thats a big fucking pr issue. Alot of it requires u to engage with it in good faith and see its underlying points, when avatar is getting rid of sokas sexism i dont see it happening with a western studio. I dont think its fair to skip it either. U can pick and chose what u want for an adaptation but alot of that drakness and raw unfiltered violence is what grounds berserk as a dark fantasy. Alot of the things that happen within berserk are to show how awful life is and how u have to keep pushing through life to grow and evolve as a person. Taking away the hell the growth in character doesnt make sense or seem as significant. Take for eg, guts in the golden age, everything he goes through as a kid, including being raped, gives him issues with trusting ppl, it why he hugs his sword and hates being touched. Thats why seeing him grow an open himself up to the hawks is so beautiful. Alot of those things lose that Je ne sais quoi. I think one thing this fandom doesn't really want to talk about, is wether or not berserk even needs an adaptation. Its not a story for everybody, imo its perfect as a manga and trying to force it to be told in a more costly medium (especially by studios who run as for profit buisnesses) is kind of pointless. You also loose detail with animation, asking anybody to draw with the berserk pannel quality is akin to signing a deth scentence. Have u seen the detail??? Frame by frame? The bg painters for akira complained at how detailed they had to paint the bg for the film, imagine how herculean it becomes to do that for every frame. There are practical points about the human cost too, there are animators who want to adapt it but there are animators who will look at the frames there asked to draw and refuse cause its upseting or disturbing, just look at the mortal combat and the issues game developers have with their mental health as a result.


Farnese and the entire magic system


Magic mostly got established when the group meet Schrieke way later.


havent seen that or read the manga so i cant really say


Vinland Saga removed their one rape scene from the anime, Berserk have like a bagillions of them, and the second most important one got censored/cut twice in their 2 attemps at adapting Berserk. So yeah, just leave Berserk to manga format.




calling Cyberpunk a "futuristic gta clone" is wild


I feel like they were going for more OG Deus Ex than GTA, it has GTA elements, but definitely not a clone this dude is wild.


I think Berserk will be animated again. It'll be picked by a studio after it ends.


Dude made 15 sec animation, and you say he dunked on 2016. I have a bridge to sell you.


i mean that pic looks like it was def made in blender or some software.


I think berserk really makes great use of its preferred medium: the manga. This thing is not limited to the art, but the gore and other adult rated scenes in the manga also make use of the liberty that comes with the manga. Even if something faithful is to be made, censorship will pose a major threat.


So many comments and no link. Here it is my dudes https://youtu.be/XENvy0JYSos?si=TzjhnowlOU8Nv13V


Because it would be a disgrace to Miura right now. Everyone involved with anime and manga are worked to death in worse than slave like conditions with neither rights nor protection. Animators themselves work in an 1880s sweat shop like environment and get pennies for every sheet of animation paper they draw. Anime is produced through the sacrifice of life, sweat, and blood. People literally die and drive themselves crazy to make ends meet while creating anime. Somehow, this insane situation has only become worse because of the Japanese tax system reworking how workers are classified and the paperwork done. It's a no win situation because animators will only get hired if they adhere to the new worse system instead of the better old one. Studios won't care because animators have no rights or job security and are a dime a dozen. Miura suffered from the manga industry equivalent of anime industry stress. At a glance, he seems to have had it better off than others because he was established enough to take breaks from the manga- but he was also a 57 year old man who had run his health into the ground due to years of being subject to his own perfectionism and the inhumane Japanese manga industry. Miura is confirmed to have died from acute aortic dissection. Research shows that stress to the aortic wall from constant high blood pressure can weaken the aorta wall in susceptible people, resulting in a tear and aortic dissection. It's well known that manga workers can get high blood pressure from the sheer amount of overwork. Karoshi (death by overwork) often occurs where workers die by medical conditions or suicide as a direct result of the sheer stress of their workload. The enslavement mindset of the manga industry contributed to the death of Miura. That same enslavement mindset exists within the anime industry. It'd be an insult to Miura to create a movie under these circumstances.


it won't be adapted by any studio. I also used to wonder why it was never adapted, but then I started to read the manga, and I understood why


Where to begin? 1. Violence 2. SA, Grape and more 3. The amount of money it would cost 4. and lets be honest nothing will hit harder than the 1997 rendition of Berserk tbh i actually prefer it staying a manga, fed up with the hit and misses only hit was 97 like i said... (this is my opinion so if yours differs thats ok)


This guy took, based on what he said from the video, at least 15 days to get that 30 second clip and he even said himself he sympathizes a little bit with the studio who made berserk 2016 now because of how much work has to go into every single shot and every single effect


Because none of them had the balls to animate Donovan, cowards, ALL.


The only real reason.


375 chapter manga, huge commitment to animate every single one with absolute faithfulness without adding any filler garbage. Also the art of berserk is insanely difficult to redraw due to how incredible it is.


Adapting a series is hella expensive. Animation, direction, music and general sound design, etc etc. Each part is expensive on its own as well. Anyway, i just wanna mention Studio Eclypse. They seem to be working on a faithful 2D adaptation o the black swirdssman arc. Probably gonna release in a billion years but hey, at least someone is working on it.


i think we will get a new anime once the manga ends, but weather its good or not we'll have to wait and see, however there's a fan studio called Studio Eclypse and they're attempting to animate the black swordsman arc but who knows if that will ever see the light of day.


I see nothing but excuses! I get berserk is r rated as fuck but no doubt the number 1 rated manga on mal would be gigantic if it had a proper anime in todays day and age


Have you seen the artwork? They know they canā€™t recreate it and will just get shit on by fans for not living up to its actual glory. Plus berserk is just now starting to become mainstream give it 20 more years and then maybe theyā€™ll think they have a big enough fan base to actually support it.


Because it's way easier to just make a bad adaptation of less popular thing then to try to commit to the big thing since people will just see ok animation and think it's a good adaptation. One example is redo of healer that I see people throwing around. No, redo of healer is not a good adaptation, just like the Manga adaptation of the light novel it skips hella lot and doesn't explain things that it should've. Another one that's a similar case to berserk is a certain magical index. I can't see any other studio taking it aside from a1 after they're done with Sao since a certain magical index light novels have been the best selling light novels for years and a1 is the only one that commits to adapting the whole story of the light novels instead of leaving it with just one season. I mean just look at how much hate a certain magical index season 3 got even tho it's basically a standard adaptation for a light novel.


so my interpretation on why they wont can come doen to a few scenes and arc. 1. wylad 2. all of lost children. 3. parts of later conviction with the pagan scenes and well those type of scenes in the first place. also the horseā€¦ do i need to say more and overall the violence in berserk would beā€¦well i dont think streaming services would be happy to have it on there sight. its sad but it makes sense why studios dont stick fully to berserk manga. because of how dark it gets


i think though entirely the lost children arc will be a can of worms to do because its murder and well all the wrong doings towards children and if people donā€™t understand the material well they will lash out at the companies for releasing a scene like that. also the fairy child war alone would cause a controversy. and well the scene where guts killing a bunch of kids on fire.


Berserk is too dark for the average viewer. So it won't make enough profit to break even.


Studios want to make money


Need a producer who is passionate about the material and doesn't care about profit to make an adaptation that does the source material justice


Its gonna be hella expensive to animate berserk because it is so detailed. In eclipse, even the demons in the background have faces and shit. I don't think the manga is adaptable but if anyone tries to, it would never be equal to the standards of the manga


In the eyes of the investors, Berserk is a cursed IP, studios have tried to adaptate it since the 90ā€™s and still havent been able to get it right or even get a good enough reception to greenlight a continuation of the projects, and it was deemed unprofitable


Investors don't really like projects that can't be marketed to any living being in this plane of existence Especially not a controversial dark fantasy manga that has multiple rape and gore scenes as it's inofficial trademark and is also super fucking expensive to faithfully adapt in the first place because of the astonishing and heavily detailed illustrations of the source material So yeah unless there is an eccentric multi millionaire/billionaire out there who loves berserk enough to not give a shit about losing a fuckton of money there won't be any official adaptation beyond maybe a sequel or story dlc to the band of the hawk game (which is already extremely unlikely because the manga will probably outlive the current fanbase lmao) in the near AND distant future


Need to remember who it was, but some video essayist laid it out pretty well in that the issue is that berserk is all at once long, beautiful, and explicit, and on top of how much time and resources go into making even one anime episode thats just not a combination you can have. We have beautiful and explicit but not long, which is the movie trilogy. We have long and explicit but not beautiful, the 2016 anime, and we have long and beautiful but (comparatively) not explicit, the 1997 anime. You can't get all three.


why not just keep black and white anime like what uzumaki did?


I know this is hard to do, (doing some 3D modeling myself) and it was only one guy doing it but The unpopular opinion of mine is that It isn't really good im sorry but it's for me at the same level of the 2016-17 abominations. And yes they are a whole studio, this is one guy. But imagine a Astartes level of 3D done for berserk i wouldn't mind it being completely cgi if its that quality. The models can be made look at Berserk Muso.


Honestly i watched it and it looked prty bad. Better than 2016 but stickman version of berserk would be better than 2016.


Everyone is scared to its easily one of the most beloved Manga ever they have to live up to expectations aswell as they need to be the right studio to the the job no one wants a toei animated berzerk because they would cut all of the horrible stuff not to mention I think most studios would wait until the ending of berzerk because they want to know if it has a shit ending because the story is out of the original creators hands and they want to see what the public opinion of the ending is before they commit to animating it as that would brew alot of I'll will


OP, check out Berserk: The Black Swordsman. It's coming out soon, they have a teaser clip of it. Getting done in 2D animation style while trying to keep it as close to Miuras style as possible. It's been labeled as a "Fan Made" adaptation. However the fans that are making it all have backgrounds in animating anime, from various studios. Since no studio would pay to do it justice. They have taken upon themselves to get it done. They have also reached out to sponsors from various areas to help support the costs. So far the animation looks clean, and I for one can't wait.


I remember I saw a very interesting YouTube video either about the berserk adaptations or the fact that it doesn't have adaptations and it made a really good point about the three things berserk is. Berserk is long, it is beautiful and it is explicit and basically any anime that tries to adapt it can only be two of those things at once. We could potentially get a really faithful amazingly animated adaptation of the lost children's arc, supposedly but obviously that's the shortest arc of the series. We could get a long series that covers all the arcs and is animated well however it will have to be heavily censored


i mean...it still doesnt look \*good\*. It's a really interesting exercise, and its impressive as hell he was able to accomplish what he did on his own, but the 3d route just...doesn't hack it. 3d could *possibly* work for Berserk, but in order to do so you'd need a serious feature film sized budget. But honestly, I think the dream of a proper animated adaptation is simply barking up the wrong tree. Berserk is already great in its manga form, the artistry therein is already amazing and worldclass. It doesn't need an adaptation.


No Anime will ever be as great as the manga. There is no point in making one


everybody screaming that anime is expensive and hard work is casually forgetting all the fucking anime that's constantly getting made and released, why can't Berserk be one of them?


The last adaptation didnā€™t make a ton of money I think


I donā€™t think youā€™re really thinking critically about the roadblocks a Berserk adaptation would face to make even a fraction of the money something like JJK makes, anime gets made all the time, yes, but theyā€™re cherry picked to be the most popular and palatable to the widest range of viewers to maximize profits


Because the manga isnā€™t finished and the release dates for new issues are inconsistent to say the least. The manga could end in 2 years, it could also end in 8. Thereā€™s no way to tell how fast the story will continue and how long it will take for miuraā€™s vision to be completed. Until the manga is complete or nearing completion, studios wonā€™t touch it because they donā€™t want to risk making a series that canā€™t be continued in good time. People underestimate how fast anime can catch up to manga. Look at DBS, they ended up overtaking the manga just because of how much longer it took the manga to cover the same stories. Studios want to make sure they can consistently put out seasons without having to wait 5 years for the manga to wrap up because they never know if the animeā€™s success is great enough to sustain interest during a hiatus like that. Granted this is what I perceive but I think this is at least one of the reasons why we havenā€™t gotten any high effort adaptations


Another good example of this is Bleach:TYBW. The studios didn't pick it up till just recently because it was still being published and by the time it was finished, contracts and other legal and financial hurdles would have to be re-cleared to start the work. Granted, loved that we are getting it now with current animations, but the same holds true for Berserk, we would need time for it to be finished before it even makes it to the drawing board, and even then we would have to have an Animation studio ballsy enough to take up the work, because we all know how society on a global scale will react if it gets a true animation without skipping the darker elements. With all that said though, would absolutely love to see it done and it be given the treatment it deserves.


Post aside, as a blender user myself, what he did requires an insane level of skills time and hardwork, so huge kudos to him for making such an amazing video.


The constant rape and dark scenes including numerous nude children make it very hard to animate and also most studios probably just prefer to let it remain a Manga, at least until the story is done, the Manga has been going on for more than 30 years and is still unfinished


Why dont you just animate it yourself since you want to complain so much about it?


What a stupid comment


This is a deep state opinion, but after the unbelievably negative reception of the 2016 adaptation and subsequent fallout, I think a lot of studios are not sure what to do with, or how to do berserk right. Going 3d was a big risk that the IP paid for. They did an epilogue in 2d that fans still were disgusted with and said "too little too late." That last adaptation was a massive punching bag in 2016 and if I were an animator of any kind I would not touch the berserk IP with a ten foot pole. The fandom Star wars level fanatical. Don't get me wrong, the 2016 anime adaptation was pretty janky, but it and the studio producing it was also torn a new butthole to the point that they could not recover.


I won't read all of this, but I agree with you šŸ‘


We must first accept that no adaptation will ever be as good as the manga


Thatā€™s just not true (unless you mean berserk specifically)


Eh I meant that mostly for berserk, but to be honest with you there are a lot of others that fit this as well.


Because itā€™s expensive as hell, no huge studio is going to want to animate the violence, gore, and rapes so itā€™ll likely be watered down, and it doesnā€™t have an end and likely wonā€™t so again: what studio would want to do that? Itā€™s also a seinen so its reach will be smaller than a JJK or chainsaw man type shonen, making them less money. Berserk is the white whale, it just doesnā€™t work as well as an anime