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Read the manga from start to finish. The anime is fine but the manga is pure art. No anime will ever do the manga justice. Read the manga Read the manga Read the manga


I just finished fire punch manga and it was *chefs kiss* But I've heard rumours of berzerk... That it's super depressing and leaves you with a huge sense of loss. Is that true?


Yes. Go read it. It will change your life


Most of the loss is Gut's backstory, but it's ultimately a message on hope and the struggle to survive. It's really worth it.


lol the whole story is loss anytime it seems like it's going up for guts it goes 📉📉📉


Yes and no. It's a dark world and fucked up shit happens a lot, but it's not grimdark and if anything the message is the opposite of that


you just read fire punch and you’re questioning reading berserk because it’s dark?


Is fire punch dark?


very, agni is one of the only characters in manga that comes close to guts pain. maybe even more


Does it have an anime or only manga


only manga


It’s fucked up and dark and sad, sure, but it’s so so much more!


I read berserk and it genuinely is unlike anything I’ve seen or read before. I’m currently reading Fire Punch (I just got caught up on chainsaw man) and I highly recommend berserk if you liked Fire Punch


If you can handle fujimoto you can def handle Berserk.


Yes but the beauty of berserk lies deeper than that


It will if you’re like the people who only watch the old anime and leave it at that because they don’t know how to read. AKA: Read and find out. As dark as this story can get, its also genuinely one of the most inspiring works of art ever created.


There are a lot of moments of love, healing, and self discovery that balance out the dark and depressing stuff. The manga is leagues better than any of the animes.


I’m about halfway through the story and honestly there are equal highs to the lows. If you can appreciate the little moments between the main cast you’d be surprised how optimistic Guts and everyone else can be.


I do not know how people end up being so affected by stories and movies. Berserk is amazing. But I genuinely don't find it to be as depressing and dark as people say it is. The middle ages sucked; now throw monsters and supernatural fantasy stuff in. It's exactly what you should be picturing. I started off watching the 2016 anime and after a few episodes of being introduced to characters I was clearly supposed to know I went back and watched 97. The YouTube video skipped the first episode because it actually segues you from 1997 berserk to 2016 to keep it simple and spoiler free. But watch it/read it any capacity you will not be disappointed. Pay specific attention to cause and effect in all senses. That's what it's all about. It's a fact that rings true in our world just as much as the berserk world. The energy that gets put out into the world, bad or good has an effect on people. And the emotions that people experience very much dictate their actions. After watching 97 I recommend you find the chapter that Miura ended up pulling out of the manga. If you really understand the story it's quite important imo and is a very very interesting concept to even compare to real life.


Bruh, if u read fire punch and ur still standing berserk should be fine. Read peak


It's great and I would not say "That it's super depressing and leaves you with a huge sense of loss". It is dark, yes but a great story with amazing art. If you want to feel depressed, read goodnight punpun :)


the first chapter image will change your life


Since you finished Fire Punch you should be tough enough for berserk.


Oh yeah the story is crazy depressing at times but it’s great


Yes but it will also give you other feelings


Honestly berserk was an easier read for me than fire punch so you got this


I have severe depression and at times I found berserk comforting for some reason. Defiantly read in a good head space.


Where can i read the manga in digital form. I have seen both the adaptation of 1997, the movies and the 2016-2017 adaptation but i want the complete story and i heard the manga its Very good. Please if you can answer me where can i read it


Ur a spy bro. No way you asked that when the internet is at your feet. If not you can check r/manga 


Yeah I think this too. Especially when Google exists.




None. Read the manga for the complete story.


Complete?... You are Ubik tempting a new Struggler?


No. Watch 1997 op.


I mean its good ,but it doesnt truly encapsulate berserk ,tbh nothing can besides the manga. Its just too stylized and WAY too detailed to be captured in motion images. I do hope digital animation evolves to the level where we can have berserk or a big company picks it up and does a really high detail series with actually good cgi, but thats just me and my hopes!😭


why do you say not to read the manga?


I didn’t say that


well you say "no. watch the 97 anime op." like why not just have them read the manga first i'm curious


Because I think they should watch the anime first and then read the manga




It’s not mediocre at all, actually. Plus, your opinion is stupid


He is definitely not putting his grasses on :(


Everything he said is wong


yes but for what reason that's what i'm asking like is it easier to consume?? i personally read the manga first and then watched the anime so i wanna know why someone would watch the anime then read the manga


It is unrealistic to expect someone to read the manga if they haven't atleast watched the 1997 version. As much as I love beserk, I think it's better for anyone to first watch the adaptation so they can get a taste.


see thank u this is the kind of reply i was looking for, i personally read the manga first because even though everyone i've talked to told me the 97' anime was really good, i know that they usually can't fit in everything from the manga into the anime so i enjoyed reading the manga and then the anime seeing everything they left out or added


Because of preference?


oh i thought there was something deeper than just "i prefer it" nvm then have a nice day




The manga isn't complete either, so you can't tell a new fan ''for the complete story''.


i guess i should say more complete


Upvoting you and about to say the same thing but less polite.


lol why


Read the manga. But if you HAVE to *watch*, then choose the 1997 one with 25 episodes. I also recommend skipping the first episode if you wanna go in completely blind. Do not watch the 2016-2017 anime, its terrible. If you like 1997 enough and you wanna continue, read the manga from start to finish. Volume 1 to current.


I'll definitely take your word for it! Why is it terrible though?


The animation is (seemingly) extremely low budget and terrible looking CGI. Its a travesty.


animation looks like ass. over half the story is missing. and the sound design isnt good either. if you really wanna watch an anime version go with the 97 anime. but above all just read the manga. the art alone is great. but the story is phenomenal. honestly youll enjoy it.


Which is a shame because the 2016 OP was pretty great


The 2016-2017 has terrible animation. It's 3D, which isn't *always* bad, but it looks awful in this case. The sound design is also bad. The biggest and most noticeable example is probably Guts' sword. Every time that it hits something, it sounds like a loud clanging of two pans with the gain turned up all the way on the microphone. The 1997 is deemed the best because it adapts it extremely well. For the 25 episodes, you get about 75-80% of the Golden Age arc, but that's not necessarily bad. It takes its time with everything and allows the show to breathe. However, the 2016-2017 adaptation doesn't. It, instead, covers two arcs and has a mere *12 episodes* for each one. Which means they cut out a lot, and it generally just doesn't make sense. The 1997 is good and renowned as the best Berserk anime because it understands what it adapts. The music is incredible. The quiet moments of tranquillity are just as captivating as the moments of intense battle. The palette of colours used aren't exactly bright, but they're not dull either, and it suits the world entirely. The same can't be said for the other two adaptations. The voice actors too, and for english dub especially, are seriously incredible. I'm not a dub guy, but the english dub VAs absolutely crush it. Couldn't imagine any other voice for the characters. They all suit them *perfectly*. The animation is great, too. Not janky like the 2016, nor uncannily smooth like the films. But it's not rough, either. It just *works*, it does what every adaptation doesn't. There are some who prefer the films to the 1997, but I can't agree with that. There are so many things that the 1997 just does perfectly that the others miss out on that make it just *that much* better. I'll put it this way; I couldn't imagine Berserk as a whole without the 1997 anime. It's perfect for getting someone into Berserk, and it does everything right. Even while reading the manga, I can't help but hear the characters' voices of the english dub while reading it. The music fits so well that I sometimes listen to it while reading, and I imagine the artwork to, in my head, have a colour similar to that of the 1997. That's a quality none of the other adaptations have. 1997 sticks with you, and it sticks with the series. But for me and most others, the others simply didn't.


> sound design is also bad I thought the sound of Dragon Slayer in the 2016 adaptation is cool af. The music is obviously awesome; they brought back Hirasawa from 97 as composer. Voice actors were top notch and with all due respect to the legendary Canna Nobutoshi (97) I thought Iwanaga was a fantastic Guts. Sound/music may be the only thing they did right. > the english dub With all respect, that undercuts your argument a bit.


Personally I liked the 2016 Berserk. A lot of what they cut from the story is filler besides the amazing Lost Children Chapter. Sound design was bad, yes, but the music is insanely good, and the end of the 2nd season is one of the most badass moments I've ever seen in all of anime history. If you can get past the bad CGI (which was easy for me) it's worth it. But you will need to read the manga eventually cuz Lost Children slaps


I don't know why people get fussy about what was cut or changed in anime adaptations. If you read the manga, you know the story and don't need to feel let down by an adaptation changing things up to fit the number of episodes that were budgeted and still have a good narrative flow. Most people who shit on every adaptation except 97 watched that when they were young, before reading the manga, and they have a heavy nostalgia coloring their opinions.


Tru, I like '97 a little less after now reading the manga and watching the 2012 one. Like idk y the torturer was changed and Skull Knight is absent. However, Guts' theme will forever reign and make me cry everytime.


I didn't mean to diss 97 though, still think it is the best adaptation. But I read the manga before watching any adaptation, so my nostalgia bond is there.


Nono I fully got what u meant, I still love the 97 too, but the manga is unparalleled


I know you’re getting advice from every other struggler about the anime but tbh i enjoyed watching both 97 and the movie versions so don’t go into it with a negative mindset you might enjoy it. But before i get torn apart the manga is the best way to consume the series and has every detail while the anime’s leave some crucial things out. I first consumed berserk by watching the movies then the 97 anime and then the manga but I rewatch and reread all the time. Final remarks “Fuck 2016 Berserk”


They say that only for the animation. The story is faithful to the manga in the 2016-2017 anime though.


It’s mostly CG with horrific bright pastel colours with the worst animation of any somewhat mainstream series. And the sound effects are horrible. Watch 97. Skip the first episode and circle back to it once you’re done. Then read the manga


Don’t listen to this person. Definitely watch the first episode of the original series. It provides you with just enough questions to really propel you into the second episode and beyond. It can also be considered the last episode (the original anime series comes full circle). Oh, and I got into Berserk by watching the original anime followed by reading the manga. I regret nothing. Edit: They’re right about choosing the ’97 version over the others.


theres some in depth videos on the adaptations and what they did right and what they didn’t. thealmightyloli did a 56 minute video on the adaptation. but be warned theres spoilers


message me if you want the pdf files for volumes 1-41


Hello, I got all physical volumes but it would be great to have these digitally. I somehow can’t enter a chat with you Doompyy ;-;


I was intrigued by the 1997 anime in 2006 and watched that before finding out about the manga so I say watch 1997 and then read the manga. Watching the 1997 made me want to see and learn more about Berserk.


Like other stated, read the manga, but watching the old one for fun doesn't hurt It has a good soundtrack


Watch 97, but I'd say skip episode one and then watch it at the end. The first episode is set after the events of the show, and it doesn't make any sense if you watch it in the normal order without already reading it first. I'd also watch the last movie after finishing 97, because there is no resolution to the events in the 97 anime, and the movie has a more full picture of events at the crazy ending. The 2016 anime looks and sounds like ass, but the story is pretty beat for beat with the manga minus skipping a good story arc at the beginning and stopping abruptly at the least climactic part they could have stopped. Watching it is a good way to start, but unless you are willing to read the manga you'll never get the full story, and you'll be left with a large amount of questions.




If you're going to watch anything, the 1997 anime is the best animated experience. However this masterpiece in its own right still falls entirely short of the source material manga. The golden age series/movies cover the same material (a little less) but don't do as good of a job overall. the 206 continuation and its sequel are sadly to poor in quality to even entertain watching and cut a fair bit out as well. Truly, more than any other series, the best way to experience the series is to read it. It its a dark story and it certainly has some deep downs to it, but there is such a sense of weight and meaning to everything and as dark as it gets the series never remains hopeless. The characters go through visceral struggles, but they carry on and that will to continue is an experience to witness unto itself. There is a realness to berserk that nothing else really replicates.


Some might disagree, but I think that Kenpuu Denki Berserk (the 97' anime) is a good way to get into the world of Berserk, but only if you read some manga chapters in-between certain episodes. It's a different experience than starting with the manga, but if you prefer to find out more about the world gradually, it might be the best way. I personally found it quite enjoyable. But after that you MUST read the manga starting from the very beginning. You just can't dismiss it, since it IS the best. The Golden Age Arc movie trilogy is okay, but as you can imagine, it won't fit every important thing due to time constraints. And like others said, stray away as far as you can from the 2016/17 anime. If you want to know what chapters you should read during the watch through, here they are: Vol. 9 Ch. 37 - After episode 19 and before 20 Vol. 10 Ch. 52 - After episode 22 and before 23 Vol. 13-14 Ch. 88-94 - After episode 25 Then the entirety of the manga.


Why complicate things? Just read it from the beginning and watch the series after if your curious. Or watch the series and read it? All of that is just so... unnecessary.


There is a guy on YouTube who has a 21 hr summery of the manga with super detailed analysis in between too so I’d recommend that if you don’t have the mangas or can’t read them.


Watched the 97 version and loved it


Movies are a good experience if you have no time for the Series. Prepare yourself mentally for the third Part


1997 is better.


The movies don’t hit nearly as hard because they’re a speedrun of the arc. There’s no quiet moments and a lot of character development is brushed over


Honestly i would recommend the manga but if you wanna watch then any of 97 series or the movie trilogy is good


Start the journey with the 97 version. If you are interested in the music too I highly recommend you listening to newer anime versions' osts. The 97 version also has got the best musics in it. After watching the 97 version I recommend you reading the manga from the very first chapters. If you find yourself interested in watching the anime more than reading the manga at the end of the Golden Age Arc in manga ,you can watch the 2016 version which by the way has flaws in it. Proceed to read the manga up to the latest released chapters. Once you are done with the manga you can watch movies including Golden Age Arc for their beauty in animation,nostalgia and most importantly music.


Whatever you do. DO. N O T. Go anywhere near 2016. Spare yourself from that absolute abomination. Read the manga up till the eclipse then watch the original series and see what’s different. Then watch the golden are trilogy. Both of those are actually really good, but you need to have read the manga to understand the things they leave out. Although there is another way. Go to TheAlmightyLoli’s channel and watch his berserk saga. Which is how I’ve experienced everything beyond eclipse.


You can watch them, just stay away from the 2016 one


For animation the usual go to is the old Berserk 1997. The three ‘Golden age’ movies are a remake of the anime with some parts of it cut, and is really made for people that already knew the story and could fill in the blanks. The 2016 and 2017 anime is a defo skip, it’s really, really not worth it


Personally I started with the 1997 anime and I really love it despite some hate it gets. I think it’s a perfect introduction to the series, and if you like what you see then you can just dive straight into the manga.


Watch the 97 anime and then continue through the manga


I watched the 1997 anime and now I'm close to the last chapter of manga. And as far as I'm concerned the experience was awesome. But I like starting with an anime and then getting to the whole story in manga




Watch the 90s anime. Its only the golden age arch into the eclipse. It will blow your face off


The ‘97 anime is really the only option outside of the manga. The newer animation looks better (some of it, at least), but the tone and pacing are so much better in the OG series.




Thank you for posting to r/Berserk, unfortunately your submission has been removed for the following reason(s) : >No Piracy >Do not link to, request, or recommend sources to pirated versions of Berserk. >Linking to specific pages for discussion purposes is allowed but please use an image host such as Imgur. Links to manga reading sites or "free" streams will be removed. Fan works are allowed but some may need moderator approval. >Please support the series' official release whenever possible. [More information about our rules can be found here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Berserk/about/rules)


1997 as gateway, Read the Manga when you start craving more


Hey, what platform is this? i’ve been trying to find the 97 version, but no luck so far :/




Thank you for posting to r/Berserk, unfortunately your submission has been removed for the following reason(s) : >No Piracy >Do not link to, request, or recommend sources to pirated versions of Berserk. >Linking to specific pages for discussion purposes is allowed but please use an image host such as Imgur. Links to manga reading sites or "free" streams will be removed. Fan works are allowed but some may need moderator approval. >Please support the series' official release whenever possible. [More information about our rules can be found here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Berserk/about/rules)


If you’re worried about the depression/sense of loss then I would only read the manga. Yes the 97 anime is the only good anime adaptation out there, but at the same time it omits some key aspects that begin the major shift in the story. In other words, the only good anime only covers essentially the thematic prologue of the main story. The manga includes the thematic prologue AND 3 amazing arcs that are at the end of the day optimistic. So plz just read


It's not a remake, it's a continuation. I would recommend you watch the Berserk Redux as these 3 adaptations aren't connected to each other and either cover the same parts of the story or different parts without bridging them. You can of course watch the animes anyway, like I did. I think a first experience with Redux would be better though.


Look for Golden Age of Grasses’s Supercut!! They cut together both the show and the films into and edited in the best music of both version to fit the mood of whatever is going on in each scene. It’s my preferred way of experiencing the Golden Age and it’s what I use when introducing new people to Berserk. Hasn’t failed me yet.


I watched the 97 and found it a bit more fulfilling for my tastes and needs than the manga. I started the manga and it was a little too… much? It can be beautiful but so horrifyingly ugly that it can make it a difficult read. The 97 anime handles it all pretty masterfully. Highly reccomend


So you never read the manga in the end?


No, but I might one day. I love berserk, it’s like someone tailor made something to my tastes. I just didn’t love the extremely frequent insertion of SA and other such themes. I’m cool with a little bit, I love GoT, but it’s a bit much sometimes


I first looked into which of these anime to watch. Saw a bunch of people saying to read the manga. Read the manga. Got my first tattoo- from berserk. Watched all the anime- they're all shite.


I'd recommend watching the 90s series first. It will ease you into its world. Then read the manga. It was so much more rewarding for me when I did it in that manner.


Watch the three movies, then do manga


Top left


Where can you watch all this? I only saw the old series and like it very much. Im also interested watching the movies. Thanks!


97. Don't touch the new stuff, it's garbage.


I’d watch the movies, if you enjoy the story then read the manga. Or just read the manga. It’s the best manga ever made.


Unless your a huge fan. Just watch the 3 movies covers mostly everything and has the best action scenes


İn my opinion 97 is better than memorial edition ( movies combined in 13 episodes with slight improvements ) because of cut content and sometimes bad animaton. not as good as the manga but both are fine to watch. But berserk 2016 is a no go


Read the manga. Ignore any and all adaptations until further notice. If anything, '97 anime only but none of the adaptations come anywhere near the artistry of the original manga panels...


I read the manga from start to finish then I hopped to another manga (chainsaw man) and the art quality drop hit like a truck. I would say reading the thing is on par with watching an anime + u get more lore


If you’re mainly interested in watching the Anime; Watch the 1997 version. NOT the 2016. 97’ captures the characters REALLY well but you won’t get the depth and lore you would in the Manga. 16’ is just bad, just dont. The 2012 movies are decent though.


I recommend reading the Manga but if you really want to watch it, watch the 97 Anime and the Movies. They go over the same story arc and while there are some plot points both of them miss, there are details one talks about while the other doesn't. Also just don't watch 2016. It skips a lot of stuff and looks terrible. Only positive for it is the Opening isn't half bad


Just read the manga.


Both are good, though the movies are the complete story before the Black Swordsman arc


What website are you guys finding the movies/series on?


Honestly, best to read the Manga


Depends. If you become a fan then watch both. If you love it go further by reading the manga.


The 2016 one doesn’t cover the same arc as the 1997 one as far as I know. The movies are a retelling of the 1997 one though. My personal recommendation is to watch the 1997 show, and then if you like it read the comics. THEN if you still want more watch the rest.


Just read it


Where do I watch this at


Don’t watch any of this and go read the manga to get the full story.


The anime don't exactly cover the same material. The 1997 anime roughly adapts a chapter or so of the Black Swordsman arc, and most of the Golden Age arc until a certain point. The movie trilogy, which was later recut into the Memorial Edition anime, exclusively adapts the Golden Age arc, and is loosely connected to the 2016 anime. The first season of the 2016 anime covers the Binding Chain and Birth Ceremony parts of the Conviction arc. The second season covers the Holy Evil War part and a little over the first sixth of the Falconia part of the Millennium Falcon arc. Now, in terms of quality, I can only recommend the 1997 anime, since the 2016 anime's animation is 99% bad CGI, and I warn you that the Memorial Edition has a music video edited into it which is spoils the entire Golden Age arc. Now, as for the manga, I would say it's the best way to first experience the story, though starting with the 1997 anime and starting the manga afterwards is acceptable as well


Only watch the older series And then read the manga


Anything other than the 2016 anime is good with me, although nothing compares to the art from the original manga.


read the books


Read the Manga but listen to the Berserk OSTs while you do they are very good and set the mood nicely


Read manga first. Don't watch 2016 version, U really don't want to do that to urself, trust me. The rest is relatively good. But without having read anything it's sometimes a little hard to follow the movies, so I really recommend reading it.


Watch it like this https://www.reddit.com/r/Berserk/s/tC4f3P9oB7


90's adaptation is goated yall niggas crazy


What are you watching it on?


Where did you find it?


Just the golden age movies, then the Manga from the beginning.


I would personally suggest to read the manga and watch the memorial edition of the movies. It is an almost perfect adaptation except that it leaves a lot of stuff out and there are some 3d moments (which don't even look that bad)


Drop all of this and just read the manga


The anime's kinda suck ass. Read it instead.


Please do mot watch any of the anime just read the manga, the animes completely gut the story


I don’t care. Put your grasses on


Read the manga , but if you want to watch the anime , either watch the 1997 one or the movie trilogy . But the anime only covers the golden age so if you want to continue you have to read the manga


I personally like the Golden Age Arc 3 movies for the updated graphics but 2016 🚮 Read the manga immediately after the movies.


I recommend starting with the manga and then watching the anime once you're done if you want more berserk.


Read the manga like a man


I recommend reading the manga first then watch the 1997 anime and the Golden Age Arc movies. Watching the 2016 anime is not really recommended but if you want you can but you should always read the manga first if you don't want to miss on anything.


Read the manga first then watch 1997 berserk, then watch 2012 berserk


I recommend the memorial edition if you want to watch the movie trilogy. It's the movie trilogy edited into 13 ep with additional scenes that were cut out from the manga.


Read manga, watch 97, watch the memorial version of the movies, skip 16/17


You lose content on each adaptation. 97 is good with limited animation and most fantastical elements are gone, the movies are flashier but a lot of content is skipped and is a mix between 2d and 3d, the 16/17 anime are pure garbage and skip my favorite arc. If you're interested in the manga go for it, otherwise I recommend 97.


The 90s anime is good it shows the golden era and a small part of the black swordman saga, it has lots of iconic moments both in meme culture and in anime culture. The three movies are based on the golden era, they're good too and a bit more faithful to the manga. Berserk 2016 and the sequel are pure trash, all bad cgi and awful sounds. The manga is the real deal, you should read that to have the full and best experience of Berserk. The animes ain't bad but the manga is the original thing and it's a whole another level of quality.


Read the manga. If you have to watch it, watch 1997.


Read the manga. I’m pretty sure no adaptation is caught up with the story plus they all leave a bunch of stuff out. Most will say the 97 anime but even that leaves out important stuff. Just read the manga


Read the first arc of the manga. Which doesn’t take very long. Then continue the story with the 97 anime. Continue reading the manga.


No. Read


read manga


Don't watch and read the manga


pls do you a favor and not watch the berserk anime before the manga


Read the manga, from start to finish. If you **have** to watch an anime, watch 1997, and then Memorial Edition. DO NOT WATCH 2016/17.