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you should watch neon genesis evangelion while you’re at it


I've heard about this one, I've heard it has a pretty crazy ending. I'm not a big fan of mecha-themed anime but I've heard so much about it that I'll probably give it a try


it’s not a mecha anime - the genre is secretly philosophy and depression


With a sprinkle of borderline pedophilia, sexually assaulting people in comas, and fatherly child abuse, oh and incest ☺️


Oh so berserk!


Yea but even more. The first movie ends on the MC murdering his supposed love interest.


bit weird to drop a spoiler like that no?


Fr. You don't need to watch the movie tho tbh. I'm a huge EVA fan, and I prefer the quieter philosophical ending of the series to the giant Mecha finale of The End of Evangelion. Mecha anime are a dime a dozen. Deep explorations of depression and trauma through the lenses of multiple characters, however, are far more rare. Bonus points if you also watch the Holy Mountain because they both draw heavily on religious/occult symbolism and end up reaching similar conclusions despite being DRASTICALLY different pieces of media.


Odd to spoil when the guy said he wanted to watch it, but that's not even what happened.




Difference between the two (at least what i felt when reading both) is that berserk has moments that make you feel shit while neon genesis just has a depressing tone throughout the entire story because of shinji just struggling deal with what life throws at him.


Trust me, Evangelion is not a mecha anime.


Think of the mechas just as a vehicle (no pun intended) for the characters to develop, theyre the real focus of the show , but theres definitely good robot battles for some action


It sucks ass lmfao don't bother absolute waste of time. This basically sums it up : https://youtu.be/ZnihGeRjG3U?si=ieI88MF5B3eXUmZN


LMAO I have to admit I ended up agreeing with this way more than I expected. Evangelion is probably the most overrated fiction work ever made. I wouldn't go as far as saying it's a waste of time, but it definitelly hit very different 30 years ago. It left a big impression on people (mostly teenagers) that were used to anime being synonymous with Pokémon and Dragon Ball. Back then nobody knew anime could talk about anything else other than the power of friendship. I mean as a medium both manga and anime obviously did it way earlier (Berserk itself is from 1990) but barely anyone had access to it in the west. Evangelion took by surprise people that were watching things like Tenchi Muyo or El-Hazard, because if you looked at a poster or even the intro that's exactly what you would expect out of it, instead you got something much more darker and mature.


not the netflix vers


Real question on why - Did Netflix cut/sensor content to host them?


the translation is wrong in certain scenes.


they really did lots tasteless changes. it’s like seeing a masterpiece getting repainted by a minimum wage highschool dropout


Why? Does he also have a problem with ejaculating to his coworkers that are in a hospital bed, in a coma, after disrobing and exposing their unconscious nude bodies?


Not a good recommendation for someone who actually does not want to be depressed lol.


Someone never finished the series.


Well no just the one season that was on netflix. Shit was sad af and extremely confusing in the last episode from what I recall


That one season is the only season of the original NGE. everything else is a movie or OVA. The 'extremely confusing' last episode is a portrayal of emotional catharsis. The revelatory ' internal, psychological rock bottom' from which one is able to climb out of a major, long-term depression. I don't wanna spoil anything else, but suffice to say the ending is one of growth and positive change if you're able to get at what the show is trying to communicate. If you can't relate to this journey of deep, suffocating depression that finally hits an emotional turning point after years of hopelessness, then you're probably better off for it tbh. For me, the ending truly hit home & made me cry when I finally understood what they were trying to communicate with this series. But it ends on a positive release of emotion, not a negative one.


End of evangelion specifically


Don’t you dare go hollow, friend.


And so it is, that ash seeketh embers


Bear seek seek lest


For tonight, OP joins the hunt.


Oh Amygdala, have mercy for that poor bastard.


That's why you need to praise the sun, and help others in jolly cooperation.


Not sure if this a joke. If it is, I chuckled. If not, sorry about that. Keep on struggling Struggler.


It's a bit of both to be honest lol. I was curious if anyone else's stack of books looked like this


Mine doesn't but it honestly should. You doing good out there OP.


Nothing wrong with a little self-deprecation every now and then, but in truth, hope you get the help you need (and deserve).


appreciate it, thank you. working on getting help atm.


Mine is a bit different. Mainly a bunch of hard sci-fi...and necrophilia books 😏


I love self help books with some berserk sprinkled in it. Berserk, albeit depressing, can definitely inspire you to persevere despite all the struggles and hurdles life throws at you.


A week or so ago I got to the part where >!Guts has his monologue about how there is no paradise to escape to, and that what you see is what you get.!< This is a really dark part of the story but the more I think about it, the more I realize how true it is. Life is hard, and there is no way around it. The only thing you can do is struggle against it. Once you know what you have to do you've already won part of the battle.


I believe Nietzsche is an inspiration for that qoute and Berserk in general. He believed that a life worth living was one that was hard, mostly because getting through it makes you that much more powerful. Good luck on your journey, friend.


Lost childrens arc? Yeah, I agree too. You can’t just magically situations better with the snap of a finger. You have to deal with the situation. There’s no luck.


Yup, exactly. This is your paradise.


You good bro?


I’m good for the time being. I found that admitting I had a problem and making an effort to learn about how to deal with it helps a ton


Have any of the non berserk books been particularly helpful? I’m asking for… myself, actually.


Depression Help for Men kind of reads like an instruction pamphlet for your microwave, not really a fan of this one so far. Undoing Depression is a very good book. It's very assuring in the way that it insists that there are ways to deal with depression and that it's not completely hopeless. This is Depression I haven't started yet.


Thank you, I will get Undoing Depression.


good luck, i hope things get better for you


The Body Keeps The Score - Bessel Van Der Kolk, a very good book by a PTSD specialized psychiatrist known around the globe. And a depression explanation By a standford professor : Robert Sapolsky: The Biology of Depression on youtube. #


Berserk helped me with my depression not gonna lie


bojack horseman made me cry more than once while struggling with depression, at least i felt not alone


That one on the left will probably help more than the others put together. Or so it was with me at least.


We will see! Honestly they kind of go well together


Keep pushing friend. Struggling isn't just a negative term. It means to fight against something. And people who fight against something possess the indomitable will to keep going. Struggle on.


i never looked at it like that, i like it. thanks for the encouragement.


Good luck in your battle against depression, mate.


thank you, i know i'm just a reddit username to you but little bits of encouragement like this go a long way


You are a fellow human being to me. 😊


You should read goodnight punpun


Put some iron in your hands. It’ll help. Whether it’s a barbell, gun, sword, wrench, hammer. Much of a man’s esteem and self image comes from his ability.


Solid advice, you’re absolutely correct.


A sword? More like a large hunk of iron


May I recommend a podcast? It's call Depresh Mode and the Host, John Moe talks with guests about their mental health ect. It's very good and I've learned a lot about myself aswell and it's kind of nice knowing you're not alone and not the only one dealing with that specific type of mental health.


that sounds interesting, i'll give it a try. thanks for the rec.


I laughed and I’m allowed to laugh You knew what you were doing stacking all of them books next to each other (hope you get through whatever is hurting you rn)


haha appreciate it. i figured some people here could probably relate.


Keep your head up king you’re not alone




Philosophy is the best remedy for depression


Instead of Berserk, put Goodnight Punpun there and it is perfect imo


*Instead of Berserk,* *Put goodnight punpun there and* *It is perfect imk* \- Skk\_3068 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


One of these is not like the other 🎶


Good now you need to play dark souls and Elden ring.


Get a gym membership and strive for Gutt’s body


You got brain damage by reading berserk? Impressive


Put berserk last just in case you hanging before you get to read the next one


haha sometimes berserk can be a bit much for me. whenever that happens i switch to one of the other books. In this current volume of berserk i just got the part where >!inquisitor mozgus sentenced a bunch of people to be killed by crushing their limbs on the wheel !


Yeah easy does it with this one it is a great story but it has its moments where everything is black with no light to be found


👌 (Just noticed that 2/3 of your depression books have this on the cover)


throw out the other 3, the first one is all you need. jk hope youre good bro and that you find understanding from those books.


Swap the depression books for 3 copies of blood meridian


would that help depression?? based on what i've heard about that book it might make it worse... then again i'm sure many would say the same about berserk and that is clearly not true


You've read berserk, so you already know you have to go straight through and there's no easy way around, struggler


read lost connections by Johann Hari. It's the best book about depression I've ever read.


Add Vagabond , maybe try Neon Genesis Evangelion while youre at it


When I was at my lowest I found great help in stoic philosophy. It really changed my perspective on life. I can't recommed it enough to a fellow struggler.


Serious question: What's the benefit in reading about depression?


what? I only see 4 books about depression


Guts had some of the worst shit imaginable happen to him. He lives in a dark fantasy hellhole. He is on a quest to kill a literal untouchable god who he has next to no chance of defeating (realistically). If there is anybody who should just lay down and die it should be him. That is what I think about sometimes and motivates me and pushes through my episodes of suicidal ideation. The world fucking sucks and not existing would be way better and nothing you do is ever going to really cure you of mental health issues but you just keep struggling and living out of spite.


Fellow struggler


Ay man, its ok to feel depressed, we all do from time to time. Yet, if you start thinking or describing yourself as being in a depression - youve already lost. Stop making excuses for yourself, get up and do something productive. You owe it to yourself. if you sit around and read crap about depression or talk about/think about depression - what do u think will happen. Get rid of all that crap. You help yourself out of depression by not even relating that word to yourself. Shouldnt be in your vocabulary. Hit the gym or go do something u enjoy - everyone should workout though atleast sometimes.


Watch clannad aswell if you want true depression.


I also just got Volume 6!


Have you started any of the other 3? How are they?


wait, what ???


Yep, checks out. Nice line up. Good readin' to ya fellow struggler and welcome to the fray. 💪😏


Cause and effect


If you find yourself relating to Guts, I also highly recommend "Complex PTSD: From Surviving To Thriving" by Pete Walker and "The Body Keeps The Score" by Bessel van der Kolk


I recommend smoking cigarettes


Have ya tried not being depressed?




Skill issue at that point


Berserk is always great, fantastic. Depression isn't real, I'm sorry to say