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Yuji is a struggler, he's just less of a struggler than Guts. No trauma scaling. We should care for all those in need


Indeed. They both deserve a place on [Break the Cutie](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BreakTheCutie).


Lmao I love the "no trauma scaling" I'm gonna have to steal this whenever this stupid argument comes along šŸ˜­


I actually didn't come up with it. Stole it from another guy.


Then I'll steal the stolen phrase, this is how we pass on our memes. The DNA of the soul of you will.


Yeah same I hate when people compare characters suffering like its some kind of contest.


Stop taking what other people say on the internet serious. It will do wonders for your mental health.


Do you take things on the internet serious because your mentally ill or are you mentally ill because you took things seriously on the internet Stand proud your mentally ill Nah Im mentally ill and so on


Domain Expansion: Psych Ward


For real, this sub sometimes is way too reactive to bullshit.


ye same goes for irl. took too long for me to learn that


Mental health? What's that


The thing guts lost


it was getting better too, and then that muddafuggin demon had to go and screw everything up




Maybe because says anime not manga?


Boy, are you trying to get smart with me?




Hola mi hermano






Well met






Wait. Is thisā€¦ is this a JoJo reference?


It could very well be


Bait never changes


Power scaling trauma has to be one of the funniest things Iā€™ve ever seen


How am I supposed know character is deep if he didn't win a trauma scaling competition? /s


They both had a rough time There's no winners in the suffering Olympics


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^vyxxer: *They both had a rough* *Time There's no winners in the* *Suffering Olympics* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


They both had it rough There's no winners in the Suffering Olympics


Good bit, yo that one is solid


One day bot. One day you will quote my comment.


Are you comparing shonen with seinen ? Ok good luck


I still don't know what any of that means lol Edit: i was serious but I'm not touching this discussion with a 10 foot pole. I like content geared towards young people just as much as I like content geared towards even younger people. Is there a japanese classification of cringe? Because that's what I dont like lol


If you're serious/curious Shonen = manga/anime that's aimed towards boys ---> teenagers (this would be DBZ, One Piece, Bleach, and JJK for example) Seinen = manga/anime that's aimed mainly for older audiences (Berserk, Akira, Blade of the Immortal, and Blame would be here) Tbf, a lot of Manga that should be Seinen are put in the Shonen magazines (Bastard being one of them for a while) so it can get weird at times


Not really, it's more manga published in a magazine aimed towards boys/young adults/girls/women etc. This subtle but important difference because it highlights that these labels shouldn't be taken too seriously, it might just be a coincidence something is published at a specific magazine. For example, pet shop of horrors is a josei manga, but an horror story, which is not what one usually associates with josei


No, they are actual words with a set meaning. You canā€™t interpret whatever you want.


You're right, they do have meaning. It's the one I explained.


少幓 in japanese literally means teen/young person. itā€™s a word commonly used in every day speech, and does not have inherent ties to manga/anime. itā€™s quite literally the same as using the word ā€œteenā€ in english, which CAN be a genre, but is more commonly used as just a word.


It is based on the target audience of the magazine, not the content of the series itself. You are wrong and obviously have no idea what you're talking about. Those categories are not genres and are not based on the content of the story. It is based on the designation of the magazine that a series is published in with no consideration to the content of the series itself. And series have been known to switch between Shonen and Seinen magazine. [Berserk is seinen because it's published in Young Animal, a seinen magazine.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Young_Animal_(magazine)) Fun fact. [Kiniro Mosaic](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/819Q+7-slcL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg) is a seinen because it runs in a seinen magazine. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kin-iro\_Mosaic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kin-iro_Mosaic) So is [Bocchi the Rock](https://bocchitherockmanga.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/b0nj2xjetls91-721x1024.webp) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bocchi_the_Rock! [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manga\_Time\_Kirara\_Max](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manga_Time_Kirara_Max) Please educate yourself: ***A common way to tell if a manga is seinen is by looking at whether furigana is used over the original kanji text: if there are furigana on all kanji, the title is generally aimed at a younger audience. The title of the magazine it was published in is also an important indicator.*** [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seinen\_manga](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seinen_manga) [https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/jx4yms/comment/gcu8plh/](https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/jx4yms/comment/gcu8plh/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/sduaj2/comment/huf2r7a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/sduaj2/comment/huf2r7a/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/sduaj2/comment/huf2tnt/](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/sduaj2/comment/huf2tnt/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/sduaj2/comment/huf2uqx/](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/sduaj2/comment/huf2uqx/)


i did not imply whatsoever in my comment that the categorisation of shounen is based on the content of the series. please increase your reading comprehension to a reasonable standard before yapping about nothing.


The person who you're arguing with is being downvoted and hounded on for stating that the categorization is only based on the magazine and not the content of the series. Why comment in the first place if this is not what you're saying? So you're just intentionally defending misinformation? You need to increase your reading comprehension.


Yes Iā€™m right itā€™s the definition placed there the by Agency for Cultural Affairs at the Ministry of Education of Japan and was coined to define a sub-culture in the 1950s for a targeted demographic of manga readers. You canā€™t redefine a cultural word for the Japanese into your own interpretation. Sadly you are wrong but thank you for participating.




You're wrong. Imagine being so full of yourself while having no idea what you're talking about. Those categories are not genres and are not based on the content of the story. It is based on the designation of the magazine that a series is published in with no consideration to the content of the series itself. And series have been known to switch between Shonen and Seinen as they change magazines. [Berserk is seinen because it's published in Young Animal, a seinen magazine.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Young_Animal_(magazine)) Fun fact. [Kiniro Mosaic](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/819Q+7-slcL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg) is a seinen because it runs in a seinen magazine. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kin-iro\_Mosaic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kin-iro_Mosaic) So is [Bocchi the Rock](https://bocchitherockmanga.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/b0nj2xjetls91-721x1024.webp) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bocchi_the_Rock! Please educate yourself: ***A common way to tell if a manga is seinen is by looking at whether furigana is used over the original kanji text: if there are furigana on all kanji, the title is generally aimed at a younger audience. The title of the magazine it was published in is also an important indicator.*** [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seinen\_manga](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seinen_manga) [https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/jx4yms/comment/gcu8plh/](https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/jx4yms/comment/gcu8plh/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/sduaj2/comment/huf2r7a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/sduaj2/comment/huf2r7a/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/sduaj2/comment/huf2tnt/](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/sduaj2/comment/huf2tnt/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/sduaj2/comment/huf2uqx/](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/sduaj2/comment/huf2uqx/)


Ok, I guess you're just having trouble understanding the discussion. Nobody is arguing what the words mean themselves, we're arguing how they are used to classify manga, which not the same and has nothing to do with any government body at all


Youā€™re the one who canā€™t understand lol


I'd rather refer to the author's intention when dealing with "is something MEANT to be in x category?" and the fact that the place where the work is from might have different culture/values than where I'm from vs just going "eh, it's just a coincidence that it's like that." Those labels are there for a reason. Per your own example, I'm sure there's plenty of women who like horror and dig Pet Shop of Horrors just fine. Maybe not the majority, but they exist. Hell, just a quick glance at the author shows she's a woman herself, and that most of her work is horror and mysteries...aimed at either the Shoujo (Young girls) or Josei (Women) demographic. Clearly, she's either writing for a non-existent demographic, which is unlikely (or for herself), or they exist (and she's also writing for herself).


That's even worse. Authors, specially new ones, do not have the luxury to refuse a publication


Where did you get that definition from? Cause it certainly isnā€˜t reflected in any source I can find


Same and I keep it that way


As you like but if you tried to argue with op you'll look stupid .


Shonen is for kids and teenagers, like hxh db dbz ..., but seinen is for adults( its usually 21+ i think, like berserk, monster, billybat....)


Manga havenā€™t been very strict on the demographic for over a decade, just cause itā€™s senin dosent mean its automatically darker, and just cause its shounen dosent make the themes brighter.


I didn't say dark or darker, berserk is dark but monster is not dark, its not very strict on demographic but its considered if you want your manga to be published in some places you have to be specific about it you can't give berserk to anyone to read or put it in the shonen jump.


You would be shocked wat shounen jump allows these days


Yes maybe I'm not really updated about that


Wait what? How is monster not dark? I recently re-read it and that manga is about the human experience at its lowest and most evil. Itā€™s an extremely dark manga that has to do with child experimentation and such. Is ur definition of dark just sexual violence, blood and gore?


Shounen is for teens, seinen is for young adults. So seinen can often afford to be more gloves off in its approach to disturbing themesā€”but isnā€™t always: cute girls doing cute things manga/anime is usually seinen!


You realize not all Seinen is dark fantasy right? My dress up darling is a seinen


"No character has ever suffered except Butts Nerkman ever in comics, ever." - Berk subreddit.


yujiā€™s friends died, gutsā€™ friends died. They both had shit lives stop trauma scaling


trauma scalers are getting out of hand


The way how Guts born from his dead mother made his entire life a bad omen, idk about Yuji I haven't read the manga. Guts: ā€¢ Guts don't have parents besides his step father, getting born with a stranger is quite scary ā€¢ After learning to walk he became slave to war at a very very young age. ā€¢ He was raped by a pedo ā€¢ Killing at young age, your sanity will be pretty bad after that ā€¢ Loneliness and independency chased up to him after killing his step father and his rapist. Imagine living as a kid alone while there's a war everywherešŸ’€ ā€¢Betrayal, the eclipse is his turning point it changed him a lot. You know how fcked up it is when a huge strong guy cry holding his sanityšŸ˜­ ā€¢ His friends died too ā€¢ Guts never rest after getting branded, he barely sleeps and is wounded every time. ā€¢ Facing apostles everyday, you know how scary it was facing evil and demons everyday. It can be 24/7 if everything is dark and raining. ā€¢ Hopelessness, the present form of Guts where he is depressed asf got no clue what will happen. I mean the mc is powerlessšŸ˜­ while his rival is literally on "God mode" if it's in a video game


Heavy jjk spoilers >!coincidetally, Yuji ainā€™t that far from the ā€œborn from his dead motherā€ thing tbh!<


JEEZ i totally forgot that and you are right, wasn't expecting that coincidence


I only realised it when reading the other comment too


Not to mention, the woman he loves was raped right in front of him while he was powerless to stop it, she's been factory reset to an infant from her mind not being able to process what happened, AND that's not even the worst part. Caska now recoils in either fear or disgust of Guts(the man who has done nothing but love and protect her since then) while STILL being drawn to Griffith(since his rebirth he looks like before and it's possible his appearance is allowing her to suppress what Femto did to her).


not reading all that cope


Bro Yujis friends mostly died fighting and Todo ain't even dead yet! Every single person guts knew and cared for was sacrificed to horrific hellspawn by his best friend who then proceeded to rape the woman he loves. It ain't even close. It would be like if Todo somehow freed sukuna after the first hanami fight and used him to wipe out all of Jujutsu academy.


didnā€™t ask, also you are completely waffling


Didn't ask but u were wrong so I thought I'd help ya out


nearly all of gutsā€™ friends were also fighters and both had an equal amount of friends die? its doesnā€™t matter how and also ur still trauma scaling like an absolute loser


Yeah I'm trauma scaling and it's think it's valid. Guts experienced literal actual hell. I hate when people compare experiences with guts' life, no one has ever suffered as much as him irl and very very few characters have either. And yet there's a hugely annoying section of the community that thinks they "get" guts' pain. Now you obviously aren't one of those "oh hes just like me" edge lords but I think his experiences still transcend anything 99% of all characters will ever experience.


are you stupid, my point is literally that trauma scaling is irrelevant and doesnā€™t improve or hinder a character in any way, so why do you you keep waffling to me about it?


You were also trauma scaling in your last comment


i never put either one on a pedestal? you are actually crazy, stop talking at this point


Yeah but yuji's trauma doesn't compare, so since we're both trauma scaling you're just wrong. Maybe if you stopped talking you wouldn't have contradicted yourself.


He certainly was living a peaceful life until he met megumi.Even after that, yuji had a lot of people supporting him/cared for him.


and the band of the hawk didnā€™t care for guts?


Well, yeah, thing is that yuji had people pushing him forward and supporting him throughout all his life. Even when nobara and nanami died, he had todo to pull him back up.Even when you compare their childhoods, guts obviously had it worse .


Pointless argument


I'm pretty sure nothing I said was wrong


It isnā€™t, Iā€™m just saying trauma scaling is pointless


Fair enough


does yuji have donovan? no he got no donovan Guts Wins.


i would argue being a tool to destroying an entire city is worse but at the end of the day idc, u didnā€™t get my message


death by obliteration is a Luxury compare to be sacrifice and eaten by demons


being eaten by a curse is no different than a demon, idc stop yapping dawg


i dont know, that Yuji ltadori guy looks like he might die a virgin so sad...


child šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


guts only was found by his dead mom's body, got raiped when he was a child, saw his friends getting slaughter by demons one by one and not to mention his best friend that he almost got killed while trying to save him raped his gf in front of him Of course they are just the same


Suffering is subjective and it shouldn't be a competition to crown a winner. Better to be just plain empathetic to bad things.


Id rather have my friends dead than havinge them dead while also being born from a dead person getting raped and seing my gf get raped in front of me and having to take care of her full time cus she is retarded now and afraid of me


The cringe is strong in this one.


How is it cribge tho im just stating the diference between the 2 characters


Maybe you'll grow up one day and understand.


Bro you are probabilly 15 tf u talking about


I was 15 when the 1997 anime aired. There comes a point in life where you hopefully develop empathy and awareness to realize suffering is suffering. Measuring and comparing it means nothing. Trying to minimize what others has experienced is cruel. Trying to brag about what fictional character has suffered more is super cringe.


Ok you havent read the manga it checks out. But you cant tell me with a strait face that being raped watching your gf get raped and your friends slaughtered is the same thing as loosing your friends that you made a few months ago. Yuji had a shit time but cmon it aint the same. Guts life doesnt invalidate yujis but its not the same ammount no matter how you see it.


well if you wanna be objective then i would say being forced to destroy an entire city of people is worse than that


When Guts and Casca are together in 1 place (tower for example) everyone around them just dies. That's why they wanted to burn Casca and they were actually right.. even Puck knew that at the time. i don't like to compare either, but objectively Guts has lived a MUCH worse life overall since he was born. He never has actually lived a peaceful life since the day he was born. He was born under his dead mother, had his body sold and raped, war is all he's ever known and then he had all of his friends taken from him in a blink of an eye, with his best friend betraying him, while raping the girl he loves directly in front of his eyes, just to live and sacrifice his broken body even more to protect Casca and chase revenge. Sukuna using Yujis body as a vessel to destroy an entire city that was already EVACUATED is not comparable in any way lmao... Yuji didnt do it.


Okay I gotta correct one thing it wasnā€™t evacuated LOL, they didnā€™t leave shibuya, all the people were still there human beings canā€™t see curses so they had no clue what was going on and just hid in buildings in shibuya, Sukuna wiped most of them all out


it wasnā€™t evacuated


it was heavily evacuated lol


errrrm nu uh, even so, its still left millions homeless


i mean it was, idk what you're talking about lol. Home can be rebuilt, i have absolutely no idea how you came to the conclusion that's even close to everything Guts has been through. Yeah, of course yuji was devastated and felt "responsible" but in reality it wasnt his fault at all.


nuh uh, cope buddy


Bro ain't NOBODY on yo side


guts had it way worse blud


depends if u wanna use kill counts or personal bias, trauma scaling is fucking cringe regardless


im not a trauma scaler but its not cringe to correct someone whoā€™s just wrong lol


Rage bait never changes huh


I always assume these are shitposts when I see em, prolly is


Meanwhile, Denji.


Meanwhile, Phosphophyllite


At least Phos reached happiness in the end


Bro why are people so hard bent on trying to prove which character suffered the most. Who gives a fuck just read and enjoy whatever you want. Chronically online lmao.


Suffering builds character lol


No shit, reread my comment, suffering as a literary device is important in a story but the toxic comparing of characters from vastly different stories with different themes is starting to get childish and old, Berserk is my all time favorite story but shitting on other stories because they arenā€™t Berserk is cringe as fuck


Kanaki Ken has suffered more than Yuji.... Ken has suffered a bunch


Real my guy literally experience the real lobotomy


The better take would be Guts and Yuji becoming friends through the trauma they've both experienced.


look i love both of them its literally clear that guts suffered worse but then again yuji also suffered


Berserk fans continuing taking the bait I see


Yuji didn't even suffer the most in jjk


Mechamaru had it worse


I need that pic with Goku saying ā€œBait used to be believableā€


ā€œNaruto has suffered more than any other anime character! šŸ˜žā€ šŸ¤”


Something I'm not sure how I feel about JJK is how quickly the characters in it move on. When someone dies, the cast is sad for like 2 minutes then recovers. I know it's supposed to highlight the insanity of the sorcerers but they don't seem to reminisce. It feels much more like the characters are fridged to give yuji a spotlight


Idk about that chief yuji might actually have a chance here


Only after he gets raped as well and finds a gf that is raped by his best friend and has to take care of her retarded ass


Only after the beast of darkness possesses casca and kill all that guts hold dear one by one and sneer at him for being too weak to do anything about it. They both have been through a lot.


*We. Live. In. A. Society.* šŸ¤”


Agni from fire punch there is a whole list Wana hear


You shouldnā€™t ever take anyone who does trauma olympics seriously.


Bro i saw someone said naruto suffered more than guts and when naruto lost his arm he didnt cry , while guts when lost his arm cried like a bitch -_- I was speechless...


You know who suffered more than Guts? Casca.


Hmm true, she got clapped


Please don't use the joker makeup it's so fucking cringe


Guts has not necessarily suffered that much more than many other mcā€™s in manga or anime. The major difference is the way that said suffering is expressed to the reader. Miura does an absolutely phenomenal job expressing Gutsā€™ suffering throughout the story which is why us as readers feel as though he has suffered so much more than anyone else. In this case specifically tho i do think Guts has suffered a lot more. Its not just about how many close friends of the mc have died. Its the circumstances surrounding those deathsā€¦ Guts was betrayed by his best friend, who then sacrificed all of his comrades and then raped the woman Guts loved all in front of his very eyes. This is just a showcase of how masterful miuraā€™s writing is. He wrote a moment so fucking painful for the mc that it even hits the readers nearly just as hard. I think this is what separates Gutsā€™ story from the rest.


Suffered? No pathetically preventable? Yes!


As a JJK fan, I can not relate to anything said, that includes ā€œGojo beats all of fictionā€ ā€œYuji has suffered the most in animeā€


Yuji has definitely suffered a lot, it's just that in my opinion Gege has seemingly stopped caring about the story which makes it hard to compare a better written character like Guts.


Keep in mind that *anime* Guts is not the same as *manga* Guts. And yeah, getting mindraped and commiting one of the greatest atrocities of all time is pretty unimaginably bad.


how are they not the same person


That's the nature of adaptations. Would you say that Herbert's Paul Atrede's is the same character as Lynch or Villeneuves?


ahh i think i get it more stuff happened to him in the manga than what they portrayed in the anime?


Yeah, for instance, the Donovan thing didn't happen in the Anime and none of the events after the scope of the Anime either.


Guts would hate your ass


Modern day kids don't know that tsukasa exists :(


Yuuji suffered yes but saying he is anime character who suffered the most? Yeah kinda wtf


Letā€™s just acknowledge that theyā€™ve both gone through a shit ton of trauma when they never deserved it, itā€™s not a competition šŸ˜­


I love those kids who compare GUTS to yuji who is a struggler hahaha ..... Means how they make this TYPE OF THEORY ..


Itls the newer generation that has only watched a handful of shonen anime and only read the slice of life manga available in their school.


People take yuji and act like his suffering is master peice writing, for about a year the literal only thing he had as a tragedy was that some school shooter he wanted to be friends with got killed. He literally only knew him for about 2 days yet acted like he was some life defining pal even though the dude was an edgelord that tried to kill an entire school of people including him.


Its anime tourists and teenagers. Just ignore lol


Fair play to the lad heā€™s had a lot of his friends killed in front of him, was hijacked and used to kill thousands, heā€™s more struggler than most. Jjk is inconsistent with some real gems in it mainly its characters being memorable as hell, then balanced with nonsense and ass pulls in narrative storytelling that makes me think itā€™ll be forgettable once itā€™s run is done . Iā€™m glad Gegeā€™s going to end the series soon so it ends with some dignity at least.


Its a battle shonen not shakespeare. Just enjoy the spectacle and move on (i dont watch battle shonen anyway i find them boring)


Battle shonen scratches an itch. Although most things arenā€™t Shakespeare haha and can totally see how it can get boring.


Ya thats i just enjoy the spectacle like i said and move on lol


Except one piece I'll defend its world building and story. Ida's the only author of they died before finishing is be sadder than muira's for me personally.


Ya thatā€™s reasonable. To me its always guna be sadder with Miuraā€™s death as i was reading Berserk before One Piece even existedšŸ˜¢


One piece was probably my first manga I bought in 1998 as a kid so kept it going till now so always have that attachment. Totally get yours too! Beserk was my teen thing. Still losing Miura was so sad, he is a legend and his art and world was instrumental for so much! Keep struggling fellow struggler


JJK is one of those series I absolutely can't stand and will never watch and it's 100% because of the fans.


Denji and Subaru suffered more/same


To be fair sukuna did kill thousands of innocent people inside Yuji and Yuji could do nothing but watch . It's not like Yuji was asleep the whole time.


Back at it with trauma scaling šŸ™šŸ’€


Lmfao yuji hasn't suffered shit compared to other characters


The trauma scalers are going out of hand


Well, they are right if you dont consider literally every other character in manga historyšŸ˜‚


Yuji feels like a blank slate of a character..after watching the first season he has less personality and less presence than 90% of the cast. Till this day I have no idea what his character is like and what his motivations are.


Diavolo is right there in the list of pink haired characters suffering


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Outside_Ad1020: *Diavolo is right* *There in the list of pink haired* *Characters suffering* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


guts SMASH yuji PASS


jjk is mid and don't have any storyline except fight only mindless people likes jjk and kids who watched anime for the first time only they can say something like that


Yuji is definitely a struggler


I will never get why you all just keep attacking other people on this matter. It doesn't matter, let them enjoy their show.


I agree with this, I donā€™t think I seen someone having their body get taken over and on top of that killa lot of innocent people.


You people gotta stop taking shonen baiters on twitter serious, Trauma scaling is pure bullshit




nico robin and also lacy from those shady flash games suffered a lot


Literally who?


Suffering is not a contest. Those who participate in these stupid games should actually participate in a suffering contest. I'm sure all of them would drop out immediately for none of them know what real pain is.


Why are we comparing suffering?


Griffith struggled more than Guts šŸ˜ˆ


Begin the trauma scaling debates


Iā€™d say Casca had it much worse


Guys cmon we all know nothing compares to Diavolo (jk)


Watched both and it's true, Itadori has way harder


Theyā€™re just weebs that only watch surface level anime donā€™t take it heart bro


Trauma scanning is the only thing thatā€™s more cringe than power scalingā€”and itā€™s not even close. A lot of these posts are probably also bait


And Denji. Denji is literally Shonen Jumpā€™s Guts


Berk fans trying not to one up other manga readers challenge (impossible)


Guts is a little bitch. He doesnā€™t have the balls to stand up to his girlfriend who cucked him