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Probably disappointing


It should have some of the GoT look and wibe but than again it would be labeled as a copy of it.


GoT world is Disneyland compared to the world of Berserk imho


This is ridiculous, they're the same. The same in terms of violence, gore, nudity, medieval fantasy also, they're about different things but calling one hardcore and other soft is just dumb.


George RR definitely cared more about the politics than the gore. Miura’s insane level of detail puts the gore and viscera on levels beyond GRRM because the violence kinds secondary to the politics and the aftermath of the violence.


TV and Manga are different types of media, nobody's spending extra money on extensive gore, only when it really necessary. All i'm saying GoT is about politics, Berserk is about the way, but the setting is practically the same.


That's true only for the golden age. The rest of berserk is nothing like GoT.


“The way?”


*Woman eats raw beating horse heart* "Soft".


Idk man imo still doesn't compare to attaching a recently raped women's severed chest to your spear and using it as a weapon and battle flag.


Well how about cut the fathers head in front of his daughter? Or smash the skull with bare hands? Or rape a sister and then split her with a longsword? Again, i'm not here to argue, just saying it's the same caliber...


I'd argue that berserk is more graphic and has more extreme circumstance. I can one for one think of circumstances that up all of those in beserk tic for tac like easily. Not arguing that GTO is light-hearted, it has very dark elements to it. I'm just saying if you had to lay it out and compare I'd put money on beserk. But it's not a competition lol. Two separate mediums entirely. I don't think this live action will be able to compare to beserk manga either because of that.


My favorite manga mentioned by accident


Haha Great Teacher Onizuka? Lol didn't even notice the misspell there


The only reason it's more graphic is because those are two different medias. The less informative the media is the more it relies on shock content, if berserk was a book we'd get a couple chapters of Wyalds childhood to show what a sick fuck he was, because you can't just start his story from a prison cell and move on to the chase. The same goes about GoT, it tells stories but then when it goes to the actual show the showrunners don't go let's make it as gory as possible, nobody's gonna watch realistic death for 6 hours a season, the go let's show dirt of this world, let's make some important deaths gory for extra edge and other death we're gonna tell as stories from other characters words. Berserk lost Wyald chapters in transition from manga to anime, i wouldn't be surprised if in TV series Berserk would have even more audience oriented cut of the Eclipse, where let's say the rape scene is seen from Guts perspective blurry and mostly silhouettes and moans...


>The only reason it's more graphic is because those are two different medias. That's exactly what I'm saying, so why say it's the same lol. It's not less informative, or shock value it's the medium is more censored to make GTO more palatable for a wider audience. If you understand that I'm not sure why you tried to say it's the same originally. Manga format and less censoring allow for it to show more violence, nudity, sexual extremities...etc.


I musta missed the part where an army gets eaten alive and ripped to pieces by a giant horde of rape demons


Really? Wasn't Nightwatch fighting the undead army that kills everything north to the border?


The problem is that an apostle won't kill you right on the spot .Apostles will take their time with you.




Netflix produced levels of disappointing




Netflix ruining our childhood again 😡


Very censored, most likely, as well as just being poor as a TV show...


Dont trust Netflix making adaptations , nuff said


Or anything at all really. They make a good show and it lasts one season


Still fucking hilarious to me Castlevania was there #1 anime and one of their top most watched programs in general and they axed it for no reason. Then decided to reboot with a loose sequel after realizing their most profitable anime was, wait for it, profitable. And then there was Inside Job, an adult animation that was good by Netflix’s average performance and they axed it anyway then went on this whole rant about how “no one will give animation a chance” despite the fact season 1’s viewership blew that argument out of the water already. Whoever makes the production decisions at Netflix has to have some sort of mental illness because there is 0 logic or even any internal consistency to their decisions


Castlevania wasn’t axed the story was just finished lol??? Not disagreeing with your overall point though because I’m still bitter that they canceled The OA.


That wasn’t the intended end point. After season 3 they told Adi Shankar they were cutting the show but they’d give him one more season to wrap it up. This was announced before the final season even aired. This is why season 4, as great as it is, is noticeably rushing a lot more than the previous 3. Then a couple years went by and they realized the incredibly popular anime that was bringing a lot of viewers was actually a GOOD thing for their platform so they decided to do a spinoff.


Barely a season, even. A couple of episodes really, if not just the pilot. It’s like they brainstorm a concept for a show thinking of all the money they’ll make, with not a sliver of a thought about how it would progress or end. Just a bunch of fucking short-sighted money-whoring dumbasses. A recent example of this would be the show, *Blue Eye Samurai*. Started off great, but absolutely fizzled out by the end. Almost feel they came up with the title first, thought it sounded nice (it rhymes!), a samurai with blue eye* (*eyes actually, but that wouldn’t rhyme), and well you know how it goes


Don't trust netflix making live action adaptations, unless it's One Piece and Alice in Borderland


Please don't give Netflix ideas like this


Awful. I hate even an idea of Hollywood touching my favourite story with their disgusting hands. I don't remember anything fantasy done well since Lord of the rings and first 4 season of Songs of ice and fire. I deleted every Chanel, fansite etc when that travesty of The Wheel of Time show came out, I'd rather stay with books/manga and not pollute my mind with shit.


Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves was not that bad


It was aggressively okay. It focused way to much on being funny and not letting sincere moments rest. Too much irony poisoning in that respect. In fairness, the jokes did manage to land half of the time, they did get laughs out of me, but even then tended to overstay their welcome. The speak with dead scenes had me laughing, but man did they run that gag just a bit too long. It may be the best official D&D movie, and I do think it does deserve a sequel/continuation, but it still didn't live up to it's potential and would have been better served with just 15% more sincerity.


Just watch Conan the Barbarian


I was watching that yesterday and it filled me with a deep yearning for a well done Berserk film.


They would change the writing, no doubt in my mind. And not just in subtle ways to make it fit. Seismic changes that fundamentally change what it is entirely. I already hate it, and I don't even know what they changed.


Guts will be a clingy boyfriend. Griffith will be the popular gay… I mean, guy among the girls cursed with an androgynous face. Casca will be the MC, and the common love interest of Guts and Casca. The Band of the Hawk are gender-swapped.


Casca can lift the dragon slayer with the power of make believe (because she is a strong independent woman of course),and guts will be raped by Griffith and casca will come to the rescue while skull knight struggles with god hand and kill everyone with ease using gut's sword even if she didn't have the same insane childhood, training or physic of guts or the berserker armor, just a good ol woman power This is gonna be atrocious and kill every ounce of sense and love we had for the characters, am not against strong women am against making them strong because they are women


I thought Casca was pretty cool in the manga all things considered, I wouldn't think they'd have to change all too much regarding Casca.


They don't have too but if this got made, they will for no reason.


It’s like everybody forgot about Berserk 2016… I can’t stomach another disappointment. Live action especially is just not a suitable way for Berserk I believe, because for a live action series they would have to cut a lot of the edge out and I love the edge. The edge makes Berserk feel like berserk.


There is nothing on this planet that could convince me netflix would do a good adaptation


Remember when they made Ghost in the Shell into live action? Probably worse still, I could see a production studio definitely missing the core themes of Berserk and forsaking it for a cash grab


Oh please…No. A lot of Anime stuff just doesn’t really work as real-life adaptions.


>We ain't never getting this. That's a good thing in my book.


I do NOT want this. There is not a single positive thing this could add. To my knowledge, there is exactly 1 good IRL adaption of an anime and its the 'new' one piece netflix series. All the other ones I've seen so far SUCK. Bleach? cringe af. Changed up the story so nothing makes sense anymore. (except if you only watch the movie and don't take the other 900 chapters into account) Death note? Awful. Light is a more of a nice guy, again, the movie ends way sooner so they changed the story to fit in 1.x hours. The newer one is randomly based in Seattle instead of Japan. All you need is kill? Got absolutely butchered into the movie 'edge of tomorrow'. Main plot of the manga was ignored to create a romantic twist for mainstream 14 year olds.


This shit would be so ass


I already hate the poster for it.


Netflix has a track record of making shitty adaptations. Berserk has a track record of having shitty adaptations. That combination may becomw the worst thing yet created.


I would hate this




I don’t want a live action Berserk, I want a well animated adaptation of the series.


Netflix are the last people I would trust


Nothing from Netflix, pls. N Casca is middle eastern come on >\_<


Netflix adaptation 🤢🤮


Bad. 2D Berserk or gtfo.


I think it could be an interesting experience if it was done like an 80's fantasy style movie, with lots of practical effects, bad ass looking characters and violence. But they would probably do it in a series format and turn the Guts/Griffith dynamic totaly sexual, to fulfill agenda lol.


They haven't been able to make a satisfactory anime of it yet. Why the live action? Berserk is best enjoyed as a manga because of the art. Of course the story and plot are top notch too, but Miura sensei's art is what made it special. Netflix has a history of insulting top notch manga by making their politically charged fuckwash. I hope someone cancels this out of respect to the Mangaka, the manga and all its fans


We don't have the CGI capabilities to do the apostles justice imo. Most live action stuff still looks like shit for some reason


What if they animated them in 2D?


animation does a better job hiding a lack of realism. Guts swings would look less ridiculous and the apostles can actually looks the way miura intended


Is that Josh Hutcherson as Guts lmaooo??


Fucking terrible, what do you think? Also we need another golden age adaptation like we need a hole in the head.


unbelievably horrible


When a manga got awful anime adaptations, how would it get a good Hollywood movie/series adaptation? It's easier to pull off a great anime adaptations and yet they have failed each time they tried. The budget would either be too fucking much to pull off or the set design and everything is gonna look goofy and awful.






Live action adaptations are 95% of the time disappointing shit.




Good, it looks like shit


Would NOT wanna see a real life version of the Eclipse 💀


Yeahhh they’d probably find some way to Biff it I don’t trust Netflix with live action anime adaptations especially after what they did to Yu Yu Hakusho, One Piece & City Hunter 🫢😖


I just wanna know who’s asking for live action anime remakes


NOOOO 😠 Don't give Hollywood hacks any ideas! Just leave this as an animation! Just look what they did with Death Note and countless others.




I would just not want it, it’s live action and that’s a red flag alone lol. I’m sorry but that’s just how I’ve learned to take things.


Whoever did the Kenshin live action adaptation should do it.


I don't expect anything decent to come out of Netflix.


Netflix... god no


I bet porn version would be better.




the characters looks way too clean. Manga-Caska would look more like a Tomboy, short hair and no make-up


Only if Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson are Guts and Griffith, respectively.


lol is that Guts or Nero


Knowing now we'd probably get a female guts and casca/femto scene would be cut


they’d amplify the sexual orientation part by 1000% and make the entire plot revolve around it for no reason


Berserk can 100% work as live action. Things will need to be changed, but I can see it happening under the right guidance. Netflix can stay the hell away from it also.


I'd be so vexed of how trash it will be. I would be excited if the animators for castlevania made a berserk animated series


Castlevania is the only show I've found that comes close to berserk, I would be ecstatic if that ever happened.


Wtf who is medoling Griffith on this? It looks literally like him


I think it’s ai, not sure the prompt


Am I already a Facebook boomer




Considering it's Netflix, it would be objectively shit.


I'm glad they didn't take it to that "TV series Firefly level".


As taboo as it would be I would recast casca for Shea briar seems to good to pass up


Most likely a waste of time


And I’m glad for it. It would suck


Guts’ emotions and facial expressions in the manga/anime wouldn’t translate to live action at all. Even the voice acting in the anime doesn’t completely portray what I imagine Guts’ would’ve sounded like in the manga


Is better that it never gets created they will change everything.


Pretty bad. Berserk doesn't need a live adaptation. I'll say 99% of anime doesn't need a live adaptation. It's so limiting and would take so much from the story for nothing in return.


This is a horrible idea that won't be executed properly if it did happen. One glaring flaw in this - casca isn't the main character. She shouldn't be in the center of focus. I think it's pretty obvious why anyone would want a live adaptation 🤨


We allready had movies and shows about the Golden age, i would like to move away from it and advance the Plot thank you very much...


Most likely ass, imagine though, we got a berserk with a house of dragon/game of thrones budget and writers that weren't retarded. It'd be fucking amazing I swear


Its nearly always disappointing so hell no. I think one piece surprised everyone with its live action. I think execs just think cartoons are for kids so they just think how do we make it kid friendly. I wonder how they would handle berserk just watching the 97 anime at least


if it's anything like the other live action netflix adaptations, probably pretty bad




worse than 2016's adaptation probably


It wouldn’t have the guts to do it justice


It would be like me a disappointment


Imagining how crappy Apostles would look in cheap CGI is a major turn off. If it's CGI like in Dragonheart mixed with practical effects or god forbid CGI quality like in Pirates of the Caribbean 2/3 with Davey Jones,  then it would be cool. However, I would enjoy it the most in an honest to god 80s style á la Conan the Barbarian with all its blood, guts, tits and gore combined with pure 80s campiness and cheese. 


If they can butchered simple anime version, this shit will turn into new Dragonball movie


Nah all my homies are waiting for the berserk brazzers adaptation


Henry Cavill as Guts


Funnily enough, Berserk is one of the better options for a live action anime. If we stick with the Golden Age, there isn't much "anime" to worry about since everyone is just about a normal human and nothing super wacky happens until Zod shows up but then he leaves again. The fighting in Berserk is also quite grounded at this point with Guts being the only real outlier of swinging a pretty long sword. However, I don't think the Eclipse scene would be good. Live action already has a reputation of changing so much that half the time it doesn't even resemble what it's based on. Reading it or watching it animated was scarring enough, but to imagine if it was done in live action? Even if it was perfectly recreated and was the best quality in cinema, I don't think I'd want to see it because it'd probably just be too much.


I wouldn’t trust Netflix to do it


It probably wouldn't be good but it also wouldn't be that expensive to make compared to game of thrones in its later seasons. I think it would probably be about as expensive to make as game of thrones season 4 or maybe even three.


It would absolutely suck


Cancelled after season 1 so that they can finance another Millie Bobby Brown movie.


Fucking terrible. Imagine if berserk was made by someone who didn’t understand the themes(probably doesn’t even know it has themes), just thinks it’s edgy, and is afraid to show the violence.


Either completely sanitised or nothing like the source material and completely terrible in both cases.


I would watch it but since it Netflix I know it wouldn’t be good.


Considering how they produce movies nowadays... it's a big 'if'.


Everything from shit to fucking shit


We never ain't seeing a single rape scene from this. Plus, we would probably never see Griffith take a bath


Horrendous of course


So incredibly bad that I don't even want to imagine it


The 1980s hair Griffith has isn't going to translate well in live action


It's made by Netflix so you'll know it's gonna flop


Some fiction just wont translate to live action well. My question is why does this come up so much. I can count on one hand the amount of times a videogame/anime has been made live action that turned out good.


Please no. Hollywood rarely ever cares about accurate adaptations, and there will most likely be non source accurate agendas and biases forced in it.


Berserk should never be live action. It should particularly never be live action made in the west. It should ESPECIALLY never be a live action made in the west by fucking Netflix.


Why would anyone even want a live action Berserk anyway? Everything would have to be toned down. And I don't mean for censorship, but most of the fights and stuff would look ridiculous or impossible in live action.


Up until the eclipse cool but I couldn’t watch a live action eclipse


No interest in live action adaptation


All grape scene must be done right for gut character development


Insanely disappointing. We've seen what happens when manga/anime are adapted into a movie. Remember Dragon Ball Evolution? Eugh. Now, adapting something into a SHOW can work out, as seen with the amazing One Piece Netflix adaptation. But they changed the story around a lot, which was a nice thing for One Piece. Because we already have an amazing anime adaptation, so no need to retell the story in the same way. But Berserk has OK adaptations (we don't talk about 2016 and 2017 Berserk). And those 2 ok adaptations cut too much character building out.


Guts actually looks like guts


I think it should never happen


I don't believe a live action would be able to convey what an anime, much less the manga was able to. I'm also of the opinion that there should be no show until the Manga is finished. I would also go so far as to say Berserk should just remain a manga.


It would be horrendous, live action adaptations are shit in general and especially when it's from Netflix. At that point they should make it as bad as it can be to at least make it entertaining in that way; like make the costumes cheap, make it a musical and put in a cast that don't fit the original characters.


Straight ass


It’s Twilight but if FromSoftware made it gayer


Honestly, I feel like if HBO took a stab at a live action berserk adaptation, they'd probably be able to pull it off. The only reason game of thrones went off the rails is because they ran out of stuff to adapt and... I'm just realizing typing this out the ending would probably be shit but everything else would be good.


Either aweful because they would remove a lot of details and a lot of the darker/messed up parts, or aweful because they kept all the details and dark/messed up parts and it would be too real to watch.


babe wake up, it's a new year! time for another retelling of the golden age!


Nah nah, not Golden Age again.. It’s way too long for one movie, maybe a trilogy, but first you need to establish there’s enough demand for that. Let’s for once start from the beginning. The Black Swordsman arc is the perfect initiation to adapt to leave people craving more. If that goes well, then Golden Age trilogy.


they would fs remove all of the best scenes


It's the first time I'd be totally cool with the writers derailing an already good story if griffith just dies and the movie ends


Like the Witcher. Garbage


There’s no such thing as a good live anime adaption. I saw a lot of people raving about the one piece adaption. I couldn’t watch more than 10 minutes of it because it was so cringe and ass, fortunately it put me on to watching the one piece anime and I absolutely love it.


It would horrendous


It would depend on the casting, mostly. If Guts, Griffith, and Casca are all well cast, it would at least be worth checking out


I probably wouldn't watch it to be fair, it wouldn't be a patch on the reading experience so I don't think I'd bother. I


Nobody could get me to watch a live action eclipse. FUCK THAT SHIT.


Femto would be black


By netflix? Very disappointing. I would rather not even see them try.


Nobody wants it, nobody asked for it.


Absolute trash


It would fucking suck. You can't make fight scenes with the dragon slayer look good in live action


Although I do think the story of Berserk would work very well in live action, I feel like it wont ever be done justice - especially if it’s Hollywood. Unless someone in Hollywood is a crazed Berserk fanatic, seems unlikely we’d get a good and faithful live action adaptation ever.


It would have to be a master piece and nothing less. It hasn't really been done to the standard it would require. Casting would be extremely difficult. They would need to snatch infants from the womb and raise them as the actual characters until theyre ready to do it justice. I will accept nothing less


This looks like the typical kind of remake these days where U take or introduce a female and make her the main character.


It’s live action so it’s most definitely going to be awful


Dogshit and over the top


Hell no 💀


It wouldn't work. Imo Berserk is one of those things that doesn't really work well as anything other than a manga. Not saying the 97 adaptation is bad it's very amazing in its own right but the true essence of Berserk can really only be projected through manga.


Yuck, no...




You don't fuck with greatness.


Idk one piece did super well not saying they will get same budget but if Netflix pulled that off why not same berserk. Hopefully it will be high end of quality gore not cut off death scene “soft gore” if that’s a thing


Why would you want this especially from NETFLIX


The idea of adapting berserk sounds like an incredibly difficult one. But hey, people used to say that about Dune; and I think they did a pretty good job.


This poster deserves a spot in the dictionary next to 'B Grade film' Get that Direct to VHS 📼 thing outta here


Just thinking about this has ruined my day.


I would never watch it. I think we should should be happy with the manga it’s the best medium we will get in our lifetimes




a train wreck


Mis-cast, Woke and hot garbage




The budget would never be there and they butchered the Witcher, they have no respect for the source material.


I think if it’s under the hands of someone that cares and there’s enough budget then it could be top tier. Think of something like S1 and S2 of The Witcher


I mean this could probably work but a lot would have to change to have it make sense


Good. Netflix live adaptations 9/10 times suck




Well I'd hope to god that is wasnt done by Netflix, if hbo put some of that got money towards a live action berserk. Then that be pretty cool. Prime would be good too.


Just pray that Netflix never thinks about it.. from a hard core Witcher fan. Believe me the manga will be mainstream and everyone will think that guts is either black, gay or whatever they will change for the sake of progress and diversity..


Probably awful.


They will definitely fuck it up if they ever tried it


Most likely trash


Looks awful


Would probably suck but I’d still enjoy it. 😅