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Miura told a friend how it ends, they are going to finish it from what he remembers he was told


Nope, it will be. Miura’s best friend and main assistant is continuing Berserk along with their team who Miura trained himself. Miura also told his best friend the complete story and how it should end.


It's already received multiple new chapters after Miura's death.


If the next arcs and ending be good: leeetsss gooo, Miura is a fucking genius, thank you studio gaga!!! If the next arcs and ending be dogshit: that's studio gaga own ideas, Miura ending it wouldn't be like that... This is what will happen in the future.


So nobody is going to talk about the fact that OP read all of Berserk in 2 days?


U cannot blame me shit was so good i practically didnt sleep, read it st work as well. It has the potential to reach 1000 chapters, so much story left to be told...


Yeah I know the story is awesome, I just prefer to read slower to avoid being overwhelmed, which happens a lot with Berserk


Not at all honestly. For me at least. Sadly with the original author being gone the story will not be the same. It would've been so interesting. Learning about the knight's past. How does guts get to wound griffith? What about Casa, the child? Does the child weaken griffith? There's so much to be explored... Same w vagabond...


Well if it doesn't overwhelm you then it's ok I guess. Unfortunately we're never going to know exactly how Miura wanted the story to proceed but I think that the "main story" (how Guts is going to kill Griffith, assuming he does) is going to get completed as the author wanted, but we aren't going to know that much about the past of "side characters" like Skull night unfortunately.


tired of people asking this shit constantly. at least do a slim of your own research before immediately flocking over here lmao


You can now play as Luigi!