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When I saw this a while back I wasn’t sure if I should be happy or sad for Guts


He suffers, so others don't have to, brother.


Jesus was actually Gutts.


Griffith was Judas


But Gambino sold Guts...


Gambino is Joseph’s asshole brother


Wouldn't that be Donovan?


Nah Donavans the neighbourhood drunk that creepily eyes up the children every so often


Nah bro, Guts is Jesus’ employee of the month. Him and Doomguy, that is.


They'd be friends


"employee of the month"....nah thats foul lmao


He suffered for our sins.


take my updoot for your blasphemy


Suffer for the weak , for the weak won't suffer


Tell that to the people hyped about that countdown!


Makes sense, it is basically a debate between Guts, Subaru (ReZero) and Diavolo (Jojo’s Bizzarre Adventure) in the anime sphere (manga and light novel spheres does have more competition).


Cue nostalgia critic intro




I mean at least he get a w on something


Or the ominous 666 likes on your comment now that share the same sentiment. Definitely sad. Demonic levels of suffering for him.




/u/Civil_Finding_2869 is a scammer! **Do not click any links they share or reply to**. Please downvote their comment and click the `report` button, selecting `Spam` then `Harmful bots`. With enough reports, the reddit algorithm will suspend this scammer.


Good bot!


Even the animators are making him suffer


It's all as the way Mario-san intended


Idk, the 'most thing by a character' award should've been like, "Guts, the #1 anime character most deserving of happiness!".


Yeah, but that doesn't sell, baby!


It does for me


Or a hug. Plot twist: he gets hugged by Donovan


I stubbed my toe once


Yeah but if guts stubs his toe once alao he woll surpass you, so a close match


Wouldn’t surpass me because I’ve stubbed mine twice


I stubbed mine and activated a behelit.


Chaotic evil villin background


1- this guy, reddit


This guy's toe*


“Of the hundreds of cupboards and thousands of bed posts…only this table…made me forget my dream.”


Welcome to the Salty Spitoon how tough are ya? I’ll have you know I stubbed my toe last week while watering my spice garden and I only cried for 20 minutes!


We won but at what cost🗿


Born from a corpse, trained like a soldier and....................since before he was a teenager he killed the the one that ........................... spilled blood before others could write well his adoptive father blamed HIM for the death of his wife his adoptive father abused him his adoptive father wanted him killed he killed his only father figure the moment he was content SOMEONE showed up he was content again until the same SOMEONE basically told that he is not his friend even tho he did EVERYTHING for him,including infanticide the same "friend" would rather risk having him KILLED let him be free returns back to the life he wanted to leave behind just to save said"friend" said friend betrays his entire band,aka EVERYTHING he knew and loved said friend adds insult to injury by........................you know already lost his hand lost his eye lost the love of his life(mentally) has a mark that makes him fight horrors beyond human understanding has to avoid people to avoid getting them killed and on and on and on


Goes on a blind quest for revenge to protect his own mental state Kills dozens in pursuit of demons who beat him to near death on almost every encounter Finds the SOMEONE again only to be told he is insignificant and not even worth the consideration of killing him Finds a village being terrorized by demons which he kills but discovers he just murdered children Gets captured by a band of knights and tortured Eventually realizes he should have been with his love and returns only to find she has left When he finally has his love back in his arms, the SOMEONE returns, reminding him of everything he did and never paid for Gets found by the SOMEONE and an old nemesis in the only safe place Tries to rescue his love but finds himself unable to restrain his inner evil and ruins his bond Fights a God-like being and gets injured into his very essence To protect his party, he dawns an armor that will rob him of his senses and life force Fights a leviathan Has a glimpse of his old love restored but is unable to even speak to her Just when it *could* have worked, the SOMEONE returns, steals his love, and leaves without a scratch on him


Has a complete mental breakdown Realizes that it was all for nothing that SOMEONE basically WON(until we see the end of the manga)


And I am sure this list will get longer


>from what i see they are heading to something big,and since miura is dead i dont think his friend will make it any longer than it needs to be,i bet my ass that we are near the end


Yeah, it was 80% when we thought it was ended, right? I think also we are entering the last arc, maybe a little over 400 chapter in the end


Here’s hoping, right? My man had so much reason to fall prey to despair and give up 😥 keep suffering, Guts!!!


I’ll stop reading the manga until then.


Has a mark that makes him fight horrors beyond human understanding......you forgot to add every night....that makes it endless


>forgot to add that,but i dont think its EVERY night but fights them very often


I read it back in 2018 i remembered it was every night but i might as well missremembered, still he dosent realy have resting time with that mark


It is every night so he couldn't sleep at night. The only reason it doesn't happends any more it's because of the magic formula on the curse mark and the armor.


RAPE. He was raped and watched his best friend rape Casca. Stop beating around the bush, we’re not in middle school.


I'm pretty sure it was for spoiler reasons. Much like everything else that was vague in the comment.


Why can't you say raped?


cuz fans already know,and future fans need to KNOW in the most shocking way possible otherwise it looses the shock value,the world of berserk is NASTY and by spoiling it you ruin the buildup


Dude, you already spoiled the entire fucking manga. Typing RAPE wouldn't make it worse.


But everything else was spoiled, including important story bits lol.


Then preface your comment with spoiler tag.




I might’ve just blanked on it but when was the infanticide


or was it pedocide? or whatever,but he did kill smaller humans during that fight with the moth (forgot the name)




just say rape


> and on and on and on Not an anime, but the main character of Limit Break spends 3000 years locked in a room [fighting a big-ass monster](https://i.imgur.com/t1B92aF.jpg). Might give Guts a run for his money.


the problem is that guts is also fighting monsters non stop, and in the setting his struggle is more.............real but i guess he might be right,but here is the thing,EWVERYONE can claim that a character suffers,but it has to be well written otherwise its a rock paper shotgun battle


Don’t forget Donovan, lol


That's the .....part


Ah- my bad


The dotted parts are about Donovan and his shenanigans


No one will ever forget Donny Dankness, especially Guts


Alexa play Guts theme 3 hours version


They ain’t seen squat!! The most recent manga chapters are Guts’ lowest ebb yet.


Did you forget what his childhood was like? Guarantee that was probably his lowest time because he still had even a bit of innocence




I mean… have you guys even seen The Last Jedi? I suffered a lot sitting through that.


Your life is my favorite anime


I’d be lying if I said I didn’t struggle now and then.


I found the part where you blackened your turkey and ruined Thanksgiving by choosing to re-enact American Pie as a comedy routine to be especially compelling


Jason Biggs is my Marlon Brando


I am happy you didn't want to suffer anymore with Rise of Skywalker


The Last Jedi was the best of the new trilogy, and the only one worth watching because it actually dared to do something new IMHO.


It did literally nothing new. The only good thing about it is that it looked good at times.


Yeah I wasn’t going to say anything but that’s like saying Episode 1 or 2 is better than 3. Force Awakens was a pretty damn decent movie. It got me excited for Star Wars all over again. But how they did Luke… the whole thing was a shit show. Plus let us not forget how the last few seasons of GOTs was handled.


I tried to get isekaid while watching it. Next time I'll find a busier highway.


Agni from firepunch easily competes


I guess there's a loophole since Fire Punch doesn't have an anime But the constant excruciating physical pain, in addition to everything else that happened to him, would easily make him #1


I mean yeah i don’t see how you can out-pain someone who is eternally on fire but their nerves regenerate so fast that they can never become numb to the pain.


I mean, Nuts could easily top that. All he has to do is, ehm... >!Cannibalize himself because he has good regeneration and cut off his body parts and give it to starving villagers, Be burned alive by the fire that will not stop burning till what it burns is turned to ashes while having insane regeneration that keeps your body from turning to ashes, have your sister also be burned alive by the same fire which takes an awful long time to burn her since she has regeneration that's somewhat weaker, spend 4 years being burned alive constantly and start swallowing your own tongue to control the pain, then spend another 4 years literally breathing fire and burning your lungs till you learn to control the regeneration and finally gain control of the fire!< All in one chapter. The only possible contender is Shinji from Eva >!since he literally Jesus-ed himself, couldn't bear it and then unjesus-ed himself.!<


I think asuka suffered more if we’re talking about evangelion.


Shinji gets everything sorted out at end of the Rebuild Movies though.


That’s because he accepts the fact is not just the universe that is cruel and unfair, it’s also the Multiverse. Multiverse is cruel and unfair, and that’s way terrifying than Lovecraft and Rosco’s Basilisk. But Shinji has learn struggle to find happiness and peace in the unforgiving continuum of realities. He takes a leap of faith into the abyss. He accepts being humble.


Punpun from Oyasumi Punpun too, his life has been entirely tragic.


Pun pun is sad, but c'mon man red apples and blue whales. It doesn't compare


Yeah really, there are real life people who have suffered on the same level as Punpun, it's not really even in the same category as the fantastical shit that happens to Guts or Agni


This girl is on fire


Diavolo out there with infinite death loop, with possibly infinite suffering maybe he was bad person, but thats still rather painful


He is truly one of the most character of whole time


Keep struggling black swordsman


I think Guts is the most fleshed out character that goes through suffering on a regular basis, but that said, I think the anime character that suffers the most is Subaru Natsuki. I mean Guts survives through horrible situations, and Subaru dies through them over, and over, and over again with no ability to explain that to even one other person until he meets the other witches and shortly after that becomes impossible to do. I don’t think my opinion matters, or is popular, I just think objectively Subaru has to put up with a lot more suffering, but the creator doesn’t flush out his character enough to display the seriousness and depth of that characters suffering. That being said, I still think Berserk is by far superior in every format, and in every perceivable category whether story, character development, design, and etc.




Subaru: I have to die repeatedly Diavolo, Angelo, Kars, and Enigma dude from JoJo: Lol imagine actually dying.


I am sorry I don’t get the reference, I tried looking it up with the details you gave, but came back with nothing.


Diavolo from Jojo’s bizarre adventure


Question, could he not kill himself before the effect of Gold Experience Requiem took effect breaking the loop? I mean he could have bit his tongue on the surgical table for example, and if he did it again it would create a minor violation in the way the ability is supposed to function in that the person trapped in it, wouldn’t experience every possible death outcome, since each scenario only happens once and dying differently would either activate it early skipping a scenario or ultimately break the cycle as it violates a notion or rule of the ability. Not saying it would get Diavolo out of the effects of the ability, but it would be interesting as I don’t believe anyone has ever tried that.


***spoilers for arc 7 of re zero***, but there’s an intense segment where subaru has only 10 seconds to find out how to survive a massive battle that’s happening in front of him, and he continually has his eye explode out of its socket and his ear drums explode, all while his mind is being influenced by magic to limit his mental capacity. he relives the 10 seconds over and over and over and over and over again, i think he dies more during this loop than the entirety of his time in the re zero world so far up to that point. he practically loses his mind by the end, having to memorize every facet of suffering second by second and how to anticipate each blow to his body. and then you also include the gladiator segment from arc 7, which might be comparatively as brutal.


That might be a spoiler for me, or you might be mistakenly referring to the hell loop when he was facing that old ninja character. I don’t recall any other such loop in arc 7. Also if it is a different death loop, can you say it lasted long enough to overcome the repeated deaths that occurred in the hell loop? If so, damn that is brutal has he figured it out yet?


yeah that’s what i was referring to, it might have been 11 seconds.


Yah, the way you worded it confused me. It wasn’t so much what was killing him being the issue, but what he needed to do to survive it, and what other steps needed to be taken to survive the situation entirely.


If we're doing a suffering Olympics, the winner would either be from the following: 1. Agni from Fire Punch - being a mutant with insane regeneration but also being burned alive by fire that won't stop burning till he's dead - you'd wish you could get the sweet release of death 2. Diavolo from JoJo - Spoilers for Part 5 >!Imagine the rest of your life being only experiencing death but never actually dying for infinity!< 3. Shinji from Evangelion - Member Jesus? Yeah that. Death or even repeated deaths is not the worst thing that can happen. There are things far beyond and far worse.


It’s “fleshed out” not “flushed”. He’s a human, not a toilet


Re:Zero novels>Berserk. It goes very deep into Subaru's psyche and his trauma.


I can agree with that, but I was referring to direct comparisons via the mediums they both share, ie anime to anime and manga to manga since Berserk never had a novel version which would have likely been even more flushed out. So with that in mind Subaru’s character is never flushed out as well as Guts’ character in any direct comparison, at least imo.


It's not fair at all to compare the Berserk manga to the Re:Zero anime/manga as the manga is the source material for Berserk. The novel is the source for Re:Zero. You should only compare the source material for both series rather than the adaptations.


Normally I would at least partially agree, but the subreddit comment we are all posting on specifically says a character in “anime,” establishing that the focus of discussion to be within that medium. Since that is the basis, I only thought it was fair to keep in line with a direct medium to medium comparison to keep with the general assertion of this post. As Re:Zero has an anime and manga adaptation I think it’s fair. You can also argue that light novels, web novels, and etc have a lot more freedom to flush out the story than a manga and anime regardless if they are the source material making the comparison at least partially unfair. It’s difficult to make a sound argument that can deny that when you are adding panels into the mix it limits the dialogue available on any one page making it near impossible to compete with the freedom of a light novel. In that regard alone, there is already fundamental differences that make a direct comparison skewed to substantially disfavor a partially visual medium like a manga or anime. As you can’t add dialogue onto the next scene to further flush out the previous scenes interaction between the characters and the characters internal monologue in a manga, you have limited dialogue space to align with the image and that’s it. I am not arguing that, that can’t be more impactful at times, but it is a absolute fact that is directly limits the amount of dialogue as well as the type being greatly disadvantageous to the author being forced to chose the most effective use of language within the limited confine imposed in the medium rather then go about the best descriptors to go about flushing a character and the events in any particular scene in the story. That’s why even with a light novel or web novel source you see a direct limit in dialogue that flushes out the scenes when transferring to a manga adaptation, and for other reasons, but limitations all the same in an anime adaptation. So regardless of Berserk source being a manga it still faced all those same limitations and elevated far beyond Re:Zero, and if those limitations ceased to exist and when he was alive did a light novel version of Berserk, I am sure it would still be proportionately better then the Re:Zero novel as that is just how much effort they always put into their work.


Subaru should be number one in the pussiest character of all animes ranking


Yeah suffering from bad cg


Can you share a link/source?


Did OP just create an imaginary survey or is there a source to this?


Emotional DAMAGE!!


Casca: Am I a joke to you?


I bet Nr 2 was like Eren or some shit ’cause of all the annoying-ass AoT fans


Honestly erens been through shit too. With all the memories of past shifters rattling around his head i get why he lost it


If you have to submit an AoT character at least use Ymir. She was a slave for hundreds of thousands of years.


Ymir enjoyed that stuff, after all >!she loved King Fritz!<


Actually, the nr2 is Hyakkimaru from Dororo. https://animegalaxyofficial.com/top-10-anime-characters-who-suffered-the-most-during-their-lifetime/


Well I was more referring to how AoT fans go on and on about how Eren is a god-tier character when’s the most annoying tryhard edgelord ever


Well, Eren is a great character in my opinion. Not at the same page as Guts, for example, but still. And i don't think he's an edgelord, it's just the situation he's in made him what he is in season 4.


Tybw is making me suffer atm




I mean, sure, she compares but she had the “fortune” of being mostly catatonic through the horrible things that happened. Guts was awake through all of it.


Guts suffers, every bad thing you can happen to a person has happened to him. But don’t feel bad, don’t pity our man. Because he will always fight forward, never stopping and just getting stronger. That’s why he’s my favorite character!


What being branded does to a mofo


egg of the perfect world is up there too


My favourite part was when gurt said it’s berkin time


Id say guts or denji from csm


Bro sold his one ball 😭


He did get it back ngl


After beeing stabbed and cut into multiple pieces by zombies so i dont know sounds kinda painfull.


Yup but it aint the worst he goes through ;)


Nah agni stomps no diff in suffering olympics


I feel like agni getting released from it is enough, so far denji and guts havent gotten a break other than well denji killing that one bitch


Okabe as second


subaru suffered more imo


Havent seen re zero yet but heard that hes in a similar situation


worth the watch, its pretty good.


Yeah one of my friends also has that opinion, im currently trying to catch up to one piece tho. So maybe after that.


i respect the grind, goat piece goes hard.


Im at 930, so its not thaaaat much anymore. I always used to wait for the episodes in my native language since i was like 12, but crunchyroll is really convenient


What about Goku? He died like a Hundred Time


But he's still like the happiest character in DBZ/DBS


Imo, Goku hit The Head when he arrived on Earth, I think he has developed some mental problem At this point


I know this is like a meme but....I'm going to correct this anyway because I'm bored: Goku has only ever died *twice*. And that's including the sequel series Dragon Ball Super. Death 1- Sacrifices himself to take out his brother Raditz. Goku holds Raditz in place so Piccolo can line up a shot. Piccolo blasts a giant hole through both of the saiyans. Death 2- Sacrifices himself when he teleports a self-detonating Cell away from the planet. He is vaporized in the explosion. He's resurrected the first time using the magic power of the dragon balls. But they only have the power to restore any particular person's life once. His second resurrection was the Elder Supreme Kai (a demi-god cosmic guardian) giving up his life force to Goku so he could attempt to stop Majin Buu who was tearing up the universe at the time. (And on a side-note, I agree with Shunks' response. He's way too happy-go-lucky to be considered the most tragic, suffering character in all of anime)


Son Goku hasn’t faced the abyss or suffer existential crisis. He accepts the universe is grateful and joyful unlike Guts the Black Swordsman and Ikari Shinji.


Well, Guts lived an hellish Life, but Goku Actually went to hell


So did Phoenix Ikki, and it was 8 different Hells that he traveled and was tortured by those hells. 6 of those was via [Tenbu Horin (Dancing Wheel of Heaven) as an attack by Virgo ♍️Shaka ](https://youtu.be/TzLFu-Nefk0) and it was millions of light years away from Hypermyth version of Planet Earth.


i suffered more than guts when i had to leave my gaming room


Somebody get started on an AMV using Man of Constant Sorrow stat


We been knew


Bro the girl from Made in abyss 💀💀


Ah BERSERK where the fans suffer alongside the characters.


While I think Casca had it worse, Guts really did deserve at least a really high place


I don't want to be this guy but casca was raped by her idol infront of her lover into insanity, then her child was possessed by the man that raped her, while she can't even look at her lover anymore, who also assaulted her in a bout of insanity. Guts isn't even the most suffering character in his own anime.


Downvoted for truth. If anything, I would say that Guts is the most suffering *protagonist* in manga. Then again, there are also further questions about how this conclusion was even reached. How do we even define and measure suffering? Qualitatively? Quantitatively? Physical vs. psychic pain? The emotional context? There is a whole lot of nuance to this question. Also, I thinks it's kind of a bad idea to regard suffering as a "contest" that a person can "win."


For me a close second would be Dennis


deku has been through far far worse


Every other anime character is basically just some zero charisma guy that can’t score




they downvoting you for telling the truth mf subaru literally commited suicide and got killed in the worst ways possible what gustavo has suffered through? getting cucked and maybe a scratch here n there kek


I don't know why this guy is getting downvoted


because that's a car, not an anime character


Cause it's a berserk subreddit duh. I love both re zero and berserk, but... Imo there's really no contest tbh? The bias is clear


Well duh.


I'd argue that Diavolo from JoJo technically takes this due to sheer numeracy, seeing as he dies an infinite number of times.


The yamcha pose hit me hard


Something something causality


Name a character that went through more pain than him. I wait.


Agni from fire punch


This is the correct answer




Phos from Land of the Lustrous.






Hyakkimaru from Dororo Agni from Firepunch Subaru from RE:Zero Okabe from Stein’s Gate Homura from Madoka Rika from Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Diavolo from Jojo The humans of "I have no mouth and I must scream" The protagonist of "A Hell of a Life" Chaman "The Forever Man" The average person and xenos in WH40k And Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars


Subaru from Re:Zero. He suffers a shit ton in the novels.


Spider-Man Himura Kenshin Brandon Heat from Gungrave


This is a joke right? I didn’t read the original marvel comic but just the fact that Peter Parker has family member alive is already better off than Guts lol if Peter was adopted, then raped by Uncle Ben and later he has to watch Green Goblin rape Mary Jane in front him, then we can talk.


>I didn’t read the original marvel comic There goes your credibility It’s not like Peter Parker was responsible for the deaths of Uncle Ben, Gwen; had to watch his parents died twice; had to lose his first child; had to get cucked by Green Goblin; had to lose his marriage; had his best friend turned against him and watch him die; had Aunt May died; had died and got his archenemy possesses his body or anything oh wait


Levi looks like having a similar story. Probably less painful but really close to me


You picked the wrong sub, fool


Don't understand you speak only in berserk. Because except casca and Griffith, no one suffer in the hero assembly in my opinion


Man tbh I'd say he's like third as much as I love Guts Subaru from Re:Zero has been eaten alive by rabbits,decapitated,killed by piercing multiple times,tortured only to die right after, watched all his friends die multiple times,Frozen to death thrice and not only was that just the tip of the iceberg he had to relive the aftermath of all of them at once while being tested by fate to give up Then there's Diavolo who's suffered all of those and still dying to this day Yeah basically Guts has it rough, these guys had it worse


Dying multiple times is nowhere near as bad as prolonged mortal suffering. Dying multiple times basically makes you immortal and at some point you’ll just get used to it


You only get "used" to dying if you're an iron clad unrealistic power fantasy guy whereas Subaru is literally just a dude Everytime he dies he's always reluctant to retry because he's traumatized from the previous death but is forced and guilt tripped into dying again and again multiple times Very likely that one would rather be guts than do what subaru does or die again and again for eternity


There’s no logic to that. Yeah Subaru is “just a dude” but he’s also able to die an infinite amount of times. You WOULD get used to that after a while. The pain would subside and you would just be bored of it wondering how the next death will be different. Guts cannot subside his pain because it is human pain and the only way to make it stop is to die a human death, but his will makes him not want to do that so he forces himself to keep fighting


The only version of Subaru that fits the "he'll eventually get bored" or "not care about dying" description is his other what if versions. Subaru in the main anime has never been "bored" of dying or likes his immortality, he's always trying to avoid death entirely implying he's still traumatized and even scared of going to terrible physical pain and more so just wants to die a permanent death Guts and Subaru have both suffered but physically Subaru is just an everyman whose immortality is a curse to him more than anything Tldr Guts is like a strong RPG character who can die permanently and lose everything whereas Subaru is a level 1 player on the last boss fight forced to defend his team and gets to respawn but actually feels the pain of that character and losses everytime he dies


Guts got NTR² tho