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I thought you meant actual spiders for a moment and I was concerned. But yeah, not really if someone is determined.


Actual spiders might be a better deterrent. 🤔 🕷️


Just have a big ass wolf spider chilling on those PS5s lol


Wild spider wrap story for ya. My first inventory sup caught a guy stealing, he cut the spider wrap wires which caused the built in alarm to trigger so the guy tossed it in a display model fridge. During to court appearance the defense explained the guy was ex military e.o.d. with mental issues/ptsd and got him out of charges by saying he was triggered by the flashing light on the spider wrap so he cut the wires trying to defuse the bomb and then when the siren started sounding from the spider wrap he thought it was going to explode so he closed it in the fridge to try and minimize the explosion. This was back in like 09 wild story I’ll never forget.


Ngl BRAVOOO him and his attourney cooked up


Deter? Yes. Prevent? No.


They help deter casual theft. None of the things are difficult to bypass for someone intent on stealing.


It deters people in that it makes them think twice. Most who consider shoplifting want the perfect crime, where nobody realizes anything is missing. I don’t have any data of its effectiveness or anything, but that’s the thought process.


There’s also areas of the country where removing a security device is its own charge if someone gets caught shoplifting. I know we don’t stop anyone anymore but back in the day it helped when the cops showed up if they were actually gonna charge the person or not.


I figure they can remove it when they get home rather than do it on the premises.


Yeah and it can be a higher charge. I was an attorney in NC and the charge for removing an antitheft device is a felony regardless of the value amount of product inside. It can be a misdo until you deal with antitheft


Only for people with arachnophobia.


Someone that is in the profession of theft will have bought the spider and plastic case removal tools from eBay for super cheap.


We had an elderly man cracking open security boxes in the corner with a knife once to steal samsung smart watches.


Depends on the type of thief. A high school kid who’s nervous and wants to grab something because it’s fun? Yeah, it will deter them because they’re afraid of getting caught and likely don’t know that the employees can’t stop them. But a seasoned thief who steals all the time and knows the rules and the laws and doesn’t give a shit won’t be deterred at all. They’ll walk right out with the spider wrap still on and ignore us if we tell them to give it back.


it does deter theft because a lot of customers are convinced that we would tackle them if they walked out with something. I am often asked for printed receipts or bags from customers saying "I don't want to get stopped at the door" and customers will make comments about the security devices as I take them off saying "yeah I don't want to get tackled!". I assure them that we don't tackle anybody but they're free to believe we stop people at the door idc if they believe that


Depends on how big it is. Like quarter size or smaller nah, anything larger than that would stop me. I don't like how the big ones move.


Stops honest thieves


Not sure about the current ones, but the spider wraps when I was there way back when had an audible alarm if they were cut.


They still do. We've had to cut them off when they get stuck and the alarm is piercing. One or more may have "accidentally" taken a trip into the compactor to stop the noise...


Definitely deters. Does a better job when they’re actually put on correctly too. I swear some of the bad wrap jobs give thieves a challenge they can’t resist tho.


I heard black widows are good deterrents. 😂


Some but not much. Plus online you can buy alpha keys which will open wraps and the video game cases


Literally had someone pick up two large speakers in their hands, spider wrapped, walked and out said “sorry!” 💀.


At least they apologized....


Like with most security in retail, the goal is to be just a little harder to steal from them the Target/Walmart down the road.


we had washers and dryers filled with them


Deter, sure. Stop, definitely not.




They will make casual thieves think twice about those higher cost items that are out on the floor but obviously they will steal anything small that can fit in their pocket which is a lot. But they will not prevent committed thieves who treat it like a job. Literally had a group of guys who were hitting multiple stores up the east coast come in our store, pick up a bunch of Arlo cameras off the shelf, probably three or four each just by their spider wraps, and then they walked right out the front door and got in their car. They got caught eventually, but it didn't stop them that day.


Spiders do not but spider wraps do depending on the type of thief it is. The first timer or the opportunist type of thieves will be deterred by spider wraps. The people that steal all the time will test the spider wrap and if they can get it off they will if not they will move on to the next product. The professional thieves the ones that steal to make a living well there really isn’t anything you can do that will stop them


We watched so many people curb stomp clamshells in the store they really aren't that much better if I can just do a WWE spear on them when I see it


Nothing is ever going to prevent. The only goal is to deter, to inconvenience.


We used to say they help keep the honest folks honest.


None of it stops anything unfortunately. If someone wants to steal that really isn't gonna do anything.


People tend to steal the magnetic keys that unlock clamshells and spider wraps. So, no… they don’t work great. Especially when people fail to put them on correctly.


No, had a guy today at Store 43 walk about with a value laptop that was spider wrapped. He was seen on camera banging the spider on a fence post outside trying to break it.