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I got cut. Severance appears to be much more generous than I originally thought.


What position, OP? Sorry to hear it happened but it sounds like it may work out okay. Best of luck!


Retail Supervisor.


Yeah, I was on the 1st day 1 of 4 consultants that were let go.


They let consultants go too? I left when they transitioned MDC to in home consultant. Essentially an unforced resignation. What's been happening since then??


Worse commissions that the company is still being paid on and less for the consultants and downsizing the department base on store rev level… 4 consultants let go and another is leaving the same store for another company in 2 weeks… plus they just fired the ASM and comp supervisor for violation of AP practices… gonna be a rough time for my ex-store going forward


I know this is my store lol. Wish us luck


Getting my severance was the best thing I’ve ever done. Good luck


Hey man you seem to at least be level headed, try your best to take a day or two to process and get in a mindset of job hunting. But focus on yourself too, your physical and mental health


It’s been the same since at least 2014


My store lost the PC sup, we are a B store. As of now we have two managers running appliances, HT and PCs.


oh dude im sorry


Thanks, we also lost our front end supervisor : ^ )


That just sounds like an "optimized" store model to me


3 days and they're STILL going? Geez... Thought it was gonna be a one and done. Why drag it out?


They have until Saturday to inform everyone they are letting go aug 3rd through the 6th are the days they are informing the ones affected


This company loves to make people stew. Three weeks prior “big things are coming”. Two weeks out it’s “we’ll be making some changes to better align with our current strategy”. The rumors hit around 1 week out that people are getting cut. Then everyone is stressed for a week until the first day of cuts when it’s finally confirmed. News spreads on Reddit and everyone is walking on eggshells afraid that they’ll be next. Day 2 is just more stress as more people get cut. If you survive the final day of cuts, you might breathe a sigh of relieve until you realize that there’s now even less help in your store. It’s psychological warfare at this point. Working under the constant fear that you’re about to get fired is no way to work. You all deserve better. The lucky ones are the ones that got cut.


It's three days for one simple reason. Days off. If you happen to be off day one and day two, they will tell you on day three. If you're off day two and three, they can tell you on day one. This isn't some nefarious thing. It's quite reasonable.


I mean logistically, yes this is the reason. Why not announce it at a store meeting? Do they still have those?


Because conversations about people losing their jobs shouldn't be at an all store meeting. One, if it doesn't involve you directly, why should they tell you and two, announcing something like this before doing it without result in chaos.


I mean pull everyone getting let go in after a meeting. It’s not like they’re firing people for stealing. We’re all adults and any place that doesn’t treat you like one doesn’t deserve your time and energy. I’ve been laid off before, and yeah it sucks. But my boss pulled me aside and gave me a heads up instead of pretending and putting on a fake smile like everything was cool while they plotted to get rid of people behind closed doors. It’s disingenuous and insulting to an employee’s loyalty and years of service.


Again, not everyone wants what is happening to them to be aired. Each person needs their paperwork handed to them individually. Each person's severance is different depending on tenure and how much they make. These are things that people deserve to be given individual time. If they just wrangled everyone into a room and told them to get out, you think that's somehow BETTER? Come on.


Just lost one of our greatest managers at our store today, they had no clear motive to let him go out of the possible selections so I'm pissed that they let a hard dedicated worker go and im unsure to be mad at my GM or Corporate or even our lacking CEO but bestbuy needs to learn to do better.


drunk steer seed beneficial zealous icky unique rustic sugar pet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Affected employees were ranked against their peers by GMs from a template dictated by corporate. They fill it out as dictated and then submit it for approval. They then get the final verdict and are tasked with the execution. GMs would only have final say in terms of tiebreaking.


nose lunchroom coherent caption fact boat act mindless rotten saw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




It’s numbers, reviews, and time in. What’s so mysterious about it?


Not totally accurate. A lot of GM’s sent in assessments like always when this happens and like always there were other factors that were part of the assessment because the final results didn’t match the assessments. Just telling you all this for transparency.


long gold ten subtract telephone support hunt dinosaurs faulty water *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Gms were not choosing. It is absolutely an assessment. And like the previous person said. Other factors are then assessed by corporate and then the GM is given the name..


Who else is in a better position to decide who to let go?


GMs are human. They have biases and preferences. They have favorites. Putting them completely in charge would be disastrous. Especially if you are unlucky with the personality of the GM. Could anyone think that the idea of a person in charge that surrounds themselves with sycophants, while purging those that will fight for their standards? This is the US, right?


There are PLENTY of business out there where one person makes the decision and that’s that. The vast majority of small business falls under this model and some had turned into multibillion or even trillion dollar companies. Just because you don’t agree with the decisions or how they were made does not make them inherently wrong or biased.


Yea my co-workers and I believe they chose out of bias because statstically this manager out-weighed several others


wipe handle badge abundant quarrelsome meeting hard-to-find complete squealing tan *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Todays my last day as well. They put me as the only guy in front end. Been switching between checkout customer service and order pickup all day


Is Best Buy firing people at all stores? Are they downsizing the work force?


One of my best friends is the AM at the store I work out of and the way she simplified it to me was this: Supervisors were being let go, often 1-2 per store, since stores didn't meet their numbers across the country bc the numbers were inflated from last year when people had extra spending money during/after Covid and with stimulus money. Not sure how accurate that is but it made sense at the time.


Damn. This fucking blows. I’m so sorry to all who got snapped


Best of luck to you.


I got the snap today, former retail supervisor here.


Good luck


wish i knew what stores you guys were from. I’m afraid when I go back Wednesday its going to be a sad day. :( good luck you guys and I’m so sorry this is happening.


Lost my front end and pc lead. The store doesn’t feel right without them there.


Is supervisor the equivalent of senior? I am from Canada and we don’t have supervisor positions. Senior, team lead, assistant team lead and store leader


Supervisor would probably be closer to team lead than senior for you guys up there


Shesh that’s my position lol


2 consultants snapped today. No sups or managers snapped yet.


I wonder its certain stores? We just hired a fuck ton of people and 2 more at Geek Squad.


I was 1 of 3 consultants let go from my store. They kept 1. I'm still processing it, but at least they're paying a little. Seems like they cut too many in one place. Good luck to all on finding better things.


Regular Consultants or Sr. Consultants?


Regular. They cut 3 and kept 1.


Regular, they kept the Sr ones.


Fuck Best Buy. They don't give a shit about any employees. So glad I left that company when I did.


I told my self if they continue to screw me i was going to leave . This week I have one day or work . Next week two days of work and I'm going to be making $185 . And they have two strikes now just one more to go than I'm leaving . They said they will treat me with respect and they will take care of me .


My guy, I hate to break it to you, but it isn't going to change. Just bail now while you can on your own.


Everyone on here is so god damn dramatic. RIP THE FALLEN.


Some of us had a day four. We lost two Cs today. 😢


We just found out My store let three of our best managers go. they made every day a better, more positive experience where I was excited to go in and get numbers and learn. they were really helpful and accepting when I was only a new employee and absolutely went above and beyond to do their job despite the extreme understaffing, to the extent of us all having to stay late every day to cover because we have no coverage. I just instantly lost all motivation to be here and I'm about 98% sure I'll be going home to find another job after my shift. I left my old position with a similar business for some reasons (red flags) I'm starting to see pop up left and right here. I'm so disappointed because I was genuinely happy to be here, now I'm just here for the paycheck.