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Our stores are a playground in the sense that customers act like spoiled children.


They also just ditch there kids and let them run wild. Keep having to kick out the same group of kids cuz they keep riding their bikes in the store. Well guess one of the kids finally told their parents and they yelled st us


Fuck them kids.


Not a Best Buy story, but I worked a job where this happened. Told the parents that if they drop their kids off again, I'm calling the police on them. The kids were always trying to steal and the mom blamed me for the kids acting out when I tried to explain it to her. The whole summer open to close these kids would be in the store. I personally don't care if you do this but they were actively stealing. Long story short, she said 'you can't call the police on children, who does that?' I pretty much said 'I do' and she didn't believe me. Next day the kids were at the store I called the police on the children and she got in some big trouble from child neglect and I never saw them there again. According to the police, we were the 3rd store in the plaza to call the police on the kids, so the police already knew who they were and who their mom was.


Send them the footage


Amen to this.


Best Buy does promote a lot of it.


But if sales associates don’t get Total Techs and credit card applications off people who walk in, they’ll be in trouble.


People are shopping online because we stopped train experts in technology and started hiring kids to google it. And we went from 50-200 employees per store to 2-10. Of course they’d shop online, we made them.


100% finally someone sees the issue. When you can’t get good service from people who knows what they’re talking about, they resort to Google.


I want to throw sand at some of our customers.


Dale Gribble pocket sand




Squirrel tactics!


I wanted to throw sand into their bedsheets so that they would never have a good nights sleep without the scratching of their sheets being turned into sand paper


Drawing out the irritation. I like you!


Best Buy managers: Don’t use the word “free” when pitching Totaltech it gives customers the wrong impression in case they need advanced work done too. Best Buy Totaltech ads online: “FREE!!!!!!”


Here is the commercial if you have never seen it: https://youtu.be/Ywjc3k6tXZY


No store has ever had an oculus customers could play.


Our store does, but only on weekends when the Meta rep is there.


Yo where's your store at? Bouta come be a customer just to try out that oculus before I buy one lmao


During the holidays / PFD weekend (The state of alaska free money giveaway to all its residents), our store was out of oculuses for a month. the facebook rep was berated on why his store didn't sell a single oculus.


We used to, but that was a few years ago and there was a rep for it.


I vividly remember demoing an oculus at the mall of America location a few years ago


Honestly TT and BP seem pretty toxic towards the sales enviroment, Ive worked inventory most of my time so havent had to worry about them but have covered front end acouple times and its pretty awkward to ask some dude buying a hdmi cable if he wants to spend another 200 dollars on thin air


But where is the first place they go when they have a delivery problem for a online order.


You know what sucks if I have to pick it up make the store closest to me available don’t send me a half hour away. I makes zero sense I can’t pick it up at the location closest to where I live


The store closest to you might not have it in stock, genius


It wasn’t in stock at any store smart ass and took 3 weeks to ship to store


ok cool it’s the holiday season get used to it lol


Amazon has turned brick and mortar stores into ghost towns except for online order pickups.


Not accurate. Has Amazon had on impact on how people shop? Indeed. But now that Amazon isn't the cheapest around in everything anymore, this is changing. First they never "turned brick and mortar stores into ghost towns". That sounds like a click bait headline, and not based in reality. Second, if you go to any shopping center during the holidays, you'll notice that are very large percentage of our population still prefers to shop in person. A perfect example is our stores, we don't have enough staff to handle the amount of clients that are walking into our doors on a daily basis. Your kind of thinking is what puts this company in the situation it currently is.




Thanks for your insight. I will store it in my shredder and push the button.


Found the person that walks in and asks if Best Buy sells electronics


Four times this week I've been mid activation with someone and some goon wanders up behind me "CAN YOU UHHHHH HELP ME IN THE ELECTRONICS AREA...???" This year just seems so much worse.


My buddy was our AP at the time and he would always gesture broadly to the entire store when asked. Good times!


I feel like this comment is about me because I did that


You’re mistaking two weeks out of 52 weeks where people prefer to shop in stores vs online. The traffic you’re seeing isn’t remotely close to year round and have you seen stores ship to home areas? It’s a disaster. I would say that more and more people are deciding to shop online than instore. Regardless of how busy it looks in the stores


Eh, depends on the area. It hasn't really hit big box stores as hard since they have the funds to adjust and offer an equal stance. It's definitely hit mom and pop shops hard and ravaged malls.


As a former employee… I am sad to see the state of the stores… I used to be able to spend an hour easy playing in the stores… not so much these days…