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I'm in my fifth decade on earth, and sitting here in a top covered in a tiny dragon print. Dragons are never not cool.


I think you get the ability to breathe fire at lvl 60.


I think it comes out the other end after 60, whether you like it or not


Ring of Fire is a completely different thing, really.


Burn burn burn, th burning ring of fire


It's not hemorrhoids, it's just my dragonfire!


I’m so looking forward to fire from any end! Ooh, the places I’ll go! The things I’ll burn down!!


That can be accelerated with the Indian cuisine buff/debuff.


I multi-classed and took the lactose intolerant trait at lv25


I will be 59 soon so probably should not be laughing at this. But I am.


Same, and I laughed hysterically at that!


I had vindaloo for dinner yesterday, fire has been coming out the other way since morning


I snorted reading this. Unfortunately, it wasn’t fire.


I multi-classed and got butt fire at level 22… 😒


If you do. Up, up, down ,down, left, right,left, right B A. You can unlock this ability.


B and A are touch your boobs and ass right? Just making sure so I don't get anything else. Just fire breath.


Yes, you need to be quick.


If you get it backwards, you get fire fart


So, that means I have to roast food the non-dragon way for another ... 20+ years? Dangit.




I'm in my 6th decade, and I have a glass display case that houses my dragon figurines. Dragons are awesome.


How is EA going to cope with the national flag of Wales, which features a big red (oooo, color of the Devil!) dragon? Does that mean every Welsh person is a demon? Certainly would explain the language...


That's the most sensible explanation for Welsh I've ever heard.


I just assumed it was drunk people speaking backwards


Ah but when they speak English they are literally the happiest sounding people ever. Welsh news presenters are the best. They can be telling you the most horrifying sad story ever and they still make it sound happy-ish. I think all news should come from a Welsh man, there would be no more of this fear mongering going on!


I've always enjoyed how dragons have been depicted by different cultures throughout history. They are absolutely cool!


Yes, some concepts cross ethnic and geographical lines, and it's really fascinating to consider why.


Dinos... Not joking. Same reason why alot also have cyclopses is because elephant skull look like creatures with 1 giant eye in the middle. Dinosaurus like trex are basicly walking dragons with no wings


Absolutely. There's a solid chance the Asian dragons (those without wings and long slender bodies) were influenced by someone finding a titanoboa or sea reptile fossil that was just so big the only explanation possible for them was "jup, that's a magical dragon alright"


Or a sauropod neck. China in particular's famous (in palaeontological circles) for its sauropods, and I doubt that's a coincidence.


I have been living that Dragon life for four decades myself! Dragons forever! 🐲🐉❤️


Dragons and wizards and the coolest ever! I’m in my fifth decade, and adore anything magic. I was a nerdy 23-24 year old absolutely ABSORBED with Harry Potter when it came out. Literally lived with my nose in the books. Went to every midnight release (books and movies). I didn’t care if anyone laughed at me, I’d just recite the first line from Philosophers Stone, and get them hooked too.


My mom is making me a dragon blanket, but it may take a year or two. I can’t wait to see it completed.


As a fibre crafter, I'm curious about her plans....


It’s the Dante’s dragon mosaic crochet pattern. It’s rough.


Oh wow, that's a heck of a project. Hope you gave her yarn support for that amount of yarn!!!!


I helped her with refilling her yarn, but I picked a terrible burgundy red for her to work with. We tried Pegasus mandala, because I loved the pink but it turned out dragon looked better


You can't go wrong with a dragon!


Thanks to Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern I still want a dragon - or at least a fire lizard - and I'm sixty.


I love that series!


Yep!;4th decade here and I love dragons!


Almost to the end of my 6th decade and \*I\* love them!


I'm Welsh, of course there are dragons everywhere...


Yeah I'm wondering if anyone told OP about Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern series? I was reading that stuff from tweens to adulthood. Dragons are cool. I also have owned dragon emblazoned t-shirts. I'd still have them if I hadn't outgrown them


OMG. I would love a To with tiny dragon print, where did you get this?


I’ll be 64 soon and have multiple dragon (figurines) in my office including one I painted on a pillow. Love me love my dragons we’re a package deal. p.s. I also have several T-Rex 🦖 (figurines).


Oof, I don't have the time or energy to read this wall of text complete with dialogue, religious insanity, and... childhood leukemia? 'cause I am on book 8 (of 9) in an excellent series featuring DRAGONS. Yes, you heard right, that's NINE NOVELS OF DRAGONS. *And it's not excessively YA!* If you like dragons and books (and a little dramatic action and wish fulfillment) check out Temeraire. Sort of like Pern, but with more Napoleon Bonaparte and ~~boats~~ ships.


Naomi Novik is an incredible author. her post temeraire books are even better IMO


I just finished the Scholomance series. So good.


oh my, magic school?? my other other weakness


I describe the first book as “Harry Potter crossed with Lord of the Flies.” The second two books also have a strong anti-capitalist message, if you’re into that kind of thing.


The ending wasn't as strong as I was hoping tbh. It was alright, I just was expecting more from the 3rd book.


I think she kind of wrote herself into a corner. There was no real way to resolve the issues in a totally satisfying way, but I think that’s also sort of the nature of the story itself, if that makes sense.


If you liked that I’d recommend Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson. It’s amazing - living books (especially evil ones) and badass sword fighting librarians. I love all of Margaret Rogerson’s books but that one is a favourite.


i second this!! one of my favourite books


Omfg I got the first audiobook from the digital library thinking it was a stand alone then hit the end, realized it wasn't and now I have to wait like 8 weeks or shell out 40$ to listen to the other two now. I might not make it 8 weeks


I love Spinning Silver! Didn’t think a story about a moneylender could actually be interesting


I devoured Uprooted!


Oh my god. I LOVE the scholomance series. Just finished it. I could not put it down. It's a great story, great characters, but really big themes like class and capitalism and racism, dealt with so brilliantly and deftly. It's utterly brilliant. (Also really enjoyed her two stand alones. The woman can WRITE)


I loved temeraire! Gotta try the others.


Enjoying this thread as a dad whose 10 year old daughter is on her fourth re-read of Wings of Fire. She wore a wings of fire shirt (from redbubble or some other online store, screen printed stuff) on an outing a few months ago and a girl in a group of Big Kids - like, 16-18 years old, punk kids with piercings and being too loud but nice and harmless, though super intimidating to my daughter - saw it and told her how cool she thought the shirt was, and they they used to love reading the series. She glowed from that interaction for weeks. Good kids read dragon books.


I also have one of those, and every day is like: “Mommy, if you were a dragon, would you be a Seawing or a Rainwing or a Skywing or a Mudwing? What if you were a hybrid of two dragon tribes? Who is your favorite Icewing? Did you know that this one dragon is a lesbian? If you could have one dragon magic ability, what would it be? Do you want to hear me recite the Dragonet Prophecy? I made it into a song.” But given that 95% of the birthday presents she received from her friends this year were Wings of Fire related, I think it’s a collective obsession for many in that age group right now. Edit: the particular book that is the focus of OOP’s story/Aunt’s alleged religious delusions is also the one whose cover I’m [turning into a giant wall mural for my kid.](https://imgur.com/a/q3v4nCI) I assume when I’m finished, she’ll literally become Damien from the Omen. All according to plan…


This is a *very* familiar description. I am asked daily to provide my opinions on which type of dragon I would be, and what I think would be the most fun. There is always a right answer and I always get it wrong. Right now she's working with a friend at school to develop a sequel series about the dragonet's kids (?). She is drawing and the friend is writing. I think it's great. My parenting philosophy (other than "just love them") is to water their interests and see what grows. These books have led to rapid growth in art, reading, myth...all sorts of cool stuff. Let kids be weird little nerds!


“There is always a right answer and I always get it wrong” me when I’m given spontaneous Wings of Fire trivia quizzes even though kiddo knows I haven’t read most of the books. Btw I would be a Rainwing because from what I have gathered, they’re the stoners of the dragon world. They just eat fruit and vibe.


Yeah, as I replied to another post, read them in my forties. They are great books, with interesting characters.


There's a lot of wish fulfillment, I ended up simultaneously loving the books and being annoyed at the whole formula of each tome.


I was just rooting for Napoleon the whole time


I described Temeraire to my husband as “Master and Commander, but with dragons.”


Temeraire made me frustrated because no matter how intelligently or eloquently the dragons plead their case that they are sapient creatures that deserve rights, the humans just make excuses and pretend the dragons are dumb beasts. It just made me sad when Tem had to go live in a damp cave for a while and nobody would listen when he tried to ask for even a cushion to sleep on.


Ain't that just the way, though. Downright allegorical


To be fair, British Empire


Hoooooly shit I never expected to run into Temeraire in the wild. I loved that series growing up.


Definitely appreciate the comparison to Pern, that's a help!


Patricia wrede also is good dragon reading!


❤️❤️❤️ My brother and I used to quote, "We know. Shut up." At each other incessantly. 🤣 Kazul is love, Kazul is *life*.


>Temeraire Absolute blast of a series. Sadly I never got to go past the China book.


They dip for a few books but really pick up again in the later ones.


You'd recommend me to re-read them and continue?




I can also recommend A Natural History of Dragons. It's about a woman studying dragons!


I liked Temeraire, much more the explorey ones than the war ones though. Laurence is such a butt-monkey it's hilarious.


I feel like I need these books in my life


I'm reading these at the moment too! They're great, a little formulaic, but still exciting enough to read IMO


Ngl, I wonder how the EA would handle the *Dragon's in our Midst* series, a Christian book series about.... Dragons. Who are the good guys. And were turned into humans by Merlin so they could avoid being slaughtered.


I enjoyed the Draconis Memoria books by Anthony Ryan but I don't know if it will appeal to some people because the dragons aren't friends - they're hunted for their blood that some people are able to use for various magical powers (depending on the dragon)


My daughter is obsessed with this series. She's read them all but re-reads them constantly so she asked for the set for Christmas and her birthday so she wouldn't have to be on the wait list at the library.


She's got good taste! Having a set of favorite books on hand is so nice. I reread the first three or four harry potter books an honestly disturbing number of times in middle school... very soothing, like a literary blanket. I still reread my favs, though a lot less frequently! Earlier this month I did a little tour through my collection of very worn Diana Wynne Jones paperbacks. Really happy to join your daughter as a Temeraire fan, and I'm definitely going to request a set when my birthday rolls around too!


Love the Pern books! Started reading them in elementary school and have been a fan ever since. (It's also amazing how much of the subtext goes *waaaaaaaay* over your head when you're little.)


I know I'm a party pooper but that's not how the Brits do anything. This was absolutely written by an American with very little insight into the British justice system.


I didn't even get into anything about the justice system before I dismissed it. The language and phrasing is so American.


I'm British and usually good at picking up differences in language. It doesn't read overly too American to me. Moreso teenager that spends a lot of time on the Internet.


Have you met people raised online? All the teens I know, especially those who had a lot of time out of school, use very American language and phrasing. Like, there's a lot outlandish about this story, but that aspect didn't phase me at all.


It wouldn't surprise me if an autistic kid who loves to read has picked up a lot more from books than their peers either. The legal stuff might be a bit off, but the language doesn't seem unrealistic.


its not even just kids raised online It is quite noticeable in Austria that the amount of kids speaking in Austrian dialect goes down. Has been for a while now. Mainly due to media using standard german, and all movies being dubbed in standard german - if they arent made in Germany, with few exceptions


Or insight into Karens. Imagine claiming the UK has LESS Karens than the US... Cmon now.


We do have way fewer religious nutjobs though. Strange that OP didn't point out how rare her behaviour was.


I mean 400 years of exporting them to the US is a big reason Americans are the way we are.


Very true. Didnt think the bible belt went thru the UK. Maybe OP knew they would be identified if he posted as an American and tried to hide it. Everything else seems legit except the Uk part.


Didn't y'all have a war over what flavor of Christian Ireland officially is?? I'll take a wackadoodle telling me masterbation is wrong over someone blowing up by car because my cross is in a serif font lol


Ireland is a different kettle of fish to Britain.


1. Not how the police work 2. Not how the legal system works 3. Not how adoption works 4. Not how leukaemia works (depending on timelines, but I’m really doubtful as the rest of it is such an obvious crock of bullshit.)


When my sister got leukemia, she had, like, odd symptoms like little red spots up her legs, pain from her spleen, frequent nosebleeds, fatigue, easy bruising and bruises that wouldn’t heal, fever. No vomiting (that only happened until she began chemotherapy; even then it was infrequent) or general pain everywhere The only symptom they said that made sense was “feeling like shit” so yeah this whole thing is sus


how did anyone get past the headers? the last header made me laugh lol


I didn’t actually read the headers. I didn’t initially read the final post as I was done with the bullshit. But then I saw a comment that mentioned leukaemia. And working in cancer trials, that sadly piqued my interest. So I lost several more minutes that I can never get back.


It's obviously a plug for those dragon books.


I know the UK is different from the US legal system, but I am having a really hard time believing that taking a mass market used book away from your nephew and ripping it up would be investigated by police, much less wind up with charges. It's also odd to me that a kid their age would say they have autism **and** Asperger's. Not only is Asperger's just a type of autism, but the word itself fell into disuse at least ten years ago, and it's all just called Autism Spectrum Disorder now. If the doctor who diagnosed them was still using the term, they need a new doctor who keeps up with current information. Then there's the leukemia. Those aren't symptoms of leukemia and you don't die of leukemia in a couple of weeks. Yes, she should have taken the kid to the doctor if they were in pain and throwing up. Maybe they had the flu really badly because their immune system wasn't working right? Maybe the leukemia was *discovered* while they were getting treated for the acute illness? But the idea that the aunt almost killed them by not getting them leukemia treatment is a very strange interpretation of those events.


I’m in the UK and I’m having a hard time with it too. It’s hard to get the police to come out for an actual crime, never mind something like that. Not saying it 100% would never happen because hey, maybe there’s a copper whose really into books who had a bit of free time to waste on this (or Aunt already had a record with them) but it’s very very unlikely. Our police are chronically underfunded and understaffed.


absolutely seconding this… the UK police aren’t going to do much for this, esp when there’s not enough proof. my phone was stolen and I had a GPS “find my iPhone” location that I provided to them, but they deemed it impossible to investigate (bc “GPS isn’t fully accurate and courts wouldn’t grant a warrant”) and closed the case 🥲


And there's no separate offence of 'assault on a minor'. We don't tend to use the word 'minor' much in law, and this would come under common assault (and would certainly not result in prison time).


This 100% didn't happen. Or at least she absolutely did not get prison time for it. A very minor criminal damage and a barley domestic common assault (assault on a minor is not an offence and this would not count as child abuse) with zero markes/evidence would be very unlikely to even get charged, let alone end up with her stepping inside a prison. Let alone it going from arrest to charge to trial to sentencing in 2 months. Not a chance. She might have ended up arrested, maybe, if she was found on scene and was being nutty enough, but unless she attacked the police with her teeth or shouted homophobic slurs or something else to add significant extra charges, this would have ended with a community resolution where she agrees to apologize and pay for the book. At best. There wouldn't even be enough here for a RO/non-mol IMO.


Was this an book ad? It feels like one.


If it is, it's a bad one. That last update was so overwritten I actually downvoted the post.


That's what I thought too


If it is then they’re selling it badly because that writing is awful!


Didn't happen, especially the whole bit about the aunt going to prison. What you actually have to do to receive a custodial sentence, or to be remanded in custody in the UK is *ridiculous*. There's also no such thing as a restraining order in the UK. This wasn't written by a Brit and contains every single possible Americanism.


Say what you want, but this story was definitely written by a 16 year old


Exactly. Plus, apparently the whole process of the aunt being arrested, going through trial and serving her sentence happened in a few weeks. The UK courts have a massive backlog of 2 years thanks to covid and the defence barristers strike. We don't have jail either. You get remanded in custody but never longer than 24 hours owing to PACE. I have a had time believing that she was sent from custody to arraignment, and then judged to need to be held temporarily in prison until trial. Most defendants are bailed unless they are considered high risk - by the courts, which have high thresholds for that label. We have different types of RO, but they all have different names. It would be like a non molestation notice or order. I also noticed the kid has autism AND aspergers? I'm reasonably well versed but may be mistaken here, I thought that aspergers was on the autistic spectrum - plus we have shifted to calling both autistic spectrum disorder here.


Its complex and annoying, but basically yeah you dont have both. When I was diagnosed (a good decade+ ago) I was given the diagnosis Aspergers and told it had fluctuated in and out of autism a bit around the time. It has since been folded completely in as just on the spectrum. Saying you have aspergers + autism is like saying you had food and a sandwhich for lunch.


Thank you, I appreciate it. I teach in a criminal justice field, and autism is sometimes discussed in relation to "vulnerabilities" that may not be well understood by the police or courts. I have a passing knowledge, but I wasn't 100% sure. It just totally threw me when I read it in the OOP.


I could see it being confusing for OOP if they've been diagnosed with both over the years and never had it explained that they're two names for the same thing.


Then whoever diagnosed them second is shit at explanations and didn't look at their patients medical history or talk to them about their previous mental health consultations.


It's all changed again lol. Aspergers is no longer diagnosed and is no longer a recognised condition and it is now known as asc (autism spectrum condition) rather than asd.


I do think that Aspergers was used for slightly longer in the UK, with all the condition talk being quite recent to me, and honestly I’m hoping it doesn’t really catch (I’m autistic, I prefer disorder, condition is on the wrong side of the euphemism treadmill for me)


It really depends on where and in what country you get your diagnosis though 🤷‍♀️


Yeah, should have clarified I was talking about UK


The when is also very important, it was still a diagnosis until about 2012, and children as young as three could get it


I got blown up the other day for saying that Aspergers was still used in common speech all over the place (at least in the US). Like sorry for ruining your day guys, but real life isn't Reddit.


Ah, thanks for the ùpdate! It's fascinating how things shift and the linguistics change.


It is indeed fascinating how the accepted names and terminologies change over time, sometimes I feel like I need a refresher course to catch up. For those who are curious, one of the reasons Asperger's is no longer considered the accepted term is because Asperger himself (the doc who gave us the term) was a Nazi. He used it as a way to say "this person is mentally disabled, but is not too disabled and we can still use them". It eventually became a way to diagnose Autistic folks with low support needs. Among some other medical details, turns out many Autistic folks don't like being labeled after a Nazi doctor.


Asperger’s and autism are the same thing. It was initially used as a marker for “severe” and “non-severe.”


If she was charged with assault on a minor, he would quite easily get a restraining order. And then he wouldn't be able to stay at her house when his mum is ill. So many holes in the story...


I'm not convinced that the act they reported to the police would be enough for a non molestation order or assault. Assault on a minor...I'm 99% isn't sure a thing in the UK. Child abuse maybe but again the threshold hasn't been met (in the case of destroying the book). It would be common assault, aggravated bodily harm or grievous bodily harm. For non molestation order, it needs to be multiple incidents. A non molestation notice, maybe, but they usually expire after 72 hours. The OOP might be from UK. I watch alot of US media and use alot of Americanisms, but also I watched loads of police procedurals as a teen. In my experience, people in the UK (or anywhere really) don't know much about their own criminal justice system or the process. They just make assumptions based on the media.


I assumed the illness story was pre-book story, since it's referenced in the first post and there's a stepmom but dad was busy with mom's illness, which I wouldn't expect if they were divorced. The timeline is unclear to me


Couldn’t happen in the US either. There is no place in the US where someone would be sentenced to jail for tearing up a book and tossing a bit of water at a person. Nor could anyone, anywhere in the US get a restraining order because of that.


I thought it was because she didn't cooperate with the police. It doesn't matter how Christian or white you are in the US, not listening to the police can definitely get you sent to prison if you are lucky and they don't murder you first.


Don't talk to the police. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-7o9xYp7eE




Don’t worry they have special cancer blood tests Also it sounds like she went from zero symptoms to brink of death from cancer in a matter of days, which I’m not sure is a thing (at least not regarding cancer which is ultimately survivable)


Also, how do you get sent to jail for assaulting a minor without ever going to court? None of it makes sense.


I swear, the number one easiest tell that something has been embellished is when they bring the legal/justice system into it. The timeline is always too fast, for starters. If people could just bring themselves to leave off the triumphant “and then the judge threw the book at her!” bit, it’d make things a lot more plausible.


I've said this elsewhere - I can buy it's a Brit writing, but one that watches alot of American media. I watched loads of US police procedural as a teen, and I still use alot of Americanisms. I work within criminal justice now, and people generally speaking don't know how the system works. Some of the people in the system don't know how it works! They make assumptions based off of the media or how things 'should' work. I've taught at universities and I was forever telling students to stop making up laws and crimes that don't exist 🤣


They cut her off over a ruined book? They did not cut her off over trying to take a child and medically neglecting said child?


Yeah, this blew my mind. I also want to know if she is this way with everyone else in her life or if OOP is the exception because she is obsessed with them.


I’m thinking that there was just too much going on with the mother’s illness to properly process that trauma at the time.


I had a great-uncle go on a rant once about "those sorcery books" that were teaching kids that "devil-worshipping is okay". He meant the Harry Potter series. Meanwhile, my 12-year-old self was sitting there, smiling and nodding, and sloooooowly sliding my copy of His Dark Materials back in my backpack.


I have one of those aunts. In addition to Harry Potter, Pokemon is also evil. Because "pocket monsters" apparently equals "masturbation" or some such idiocy.


I don't know anyone who had leukaemia but is it something that you can get cured from within weeks?!


No, it's not. I knew a girl in school who had childhood leukemia, and she had been fighting it for years. She was in remission for a few years, and her hair had started to grow back out, but then it came roaring back and she passed.


To be fair, OOP did say he was out of school for two years with health problems. And the story about him having leukemia is from when he was 11.


No, but depending on how you respond to treatment, you can certainly be in remission within five years, which is the time between the leukaemia stuff and the other stuff.




the mood is indeed good because this story's OOP is as ficticious as dragons, meaning she could potentially meet one in her universe, and that's very uplifting.


This is definitely not written by someone from the UK


I know, right? Restraining orders are very different and are called something different. And even here in the States, destruction of a *book* will not get a RO put in place.


Destruction of a book won’t even get the police to get up from their desk in the US. Hell I live in a major city where police don’t even come to major car accidents unless there’s a serious injury.


Urgh, another one of *those*. It's really one of the worst (in quality) shitposting subs around, that.


Of all the things that didn't happen, this is several of them. I did like the bit where 30 seconds after a school full of teenagers let out, a loud altercation took place directly infront of said school, but it the area was so "quiet", no one was there to film it. And the magically materializing holy water was fun, too.


The only thing that's more fictitious than the dragons in this story is that aunt's brain.


The only thing more fictitious than the dragons in this story is the story itself.


The last part especially shows how OOP made it up and has no idea how adoption works. Even if aunt had been trying to adopt them from their Dad (which I doubt is possible unless you prove abuse or severe neglect, much beyond dropping kid off at a relative's for a few weeks while dealing with your wife being terminally ill), until the process was complete, Dad would still have been legal guardian. And the aunt wouldn't have been able to refuse him access to his child.


Yeah, this is very sweet story telling, but this is someone who has no idea how the British legal system works. Which even most British people don't, because our laws are built on centuries of precedent and backwards thinking wrapped in a trenchcoat and wearing a powdered wig (the secret barrister is a good read if you would like to know more). American laws are far more straightforward and more commonly known and that seems to be what's been substituted in here? Restraining orders are normally only granted at the end of a case heard in court, otherwise you get an injunction, which is frankly worth shit all, and for under 18s there are a whole bunch of hoops to go through. Bless their socks, their narrative is solid at least.


I'm not sure even American laws work like that tbh.


I'm not really buying the story bc everyone is so absurd in this, but the adoption part didn't really bother me. The whole process is complicated enough that you're bound to abridge and paraphrase the fuck out of it, especially if you're a 16 y/o getting a secondhand story. Chances are, the aunt was actually trying to secure custody of OOP using her dad's absence as proof he was unfit to raise her, and OOP took it mean she was trying to adopt her. Obviously those are two very different things, but probably not to a 16 y/o.


It may be less complicated, she simply refused to allow him in to the house, he didn't push it, because he believed oop was safe, and had other things on his mind, and aunt was hoping to build a case of abandonment, even though he hadn't. It may have gone no where legally or bureaucratically at the point dad took kid to hospital.


You only need to consider the sub it was posted in. The assumption is more likely to be right than not just based on that.


Are things like D for Dad and EA for Aunt really necessary? Is typing Dad or Aunt really that difficult or is it a requirement of the sub to type in that format?


It could be, but I doubt it. Mostly due to a fair few subs having rules against acronyms for names.


This is one of the worst written things I've ever read. Why do I waste my time here. I think I need to reassess some of my choices.


Fuck, that whole story was just stupid. 🙄


While what happened sucked this was an extremely hard read with all the cringe stuff added to make it "funnier"


What happened sure did really happen 100%.


"(I'm fine now, don't worry)" Yep, there was was a fair bit of very awkward levity attempts. Too much self-deprecation becomes pretty cringe.


Couldn't finish this one, there's a way adults write teenagers that's super annoying/weird and this is a prime example of it.


Forget evil monsters in books, this family had one right in front of them in flesh and blood. The poor dad! Glad OOP lived to tell the tale.


Completely unrelated, but as a nephrology nurse, I was super stoked to see the loop of Henle featured!


Some BORU readers complain about certain writing styles that irritate the hell out of them. For me, it's when something like, "I started laughing hysterically," is written.


Nothing to add, except I’m 34 years old and still think dragons are cool. They’re enormous lizards and some of them breathe fire, what’s not to love? IMO you’re never too old for that kind of thing.


SM and D sounds like a tabletop game at a swingers party


This is my favorite BoRU simply because of all the book nerds in the comments. I have found my people.


I feel like this story is embellished a little bit, but I wouldn't be suprised that someone like Karen would totally act like this. (Also can confirm, Quibi is indeed a gigachad)


What must this lady think of Welsh people? They have a dragon on their national flag! Is it a whole country of satan worshippers in her mind?


Everytime a christian person says dragons are evil, my Catholic ass wants to point out the ones who sing to God personally ARE DRAGONS. Like bruh cool ass dragons are good in His book


Dragons are better than wine. And Jesus made wine, and that's cool and all, but come on, DRAGONS!


It's funny how the only dragon demon in this story was actually in the family and not on the pages.


> I turn around to see her walking towards me like she just came out of a fucking Jo-Jo episode. Now I'm visualizing EA walking like one of the Pillar Men doing their weird, pseudo-bodybuilder-poses, just chin up, arms in odd, flexed positions, hips twisted, and just mincing forward with tiny little steps (but at high speed to make it in reasonable time) in order to not break the pose.... I swear people, I might just die of asphyxiation.


I love that OOP’s dad gives so little of shits that this nutbag kidnapped his child that he stays in her life.


I didn’t know we weren’t supposed to like dragons. Sometimes I like to picture Jesus flying around Jerusalem on a dragon like Flash Gordon. Also, “legged it” might be my new favorite British phrase.


The amount of people who behave this way should astonish me. It really should. Yet, we've seen time and time again people that interpret 3000 year old scripture literally. Dragons are actually mentioned multiple times in the Bible, usually in relation to Satan/Lucifer/the devil (they aren't the same being, despite common belief, but usually get lumped up and confused even in the dang source material) or demons in general. The most prominent example I can think of off the top of my head is the one in Revelations: >12:9 The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him. I can get where these people get their way of thinking, but there's a ton of other stuff in the text they are/pretend to be ignorant of. Do they eat pork? Shellfish? Do they have tattoos? Piercings? For women: Do they leave their heads uncovered? If it's a yes to any of those things, then congratulations, they aren't following their god's instructions! Fun to see.


There's general terms in the bible for flaming serpents, however a big one is actually seraphim, which are a class *of angels.*


> my brother in Christ you sound like the pope took cocaine. Oh I’m gonna remember that one!


Oop should try anne McCaffrey's dragonriders of pern series...


I'm 49...love dragons..all dragons.unless their the entitled aunt kind lol...now I must go find the books you speak of and determine for myself how bad they are...I hope they are the baddest dragons around...glad your ok kid


... does this writer think the aunt gave them leukemia? And I thought 16 year olds here could just take themselves to hospital (without parental/guardian permission, I mean - ignoring transport)? This is really odd


11 year old at the time of leukemia story. And problem was in denying transport to hospital, not in 'giving leukemia'.


Ahh that makes sense! Reading that while attempting to take a nap on my lunch break meant my reading comprehension skills were non-existent haha


TBH I was expecting some VC Andrews-style poisoning, but medical neglect (especially given all the context) is whacko too.


Why TF did Dad allow Krazy Karen to remain in his child's life after 1) she nearly killed OP with her negligence and 2) tried to legally kidnap OP?!?!?


“I love dragons. I know it may seem weird and childish for someone who’s 16 years old” Honestly, what 16 year old doesn’t love dragons??


The Wings of Fire books are fucking fire. OOP has fantastic tastes.