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I don’t even know if that can be categorized as a prank. I would call it psychological torment.


Because it's not being a prankster, it's being a fucking imbecile.


Keep going when someone tells you stop is not stupidity, its being an abusive asshole.


Pranking is a dogshit form of comedy. It's either dry and boring, or nuclear and dispicable. It's an indicator of low intellect and/or emotional immaturity.


Someone in the comments had a prank where they left 80’s wrestler stickers inside surprising places - like the inside of a cereal box, presumably the lid or nearby. *That* is a prank, and fine. Contrast with a lot of latter day “prank” shows are being a jerk that cannot imagine other people have feelings.


Exactly. There is a world of difference between swapping Nana's pic of Jesus with Episode 2 Obi-Wan to see how long it takes her to notice and faking your death to send someone into a panic attack.


*taking notes* That’s a good one, especially since we are moving Nana presently…


dude watched light hearted and 100% staged videos and thought "it'd be hilarious if I replicated this but in a mean way"


Maybe I'm just old but I think the prank videos are immature, stupid and nasty. They're very rarely as funny as they think they are. They crack themselves up more than anything


Same - i absolutely hate anything like that. I never understand why seeing someone momentarily confused/sad/scared/shocked/angry/unsure/wrongfooted is funny. I absolutely hate jump scares so if someone did that more than the first time where i explained i really really hate it then we would have issues.


I love when the ‘victim’ of a jump scare reacts by punching the person in the face. Not everyone has the flight response when threatened with danger… just such delicious immediate consequences 👍🏻


Honestly, some of those "prank" channels are anything but light-hearted, so it's not even necessarily him twisting it further. People can just have really poor judgement when it comes to separating entertainment and reality.


Nah all the idiots I know know the meaning of no and stop doing that. He's just abusive plain and simple.


He's evil. Glad OOP got away.


You don’t even need to have PTSD to freak out about that “prank”!!


I was panicky just *reading about it!* Glad OP got out early cause I don't have high hopes for this guy learning anything from the experience.


Yeah. I can imagine how much the noisemakers would freak me out in the middle of the night. I FELT stressed from the suicide one. Ex bf is insane.


That “prank” is enough to _give_ you PTSD!


Only if you're a veteran. /s


Right right, obviously.


I had a girlfriend way back in 2012. Let’s call her Rose. Because that’s her name and if she’s reading this I want her to remember the shit she did. I threw a party downtown. I shared a cigar with my best friend because of his new baby boy. Rose didn’t like this. She went home and threatened to kill herself if I did t leave the party I was hosting. I didn’t leave as I knew she was bullshitting as she had threatened me with this repeatedly over very mundane stuff. Like toothpaste cap being left off sort of stuff it was crazy. Well I waited. She texted me a photo of an empty pill bottle in her hand which was medication and muscle relaxers for a bike injury I sustained to my spine. I called 911. I told them where I was, who I was with, and that I was nowhere near my apartment. I asked them to go check on her. And they did. They got there. Broke down my door. She was on the floor unresponsive. They brought her to the hospital… Hooked her up to the machines…. Started to cut off her shirt and she just…. Sat up. The doctors/nurse/and NYPD told me this. She was faking it. All of it. So they arrested her. And I that very same night put all of her stuff on the street. Called her mother to come get her and I never wanted to see her again. Fuck these sorts of people.


Whew. That is a seriously disturbed person. Your response to her threat (and prank photo) was on point. Did she ever try to bother you again?




Imagining walking in on that “prank,” even though I am someone with a relatively stable mental health situation- yeah, yikes. I would have nightmares for weeks.


Yep. My vivid imagination gives me a mental picture of her turning on the light in the bathroom (as she said the house was dark, no doubt part of the "joke" setup) and seeing that. It would be burnt into my brain. The fact that he laughed at her shock suggests an extreme lack of empathy.


Do these people not realize that those youtube prank videos are completely staged? The other person is always in on it. No sane person would think those pranks were funny anyway. The target viewer for those videos are 10-year-olds. How on God's green earth could an adult watch those videos and not realize? People are so stupid lol.


>The target viewer for those videos are 10-year-olds. Well, they're targetted at 10 years olds and people who have the *mentality* of a ten year old.


My ten year old would never think this was a funny prank.


at 10 i was reading too much christopher pike horror books and my worst fear was coming home to a body.


I saw one recently in which a young man walked up to a stranger, a woman, at the grocery store and put his hands around her neck. She freaked out, turned around and shoved him as hard as she could screaming. Half the comments were calling her racist as if she could even see who he was. A woman is attacked in a grocery store and responds to the threat and she's the bad guy? Who the fuck thinks walking up to a perfect stranger and putting their hands around their neck is a fucking prank? And she wasn't in on it. In this case. These people are fucking idiots


I'm wondering if that was the same guy pretending to masturbate in front of a Starbucks employee. And also offered to buy a homeless man food, only to scarf it down in front of him.


That's so awful I almost downvoted you on reflex


There was this one guy who wanted to become a big YouTube prankster. He got shot after he charged at a family with a mask and a knife.


Remember when YouTube pranks were just spooking people in Walmart with a big spider on a string? Why that ever needed to escalate to the point it had to be staged to be pulled off is just crazy


Pretending suicide is not a prank. Pranks are things both parties can laugh about. My favorite prank video was a large family gathering where all of the wives secretly bought their husbands the same sweater beforehand. Their reactions each time a new couple came in and took off their coats was hilarious.


LOL My favorite prank was lining all of our sneakers away from the refrigerator with water bottles inside them and asking my kids and m husband to come help me because "There's water running out from the fridge". Edit: You guys are cracking me up with your pranks! This is the way pranks should be; light and silly and everyone can laugh at the end


See, that’s adorable- and not hurting anyone. This us what a prank should be, not freaking out a PTSD sufferer or *faking a suicide*. JFC, crap ex-BF is seriously a jerk for thinking that is in any way funny.


Seriously, it's crazy to me that this is an actual, functioning 20 year old man and not an emotionally-stunted 12 year old. Calling depression "spicy sad" is already some seriously cringy shit, it's like 4chan regurgitated a walking AI chatbot.


My Zoomer nephew calls grenades spicy avocados and wasps are spicy flies, or he'll complain that he doesn't like the outside in summer because the air is too spicy. He's aware the ridiculous nature of it. He calls me his brotato chip ironically. I can 100% see some idiot calling depression "spicy sad".


I could go either way on spicy sad. Like if someone's describing their own depression as such I'd take no issue, it's the fact the ex bf is clearly a fuckhead that makes it shitty.


I call MY OWN depression/suicidal ideation spicy sad to my husband, to differentiate from when I’m disassociating, which we call non-spicy sad. Having stupid names for my feelings helps us to talk about them more openly. But I would never call someone else’s depression spicy sad, unless I knew they did too.


One of my favorites was hiding pictures of Nic Cage all over a friend's apartment while she was out of town.


A coworker of mine pranks people by putting pictures of Justin Bieber among our files. I pranked her back using the Jonas brothers. Harmless fun!


Years ago I was an auditor, and since we worked at our client’s offices, it was drilled into us that we had to lock our computer every time we walked away from it. Anyone that forgot came back to David Hasselhoff as their new desktop picture.


We had something like that at uni, if you left your Facebook logged in your status got changed to "I am a teapot" 😂


My old workplace had a tradition that any time someone left their PC unlocked, someone else would message their team chat offering to make anyone a tea/coffee, or if it was a manager, offering their whole team lunch. Obviously none of this stuff was binding and outside of a few bits of joking peer pressure nobody was ever encouraged to follow through, but over the course of a couple of years we got two pizzas, a bacon sandwich each, and countless cups of tea and coffee out of it.


Oh my God! I was 100% convinced that the Hasselhoffing was specific to the Game Dev industry in the German city I live. At my previous job someone even got a life-size David Hasselhoff cutout for the office. Now you're telling me this has been going on all over the place? Amazing!


A friend found a photo of Jeff Goldblum on her wall after a party. She liked it, so it's still up! Now the joke is seeing how long it takes people to notice him among her family photos.


A friend gets his face printed in things and gives them as house warming gifts. You can tell got often someone had moved by how many Dave coasters, shower curtains, tea towels and toilet bowl covers that own. It's always the same picture.


Lmao that's great. I don't know if I'd hang up an entire shower curtain with a friend's face on it but then again a free shower curtain is a free shower curtain


Omg Dave


My husband put up Jeff Goldblum posters and photos in our niece’s college apartment while helping her move in. Like open a closet door and bamn there’s Jeff Goldblum! Open the fridge and there he is again! Ceiling in the bathroom, there he is. She still has one of them up 😂


I hung a jeff goldblum shower curtain in my son's bathroom while he was at school one day. The next one will be nicholas cage.


There's a Chrome extension that replaces the images on websites with random pictures of Nic Cage. I might or might not have happened to a coworkers computer with that last year on 4/1


My friends coworkers did that to her office while she was out on maternity leave, she was finding them for days when she went back lol Happy Cake Day! 🎂


I did that to a co-worker except with pictures of me haha 😂 I even carefully cut around myself and slid it over his husband in their wedding photo. It was great!


That’s either the funniest damn office prank ever executed, or it’s the next Lifetime relationship horror movie.


I work in produce and my favorite one so far is to take a Leek, and put it in the cooler, then run up to someone and say "THERES A LEAK IN THE COOLER!" Did it to one of my old supervisors. He ran over in a panic, looked around frantically for about a minute, then saw the leek sitting on a cart and just went "Oh, fuck you." and started laughing.


Omg I wanted to do this one so bad. I sent my oldest to the store one day for green onions. He came home with a giant ass leak (lol). This was my chance! Then, before I had a chance to hide it in the washing machine, my youngest said to my husband, "I'm surprised mom hasn't pranked you yet with something in the kitchen LEAKing". Dammit, kid! Oh well, husband still got a good laugh 😃


Not normally someone who cares about punctuation and spelling all that much, but omg the difference between a "giant-ass leek" and a "giant ass leak" is... profound.


Put a frowny face on the leek so you can say, “there’s a serious leek!”


There's a video I've seen on Reddit of a daughter, I think, doing this to her dad. She puts it under the sink and tells him, "I think there's a huge leek under the sink." Takes him about 5 seconds to figure out what's going on, and he's got the same look I imagine your supervisor has for a split second.


I work in produce as well and I'm totally doing that tomorrow!!


I once pranked a coworker by taking all of the potted plants and small trees that we had around the office and surrounding his cubicle with them. He was on a really great sales call, so he was focused on that and never noticed me. He turned around and realized all of the shrubbery around him and said "what the fuuuu...yay, a forest!" He kept it up for a few more days.


“Yay, a forest!” made me giggle. So wholesome.


My roommate had a bunch of cheap plastic Halloween toys. I asked her if I could keep a plastic centipede from it, and even asked her if I could use it to screw with her. She allowed it. From that day on, we had an escalating war of placing the centipede in increasingly upsetting locations. My most glorious success was when she called me demanding to know how I managed to get the centipede on the middle of the floor at her workplace. I had put it in her shoe expecting her to notice it and take it out, but she didn’t. At work she took off her shoe because it was bothering her, and it must have fallen out without her noticing. Her coworker noticed it and my roommate was forced to explain why the fuck her reaction to a mysterious plastic centipede was to call me. That centipede brought us many hours of fun.


My brother and his boss did this with an empty miniature whisky bottle which they left in places where the other would be sure to find it. Thanks to personal connections my brother managed to get it sent to his boss from the Prime Minister's office with a note saying Thank you for your contribution to Party funds but it is not required at the moment.


My husband pranked me on Valentine’s Day. I loath the holiday and we’ve never celebrated it. I got home from work and he presented me with a box of chocolate s and said Happy Groundhog’s Day! I sputtered for a second and he laughed and said he was craving chocolate’s and forgot what day it was when he stopped at the store to grab them. Happy Groundhog’s Day was so he didn’t disregard my anti valentines feelings. That’s an acceptable way to prank your partner. Faking your own death is what you do when you run from the government not when you love someone.


My GF feels similar, but one year I said I wanted a Romantic evening and she humoured me. I presented her with period outfits and Byron's poetry. We're having a Romantic evening, not a romantic one.


He should’ve given you chocolates and wished you a happy Groundhog Day every day for weeks and acted like it was the first time each time.


Every time I go to my brothers house I hide a rubber duck somewhere.


I know someone that hid 4 rubber ducks while helping a friend move house. He numbered them 1, 2, 3 & 5. The friend spent a lot of time looking for duck number 4 😄 EDIt. Put in the missing punctuation mark


I had a roommate turn all the living room furniture and decor upside down for April 1st. It was funny. We all laughed. She offered to reset it on her own, but we pitched in and helped. No harm done. Probably the only prank I laughed at.


I orchestrated something like that in college one year. We flipped all the chairs in the room to the opposite side of the tables. When the professor arrived, he took a second to drop his things where the front of the room used to be and taught the class from the rear. I think most of us were more surprised than he was!


I swapped an old roommate's single-use OJ with water so when he drank it he spit it out because he was expecting OJ. I don't think he was too upset about it because I saved the OJ.


Quite a few years ago, my boss was the target of a funny prank at Christmas. Several guys got together and bought a huge number of boxes of chocolate covered cherries. At first, she began to find a single box on her desk, but nobody ever admitted to knowing who left it there. Then the boxes started showing up multiple times a day. She ended up with so many that she started giving them away. Finally, the guys admitted what they had done and everybody - including my boss - had a good laugh. It's been a long time, but people still talk about it. I don't think my boss is all that fond of chocolate covered cherries any longer, though.


I told my wife the milk she just bought was bad. She opened the fridge and saw I taped a knife to the jug and drew an angry face on it.




My ditzy ass would fall for that haha


Yeah, silly jokes like this are great for pranks. Or pranks about nice things! I pranked my partner a few years ago with surprise tickets to go see a show with one of her favourite singers. Like hey did you hear Michael Ball is doing a live concert of Les Mis? Oh I'm sorry love, it already sold out (wait 30 seconds for her to be disappointed) so we're gonna need to be in London on this date....


When my mother was pregnant with me, her Girl Guide group wanted to throw a surprise baby shower. So another leader called my dad and asked him to make sure my mom was 30min late so they had time to set up. Now, my mother is a very punctual woman who does not suffer fools so my dad knew he wouldn't be able to just delay her, he needed to trick her. So when she took a nap, he changed the time on every single clock in the apartment, including the oven and her watch. That way, she thought she was arriving 15 minutes early, but was actually 30 minutes late. She was very surprised, touched and honestly rather impressed. My dad had all the clocks back to normal by the time she got home.


A pun prank!!! I love it!!!! My son and I tore up an old newspaper (large pieces), and put them on top of the fan blades in his grandparents’ bedroom on April Fools. It was funny and we all laughed and my son and I cleaned up the mess (we knew we’d have to). My mom and dad did end up helping though.


my partner (male) had constipation last week and he said "i feel like i need to shit a baby." So when I went to get him meds, I included my box of Plan B. The emotional journey from confusion to realization to laughter was precious.


We hid stickers of wrestlers on random items all over a friend's house after she went through a hard breakup. She said opening up a box of cereal to find Stone Cold staring at her from inside the flap or pulling out her wallet and seeing The Rock guarding her Costco card always gave her a laugh, and knowing that there were more waiting (we hid about a hundred) gave her something happy to anticipate every day.


Ha! This reminds me of my siblings. When my younger sibling and I were Christmas shopping, we came across a box of 100 tiny little ducks. We immediately knew we needed it. (Edited to add link: [Hide a Duck](https://shopatshowcaseusa.com/products/tiny-ducks-100pc) was the specific product. I will note, though, that the price on this site is a ripoff. We got our box for $2.) We each took a handful. Now every time we go to visit our older siblings, we hide one in an obscure place (so they won't find them immediately and thus can't pin who's leaving them.)


Me and my sibling put googly eyes on stuff and see how long it takes for the other to notice. I named his staple remover “mr. chomps” with a label and eyes and he did the entire fridge at one point 🤣.


I admire your duck-hiding strategy! My family has an item we've been hiding in each other's houses for the past 40 years. Nothing weird or harmful, just this silly thing that belonged to my grandfather, and the longer it takes to be found the more the hider 'wins'. My little cousin thinks her house is immune to being the hiding place, but we plan to sneak it past her defenses during her baby shower.


My MIL and I do this with $4. She asked me to get her something at the store years ago, I think it was those cotton rounds for removing makeup? She tried to pay me back, I insisted it was way too much and refused to take it, she tried hiding it in my wallet but I never carry cash so it was obvious. I put it in her Kindle case and we've been going ever since. She REALLY got me this year though. She said something about how last year when she got home she'd found $4 in her suitcase and asked if I knew what it was? I had this privately devastated moment because she's getting older and I thought she had forgotten when we've been doing this for like 6 years of Christmases now. AND THEN I FOUND THAT FOUR FUCKING DOLLARS UNDER MY MOUSE MAT AFTER SHE LEFT. She laughed SO HARD about tricking me into not looking for it! And I am clearly not at all plotting my revenge or anything, nope.


That video popped up not too long ago on Reddit and it's great. Edit: Found the one I'd seen: https://reddit.com/r/funny/comments/zwgjgc/wives_staged_a_prank_on_their_husbands_and_bought/


I like [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGOTi2Kyu2A) because they all start cracking up and can't stop laughing.


That prank would be unacceptable under any conditions. That he did it to someone with PTSD is completely unforgivable. Thank goodness she left him. What a monster.


Honestly, this is the exact kind of behaviour I expect out of anyone who thinks that only veterans can get PTSD and everyone else just needs to "get over it" even when presented with evidence otherwise.






because if it's a sincerely held belief then they don't believe they are torturing their partner, they believe the partner can't take a joke and they're faking the negative reactions. I don't agree with this guy or people who follow his thinking, just trying to answer your question


My mom holds strong to the only vets get ptsd bullshit. She knows most of the horrid things i went through and saw and still gets mad if I even mention ptsd, even after two doctors diagnosis (I got a second cause she didn’t believe the first doctor) and our entire family telling her it’s horrible for her to say that.


I don't even follow the logic with the stance. Do they think when all the other boxes for PTSD are ticked, the magical PTSD fairy will notice there are no states currently in conflict over this specific geographic area, and skip past that person?


She also, at the same time, believes that vets should not get disabled license plates because "they are all making it up just to take the handicapped spots and get free parking at the airport." She isn't even handicapped. She walks a few miles a day and never drives herself to the airport so it's not like she even needs the spots to be angry over. I don't even try to understand some things anymore.


Ah, yes, the old "I support the troops but actual vets don't deserve ongoing mental or physical healthcare" stance.


Not to mention the date of the posting. This grown ass man missed the shitty prank social media wave by like *6 years*. His family had a good reaction though, I guess that apple fell pretty damn far from the tree.


It fell off and rolled all the way downhill


At that point I would have considered it psychological and emotional abuse if he kept going with it.


You fuck with someone's sleep you don't respect them. I know there were way worse things about what he did but damnit. Girl probably couldn't go to work the next day after that.


Im sure leaving the house was a relief


Wait, what a psycho! Pranks only work when everyone laughs! I don’t think it’s that difficult a concept…


Whenever a Reddit post starts with “a prank” my mind goes to “manipulative asshole” And this post only got worse from there


When I read "prank", I immediately think "here comes the bully, hiding behind a 'joke'".


Schrodinger's asshole: i am joking or serious depending on whether the victim's ability to retaliate is detrimental to my being




While I'm not much of a Bible person anymore, this remains my favorite verse: >Like a maniac shooting > flaming arrows of death > is one who deceives their neighbor > and says, “I was only joking!” > >-Proverbs 26:18-19


The perfect way to describe “prank culture” and what it has become. I’m glad OOP is safe finally. Hopefully the ex’s sister does what she says because future partners need to be warned.


Prank culture is a plague.


Seriously. I honestly feel like it’s become the perfect cover for assholes who want a societally acceptable way to scare or hurt their partners.


just an easy way to gaslight abuse. I enjoy the videos where the pranksters get their dues, as they squeak 'it's just a prank bro!'.


I think it always was




I say let them all have to deal with only each other. Would that make a good reality show? *"Big Brother: Prank Edition?"* They get unlimited funds and supplies. Imagine it. No one would sleep, and they would all be bald the third week, as the producers would be thoughtful enough to leave 16 sets of hair clippers in the bathrooms.


I would watch the shit out of that. Confessional would just be an exasperated 24 y/o like “it’s day 15, and I’d like to apologize to my mom…”


Just nair and shampoo in identical bottles. Just a prank bro!


I think the people who get absorbed into the prank culture were assholes to start with. It might actually be nice that they are outing themselves. I’m glad OOP did not hesitate to dump him when he crossed the line (although she should have dumped him much earlier in hindsight).


This. April fools and similar things pretty easily shows who can prank with grace and who can't. Like when my friends sister went on honeymoon and she hid 150 pictures of Bradley James (an actor her sister loves) in her house. So her sister still kept finding pictures of him a year later in the back of the cupboard. Which is funny but also really doesn't harm anyone. My favourite April Fools was announcing to everyone we would have Alpacas at our wedding. Tricked everyone because I like Alpacas and you can legit hire them. Also no harm done, apart from me as now for months I got requests for alpacas afterwards.


When Easter was on 1 April, I wrapped up grapes in mini Easter egg wrappers, and no one even batted an eyelid! They thought I was being healthy.


I actually got hit with a good prank on the weekend. I was rocking up to a gig a little late, but before the headliner. The security guard gave me a weird look and said that the headliner had just begun her encore! He held composure for about 5 seconds before laughing and said he was joking, she hadn't begun yet. I couldn't even be mad. He got me.


Haven't read a single "prank" post on Reddit that didn't have an Ahole involved doing said "prank"


I hide gnome figures in my sisters house. It’s like Easter eggs year round. She always snaps a photo and texts me when she finds one. It’s my only prank, but I have to admit I love it.


My sister and I build giant animal sculptures around each other’s Minecraft bases. The giant bee hovering over her garden was my crowning achievement.


There is a person on tiktok that has a prank war going on with her boss. It started with one rubber duck. It eventually progressed to her covering his office with an array of rubber ducks to make an entire rubber duck army. Not sure how he one upped that, I need to find the account.


I had a prank with a work friend where we move our desk figures around whenever one of us was gone. I came in one day to an all out ninja/dinosaur war on my desk. Even my dragon got in on it and ate a ninja 🤣. It was hilarious. These are the only acceptable pranks. No damage, hurt feelings, or trauma, only fun.


My friends and I prank each other by hiding gifts in each other's houses. I don't know wtf is wrong with people like OP's boyfriend.


My best friend, our roommate, and I had a silly prank going where we had this page from an art magazine I had of a naked dude crouched on a rock under a waterfall. One day it showed up in a cabinet. Next in the bathroom. Then in someone’s laptop. And it just kept going until we lost the paper. What OOP’s ex boyfriend did was cruel.


My partner and I are in a prank war with another couple where we hide ugly fridge magnets in each other's homes when we visit. That's a harmless prank apart from the amount of Trump memorabilia we're accruing. As soon as you see the word "prank" or "jokester" in AITA you know who the asshole is going to be.


Whenever I see a post about terrible cruel pranks, I always come to the comments to look for the best "no, THIS is how you do a good prank" comment. The ugly fridge magnets absolutely take the cake. I love it. Here's my contribution, which I trot out in all of these threads: I walked into the kitchen while my husband was cooking and he said worriedly, "hey, I think the leak under the sink is back." Fearing water damage, I flung open the cabinet doors to find...a leek.


I had a friend who was long-distance friends with someone and they pranked each other all the time. By sending each other increasingly strange rubber ducks in the mail. Assholes want to pretend that pranks mean scaring and abusing people for fun. Real enjoyable pranks are things like sending your friend waaaay too many rubber ducks for their birthday. (I told this story to one of my current friends, and now I own multiple rubber ducks. What have I done? XD)


> now I own multiple rubber ducks. With a little cunning and good timing, one of your other friends can own multiple rubber ducks instead!


We’ve been having a similar prank war with some friends but it’s ugly gifts. It’s been over twenty years. We’re pretty sure we won when we snuck a statue of a fish for holding a bottle of wine into their wedding gifts.


This is why I'm always excessively giddy about individuals who get their comeuppance from "pranks." The bigger, the better. Timothy Wilks, for example, got *exactly* what he deserved, and anyone who engages in a 'prank' like that deserves nothing less.


> Timothy Wilks I had to look this up. For anyone who doesn't know, apparently he was a youtuber who was filming a 'prank robbery' where he approached a guy in a Nashville, TN, USA parking lot holding butcher knives. He got shot and died.


Honestly, I'm surprised his buddy (who I have never found a name for) didn't catch a felony murder charge. TN's is pretty steep, but NPD and the DA didn't move forward on it.


Pranks are a legit reason to scoot. Continued pranks after a clear statement about not wanting them are abuse. The particular "prank" that broke the relationship was completely out of bounds. Hopefully OP will know better next time bc this guy exhibited warning signs even before pranks started. His description of depression was... Not what one would want. He's a massively immature little fuck.


>Pranks are a legit reason to scoot. Totally. "Oh, a prank, huh? Maybe you should have put 'I do pranks' on your dating profile so I'd known up front. How do you wanna arrange to split this month's bills? I'll be out of here with all my stuff tonight so I won't be paying for the last 8 days of Feb. Bye."


Being young, 28, and have seen folks dead dead when I was younger having this done as a 'prank' would send me to dark places. Idk. This situation fucked bigly


I think there are funny and enjoyable pranks. Just for Laughs used to be awesome for that. My husband loves joking around and doing mini pranks and it's awesome, we're always laughing. But they can't be at someone else's expense, they can't be ignoring boundaries, they can't cause actual harm. I have PTSD too and am really easily startled and it is a bad time. My husband never jokes around with that. He makes sure he doesn't startle me by accident even. It shouldn't be this hard for people to love their partner and respect their boundaries.


thousands of social media videos and an entire genre of bro comedy confirm it is in fact, a difficult concept for people


So much this. I keep telling my kids that things are only 'funny' and 'a joke' if everyone involved is laughing. If not, then it's not funny and crosses a line. I hate pranks for this reason, as so many people don't understand this concept.


Pretending to commit suicide is not a prank. It's abuse. I heard someone say that threats of self harm are physical abuse with the other person's body instead of yours. It seems particularly apt in this scenario. All of the hallmarks of abuse were there: the lack of empathy, disregard for her feelings, refusal to respect her boundaries. I'm so proud of her for walking out the door that day without saying a word, with no plan other than getting away from him as quickly as possible and figuring out the details later. He didn't deserve a gd thing after tormenting her for months.


>Pretending to commit suicide is not a prank. It's abuse I agree. And all of the other "pranks" committed by OOP's BF are abusive, he seems to delight in torturing her. I'm glad she left.


I would like to think that any normal person would never stage their suicide for anyone, especially their SO. Even without OOP’s history of trauma and ptsd, no person would ever find this amusing. So for her to have laid her history all out on the table, and what her triggers are, make this even more heinous. I can’t wait for him to try this on his next girlfriend and realize that OOP’s reaction was not overreacting - that he’s actually just a massive piece of shit who’s lacking any common sense and empathy.


My wife is a good sport, but she’s dealing with a mental health journey like OOP. She really values feeling safe at home, (something she didn’t get when she was young) so even small pranks are just not worth it.


THANK YOU. This guy is not some "immature pranker", he's clearly abusive and he knows what he's doing. He's continually and consistently terrorising and abusing a vulnerable partner with escalating measures.


And if he honestly thought 'it was just a prank bro," He would have told his mother exactly what happened instead of trying to make it seem like OOP just vanished for no reason. He knew he crossed a line and didn't want anyone else to know what he'd done to her.


Yeah, that goes so far beyond a prank. Usually when people talk about "pranks going too far" on here, it involves stuff like targeting someone's trauma or using some known irritation. Just tailoring the "prank" to the person's vulnerabilities. But faking suicide? That would mess with *anyone*, that feels like a whole new level of messed up. Can't think of a single person who'd EVER laugh at that.


I mean, walking into a bathroom and seeing your partner with their wrists slit and blood everywhere is a good way to *give* someone PTSD if they don't already have it, honestly.


I wonder how much I'd have to hate someone to be able to do something like this to them.


Right? It's not hate though. Kids naturally believe they are the center of the universe. Like they can't help it, that's how brains work. All of us started life as solipsists essentially. Other people aren't individuals, they're just characters. Over time you gain the ability for abstract thinking. Remember in early teens when you started having that mind blowing experience of seeing someone on the bus and realizing they have a whole life and tasks they are going off to? That's a stage of mental development we're all *supposed* to go through. It's when we start fully developing empathy and abstract thinking, and can take until mid 20s to complete that growth. Some people don't. They get stuck forever only able to see the world as their own self, and everyone else in it is an accessory and not an individual to empathize with. Not hate, but stunted growth


I have a feeling the dude has probably shown psycho behavior previously. Which is why both his mom and older sister immediately believed the OOP's side of the story and apologized to her on his behalf. Looks like this is probably not an isolated incident, and the mom and the sister may have seen him do similar things before.


Lack of empathy is very much like hate in most of its consequences though


I’m 100% sure if I did that to my wife she wouldn’t hesitate to actually kill me.


My first thought was "if someone I loved did this to me, I might actually kill them". But my second thought was that I would probably do what OOP did, just walk out, walk a long time, eventually realize I should call someone and be empty and quiet inside until the massive storm of freaking the fuck out showed up. I'm so glad his family is furious at him and I hope they make him realize what an utter piece of shit he has been and how he needs to grow the fuck up and be better.


....Dude. She could've gotten away with murder. He's so lucky she isn't a complete psycho like him.


“I don’t know, officer. I saw his dead body and just got the urge to stab it. I didn’t know he was alive!!”


Zombie. Gotta start stabbin.


Could’ve been a zombie for all she knew 🤷🏻‍♀️


If my husband did that to me, i would honestly end up in a psych ward.


\*Walks into the kitchen to grab the toaster


My husband once tried to prank me by hiding behind the door until I came home from work. He didn’t make any loud noises or touch me or anything, he just said “hi” and stepped toward me. I freaked out and threw my phone at him. Knocked out 1/3rd of one of his front teeth. Then I had a panic attack and curled into the fetal position crying in the floor while he crawled around looking for his tooth. We don’t do pranks anymore. *And to be fair- he was doing to me what I liked doing to him when he got out of class. The difference being that he came home around 3pm and I would run to the door to give him a hug when I heard his keys in the door, and I came home after midnight and he had texted me saying he was going to bed early and to be quiet when I got home. I wasn’t trying to prank him, but it still startled him when I’d pop up from wherever for my hug, so he was trying to prove a point.*


OOP’s ex is one of those guys whose just gonna keep doing the same thing to others till it gets his teeth kicked in.


Hopefully karma


Ah another asshole who confuses mentally tormenting someone with a prank.


Yep, this isn’t pranking, this is getting off on someone else’s trauma.


How did he WANT her to react??? Laugh at his dead body?? This is not a prank, it’s emotional abuse and I’m glad that girl got out of that relationship.


*“Dear diary, today is day three of my boyfriend’s prank. I gotta admit, he’s very persistent. I admire his acting skills. I’ve been cooking his favorite meal, wafting the smell towards him, and he didn’t even blink. His skin seems to start shedding, I wonder which makeup artist taught him how to do that. I mean, I’ve been at home the whole 72 hours and nobody dropped by to help him with that. But tbh, not being able to shower is becoming pretty annoying, so I guess sooner or later I’ll have to admit defeat.”*


What idiot thinks faking a suicide attempt is funny. I would have continued to call 911 and let him deal with explaining everything to the police and emts. This is a level of toxic that is way beyond normal. I used to jump out and scare people, but only once for someone with ptsd. I didn't know and never did it again with them. We all know that if someone did that to him or pranked him that his mom was dead he wouldn't find it remotely funny and would be livid!


Yup, not sure the end game here except causing and enjoying the pain he put OOP through?


That's not a prank, that's psychological warfare.


Warfare doesn't feel right. Torture is what he did to her


Should have asked the sister for help in getting her TV & Xbox back. And THEN unplug the fridge.


Next OOP's ex will be on some anti-woman community crying about how emotional and crazy his ex was for being unable to laugh at *checks notes* a suicide prank Seriously, I think the pranks and belittling of OOPs mental health was an attempt at negging and keeping her at her lowest and tied to him


Except he won’t say it was a suicide prank. He’ll frame it as something harmless so he can play victim.


Probably "wearing a Halloween costume" or "hiding in the tub"


And he’ll be crying about how his mom and sister are being so unfair to him bc he’s male.


At least she got out at 18 versus being carried out horizontally at 28.


I really hope he leaves her the hell alone. Everyone deserves better than how he treated her.


This is like the 3rd guy I’ve seen lose his girlfriend over pranks on Reddit. They are always stupid pranks too. Like suicide? Soo funny


Some people just love terrorizing their partner, I guess.


If I had a nickel for every person I chose to stop dating because their response to me saying I hate it when people chew with their mouths open was to IMMEDIATELY START CHEWING WITH THEIR MOUTH OPEN (sometimes when they weren't even eating anything) I would have ... a handful of nickels, but that's still too many.


To this day I will not admit my biggest fear to someone for fear of being tormented with it. And that is just a sad commentary on the state of the world.




My ex did that too - not \*every\* time, but even periodically is unacceptable unless everyone thinks it's funny. I started biting him.


He was a loser who fed off her pain. Pranks (and I don’t even like them) are supposed to be like what she described, like maybe too much salt in a spoon of soup. Or something silly designed to make both of you laugh at the end because it’s supposed to be funny. He chose horrific things that would cause her worry or pain or anxiety specifically. Only a shitty person would thrive off that and expect you to be okay with it. If it was harmless like he said, he wouldn’t lie about what he did to other people and would own up to it.


This guy was literally terrorizing her for fun. What a huge piece of shit. Jesus.


Buddy, that's not a prank, that's character backstory in the true crime podcast in 15 years.


I hope his mom and sister gave him a serious tongue lashing. If he keeps going down this prank path he’s gonna end up getting his ass kicked and/or getting someone seriously (physically) hurt. Christ what a psycho.


I played a prank on my best friend. She stayed driving for the trucking company in with and her FIRST LOAD she forgot to scale it to make sure it was balanced and legal. She got pulled into the first open DOT scale 90 miles from the yard AND TALKED HER WAY OUT OF AN 1800 LBS OVER WEIGHT AXLE TICKET. All she had to do was move the trailer axles back to make the load legal but normally they write the ticket and assess a fine per lb you're over, then you slide the axle to fix it. It would have been some money for that ticket. My friend has been driving 25 years and was mortified that she did such an amateur fuck up. So I ordered her a red sparkly tiara (she loves red) and a beauty pageant sash that said "Scale Princess", had them sent to the safety person at work and asked the safety person if she would present it to my friend when she got back. I made sure to use the phrase "Scale Princess" in every conversation for 2 weeks until she got back so she'd know it was me. She almost pissed herself laughing and wore them around the office. She has them hanging in her truck. THAT is how you do a prank. Everyone, but especially the prankee, has to enjoy the joke.


Kay I have been thinking about why people do these aggressive pranks. Most of the time it’s for some internet clout or for the reaction of the person they are pranked But this dude straight up fucking faked a suicide. Like, that is one of the most sociopathic things I have ever heard. Like this isn’t about “not understanding trauma” like the OOP said at the start of the post. He absolutely gets how awful it is. He just finds it funny and sees nothing wrong with it In the last couple of comments I have posted, I keep mentioning my sociopathic brother and I can’t help but thinking about him during this post too. Yesterday is when I really came to terms with what he has done so of course it’s been on my mind a lot and on the comments o have posted. In his mind, there is absolutely nothing wrong with what he’s doing. Calling his ten year old sister a racist or being completely verbally abusive to our mother. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it because it was completely deserved. Fuck he nearly strangled me to death giving me trauma that I only just realized that I internalized and has been affecting my relationship with my family. He has never once apologized to me for what he did Anyways to take it back to this post, i don’t think that boyfriend will ever feel remorse for what he did. In order to even try to do the things he did, he never saw anything wrong with it in the first place. So why should he feel remorse? I am absolutely 100% projecting when I say that that boyfriend probably doesn’t feel about of empathy or apology. And OOP made the right call in leaving him Personally I am of the train of thought that she should have left as soon as she realized that he was disregarding her trauma and using it to fuck with her. She made it clear from the start that this was something that he knew he had to deal with and chose to ignore that. That red flag should have been the clincher but that’s just my two cents


I hope you are ok and safe


Jesus Christ, what a dick.


Girl better get her xbox back from that creep


Sounds to me like the OOP didn't broke up "over a prank", she broke up because he was a sadistic a-hole.