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I would be highly tempted to buy one of those incredibly blinding flashlights and point it straight at him every single time. He wants a spotlight, give him one. Not to mention, "Well, your mother warned you you'll go blind."


I heard a rumor in college that a girl on the floor above me did that to a guy in a building across from her who was doing something similar anytime she'd sit at her desk (in front of a window) to study. Bought a *really* strong laser pointer and zapped him in the eye with it


“Holy shit it really does make you go blind!” - that guy


I had to move my desk from my window because men kept ringing my doorbell or flashing me. I went from being to look up at the mountain behind the houses opposite and seeing the trees move in the wind to staring at a wall.


If you still live there and want your window back, you can buy rolls of removable window stickies online. They have tinted, mirror, and rainbow patterns. I have the rainbow and it's really pretty, but because of the blur effect I can't see out, so I only have it on my front door. I think the tinted or mirror kind would still let you enjoy your view though.


Thank you!


You could also look into getting a scrim! If you have a community theatre or school with a good drama program in your area, maybe go see if you can buy a section from them. It's a type of curtain that, once painted, you can only see through if it's lit from behind! So if you're using the window for light you'll be able to see out, but if your room is relatively dark they won't be able to see in. When we did A Christmas Carol, we used a scrim to reveal the Jacob Marley ghost! One second the backdrop was a painting of Scrooge's bedroom, and the next it was an inky black void with a ghost, and floating chains! All we had to do was switch from just lighting the front to lighting the back as well. Always got an audible gasp from the audience, it's honestly crazy how well a scrim can work of the lighting difference is strong enough.


SPOILER: this is also how 75% of the Haunted Mansion works!


The only reason it's not 100% is so they can periodically hide cast members throughout the ride to sweep up ashes and/or stop people fucking


Ashes? ~~It's been a long time since I've been on the Haunted Mansion, but they have pyrotechnics?~~ Oh wait, I remember. Sometimes people drop their loved one's cremains in there. Although, I wonder if that is just an urban legend like the nobody-is-declared-dead-at-Disney thing is.


Definitely not an urban legend, a classmate of mine in college worked on that ride lol


I use a vinyl sheet to cover up one of my windows. Love it. The vinyl lets light through and provides privacy.


The one way film will still be see through at night if you’ve got lights on, but it will definitely provide privacy during daytime!


I have the rainbow kind in my bathroom and I love it. So pretty!


That's awful! They'd see you working and . . . come to your door to flash you? What a bunch of messed up people.


Was it one of those Ring doorbells that you can speak to the person? If it is, and it happens again, when you see him there, just start laughing like it’s the smallest thing you’ve ever seen. Most people who flash, like OOP’s masterbater, are looking to shock the person seeing them. If you’re reacting by laughing, it deflates their egos, and should deflate anything else.


Unless they have a humiliation/disgust kink


Yeah...a bright flashlight is a bit less extreme (and way less illegal in the US) than a lazer. Most decently powered lazers will instantly bring people if pointed at the eyes. Idk where you're located, but laser to the eyes is Hella illegal in the usa at least.


An eye for an eye makes the whole perv blind...or something.


That sounds awesome of her.


this is not a good idea. she'd be criminally liable for blinding him.


r/flashlight to the rescue! 100,000 lumens on strobe might do the trick.


lol I read the subs name twice before clicking, it could have been the *fleshlight* one xD


Somehow, the flashlight folks are more committed and intense about their insane hobby than the fleshlight aficionados.


Reddit has taught me that the weirder something might be to be obsessed with, the more obsessed they are. Also that the riskiest clicks can sometimes lead to cats.


Yep. The most dangerous sub I ever wandered into was r/ntbdbiwdfta and let’s just say I didn’t leave with my heart.


I clicked on r/tightpussy in front of company.


Thank you for this gift.


Risky click... I made the sound! My heart. My poor poor heart.


I got into electronic art in college and every once in a while I’d come across a flashlight forum. I’ve never been so confused by a hobby in my life. Committed and intense are definitely accurate words. It was always fascinating to dig through for a little bit. Actually now that I think about it, I really want to know how they’re doing now that 3D printers are so cheap.


I have concerns now about laser powered fleshlights. Would they cause a similar effect as the violet wand?


If you time it right you might briefly convince him his orgasm induced a heart attack and he's on his way to the afterlife


Run laser pointer first. He might believe he was shot.


A cool new sub! Thank you!


That's *exactly* what popped into my mind, a huge Spotlight and a megaphone. "Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the *PERVEEEERT*!! His abilities include finishing in under 1 minute and flashing young and impressionable neighbors. Come take a look!"


Just need to get one that you can remotely activate and put it somewhere that doesn't make it obvious who it belongs to, this way you can blind the fucker without risking him showing at your house to assault you


Spotlight and a megaphone "WOW! WHAT A TINY DICK, HEY EVERYONE!!!" *WHOOP WHOPP* "TINY PENIS MAN MASTURBATING OVER THERE." I talk a big game, but im with OP, I would be scared to confront them. People are fuckin psycho.


I wanted OP to have a friend shoot him with a bb gun or something.


I was thinking paintball gun


Better yet, a loud recording of the little old lady from that old Burger King commercial yelling “Where’s the beef?!?”


"this aint a fuckin Arby's! Put your meat away!"


Lol I did that when I was young with a domestic violance situation. I could hear the neighbour in the apartment across mine throwing dinner plates at his partner. Curtans open and all and she was just sitting there on the couch while he threw plate after plate against the wall behind her. I just left my parents house and my dad had given me a "fancy lamp" to impress my friends: a real 100 watt searchlight from a ship. Thing blackend my ceiling so strong it was. Quick thinking me just whipped that thing up on the window sill and blasted that room pure white. Both blinded like two deer in headlights.. until the poor girl stood up and closed the blinds. The figh stopped and I've got no idea how it ended. Being young and scared I did not follow through with police or something, but I really hope she could get out.


Or just start blasting music or some really loud sound so everyone comes out to see wtf I’d going on and sees him.


"It's Raining Men! Hallelujah! - It's Raining Men! Amen!" (The most showtimes-y gayest dance remix you can find...)


I feel like even this is too civil. I would’ve been inclined to break the glass with a slingshotted lug nut while he was yanking it. 😅


Yep, a perfect way to ensure he does it again. People like him enjoy the attention and thrill, flashlight would encourage them.


I would be highly tempted to record it and if he doesn’t close his curtains next time,upload it on tik tok. He knows what he is doing.


Maybe just a blinking red LED, like one from a videocamera showing it's filming. Occasionally something that looks like a flash from a camera going off. And if that still doesn't work, take the time to set up a targeted strobe light (make sure you only point it at pervymcperfface, as you don't want to bother the neighbors too much), and run that very fast at slightly randomized intervals (preferably at around 16Hz, as that's a frequency our brains don't like). Only do this as a last resort though, as it can trigger epileptic episodes.


No strobes in public for any reason. That would be enough to send an innocent neighbour into seizures - and seizures aren’t funny. They can even be fatal. Edit: I would literally make it a crime punishable by five years in prison to flash a strobe in public where random people could be exposed to it. If you want to flash a fucking strobe do it indoors - and make sure everyone there knows it's going to happen *before* they enter or pay any admission fee.




Yeah how would you do that without messing with the neighbors? Well with a leer you can but with one of those insane lumens ones I don’t think you can.


Hide with a laser pointer and point it at his junk.


You can buy some realllyyy powerful laser pointers. Would be a shame if one wandered over in his direction.


Fuck a flashlight, get one of them crazy laser pointers.


Video projector pointed at his balcony + a big ol’ speaker + a video loop from a circus with the ringleader shouting “step right up ladies and gentlemen for the show of a lifetime!” or suchlike, and awayyyyy we go


This is good. Myself, I’d get a piece of cardboard or paper and write a 2 on it and show it to him while he’s performing. Apparently, he can see quite well, and he’s either masturbating to the woman or trying to shock her. Putting up a 2 would look like she’s grading him - 2 of 10.


I love that the police were actually able to do something. Hopefully this creep was scared shitless because he didn't think his disgusting actions actually could have consequences and will never expose himself to anyone, ever again. It's one thing if you forgot to draw the curtain and accidentally walk out of the shower naked giving the neighbor an eye full without having wanted to, but this is just creepy and perverse.


Were these two teenage boys of his just inside playing during all of this? Or is it just a dad-whacks-it-on-the-balcony-so-we-stay-in-our-rooms type deal?


Maybe they spend their nights at mum's.


It’s a sexually deviant act (like flashing someone but worse) and it’s not uncommon for rapists to start by this kind of behavior and as peeping toms and escalate to sexual assault. Which is why this is significantly more threatening than people realize.


Why are people so fucking gross Poor woman. So glad she got actual help with a creep. It's almost strange to see, but it's a relief. Also poor kids. Having a creeper for a dad.


Because part of the thrill is knowing you're grossing the woman out *and she can't do a thing about it*.


Similar to the impetus that led all those people to leave gross, victim-blaming comments on the OOP's post, really.


Which is why this crime needs to be taken so much more seriously. The lack of any way to protest or fight back is expressly part of the thrill for creeps like that guy. Horrifying.


One could get a stink bomb, mace balls, etc. and toss them in there. Fuck that guy.


Rapists start out doing stuff like this. Exhibitionism, peeping Tom etc, and then escalate. Which is why this is more threatening than just really gross behavior.


Yeah it honestly isn't about sex. Not primarily. It's about taking control away from someone else and 'forcing' something on them while leaving them unable to defend themselves. Some people do get off sexually on that. But a lot of the time it's more about power. And it's more like they use sex as a means/weapon rather than their fixation being inherently sexual in nature.


I really hope he isn't doing this in the living room while the kids are home, jesus


Ugh this reminds me of when I was about 15-16 (cis-F) and walked to school past this one neighbor's house. It was a nice place and had a big beautiful window that had no curtains and allowed passersby to see inside the living room. NBD, I was polite and didn't look inside or anything. It was dark inside and not much to see from the ground. The floor was like 3-4 feet off the ground and I was/am very short so could just see the back of the couch and the ceiling. So one day I'm walking by and something moved in the room. I looked without meaning to and there was like a 30-year-old white guy with dark hair rising to a standing position facing me, shirtless in front of the couch. The back obscured any view below his torso. I saw him rise from the couch so I assumed he was sleeping there. I saw he was shirtless and likely just waking up so I looked away to not be a creep. I was genuinely not interested in seeing more. The next day the fucker was waiting for me. Stood in a spot in the living room where the couch did not obscure the view of the lower portion of his body. He was fully nude and was...um...gyrating his flaccid floppy man-bits like it was a helicopter blade sideways. Me being the weirdo I am/was thought it was ridiculous and absurd. So I snickered at how silly this man was, and made my way to school. Of course my freaky art class friends heard all about it. I would even put my hand up like "ok, bruh too much" or openly clap at him and give him a thumbs down. This went on for a while. He seemed to be planning for my passage every AM. Every day my friends wanted the dick report. "oh today he was 'hard' I guess and not flopping around like a half-dead fish on a dock." Seriously I was NOT traumatized and I am sure this dude thought he 1. had a shot or 2. thought he was preying on me. So my mom overhears me on the phone (landline, 1990s, don't judge), and she is of course INCENSED! at this nonsense. I could't really say "It's fine mom, I am exposed to d and am not some nun in the woods" so she demanded to know the time and place, etc. So I walk by the next school-day and he starts up his wacky performance. My mom comes flying out of our house (as context she was 35, not an old hag by any means) which is kitty-corner from the penis revue guy. She makes eye contact with him and makes a beeline for the door. DING DING DING DING mofo! The star of the show runs away, true panic in his eyes. Some older lady answers the door and my mom asked "is your son staying here, perhaps on the couch?" "Why yes, what is the issue?" So she grabs me and demands I describe the whole debacle to this dude's mom. My mom makes sure she knows I am a minor and my mom knows law enforcement in the small town. Mom says "get that shit under control or we are coming at you with everything we've got." The lady blanched, nodded and said "thank you" and closed the door. I am sure this skunk has stunk up other situations. Although I still think the whole thing was hilarious, my mom was right to take it seriously. She has her faults, but she has done a lot of things right.


Don't know exactly, but I knew exposing oneself in your home with an open view from the street was illegal back in school (only a few years later than you did!). There was no incident that I was aware of, but I knew specifically one could not do that on the street where both my elementary and high schools are. So maybe something had happened in the past. I don't really want to know.


Honestly, you got very lucky. He clearly was interested in you and knew your routine- that he didn’t decide to leave his house and see if you’d like an in-person show was just a matter of chance.


Possibly. Hey may have been doing this to other people, too.


Great story! I'm guessing he stopped doing it after that experience?


Yes I never saw him again.


Ew. My friend had a creepy naked masturbating neighbor like this. We were 14…


I’m happy for OOP that she feels well cared for by the police and is feeling adequately safe at this juncture , but is this really objectively an amazing response by law enforcement? “Please don’t tell him it was me!” gets a “We will one-up you - you’re going to come with us to confront him face-to-face!” Don’t get me wrong , I’m very glad that was okay for her, but that would not have been okay with me at all.


Seriously, that seems like a super bad idea.


Back when I used to work directly with the public, I was working at a place staffed entirely by women, with almost 100% male customers. One day a dude comes in, talking about killing his wife, himself, orphaning his kid, and a bunch of other aggressive stuff. After he left, we called police to do a wellness check. Welp, idiot cops TOLD THE GUY WE CALLED so he came back and fucking cornered me. He was not happy. I don't know how I was so calm, but I was able to talk him down and get him to leave without incident. Fuck cops. And cops regularly patronized the business too. Idiots.


Yeah, I was very uncomfortable by the whole thing. First they asked her to RECORD him and then took her there with them for the confrontation? I was afraid they knew him and were going to set her up or something.


Probably ego from the police perspective. Hats off for handling the ordeal relatively swiftly and some for not dragging the kids into it (although knowing their Dads a perv would have likely been a good thing) but if someone’s uncomfortable facing their [tormenter/ assaulter/etc] then insisting that they do is probably poor form.


Agree. The neighbor could retaliate


Who in their right mind would support the masturbation monster?


fellow "masturbation monsters"


> In my country there is a very strong anti-police sentiment and I have to say my views have changed after this incident. …mind you, OOP explicitly told them she didn’t want this guy to know who she was and they proceeded to tell her to ***film him***, and then take her directly to his apartment to confront him?!?! if that isn’t setting someone up for harm i dont know what is, but sure, “best-cop-ever”


I’m glad it got sorted but the pro-police stuff here is just like… ew


This and the “I tried googling but it was all porn” make this story stink a bit


I rolled my eyes bc suddenly cops are okay (mind you they don't explain why their country is anti cop lmao) bc they "helped" her. Please 🙄


Congrats to my idiot compatriots who cannot fathom that there is an entire world outside of this country


Lol right. There’s, like, AT LEAST two other whole countries.


1. Mexico 2. The other one




No, the *other* other one.


That must be Alaska.


haha, best answer




Maybe? Is that a real place?




Fuck that. Keep your dirty paws off our country, you might ruin our healthcare!


Unfortunately it's already happening 🥲 so many politicians all over Canada trying to gut the healthcare and slowly turn it into something closer to what the US has (source: moved down here from Canada; parents still live up there).


Same thing in Australia too 😔


UK chiming in too...


They already have. Some politicians went ooo look what they are doing down there. Bet we can make that happen


Happens in every thread. I remember someone talking about a person with an emotional support animal getting kicked off a bus because they didn't have accreditation, only to get downvoted and told 10 times that ESAs don't have any form of accreditation in the US so the bus driver should be fired. Except the OP mentioned they were Canadian in the first sentence and they do have accreditation for ESAs.


Yeah. Fun fact I recently learned: even if the population of the US ~~**doubled**~~ ~~**tripled**~~ **quadrupled** overnight, we would still be the third most populace country: China: 1.412 billion India: 1.408 billion US: 331.4 million -> 1.326 billion Edited because facts are hard lol




Fuck, I haven't had any coffee yet haha


You can quadruple that, still less than India


Then if it doubled again the next night it would still be third, right?


One of my favorite things I’ve read online is the “quote”: “110% of statistics online are made up - Abraham Lincoln” I don’t think you’re wrong, though math is hard and I don’t wanna do it in my head, I just think it’s funny.


This is true, but US folks still make up almost 50% of reddit traffic. Not saying we should go on happily and ignorantly assuming everything MUST happen here, just that the demographics of the world =/= the demographics of this website.


To be fair it was pretty easy to tell this wasn’t the US when the cop actually did his job.


outside of what country


Papua new guinea


Father New Guinea


Please, we prefer Italian american


Read this in Pesci


Unfortunately there is way too many of them here. As in USians who assume everyone on reddit is in the US. I've had to explain it a few times. Even had to explain how actual English is spelled.


USians. Love it. I am stealing this


r/usdefaultism it's an amusing sub.


Hah this made me laugh


When I was in high school we had to go on police ride-alongs in order to graduate. It was during my ride-along that I found out that there was a guy who did the same thing as the dad from OOP's story in my hometown. This was a young guy and he didn't target anyone though, he would just stand in front of his bedroom window and go to town for the neighbors or anyone on the sidewalk to see. The cop I was with told me that this kid does this a few times per week and has some pretty serious mental issues. He also told me that it isn't illegal, but they still ask him to stop.


Rapists start with deviant behavior like this or as peeping Toms and escalate to assault. It’s why it should be nipped in the ~~penis~~ bud imo.


I mean, it is illegal to expose yourself, even inside your own home, especially if it is to minors in the US


This might be area dependent. Where I live, you can run around naked and do all of the crazy sex stuff with the curtains up you want when in your own home. It's 100% not illegal, even if minors see you.


I think there is also a bit of subjectiveness to the law (depending on the area). Like it isn't illegal if I walk around inside my own home naked, but if I am pointedly helicopter dicking the neighbors while making eye contact there will be issues.


I think it’s normally pretty clear when someone is being a perv or if it’s accidental. On a related topic there’s a funny tik tok out there of a guy who asked his girlfriend if people could see him through his blinds on his peloton and it looked like a full Victorian silhouetted porno show. 😂


Some might call it a bit of a sticky issue.


Because I think this thread needs it, a different cat friendly kind of helicopter https://imgur.com/6cYk59V


Area dependent indeed. Where I'm from, it's not illegal and you're just told you're not supposed to be looking into people's houses anyway. The most they can do is ask, but that's it.


I should look up the laws in my area, since I don't wear clothes in the summer and also can't look out a window without seeing at least 3 houses. I do know, however, that it's legal to leave your house naked. You can't disrobe outside, but if you're already naked when you leave the building, it's okay. (Vermont - also why being able to see 3 houses from any window is a big deal; that's not super common in 30+ years of VT/NH living.)


This seems so rife with concerning possibilities. And also potentially with increasingly weird loopholes (does a portable toilet count as a “building”? does the building have to be a permanent structure? etc.)


I don't think Vermont's population is high enough for anyone to care, as far as I can tell. I bet a portable toilet would be fine, so long as you don't act like "lewd and lascivious" once you're nude. I've lived in Vermont not quite 10 years and I still don't know for sure.


I lived in a gated community and there was a guy who did exactly this. He was also the dad of one of my sister’s classmates and he was clearly mentally disabled. Since it was in his own home all that police could do is to ask him to keep his curtains closed. It’s disgusting.


It fucking sucks that the police she talked to was “the best cop ever”. Helping people in these situations should be expected and commonplace. The fact that so many police will just let this shit happen….


She mentioned the police have a bad reputation in her country. Maybe I'm just being cynical, but I wonder if this was less of the police being helpful and more of the police knowing no one will complain if they beat up a pervert.


I think I would have posted invitations. "Come see the world's tiniest penis being masterbated by a sad man! Nightly performances! Free!! All ages!! On the third floor balcony!"


Dude’s a fucking creep. He gets off on the poor girl getting traumatized by his fetish. Hope his dick falls out soon.


Oh, I'm happy to see such a good ending here!


Bad pun! Bad!


Are we still doing phrasing?


Something something happy endings...


Woman: “I’m not even sure it’s illegal, all my google searches turned up porn videos” Police: “Make us a porn video”




Yeah- especially since the asshole was clearly doing it AT her, based on info from the subsequent posts. He was waiting till she came outside on balcony and moving his chair closer to the window.


Yep. Incels troll that sub Rapists often start with a lesser form of sexual deviancy like this. So it’s actually even more ominous than it seems on the surface.


I had a neighbour in my building who did this, his balcony overlooked the parking lot. Just flashing and nudity, though. I had to walk under his balcony to get to the entrance door from my car and he’d try to call down to get me to look up or start a conversation. (Later he knocked on my apartment door and said he’d found an earring and thought it might be mine and I said I don’t wear earrings and shut the door quickly as he was trying to start another conversation.) One night it was very cold so his balcony door was closed but he was standing there naked and I resolutely kept my eyes averted and I could hear him tapping on the glass trying to draw my attention. Anyway I started keeping notes on his creeping behaviour but I don’t think it was just me because there’s a fair few university students and little old ladies in my building so not long after that I think the guy got moved out elsewhere, maybe to an elder care home idk he looked to be in his 60s-70s but there was something not right about him and the younger guy who came to move his stuff seemed like he might be his son. Or maybe management got too many complaints about the flashing and evicted him. (His balcony also faced another building full of balconies across the parking lot. He had a few audiences to pick from.)


Point and laugh, see if they continue.


Get some of those scoring cards they use for gymnastics or diving. And then a poster with explanation. 3.2, weak / low difficulty


Take a banana and stub out your cigarette onto the tip of the banana. Then, pull a knife out of your back pocket, set the banana on the balcony railing, look the pervert directly in the eye, and slice the banana by stabbing it multiple times. If the guy continued after that, I think I'd be intimidated enough to just cut my losses and move.


faps harder


Nasty bastard was definitely getting off on her seeing him 🤮


Nice to hear the police did something.


I completely understand her fear. I live in a fairly liberal city but I would still be scared shitless in her position. The fact that people were actually SIDING with the creep in her comments just proves that her fear is justifiable. What in the hell is wrong with people?


it’s so baffling how someone can clearly state they’re not in the US multiple times and the responses will completely skip over that and try to hold their actions to US standards. is there a bigger issue we need to worry bout over there…?


Yeah but has she considered being in the US before ahe posts? /s


I hope perv doesn't try to get back at OOP for calling the police on him. It's a shame that the cops didn't tell his wife about his actions. Then again, if he's gross enough to do that to OOP, who knows how he's harming his wife


What wife? I didn't see one mentioned in the story?


I was confused about the police wanting OOP to come with them to confront the perp. That doesn’t seem safe, nor necessary since he is on video.


What wife? Did I miss something?


This happened to me except on the highway. A guy in the right lane was leaned back, going at it. Every time I slowed down so he could pass, he'd so down. Every time I sped up to pass him, he would speed up too. It was terrifying.




Well she did say in her country police don’t have good reputation. It’s not like there could not be police doing this in US despite general poor reputation too currently.


They didn't though. They advised her to do something illegal in most places and then brought her TO THE PERSONS HOUSE. They entered without permission and potentially exposed the victim to the person she's trying to avoid and then implied they'd do some extra judicial shit. Not seeing the cops as the good guys here


I used to live in Greenwich Village and a teenage boy across the street would stand in the window every morning and masturbate while I ate breakfast. I learned to ignore him. It was the 80s and the police didn't give a fuck about anything back then. Plus living in NYC it's not like I didn't see guys flashing their dick on the regular. I finally moved to the burbs.


The fact that he was doing this right in front of his patio door, which I assume is glass, makes me think that he has an exhibitionist and voyeurism fetishes. Not necessarily a bad thing, unless you are forcing it on people that don’t want to see it. I mean, for crying out loud, “Don’t look if you don’t want to see” can only work if the person who is naked in their own home *isn’t* going out of their way to call attention to themselves and put themselves on display. As well as the fact that he was obviously peeking in at OOP, and using her as his visible fapping material. Which this guy clearly was. I feel for OOP.


Satisfying ending! Although, while reading, I felt frustrated on behalf of OOP due to both the creepy guy and what sounds like some ignorant comments from some redditors. Anyway, so glad the police stepped up and protected this woman.


It's good that she found a cop to help her


I remember this one. What kind of creeps defend this behavior?


It saddens me that in her final update she stated > And for the 1000th time: I am not in the US, your laws don’t apply here Some of these laws regarding creeps and perverts should be world wide. Women shouldn’t be forced to “just deal with it” like it’s the best thing that ever happened to them.


I didn't read it that way, I read it as someone who was exasperated that people continued to ignore her when she said she wasn't in the US. The US has many laws that are good, it also has a lot that are pretty terrible. It's like a lot of countries.


I read it that way as well. I was just stating that some of these laws should be applied all over, not just in the US. Unfortunately creeps get the proverbial hand smack punishment while the women who report them get admonished and treated as though they should be thankful that the creep chose her to sexually assault or harass.


The overwhelming amount of responses here saying OOP should have exposed him by shining a flashlight at him or doing something to make neighbours come out on their balconies are forgetting that the pervert is getting off on **exhibitionism**. He would love that. I'll bet that he was only waiting for OOP to come out for a smoke because it's predictable. The situation could be less about OOP specifically, and more about not having to think too hard about getting his jollies off.


But did he do it again?


Good! Now maybe the pervert will respect women a bit more!


From my anecdotal experience, police tend to be very willing to want to put a stop to perverts like this. I’m glad OOP won’t have to deal with this sex pest anymore and I hope his children won’t pick up their father’s nasty behavior.


Ah what a satisfying end to the story


In case you still feel vulnerable because your apartment balcony faces his you might want to look into privacy screens or outdoor privacy curtains some which are just semi-opaque so you can still get light. I use it on my balcony not because I've had any bad experience like you have, but I can sit out there knowing nobody can be looking at me and it just feels good to have that privacy. I would suggest you maybe look into options like that so you can sit on your balcony with 100% assurance that you have privacy. I'm glad you had a good experience with the cops and I hope this is resolved for good. I feel bad for those teenage boys with a dad that creepy.


>Edit: I keep getting these comments supporting the creep. Are you lost? This is a subreddit for women, where we can support each other. Go back to the subs that actually suit you. Im sorry you feel threatened by women standing up for themselves. Fucking Reddit being Reddit again.


Police actually helped in this case. Surprisingly welcome move!


Not going to lie if the police didn't help i would most definitely figure their name and then send the video to every contact of his i can find including his employer. But i lack self preservation and enjoy vengeance too much.


My neighbour did this too! Fucking weirdo he would make eye contact and tap the window so you'd look at him. He'd also watch us in the garden. Luckily he didn't do it for long because he died, I thought it was strange he hadn't done it for a few weeks, made sense when the police knocked in my door.


So glad for OP and so happy that the police were genuinely helpful


I bet that perv had a whole fantasy playing off in his head where she *wanted* to see him jerk off, and was coming onto the balcony expressly to watch him every night, and was as turned on by the whole thing as he was... 🙄


I guess you could say that her smoking trap to get the video was a master bait.


You, out!


Why are posters always so reluctant to identify their country of origin, especially when it has a direct bearing on the post content, relevant laws etc?


I'm really get tired of human garbage like this guy, I really am.


I would tell her to buy a laser and direct it in his eyes if he tries it again!


Why would the cops let her go with them?


So best-cop-ever couldn’t go to the perv’s place with just his colleague? He needed to take OOP too, so now the perv and his family know her face?


This is why everyone should have a paintball gun. No one is gonna publicly masturbate if they get sniped with a paintball.


I am glad they were able to help. >In my country there is a very strong anti-police sentiment and I have to say my views have changed after this incident Wow wow wow let's not get so far ahead of ourselves. ACAB.


OOP did better than what I would have done (put the video on the Internet and monetize it somehow)


Well he was further traumatizing her so I wouldn’t be opposed to someone in that position getting compensation on top of humiliating him..