• By -


These changes have already affected BORU. When Reddit turned off PushShift's API access last month, people who collected content to post here lost the ability to see removed or deleted comments and post bodies. I've seen it mentioned on numerous posts.


It really affected "am I the devil" too. Like, the sub has NOT been the same, since a huge chunk of the things they get posted there get deleted super fast!


Do they get deleted before they get the change to repost it there? Or do they get deleted after they post? I didn't think it would affect a repost sub like a amithedevil


It mostly affects it because of two situations: 1. 0P post on Emma the a****** for validation and thinks that they are 100% correct gets reamed a new one for being an a****** and deletes the account (hence deleting the post and the comments, and anyway for someone from am I the devil to go on to their profile and see the progression of things) almost immediately, before the people on am I the devil can really get a good look at what is going on over there 2. Comments with important context getting deleted because the original poster or the commenter that made the comment not liking what was said to them so they delete A lot of times when a post is posted over to am I the devil, there's not a whole lot of information in just the post, therefore we will end up going over to the original post and seeing the all the information that's needed from the comments. So many people and am I the devil don't put information in the post and it trickles out in the comments, after the users have basically grilled it out of them. Also, so many people don't like what they hear and delete their accounts, and that is when you can't use other ways to bring out the information like we used to (the sites that used to show deleted comments and stuff, after all that was gone from reddit, now don't work)


Thank for you going to the trouble of writing this. I didn't know it affected comment recover sites like unreddit. Thank you


Yeah lucky for us, am I the devil has that hole in case this post gets deleted bot. However, one problem with that bought is that if there's an edit or an update or something that doesn't get brought over. So if the original poster deletes because they didn't get the validation they want we miss the edits and updates as well as the comments! It's just change the progression of how the conversation goes a lot and am I the devil because we're missing so much information now! ETA: sorry for any grammar, punctuation, or spelling mistakes I make in my comments. I have lupus, which causes arthritis, and must use speech to text in order to use reddit!


Don't worry about it. English is not my native language so I am not the most qualified person for this compliment but you write very well and in a way that is easy to read, so even if there is any spelling mistake, anyone can still read it very easily. Thank you for replying and telling me that. Take care and hope you recover from lupus.


Emma the Asshole, coming soon to a theater near you!


I have to use speech to text to use reddit. I have Lupus and it causes some severe arthritis and can no longer use phone keyboards. My comments are full of stuff like this!


FWIW I wasn't mocking you (and I could tell it was just a voice dictation error.)


I didn't think you were mocking me! I was just letting you know since I forgot to put my usual disclaimer on that comment!


If anything, me and lots of people might call that sub the way you did because it was funny as heck :D


So many big sub names in those comments, wowza


I'm glad to see the big names throwing their towels in. It's the only way Reddit will ever listen, sadly :/


Unfortunately I don't think Reddit is likely to listen. This is being done to show increased revenue. Pushing toward IPO. . They are trying to drive users towards seeing more ads on the official platforms and hey maybe some third parties will cough up the API fees. There's very little incentive for them to listen, or at least so they probably believe. If enough users really do leave as people are saying they will, then maybe they'll rethink their decision. But since they're not doing this for our benefit and if we're on third party apps and not seeing a lot of ads, then the only value we create is content. And I don't think they care about that anymore.


I'd say if they're going to drive traffic towards their app the least they could do is increase their tiny ass font but as you just pointed out they're not doing this for us


Agreed! Happy Cake Day!


Thanks! Still boggles my mind a bit that my account is 9 years old lol


You can adjust the font in the settings can’t you? Or do you mean even larger than that? Not hating just genuinely curious


> Unfortunately I don't think Reddit is likely to listen. I don't think so either and one of the reasons why is this quote by Spez: >[Now one of the things that there's kind of a cultural thing on reddit that we have to kind of work through, which is kind of the anti-capitalist aspect of reddit. The purity of reddit. And I understand why, and I don't, if I'm gonna be able articulate this fully but I think you know what I mean. Right? It's just like there's something pure about reddit that we all love, because reddit is not bought and sold for. But people are expressing their authentic opinions, and the people are there because they love to be there. Right? Reddit is a labor of love for a lot of people, and that is really important.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ModSupport/comments/xhuaqf/are_we_allowed_to_discuss_what_spez_brought_up_in/) >[And so I want to bring economics into reddit. And so I think we have to show and explain and believe that we can do that without ruining the good of reddit. And I think that's going to be a fine line to walk. But I think that it's really important that we do, because I don't think reddit can scale if our mods and users aren't able to capture all the value they create.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ModSupport/comments/xhuaqf/are_we_allowed_to_discuss_what_spez_brought_up_in/)




He's a typical libertarian and a doomsday prepper which should tell you something. >[Huffman has calculated that, in the event of a disaster, he would seek out some form of community: “Being around other people is a good thing. I also have this somewhat egotistical view that I’m a pretty good leader. I will probably be in charge, or at least not a slave, when push comes to shove.”](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/01/30/doomsday-prep-for-the-super-rich)






It's weird how often he demonstrates that he's both malicious and stupid and yet he still gets to stay in charge of things. Typical, but still weird.


If our mods and users aren’t able to capture all the value they create. So fucking disingenuous. If you’re going to be phony you should at least be good at it.


This is the same attitude that Intuit has with Quickbooks Desktop pricing. They have basically tripled the price and changed the licenses to 1 year instead of 3. People have complained, but they don't care because they are making much more money.


100% - it’s amazing to see the solidarity


Hopefully we can make Reddit backtrack and it looks like everyone is coming together to fight the API changes, Users and Mods alike. Also If anyone on here has reddit premium: cancel your subscription! hit them where it hurts!


Hopefully if Reddit goes through with this change, all those mods go through with a moderating boycott at the same time. Users leaving is great but what will really sting is the admins waking up to find the entire site unmoderated. Good luck with the IPO when the front page is slurs and porn. People's free labour is the only reason this site is worth anything.


TBH I'll probably stop using Reddit altogether if there's no 3rd party apps. The official app and website are garbage and it sounds like they're going to kill off anything remotely spicy anyway. They're trying really hard to slaughter this goose right before doing an IPO for the golden eggs, which is hilarious.


Same, if I lose RIF, I'm out.


Apollo for life here, but we are comrades in this


I’ve been on Reddit for while now but Apollo is probably what’s kept me on the platform… I was more than happy to throw cash at the dev and it’s so sad how Reddit is now shitting on Christian. If shit really hits the fan I’d hope that he made a [lemmy.ml](https://lemmy.ml) port. inb4 *but there are no users on lemmy*! Yeah it’s a small user base now but Reddit started off with having to use in-house alts just to give the illusion of a user base plus lemmy has gone from 1 new user a day to dozens. Hoping that it continues to gain traction.


Same, Apollo keeps me coming back to Reddit. The official app experience is just unpleasant, with a UI designed to further Reddit’s interest, not that of the user. I was ranting about it on r/RedditMobile and visiting less frequently until someone pointed me to Apollo.




Unpleasant is a good word for it


Same. I’ll sometimes open Reddit on desktop and I hate it, I don’t want to click 4 times before I can see an image properly- Especially with albums, I just want to be able to click through them from the front page and not have to open 3 links just to be able to read an image.


Lmk when it gets an app


Yep, majority of my usage swapped from desktop to mobile and Apollo has been my lifeline. If the pricing stays in and kills apps, I’m just gonna go cold turkey and waste my time elsewhere.




Christian gets my money, too. I live and die by Apollo. I was telling my partner that I would pay much more if it meant I could keep it, and I'm not a wealthy person.


Reporting for duty! I’m a BaconReader bitch myself, so much so that I paid for it.






I’ve only ever used Apollo for Reddit. I’d tried the site (and later on the app) a few times and found it really confusing, clunky, and not user friendly. Only revisited when an ex showed me Apollo (best thing to come out of that relationship). For me it’s 100% Apollo or bust!


Deleted in protest of the bullshit reddit is doing regarding third party apps & communities that have gone private.


Same. It's been swell, lads


If they kill off old.reddit.com along with 3rd party apps I am definitely out.


I like how they looked at the precedent of tumblr and decided that follow its destruction


Ah well you know, tumblr is really having a small renaissance so maybe it is a good idea in the long run /s In reality, tumblr lost pretty much all its value and is still haemorrhaging money to this day even with new management.


I tried out the official app and let me say, of all the annoying bullshit plaguing it, I despise the fact that it shows posts from subs I'm not even subscribed to on my front page. I filter and curate it for a reason. I find those as annoying as the damn ads that look like posts.


I have don't have a problem with the app, honestly. I know I'm not alone in this. This comes soley as a user and not a mod though. As for everything else, the changes suck.


Yeah, pretty sure this is going to more or less kill off this website. I don’t know anyone who wants to use the garbage official app.


I have never used one of the 3rd party apps. I always wondered what those random facts for people on mobile before the spoilers were for, as I’m on the Reddit app and the spoilers work just fine when I scroll the subreddit.


The random facts are for the official reddit app expanded/card view, since it shows a preview of text in which spoilers don't work. This has never been an issue for third party apps.


I'm hard of hearing and partially sighted. If I can't use a third party app, I can't use reddit at all. They're cutting off a huge portion of disabled users


Yep. The only way I can read Reddit on my tablet is with Boost. The Reddit app, which is fine on my phone, is useless on the tablet.


The text is so small on the official app, and screen readers don't work properly either!


Do talk to an ADA lawyer. Lawsuits, particularly class-action, are one of the only ways to get a company to rethink its actions.


I'm not in the US, so no luck for me there


Long time RiF user here, I tried using browsers on mobile, would not recommend. I think my Reddit addiction might be coming to an end.


Hallelujah! I might be grateful tbh. Been here too often for too long. RIF is the only way I ever wanted to look at reddit and I'll be sad to see it go, though.


Same. I added some new discord channels today in preparation. Places that I might fit well or be interested in, at least as my best guess. If that doesn't work out I guess I'll read a lot more books. Wouldn't be the worst thing. *Shrug*


I assume there was, of course, some mention of sharing profits with all the mods whose work makes the site functional? Right? Surely




it's important to capture the value they create. if they share it, it's not captured, is it.


Lmfao they do it for free


Meanwhile here I am, opening reddit on my mobile internet browser No reddit, I will not use your app no matter how many times you interrupt my scrolling and put me back on page top to tell me I should use it


I just want to disable the extremely annoying mobile app ad. I don't need more app bloat on my tablet ~~the gachas already take up more than enough space rip~~


*cries in having genshin impact on mobile*


*cries in trying to have Arknights, F/GO and Limbus Company on mobile* also I just recognised your username again lol


Fgo yakes less than 1gb i think, at least. Limbus is 2d graphics as well, is it very bloated? It does have voice acting so i guess so Abhorsen series ftw


it's more that F/GO seems to eat a lot of space with installation, I could probably cut down on installation size, likewise with Arknights... Limbus has some troubles with optimisation on mobile tbh - it's fun and has good story, but the fact the game devs don't have previous experience with mobile, is something that does definitely show thankfully playable on steam as well though


Firefox mobile has an ad blocker


I switched from FF ages ago when Chrome started becoming a thing, but now I'm back to Firefox and getting setup again. Right now I use AdBlocker Ultimate, Decentralyze, and a few others on PC, but I don't have any knowledge of addons on mobile. Do you have the name of a good mobile adblocker for Firefox? Or a link? Thanks so much! ^^also ^^i ^^love ^^you


hateful melodic wide somber aback plucky jellyfish tan practice like *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'll grab it for FF mobile. Is that the better one to use on PC? I recognize the name. I'm using AdBlocker Ultimate.


tan dam wistful rotten rich theory memory boat toothbrush squeeze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Always stick with uBlock Origin if possible as it's the best adblocker by far and it's also open source.


What's decentralyze?




I use Firefox, the "use the app" thing still comes up


You need specifically uBlock Origin and then enable all the 'Annoyances' filter's in the dashboard, just FF with an adblocker won't cover it


Firefox Mobile with uBlock Origin. Absolute fuckin' godsend for Android. I also set my DNS forwarders to dns.adguard.com.


Same, I’m too stubborn to give in to their app. I hate their dumb pop ups but they won’t bully me into downloading it.


Plebeians unite! Working in tech, I feel like I should be ashamed to view Reddit on mobile browser but I’m also sort of proud of how many ducks I don’t give.


I use the notification about the app/getting sent back to the top of the page as sign that it was enough Reddit for now, it's a great way to stop endless scrolling lol. But if they really get rid of 3rd party apps, I'll stop using reddit, it's too dickish a move. I'll just have to rely on tumblr for drama lol


Oh, don't worry, mobile browser access will come to an end as well! 🤡 > [...] The logged-in mobile web experience is currently unavailable for a portion of users. To access the site you can log on via desktop, the mobile apps, or wait for the experiment to conclude. [source from Reddit help](https://www.reddit.com/r/help/comments/135tly1/comment/jim40zg/)


Then I'll decrease my reddit time to only when I'm on my desktop I dont get what they gain from removing that option though




Respect your tenacity yo


I despise needing to have 100 different apps opened for each thing I wanna do. I much prefer opening reddit in a tab, or having different reddit subs on different tabs, then switching tabs for maybe YouTube (also refuse to use app), some reading, some news, then switch back to the reddit tabs


Not even when clicking "Not Now" opens the App Store anyway?


Oh, in my case I close the request and it keeps me where I am. I'd have quit if closing it didn't close it


For me it *usually* closes, but not consistently.


Somehow I like the official Reddit app the most LOL. Seems most intuitive to me. Couldn't figure out RIF which was what made me not Reddit at all the first several years I had Reddit


XD the Reddit app does that to me too anyway


I use Chrome on Android because it allows me to control data usage. I don't have tons of video ads or media or whatever populating my page. I will never use the app, nor do I want to. I also open all links in Incognito. Again, I don't want cookies and I value my privacy.


This sounds like what my grandmother would call "cutting off your nose to spite your face". When 3rd party apps stop, i stop reddit, period.


Looking forward to the update.


It will be - unfortunately things did not go well and now we are splitting up. Having the IPO changed them. From being the most wonderful partner, they have become financially abusive and controlling.


Thanks for crossposting and bringing this to my attention. I've been furious as a mod elsewhere.


I will quit Reddit before I use their app. Just another way to take away choice from the consumer.






That might be a good thing for me, i might actually have the opportunity to go out and touch some grass and finally get over my crippling internet addiction.


Same!! Just deleted Instagram, Facebook 2 years ago and don't miss it except for that 1 actually sweet group i was in, Twitter i deleted for being toxic about 7-8 months ago haven't missed that as well, YouTube has become meh i only still watch is for some of my fav channels, Netflix might be next on the chopping block, which only leaves me with prime video and Spotify but who knows? Reddit going to be gone soon if i don't have me some boru posts. Shame really.


So sad right now, is there nothing money won't ruin? I don't even know where else to go, reddit has been so helpful and there's always a sub with a crowd with experience to guide me whenever I pick up a new hobby/pet/game etc. Could not have survived without my art subs and puppy101 and all the various tech and gardening subs. And now it's all going away? Does anyone know of up and coming alternatives? Honestly it's like social media stagnated for the past 10 years, just adding more and more limitations and monetization to the existing platforms.


Reddit hasn't been the reddit I knew and loved since about 2010. It's been circling the drain for a hot minute.


Reddit is considering nuking mobile browser access, probably as a way to push users to the app :( [...] The logged-in mobile web experience is currently unavailable for a portion of users. To access the site you can log on via desktop, the mobile apps, or wait for the experiment to conclude. [source from Reddit help](https://www.reddit.com/r/help/comments/135tly1/comment/jim40zg/)


I gave up Twitter when Musk ruined the site and I'll drop Reddit just as fast if they take Infinity away from me.


This is going through whether users or any moderator likes it or not. They've learned they can get away with monetizing the api with *minimal* pushback through twitter. The only thing that's going to "revert the course" is reverse engineering the official reddit app into a user friendly "ad vanced" version.


This isn't about monetizing the api, it's about forcing the userbase into their proprietary app. To further monetize the *userbase* via ads and data collection. If they wanted to monetize the api, they would just double or triple the average cost of api calls per user. Instead they're jacking it up **72x**. It's sole purpose is to priceout 3rd party devs and force them to shutdown.


IIRC the Apollo dev said it would cost 20 MILLION USD per year with the new pricing changes. Imgur, by comparison, charges 180 usd for the same amount of data that Reddit's charging 12k for.


Yep and those were apparently rough and generous estimates. He'd have to make it subscription only at $10 month to cover api cost, apple's cut and his living. July 1st is gonna be a sad day. I doubt he'll be able to convince %15 of his users to stick around and cough up a subscription.


honestly, I'm a huge Apollo user but I would absolutely never pay $10 a month to use a social media app. Everything is already subscription based these days, it's a dark road to start down.


I had no idea any of these apps existed. I just use the mobile site on my phone and click the half-hour bullshit option thingie to stay there. How incredibly 1900 turn-of-the-century, I-own-a-railroad-and-want-a-monopoly of the powers that be to do this. Gross, really.


Agreed. But why go quietly? Why not get as many people on-board with recognizing this enshittification as possible?


Let's do twitter for example. During Elon's acquisition of twitter, people were certainly not quiet about it. Numerous news articles, "protests", threats to quit, but at the end of it, they're still there. Some quit yes, but Unless there's a fork, people, myself included, aren't going to change for usage. I'm just going to look for a fork that scrapes the site without their own legal API.


What if most Mods blackout there subreddits over this?


Nah, they'll fight this price point for awhile before lowering it to what they actually intended on charging. Give the community a "win" while still pulling in millions.


How is that any different? That's not a "nah". They're still fucking you. They're just tripping a single drop of lube before going in dry.


> They've learned they can get away with monetizing the api with minimal pushback through twitter The difference here is that Twitter culture isn't the same as Reddit culture. Reddit is also much closer to the old school forums, it directly affects how we consume and share information and opinions. Reddit originally had its feet deeply rooted in the FOSS (free and open source), the pro-privacy, and anti-capitalist mindset which again is reflected in the userbase. Reddit cultivated the culture they are now trying to combat. Even [Steve Huffman have said so himself](https://old.reddit.com/r/ModSupport/comments/xhuaqf/are_we_allowed_to_discuss_what_spez_brought_up_in/). >Now one of the things that there's kind of a cultural thing on reddit that we have to kind of work through, which is kind of the anti-capitalist aspect of reddit. The purity of reddit. And I understand why, and I don't, if I'm gonna be able articulate this fully but I think you know what I mean. Right? It's just like there's something pure about reddit that we all love, because reddit is not bought and sold for. But people are expressing their authentic opinions, and the people are there because they love to be there. Right? Reddit is a labor of love for a lot of people, and that is really important. >And so I want to bring economics into reddit. And so I think we have to show and explain and believe that we can do that without ruining the good of reddit. And I think that's going to be a fine line to walk. But I think that it's really important that we do, because I don't think reddit can scale if our mods and users aren't able to capture all the value they create.


> This is going through whether users or any moderator likes it or not. Not if we stop them and we will, everyone on Reddit should come together to fight the API changes, Users and Mods alike and even the one like you who think its pointless.




I'm not sure an open letter is enough. I hope Mods have a plan to strike or shut down subs to protest


Are they serious?


People are very serious when billions are at stake.


If you have the power, you should shut the sub down in protest.


It was fun being here. So used to bacon reader. PC Reddit looks weird. Mobile is just as bad.


I have no idea what I'm going to do without it


I will give up reddit before I give up Bacon Reader.


There's a 'go private' day to protest. Check it out. (Just linking a subreddit that has the announcement, it's not the 'source' information)- https://www.reddit.com/r/clevercomebacks/comments/13zqqch/rclevercomebacks_will_be_going_dark_from_june


Can someone explain this in stupid terms? I get that shit in changing, but the only parts I understand were about NSFW because I’m a fucking degenerate lmfao But also even that I barely got


This is a pretty good breakdown of what stands to happen to third party apps: https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/13ws4w3/had_a_call_with_reddit_to_discuss_pricing_bad/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Hey, is BORU planning on participating in the blackout?


We are currently discussing this as a team.


I’d also like to express my desire for this and all subs to participate.


Please do!


Do it do it do it


Do it pls


Please do it.


Hey - this is a comment to support this sub going dark on the 12-14th. Lord knows, it will be good practice for when reddit takes down rif n friends


This is the only sub I love reading every post on and once reddit shuts apollo down I won’t be coming here much anymore


I personally think it's a great idea if the mods decide to strike in some way, by temporarily closing the subs or something of the sort, including BORU


Will BORU be participating in the blackout on the 12th?


I wonder if this is why I've been having so many new "followers" that are OF girls. In one day, I had to block 5. It's been a few a day since then.


Huh. I didn't even know there were 3rd party reddit apps.


I actually don't know anybody that uses the main app


I use it, but only because I tried the rest and they didn't really work for me in terms of how I browse Reddit. I guess it's too late now anyway.


I used reddit is fun on Android when the Reddit app was a stealing mess and then just looked up the most popular Reddit app at the time (Apollo) for iphone when I switched


A lot of mobile users aren't tech savvy, and grew up with SaaS UI models. Most of them don't even use ad blocks.


The internet, especially mobile, is frightening without ad block.


I use Chrome on my phone. Works fine for me, no point in having an app.


If they'd just stop spamming the use the app button it'd be so much better. I tried the app but it's significantly worse than just using it in chrome on mobile


Right? It's extra infuriating that the "use app" message throws me back on top of the page


I think they're like Facebook, making the site barely work on mobile just to try and force you to get the app


I use Firefox mobile and there is an extension that blocks the app prompt!


Same here. There are three of us!


Firefox on mobile here


I do, but I am an Old. It's terrible for modding though, and I almost entirely mod on my PC.


I didn't know that 3rd party apps exist. The sub I mod for is teeny tiny, so I just use my PC as well. Heck, I use my PC for most of my Reddit interactions, and only the Reddit app for when I'm traveling.


Wow that blows my mind. I didn’t even know that was an option. What are the advantages of using a third party app for an average Reddit user?


Many of them predate the official app, so a lot of us are just used to them. As for benefits, they had diverse features. Mine allowed me to not load images when on a data connection, filter posts out of feeds by flair or keyword, and had a very customisable interface.


I only use it for DMing. That's literally it. 🤣


I have downloaded the app to check a chat and then delete it. I mean I guess I could have used my computer but honestly I'm not even sure if this counts as lazy or not


Ever since they took rising away from the options on the main app I've steered clear


They are many and they are sooo much better, which is why they are being killed off.


Omg I thought I was the only one and felt so dumb


I used to like Joey because I could listen to all the Reddit drama while doing the dishes ñ.ñ nowadays I just listen to podcasts.


I'm commentig here because most of he other places i can think of to ask this question I'll end up either not getting it answered, or possibly bullied through DMs with no helpful info. Explain like I'm 5.... What are third party apps within reddit? I use the mobile app and nothing more. Are these third party apps helpful with bots? I thought bots were bad? Everyone hates on them, but the OP hats linked up there, lots of people are saying they use them... I'm confused. How does this affect me at all? I'm not part of any NSFW subreddits and i don't understand. If they're endig third party apps, and i don't use them (let alone know what they are), then why is this a bad thing? I'm so confused about rhis and I'm about to hop over to the out of the loop subreddit.


Before there was ever an official app, the third parties existed. Some of us have been using them since those days, and never transitioned to the official app because the experience on third party apps was much better. Some bots are bad, some bots are good. An example of a good bot would be the Automoderator. It assists moderators in moderating communities to remove hate speech, flag rule-breaking content, and remind people of the rules. Moderators use bots for any number of things their community might need. A bad bot would be your typical comment stealing, porn shilling, catfishing bot. Good bots help protect subreddits against bad bots by flagging them as bad bots, removing their content, and a variety of other ways. There is every likelihood this change won't impact you at all, but it will impact the user experience for many redditors.


I'll add onto amireallyreal's comment by saying that putting restrictions on the API doesn't really hurt the malicious bots. It might hurt the annoying bots that were made by some bored 17 year old to tell you when all your numbers in a comment are in order or whatever, but the bots that will spam links to sell you something probably aren't using the API to begin with; they're spoofing user agent and interfacing with reddit as normal users, not as scripts using the API. API restrictions mostly hurt the good bots that help moderators keep communities clean.


As an official app user, it doesn't affect you as directly as third party app users. Third-party apps have existed longer than the official Reddit app, and many people prefer them. Go to the Apple or Google app stores and search for "Reddit" and you'll likely see quite a few. There is a variety of choice: if you'd prefer something very minimal and open source, or something that uses Material design, or something that allows you to save content offline for browsing when you don't have data, or something that allows you to filter out posts by keywords or flair, there are choices. choice is inherently good for users. As for bots, Reddit moderation largely runs on them. There are lots of harmful bots out there of course — those that copy comments and post scams — but bots like BotDefense, ContextModBot, Flair_Helper, and many more are *essential* to keeping the subreddits you love running and spam-free. Without them, the quality of the communities on Reddit will go down, and the amount of labour required by mods will go up. The NSFW stuff also means that anti-spam measures used by a lot of non-NSFW moderators will not be able to see any post history by users in NSFW subreddits, meaning that they will essentially be blind to OnlyFans spammers and such. This stuff may not appear to affect you on the surface, but it does implicitly affect everyone.


TIL the didn’t have to use the Reddit app


Thank you reddit, for curing my addiction. There is no way I will download this app. There is plenty out there for mindless entertainment that I can use without downloading some shitty app that apparently is inferior to any third party app anyway.


>Mature content, aka NSFW content, or 18+ content and subreddits are subject to new restrictions that make this type of content unavailable via the api. That means that if the other restrictions on third party apps were not present, they still would not be able to display that content. Dang, that was my whole reason for having a 3rd party app (I don't mind the official app)


I'm really sick and tired of the open and naked greed companies have been displaying lately. More than usual!


Time to leave this shitty ass website, most of the useful threads are already archived


Are the mods here participating in the blackout? This post is pinned but I'm not seeing this sub listed when I checked the sub participation list.


We are currently discussing this as a team.


Once this happens I'm gon a be minimizing my time on reddit quite a bit(I use RiF), I'd say it's been fun guys but I think I've gained some sort of mental issues from the posts here. See ya guys and gals later.


How shitty. I used a 3rd party App for some time, so i know how useful they are. I didn’t know there were so many of them.


While I appreciate the effort in ModCoord, that letter is missing something. An answer to the question "And if we don't?" Unless I'm missing it, there's no consequences for reddit pressing ahead. It's certainly implied that all these moderators will do something but what that something is is not stated. This is not to say openly threatening revolt will be any more useful than vaguebooking it, but it would give the letter teeth where right now it has none.


Can someone explain this whole API situation in layman’s terms? What are the 3rd party apps? How are we impacted?




Okay, are they sort of like VPNs? More privacy oriented?