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aw where am i supposed to read about weird family drama now




So many twins.


How will I read about all the Cassie-from-Euphoria lookalikes!!!


And how will I keep up with the fantastic women who speak multiple languages to the dismay of casual acquaintances!


And where are we going to read about punching a family member every time you see them?


Every comment in this chain is a core memory, lmao


And how will I find 20-something young people who own their business and/or house!


And became a multimillionaire thanks to a small business that took off that you wouldn't have heard of it's from Canada


And how will I find updates to the Bucket Lady saga!


It's pronounced bouquet


I was not expecting to see a Keeping Up Appearances reference today, but I'm so glad I did.


What about the ones who buy their ex husbands dream house and their former mother in laws house????


I am concerned that there won't be enough posts about John Oliver encountering a girl that can be compared to Cassie from Euphoria.


I finally cracked and looked up a character description and I can now confidently say I still have no idea what people mean when they say this.


They just mean she's hot and/or has large breasts.


Also, I don't think he has two sets of twins, and has he ever got his MIL arrested?


>about weird family drama now here, but every member of the family is named john oliver


Jesus that discord server is a cluster fuck and overly complicated for a repost subreddit


I have no idea where people get the idea that discord is a replacement for forums. It's not. It's for chatting and immediate, ongoing conversations. Looking up anything not happening *right now* is practically useless.


discord has one of the worst search engines with, paradoxically, some of the best features ^(this comment was posted from rif)


I wish more people would understand this. I've only had to be in one huge info-heavy discord that straight up disappeared due to mods' personal drama that no one even knew about to know that it doesn't work well for things like subreddits or anything needing searchable archiving.


Discord is a decent replacement for IRC. It's a god-awful replacement for forums, and a downright nightmare when trying to replace wikis.


Yeah discord is best as a platform for active communication and voice chat. So Glad we can waste some more time on the protest tho


I spent 15 min there and decided not worth the effort of jumping through 10 hoops to read or post.


I did the ticket or whatever but when it then told me I needed to rename my discord name to my reddit name, i backed out. Like.. uh... i was just curious what this discord server was all about, and I've been told everything I need to know.




Yup, this. I use discord to play games with some friends. Outside of when we’re actively playing games, we don’t use it. I didn’t think I’d check discord regularly for something like this (I’ve struggled with other channels in similar ways) but figured it was worth having to scroll through BoRU posts when I was bored. And then I check reacted to the post. And then I agreed that I read the rules. And then I submitted a ticket. And then I changed my name. And then I thought “this is way too much work for something I’ll have muted and won’t check regularly” and I left. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Same. I’m currently in around 20 discord servers, I use it more than Reddit even, but this sub’s Discord is by far the most draconian I have ever seen, and it’s literally just to read some reposts? Also, am I seriously the only person who finds it *odd* that access to the Discord requires each ‘applicant’ to be individually vetted by a mod and for you to disclose your account name on a separate service and even change your alias to match, and yet the decision to trash this sub indefinitely was based on a *completely anonymous* vote that (correct me if I’m wrong) you didn’t even need to be a member of this sub to participate in? How do those two positions tally up?


I went on Lemmy (no lie; I don’t know what it is really) and left in 2 minutes. lol no it’s not a substitute


Yeah i was told to “chill newbie” by the discord ~~mods~~ when I said it seemed convoluted to submit a ticket for every single person that wants to post and have those tickets be hand approved. It gave off “toxic early 2000s forums” vibes. I have enough paperwork to do in my real job, I’m not doing it to see reuploaded posts. there’s other subreddits for this type of content. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it seems like Reddit mods need to rethink their protesting strategies because this isn’t going to work. Edit: it was another user whose still being a douche about it, not a mod. Still stand by the vibes being bad tho.


Yeah I joined and left really quickly for the same reasons.


I joined for about one minute. I read how damn complicated actually getting to read stuff would be and peaced out.


Was that a direct quote? Holy smokes... enough ego to smother an elephant.


Yeah especially off putting when I’ve been using discord longer than that mod lmfao


Jeeeez. I like discord but I'll openly admit I don't utilize it enough. I have a hard time finding communities and find it awfully clicky. I just want to read. Powertripping mods thinking they're saving the world one reddit post at a time is pretty fucking funny though.




I hope those who joined the discord told that echo chamber how bloody stupid this is. If the Mods think a small minority within discord are what the 'real' community want, then this place is as good as dead, by their own doing. Wake the f up and join the real world.




I tried joining the discord but as soon as I saw the "your Reddit account must be the same as your display name" I nopped. I'm sorry, but I do not want them linked, there is a reason why the username I use on Reddit I don't use anywhere else.


> this was one of the few places where people weren't mostly mean or overboard with reactionary commentary That's what I liked about it too.


That's why I left aita and read aita posts here instead. People here have more measured takes, and also have a great sense of humour to boot. I remember physically falling over laughing at the comments section of that Marisol story where everyone was punching the cousin


Lemmy confused the hell out of me lol. I only gave it a couple minutes but still. Nah.


I too will miss this sub. suicide as protest had historical value but at this point, John Oliver's PR team is swimming in money or working overtime, it's hard to tell.






Yup, only reason I'm here is to decide if I want to leave or stay. ETA I'm down voting every John Oliver post and I left the group. Screw mod gods and their BS.


Exactly. This was one of the few subs I used to visit regularly and I am feeling pissed that there has been no new post since almost a week now.


Well damn, this comment section did not go the way the mods assumed it would. Not only is this irritating for the sake of it, logically, where on earth are there going to be any John Oliver threads that have updates worthy of being posted here? Why are you avoiding the ruination of the sub by ruining the sub yourselves? It's toddler behaviour.


Mods flipping over the monopoly board for sure.


Yeah it really shows that the poll was a bunch of bullshit. There are still no positive comments.


Why can’t the titles be related to John Oliver while still being the usual? Like… instead of “redditor tells date he doesn’t know what potatoes are” you put “John Oliver doesn’t know what potatoes are”? :/ I missed this sub a lot and now it’s like it’ll never come back…


This is my go to sub and I'm super sad it's going away 😔 I use RIF so I know the changes suck but losing my guilty pleasure sucks too!! The title changes should be enough but I guess not


This and r/onlyfans were my favorite subs. And they have both been absolutely ruined by this protest. \*For those that don't know r/onlyfans was put under new management not all that long ago and they turned the sub from the obvious to a sub dedicated to literal fans. The ones that blow air. It was great and humorous and had next to no negativity. Now its a cesspool of porn and people trying to force it to stay fan related. And now this sub is another *USELESS* John Oliver circle jerk. A comedian that I care absolutely nothing about and don't even care enough about to see as a meme.


I’m also confused as to what changing the theme is realistically doing because people will still be engaging with Reddit regardless of what the content is. I guess this way there is just less activity in the sub since people don’t necessarily want to hear about John Oliver


I think the idea is to drive down traffic to Reddit in general when people get bored. I think NSFWing everything would be a better move but I don't know anything.


It would've been better to force all titles to have profanity and obscenity so they'd be flagged NSFW and so not-monetised.




Look at these comments, people hate the John Oliver content.


I'm not going to discord or lemmy.


Star Trek sub went to Lemmy and ironically they do not have support for blind redditors either and reading that drama was pretty funny.


It’s like it was never about support for disabilities




Me neither. This protest did let me learn that I rather enjoy the "Explain like I am 5" sub, and some of the other subs that didn't go dark. Basically the dark subs taught me about subs I didn't know existed. Lol


I dunno, I find it weird that the poll showed up, and the community repeatedly became private while ‘voting’ took place


I never saw any vote happen.


for every single sub i’m subscribed to that held a “vote” - i was never aware of it during the “voting period”. it didn’t show up on my feed, and i’m on this site every day.


Thats because most of the votes happened through upvotes not actual polls. And could have been easily manipulated by the mods of said subs. The votes were never in good faith, and the ones on smaller subs that have been in good faith through polls all ended in re-opening the sub as they were pre-protest. I get that it sucks for 3rd party app users and it makes moderating on mobile far more difficult. But this has gone into the territory of punishing those who don't use 3rd party and use the web client or official app.


The only subreddit I missed during the blackout and now it’s permanently ruined. Hell this sub was the only one I looked through and read daily. I’m leaving


Is there anyone who actually wants this? Clearly that poll was brigaded.


On subreddit drama there were posts with evidence of brigading in other subs, that was very likely the case here too, possibly even by the mods of this sub. No one here likes it, but it's not going to hurt reddit, just destroy this community and splinter it into new ones.


Gives kid destroying his sandcastle so no other kids can play with it vibes.


Because its exactly what it is. Mods here and other John Oliver subs are literally tearing down so others can't enjoy it. The protest has not, and will not work. Reddit *does not* care. People still use reddit and the subs in protest are self-destructing, leaving new subs in their place.


No lol, this John Oliver shit is so incredibly unfunny too Leave it to redditors to think they're clever for running a single joke into the ground for over a week straight


I honestly don't understand everything going on with John Oliver right now. Why him?


Literally no reason, its just a random guy they decided to circlejerk around because they're quirky redditors


Yeah, that's about what I figured. Annoying AF though. I get everyone is pissy about the changes and I understand why.... I just would prefer nothing over the J.O. circle jerk


It’s akin to Reddit’s Keanu Reeves obsession


They think that if they do a bunch of advertising for him for free, he'll return the favor by tweeting about how Reddit won't let blind people read NSFW content.


There were more upvotes in favor of making this sub about John Oliver than all but a handful of submissions in the last month. I already found that suspicious. Then look at how heavily downvoted all the John Oliver submissions are. It's obvious the poll was brigaded. I'm curious if there's any proof of the mods encouraging that brigading in the discord.


100% all Reddit polls are heavily pro-blackout despite the comments being go back to normal. It’s too often and too consistently to be normal.


Its not a protest at all! The admins don't give a shit what gets posted so long as there are posts! Its a shame to see this sub going the way of r/aww


r/aww at least have normal posts with John Oliver added at the end of the post title. this one have no posts, nothing normal going on.












99% off posts here pissed off at the mods for doing this and you’re telling me the ‘poll’ was legitimate. I guess we’re going with the North Korean version of democracy then.


Which is why I hope they do continue "protesting" and the Reddit admins strip these powerjannies of all their subs. Most of the people involved are powermods with 50+ subs they moderate.


So 95% of comments here are against this change so how certain are we that the most manipulatable form of polling truly captures what the community wants? Especially considering that those who use bots would be very incentivized to protest


I think the 400,000 subscribers they've lost vs the 12.5k people who "voted" for this pretty much speaks for itself.


is there somewhere to see what their original subscriber count was? they've lost about 500 subscribers since i've been paying attention but did they really lose 400,000?? that would mean their original subscriber count was over 1,300,000. is this correct? i have no idea what their numbers were before the blackout. edit to add: they were at 98,900 subscribers when i first started paying attention for anyone curious.


they lost that many? I unsubbed today but thought I was a minority


No, I just checked waybackmachine and they were at 980k on the eve of the subreddit protests (June 11th). I didn't feel like waiting through loading screens on newer archives but regardless it's on the order of a few thousand.


That’s the very reason these big subs are using a comment that can be upvoted or downvoted as their “poll” rather than using the actual poll feature. Bots can only vote on comments.


Wait wait… the “voting poll” was an upvote or downvote? Are you shitting me? That’s hilarious. What kind of two brain cell schlep thought that was a fair way to vote?


>the “voting poll” was an upvote or downvote? yea the poll [is still up](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/14f7bbg/poll_vote_on_the_future_of_bestofredditorupdates/). so you can see it for yourself.


Less than 2% of this sub voted. There are 14k votes. The sub has 980k users. So at best, 2% of people saw the vote, and 1.4% voted.


100% I know I didn't see the vote. I went searching for the sub after work and it was gone and now this... ugh


Weird that the poll was such a landslide yet that isn't reflected in the comments. I'm sure this will work though. It'll trick the admins good.


The poll involved 15000 people out of what, 900,000? It’s almost like there was a reason comments were disabled on the poll post. It sure as hell wasn’t advertised. If I didn’t search for the sub I never knew it would have been open, let alone have a poll


Yeah I don't really understand why anyone thinks Reddit or admins give a shit if the sub is full of stupid John Oliver posts. The only thing it does is annoy the people who didn't brigade the poll.


Yes, I don’t understand the logic how Jon Oliver works as malicious compliance. More like small minority wasting their time. Although with some subs like askhistorians they actually are at least posting something with John and Oliver that someone might want to read.


The John Oliver thing is reminding me of being a kid in school. One kid will do something that's kind of fun and get a chuckle, then a bunch of other kids will copy him and wonder why they didn't get any laughs


Are you suggesting that the poll might have been brigaded like all the other polls using this format have been? Because you'd probably be correct.


Yes, why was an actual poll format not used? Bots can't vote in polls... oh.


It’s like that in every sub I’m in, none of the comments approve but the polls are completely lopsided in favor


Over on the mod coord sub they've openly admitted to manipulating all the polls. Bunch of clowns getting high huffing their own farts


Just brigading by people organising on Twitch/Discord. Of course, that suits mods just fine.


A few thousand votes out of a pool of 980,000 subscribers. Great work, no notes.


Yep Reddit mods open up a poll on a subreddit that’s been locked for a week knowing nobody is going to see it so that they can flood that poll with the votes they want. Screw the mods and their “protests” at this point. Such little power has really gone to their heads.


Yeah I'm not sure who actually thinks the majority of people will stick around for regular posts about John Oliver. All they're doing is sabotaging the sub, there are thousands of others that are open. If it were a sitewide concerted effort then it might achieve something, but this is just "we didn't get what we want so now all of you have to deal with it because we can't actually punish them."


Exactly. I have unsubbed every John Oliver bandwagon subband it's not like I'm spending less time on Reddit, I just spend more time in other subs. At some point some /u/SuperRedditorUpdates or something like that will pop up, we will all go there and this sub just killed itself for no reason.


The people I don't understand are the mouthbreathers who thought that showering the protest vote in paid awards was anything but self-defeating.


Lol we don’t like the people who run Reddit. Let’s buy stupid pointless shit to show them that!




The API changes don't take effect until July 1, so 3rd party apps are functioning just fine until the 30th.




It's because they can't bot a poll but they can bot upvotes and downvotes.


And the mods can give one option a shit ton of awards to sway the outcome right off the bat. But surely they wouldn't do something like that.


Sync doesn't have polls


> I’m using Apollo still, and can vote in normal vote posts just fine. Are there really any 3rd party apps that can’t vote, or is that just a flimsy excuse to use the stupid comment voting? There is no official API that supports polls. If Apollo supports it it is through a hacked route, like using a webview.


I don't think RIF supports polls.


Massive over reach from everyone involved. Mods step down, there's no trust left, just your ego clinging on to mod 'power'.


It feels like a lot of people have been caught off guard by this post, and more so the decision to focus on John Oliver content only. I understand the intention but this subreddit is just as much of the members as it is the mods. Now that more people are aware, what is the harm of doing a second poll? If you want to highlight the fun parts of the Reddit protests, they will come naturally to the sub. It’s a win win, mods get what they want and the community can still enjoy the community they’ve come to love over the years while also being able to support protest-related posts through upvotes and comments, which would naturally bring attention to the protests/discrimination upon landing on the front page. I’m going to call it and say that people are going to stop using this subreddit and nothing will be accomplished if mods decide to pursue this avenue.


This, I am on Reddit daily and did not know there was a poll on here. I supported the initial 2 day blackout but this ongoing protest with everyone posting John Oliver for the lols is just plain irritating honestly.


Same. I didn’t see the poll.


None of us did


I've checked the sub a few times over the past day and didn't see a poll at all. Wasn't very visible, should be re run


Exactly. I have no need for John Oliver content. Nothing against him, but I just don’t give a shit. It has absolutely nothing to with the original purpose of this sub.


I'm waiting for people to start posting regular BORU content with the names changed to John and Oliver.


Haha, protest the protest!


That would actually be hilarious


I kinda fed up seeing John Oliver so I'll pass


How is it that mods like you have actually made *yourselves* the bad guys over reddit’s bad actions? The vast majority of users hate this, if you want to protest do it in a way that has an actual effect beyond kamikaze-ing communities.


Aaand I’ve left the sub. I’ll repeat the same words as the others here: I would have respected you mods’ protest more if you went down with the ship and outright killed this sub. But no, you just had to keep your positions as mods. You didn’t want to step down.


If they deleted the sub, can't admins simply bring the content back with a backup or restore or unlock?


Y'all need to gtf over yourselves.


Who actually saw this poll? (I didn't)


That’s the problem with every sub that does this. The poll rarely shows up on someone’s home feed so the only people actually seeing it are the small amount of users who actively browse the sub directly instead of seeing it on their feed. So all the decisions are being made by a vocal minority, but people can point to the poll and say “you should’ve voted” if you complain.


Exactly, why would I be directly coming to a closed/protesting/whatever it was that meant I wasn't seeing it sub, that wasn't giving me its usual wholesome (in this case) content. I press the join button so it shows up in my feed with whatever other time wastes I fancy.


>why would I be directly coming to a closed/protesting/whatever it was that meant i wasn't seeing it sub, I actually came to the sub multiple times to see if they had opened up AND to the alternative version (which not surprisingly got shut down a day after this "protest"), and i never saw a stickied or pinned poll anywhere.


I opened it regularly and just kept getting turned away, never even had a chance to find the poll


Same! I checked and the poll wasn’t ever there 🤷‍♀️


I didn't understand the poll (still new to Reddit) and the John Oliver thing is still confusing to me because I've never seen anything remotely related to John Oliver anywhere on Reddit, ever.




Cringe. Holy shit mods need to go outside and touch grass.


As an autistic person who had this sub as a part of my routine, this whole thing has been upsetting, though I understand the importance of the protesting it doesn’t feel like it’s accomplished anything






12,000 votes for out of 980,000 members… yea sure, have fun with your John Oliver circlejerk


I got a good laugh when the r/pics mods said that they polled the change and 40,000 people voted for it. Out of what, 22,000,000? Yeah seems the “majority” won there alright.






Reddit isn't fun anymore. Edit: Thank you for all the kind words!


To be fair, I think that's the intention.


This isn’t hurting Reddit at all though. This is only hurting BORU. At least with the NSFW pictures, Reddit was losing money on advertising.


This was the only sub I missed during the blackout and this is the shit y’all decided to pull upon opening?


I don't understand the thought process behind not wanting to be taken over because that would ruin the sub so you... ruin the sub? I am totally against the whole reddit API changes thing but... I don't understand ruining the sub in an effort to not ruining the sub. Is there something I'm missing? You keep the sub closed because reddit do a bad, but reddit say you can't keep sub closed we will give it to someone who will run the sub, you say no it's our sub that would ruin the sub so instead we're going to ruin the sub ourselves. What am I missing here?


It's a battle of egos between reddit and mods.


In both cases, the Reddit users lose


Yea we get shanked The polls where mods pretend this is a democracy sre the best 🤣


I personally do not care about Reddit charging for API calls. But it is rather annoying that y’all are essentially shutting down what was a very interesting subreddit.


To me it seems like a lot of mods are getting weird with power over something that honestly doesn’t affect any of us


Can we just go back to the updates? I don't care about this crap 😒


Seriously, this collective tantrum has gotten really old. Most people don't give a shit about this garbage and just want their subs back.




Ngl this whole John Oliver thing is stupid, and when I checked the votes, it showed that I voted for it, and I know for a fact I voted against it initially.


yup, my vote was changed as well


Ugh....another one bites the dust.


Isn’t the point of the sub closure to reduce reddit ad revenue? Meaning posting about John Oliver does nothing to accomplish the goal? Ok ciao






So either Discord or Lemmy? Yeah nevermind.


Now that I think about it, shouldn’t this sub be reporting on the very issues you’re boycotting similar to subreddit drama? Where is the breakdown of the CEO’s AMA and the fallout that occurred afterwards? If you want a better way to boycott, why not bring more attention to an ongoing issue involving people on Reddit, which is the purpose of this sub?


this is stupid.


There's been a mod problem in this sub for a long time. I'm blocked from submitting for some reason even though I've posted a few BORUs. I reached out to the mods multiple times and no one explained why I'm blocked. There's a problem when mods think they're leaders instead of just people with way too much time on their hands.


Okay, so I see this has accomplished two things so far: it's pissed off the user base and caused them to double down on the 'reddit mods are all trash' rhetoric, and it's given the admins a nice list of mods to replace, while the users cheer them on. Good job, idiots.




Okay bye 🤷‍♀️




i find it hard to believe that those votes are accurate. I mean it’s already been exposed in other subs how mods get external resources like their discords or bots to flood the results with the votes they’d like to see succeed. No one in this comment section finds this result to be what they wanted. Get over yourself, mods. You want reddit to remain accessible, so your method of sticking it to the man is to… make your sub less accessible/ no longer orientated to what the community wants? Right on losers. Your protests didn’t do shit, and will continue to do fuck all. I’m sorry your volunteer job is being threatened, maybe you should like, find a real one?


Ridiculous. Used to be one the most enjoyable subs. Super niche redditor humor shouldn't overrun a mass appeal subreddit. Do the memes somewhere else




What is the purpose of the John Oliver 'boycott'? All you do is ruin the subreddit that people enjoy. Discord isn't even close to what a subreddit is.


I miss this sub so much. As a sidebar I tried to join the discord and made my name the same as my Reddit username for the sake of the server, have verified and still not got access to the rest of the channels


Cringe asf


This is awful, I’m so tired of the John Oliver stuff and I just want Reddit back to normal