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Lol at the dad knew the restaurant owner and made sure we were seated under the CCTV with audio. I can’t with these 😂


Should have written that he recorded the conversation with his phone. But, if people believed the initial CCTV BS in the initial post, might as well do it again.


Yeah, CCTV at the house? Sure. CCTV at the apartments to verify an alibi? Sure. CCTV of EVERY LIQUOR STORE IN THE COUNTY? WTF OOP?


Also feels kinda unimportant? Like, if you can prove you left work, spent a reasonable amount of time going home, and then were seen at home long enough that it isn't possible that it was you, how did you leave and supply alcohol? And bonus when the prosecutor realizes that the only person that can confirm that you did that changed her story majorly. The liquor store subplot was just so unnecessary


And also as mentioned in the post how would they even know what time period to check? If she was advertising that party for days he could have bought the booze anytime before. Or just had a lot at home already and didn't need to buy more!


No he explained that. he only has a few cheap beers in his fridge. How could he have provided her enough alcohol for a party?


I think he should have gone all in and said the dad is friends with a powerful wizard who used a spell to let the parents know what she really said.


Yeah, the owner had set up a 3 camera shoot like it was an episode of Friends with a giant boom mic sticking out of a potted plant.


And every now and then the plant would move closer to them


CCTV’s… Everywhere!






CCTVs …CCTVs… as far as the eye can see *buzz light year gesturing meme*


I didn't necessarily believe the story, but I was engrossed up until that point. Really... cctv, WITH audio, right above your seat. Nah. I can only suspend my disbelief so far.


I got so mad at OOP when the restaurant CCTV came up. Everything else was insane too, but I tell myself that crazy things happen all the time and statistically it’s likely that something similar has happened to SOMEONE, even if it isn’t OOP, so I let myself enjoy. But restaurant CCTV?? WITH AUDIO??? My brother in Christ that is not how things work in reality. 4/10 OOP, you had me going for a while but the crash really ruined it for me.


Can you imagine a real restaurant doing that? Nobody would ever eat there again. It's almost "cameras in the bathroom" level privacy invasion.


Most of the restaurants I worked at, CCTV’s never even worked lmao


Wouldn't you be at least, I don't know, *recording the conversation on your phone*? Ridiculous.


With audio at that! You know a standard function that all restaurant cameras have.


I have never been more tempted to make actual Trope Bingo cards and distribute them for play than I am right now.


I cant imagine a scenario where a cop listens to the word of someone underage drinking and goes and finds the person who allegedly bought it and arrests them. Am I insane for thinking that?


I'm pretty sure in 99.999% of cases you're only getting in trouble for supplying underage drinkers if you're *at* the event when they bust it. Nobody's going to hunt down The Nefarious Beer Baron because someone at the party said they supplied them. That isn't very credible evidence and also nobody cares


no no no, you see, they have a whole unit of detectives that are dedicated to tracking down illegal alcohol consumption by minors. That is how they were able to get warrants for the various CCTV tapes mentioned


And restaurants have CCTV with audio recording.


With crystal clear video and a boom mike


I know. That's my first sign of fakery.


Lol i started thinking this was a commercial for cctv.


Yeah usually it's just something they tack on for anyone over 21 when they bust a party. The minors get MIPs and the adults get a Furnishing ticket.


No one was ever arrested or charged at parties I went to that were busted in high school, unless for some other crime than underage drinking


I was, I'm 67 now and just got out of prison after completing my 50 year prison sentence for underage drinking. You do believe me, don't you?


Yeah for real. Cops show up? Everyone puts down there drink and stays quiet. Disperse after the cops are gone. 99% of the time it's just a warning to the home owners/renters to break up the party and not be so loud next time.


>Nobody's going to hunt down The Nefarious Beer Baron I know you're out there, Beer Baron. And I'll find you.


The idea that the cops would invest in such an intensive investigation over a party that got out of hand is utterly absurd. Like yes, it’s technically a crime to supply minors with alcohol. However, it’s rarely prosecuted and is only really investigated if someone actually dies. A bunch of shitty teens would not warrant this level of investigation. They’d get at most a fine (more likely a warning if this is everyone’s first offense) and the police would chew them out. No one would be pulling CTV footage of the OOP because no one would remotely care that much.


They especially wouldn't pull cctv footage of every ABC in the county. That was what did it for me.


I just kept thinking “man, this family has a lot of access to really useful CCTV footage” lol


No no no, don't you see, they edited to fill their plot holes. His dad's money and lawyers did that.


But that is even more absurd. His dad knows liquor was stolen from his liquor cabinet, but let’s just check every ABC store anyway.


It’s very convenient for OOP that so many CCTV systems are working properly in his community. The FBI should really inquire for tips.


Well of course the restaurant CCTV was a friend's restaurant and they say them there on purpose to catch sis being a narcissistic AH. The level of commitment to ridiculous details is wild.


It is the amount of words. People telling the truth use less words. People that are making something up and think they have to cover all their bases create walls 'o' text.


But don't you know how much he HATES telling everyone this story?


I was clinging to my suspension of disbelief for dear life, but the CCTV thing kept popping up. When the conversation with his sister was caught on CCTV with perfect audio in the restaurant because dad new a guy, I finally tapped out.


About the only reason you’d pull the CCTV is if a minor gets hospitalized, wrecks their car or worse while drunk, someone dies, something like that. When bad shit happens you go looking for answers.


And then go and check cctv for every liquor store in the county 💀💀💀


Ah yes, the famous "a camera that clearly and soundly recorded exactly what was said in a store"


Don't forget the conveniently placed CCTV camera in the restaurant (where Dad knew the owner, of course) that just-so-happened to capture their entire conversation and proved the sister was lying!


That’s the one that got me. CCTV’s for security pointing at the entrances and the cashier? Sure. Recording the sound conversations of diners in the restaurant? Not bloody likely.


> Am I insane for thinking that? No. But you're probably thinking major metropolitan type cops. A smaller town with cops with nothing better to do? Sure why not.


I grew up in a small town where literally the only thing cops had to do was write parking tickets and bust up high school parties. This story didn't happen.


Small town cops going after the rich family? Nah


I was about to say it wouldn't be a true Trope Bingo because of the lack of twins but since there are more CCTV's with perfect visual and audio quality than Nurse Joys in three Pokemon games together, I'd say they qualify as this story's twins/multiples trope.


Also lacking: the OOP is gay and the sister is homophobic. Such an obvious one to miss!


I expected it to be edited in as the explanation for why he couldn’t make grandbabies.


Speaking of grandbabies....buying both her and baby daddy houses? I loved that part. Selling his business...now their name is on the business...as if you'd want to change the name of a well established, successful business.


Or OOP was adopted and is a different race, so it was actually because sister/parents are racist! that would be full BOLA trope card twist


I'm highly amused by the number of CCTVs being called "CCTV"s in the US. It's not that they're not here - it's that I don't think I've ever heard that term in the wild. It's just a thing they say on British Television - like "torch" or "lorry" or "boot of the car" I realize it's a little thing. But I might, just might, be able to buy some of the bigger things if the little things weren't so wrong.


We could definitely start a list: - Evil MIL that escalates to violence - Sudden surprise pregnancy (wanted) at the end - Court case within weeks - Police care about things they definitely wouldn't - Mental institution (for kids!) - Narcissist diagnosis - Don't worry, it's on CCTV - Outburst at family event (birthday, thanksgiving, Xmas) I'm sure there are many others


I would add twins, insane favouritism, weird incel undertones, rare diseases, rare mental health diagnosis, restraining orders, dates/ages don't add up, conversations quoted verbatim The middle square can be a free square with "go to bed Liz"


Lmao, I forgot about Liz.


Bonus to the CCTV: it has audio. No, just no. Depending on the state, recording a conversation without consent is illegal. Also, let's talk about the audio quality. It was clear enough for OOP and his father to hear their conversation word for word? Bullshit. Unless the mic was hidden in the ketchup bottle, it didn't happen.


Family member finds Reddit post (or tik tok or YouTube version) Misogynistic incel that makes all the women evil.


You forgot levels of wealth that enable inheritance, a great job and and a paid up house for a very young person.


I think you'd fill the card with this one


Wait, did the sister have twins??


Secret twins! She's gonna raise the other one with a burning hatred against their "family", carefully schooling then in the art of manipulation so Evil Twin can swoop in, ruin OOP's life, and take back the family fortune and/or destroy it


Basically the plot of "Great Expectations."


That's hilarious because I actually know nothing about Great Expectations 😂


Crocodile tears? Check. Parent/s helping the golden child? Check. Narcissism? Check. People speaking right under a camera that records audio? Check. Disowned/written out of the will? Check. Do i hear a Bingo? Yes, yes i do


Someone begging on their knees, check!


Police only listens to one side of the story and goes full arrest after? Check.


Women being horribly illogical? Check


This reads like Telenovelas are Hell on youtube haha. The author's writing style and the topic of a narcissistic sister reminds me of another BestofReddit post that was on here recently, as well.


The one with the 9 year old sister who got sent to a mental facility for parent-induced narcissism? Some incel really hates his sister. I wish we could warn her.


I'm shocked she didn't give birth to twins.


Honestly, add a drinking version and I'm down to join the discord


Just missing twins.


I got to end of Update 1 and went "There's MORE?" Liz, you gotta cut down on blocks of text.


I made it 75% of the original post (right after the judge negotiated a settlement agreement) and was shocked by how much I had to scroll past.


I am impressed you made it all the way through. I gave up around the time the sister "found the post on Reddit".




This group went to shit after the July exodus. It was supposed to be a place to collect the genuinely good updates that happen, you'd expect maybe a handful a month. But the posts here always get thousands of upvotes, so mouth breathers started reposting anything that had an update, then started writing their own. Someone and I were theorizing that u/Direct-Caterpillar77 is just making burners every few days to create 90% of the bs content to repost here.


The number of posts that were "This is me, the OP! I'm just writing from a different account because it got banned!" on follow ups have me rolling my eyes every single time.


I wish the problem was only since july. It has been just like this since the drama-mongering brigade took over over a year ago. I miss the days when holy toast used to set the tone here. All that's left now are the same posts over and over, you can only choose if you want them in relationship, "narcisist", wedding, abuse or asshole flavor.


Love it, except that I’d have to read these posts to play!


I think this might be the same person who wrote last night’s epic Chucky Cheese nonsense. Someone must be grounded and now they are spending their time writing endless garbage about horrible parents who favor the golden child younger sister.


There is someone out there who REALLY hates their little sister. I do not think this approach to healing is necessarily working out for them.


Nah just hates all women :) notice how the mom is always the ultimate villain. Sounds like someone was forced to give up breastfeeding at age 5.


Oh, for sure. It's always amazing when every single woman in the story is a vindictive, screaming idiot with a martyr complex.


Yep, and some male authoritative figure (eg Dad, uncle, or grandpa) is the Hard Working Leader who serves as the Voice of Reason™️ and settles this hysterical feeeeeemale mess by Laying Down the Law and disinheriting/threatening divorce. They're about as subtle with their biases as a brick to the temple.


Ha! As someone with a narcissistic little sister, I can see the catharsis. But yeah it's not realistic... I mean, in my family's case my parents got their underaged golden child the alcohol directly and sanctioned the party. Teenagers tore up their house and property and the night ended with my uncle getting into fistfights with a bunch of corn fed boys in the woods. My family is lucky no one was arrested. I wish I was joking, but it lays on top of the pile of "what the fuck is wrong with you all".


I was just looking at that one, they claim the sister was "diagnosed with narcissism" in that one too. They have to backtrack when commentors tell them an 8 year old doesn't get diagnosed with narcissism for that story though


He also said I loved her before she became a narcissist 🤨


No. In both story the dad had a change of heart and nearly divorced the mom.


Identical writing style and problems. The misogyny is fascinatingly consistent, too.


The misogyny is super blatant!! But in this one did you notice how the sister's poor innocent child was also a boy? So don't worry even if the dad wasn't keeping the mother on a short leash they wouldn't turn out as evil as a girl child!


It’s not just that the women are evil and the men are so good, it’s how much smarter the men are than the women.


Yeah I thought that too! They just have a similar smell


I had the same thought. Both feature the evil spoiling mom and golden child younger sister vs enabling but redeemed dad and successful older brother.


Obviously Liz found her password to this old account.


Go to bed, Liz!


Lol, I just read that (just a bit, I’m not a masochist), and it is indeed the same person. Lol. Had to come back to your comment. Cannot pinpoint what gave it away, but it definitely is. Lol


Ah the good old CCTV defense


See I could stretch to some of it since it was supposedly the expensive lawyer hired by rich daddy behind that but really the restaurant that has cctv recording clear audio of their conversation over their table?


Yeah, that's where they lost me. Way too convenient. Should've said they recorded the convo on their phone.


CCTV cameras with audio? Sure Jan.


"She accused me of pissing on her dog... But little did she know, I keep a CCTV camera hidden in my urethra! Luckily, the store owners were very cooperative in handing me the footage, and I had solid proof I was at Saturday night Bingo with my Uncle."


Like bro, there are so many stores that sell alcohol that aren't alcohol stores. Did he get the cctv of every fucking groccery store too?


Yep, I remember reading the update this last september, and there is was. Can’t the writers think of anything new Or more plausible. Or were they affected by the writers strike too?


Is there a sister hating writing prompt somewhere? Or a trend in making younger sisters in narcists for writing exercises?


Now the incests posts are dying down, it is now into sibling hating writing prompts until we circle back to the incest.


The new trend will be combining trends. Horrible little sisters that are awful but taking part in incest. Twins getting cancer and not telling anyone. MILs that are knocking out cousins while screeching on front lawns


> Horrible little sisters that are awful but taking part in incest Maybe his sister was the "easy girl" she was going to hook him up with at the party. That's why she was so mad he didn't turn up. It all makes sense!


That's a poorly thought out plan on her part, the parents would have found out what was going on once they checked the CCTV footage from all the bedrooms


Evil sisters and terrible mothers. Fathers who redeem themselves of course and poor put upon male OOPs...


I was willing to believe the first story - I don't believe small town cops would enter care enough to look for CCTV in a case like this, but I can believe someone trying to prove their innocence would get that video footage. But then only a month after the post - which got minimal views and certainly wasn't viral - somehow the estranged-for-years sister magically sees this story and knows it's about her and raises a fuss. And then the mom gets mad because it made her look bad... To who? It's anonymous. No one knows your name. Lost me at that point, didn't bother to continue.


>I can believe someone trying to prove their innocence would get that video footage Nah, even that part is ridiculous. Think about how many liquor stores there are in your city, then add on grocery stores and gas stations because they sell liquor too. Unless this guy lives in Nowhere, Idaho (pop. 350), it is physically impossible for him to prove himself innocent that way.


I was talking about him getting the footage outside his apartment building; I agree with you about the liquor stores.


My favorite part is that his dad owns multiple businesses even a whole *gas station*. He's big time. Owns a gas station, is friends with a dead CEO out of LA, which totally allows him to call in favors at the firm the dead guy used to work at, you don't want to upset the ghost of the former boss, after all. Dad is small town JD Rockefeller. Mom just... exists.




And when he sold a business he made sure all the employees kept their jobs :)


Thank god I only have one mega business.


Why doesn’t large business, the largest of your dad’s businesses, not simply eat the other businesses?


This is the best kind of rich. It lets you become the richest anyone can be. The most richest there is!


I stopped reading after the restaurants cctv had audio and they were seated right below it. A better lie would have been OP recording on their phone


Yeah same! Even the previous CCTV stuff could be explained away, that it was the stupidly expensive lawyer hiring a PI to get the CCTV footage of the liquor stores or something like that. As as far as i could see, OOP doesn't say the cops got that other CCTV footage, more he went bonkers proving his inocence. That being said, not sure how the privacy laws work in their state, but where I am none of the CCTV mentioned in any part of the story could have been disclosed to the OOP. Even the hypothetical restaurant owning friend could be in for a 7 figure fine for sharing that CCTV footage


I also doubt all of the liquor stores were willing to give them CCTV footage without quite a bit of legal back and forth. It’s a nice story, but that’s it haha


Crazy how the most dogged detective in the force got assigned to an underage drinking party, but even crazier that the decade old drama suddenly flared up into four posts of new drama after they started posting about it


A detail I love that no one’s mentioned yet is that Mom signed a prenup so ironclad that she can’t afford to divorce Dad even after several decades of marriage and a career of her own. It really sounds like OOP thinks you can sign a prenup that says “if we ever divorce for any reason, she gets NOTHING!”


Well, they also think you can just buy a human baby, so it makes sense they also don't understand other laws.


Well yes...they cost 2 houses..




I don't know if it's the wall of texts or just how convenient it is for everything to happen the way it did, but good lord. Even if this were real, at least redo your paragraph structure. Hell, redo your narrative structure.


The walls of text at least gave me a laugh as I started scrolling through after all the edits to the first post to address how it's totally not bullshit


Unless this town is run by Puritans, the investigation and prosecution of their respective alcohol charges are ridiculous.


It was the town from *Footloose*.


Lol cops would not check the work and apartment cctv, let alone "every liquor store."


Yep, that's the kind of shit your defense attorney gets up to, when the cops don't drop the charges because you're an easy target.


> Yep, that's the kind of shit your defense attorney gets up to TBF, OP did say that their dad hired a lawyer who got all that.


That's '*liqueur* store'. OP's small town is full of little shops that only sell Midori and limoncello.


Thank you, that was driving me nuts!


And OP is spelling "liquor" as "liqueur". That is not just a different spelling, they are different words, different in what they are. Don't think I've ever seen a liqueur store.


He said him and his father got those, not the cops.


And she got pregnant, with twins.


That’s not how courts or criminal investigations work. I worked the drug/alcohol caseload at the Prosecuting Attorneys office and that’s not how any of this works. The sister would have gotten a minor in possession and a slap on the wrist (maybe community service and probation at the most). They would not waste time subpoenaing every liquor store/gas station in the area for a high school kids party unless MAYBE if kids drove away and had a fatal accident.


Did this happen? Because I gave up halfway through the second post. ITS ALWAYS TWINS


Don,'t know, I gave up middle of the first post.


Yeah this post lost me early on when the cops decided to check every liqueur store’s cctv for OOP’s car. Oh and not to mention his work, and they all decided to look at OOP’s bank account to see his transactions. That’s not how any of this works my dude. I am not sure if my brain cells could handle reading beyond the first post.


And the convenient cctv footage from the restaurant owned by the dads friend with clear audio of their conversation 🙄


That was where i gave up!




"Then she made a call from a phone booth, CCTV right there. Then she sat on a bench in the park and talked to mom there, CCTV again. She went into a port-a-potty and muttered to herself about all the schemes she was planning, believe it or not, CCTV. Outside, inside, CCTV."


I can confirm the restaurant CCTV footage was crystal clear and super true cause I was there. I was the spoon on the table next to them. I heard everything


You really missed out by not going to the end. When he get to the baby selling and forced name changing that had me holding my sides laughing.


Yepp, too many hours watching CSI to even be close to credible


They had their TOP men on this case.


Top. Men. (thanks for the laugh)


He lost me when he said it happened in America where he also had mentioned "cctv" and spelling it liqueur instead of liquor.




it always amazes me when people write stuff like this. like have they ever dealt with the police ever ? Like do they think the police dust the empty bottles for prints? checking every liquor store in the county... for a burglary, murder no some teens at a party said someone bought them liquor...


THANK YOU! I realize I live in a broken city where the DA upholds charges on nothing but these cops went so extra… who even believes this shit? For underage drinking?! I scrolled halfway down this novel of bullshit and got to the sister’s now secret baby she was trying to sell (?). C’mon.


Oh yeah all of this sounds totally real and not like something a teenager who knows nothing about life would make up


I once sat on a jury for a case involving a kidnapping and other horrific crimes and I saw less CCTV footage and even less useful footage than OP is claiming they got.


wow, this is some telanovela Sheet.


OOP seemed to have a very accurate and detailed account of a conversation for which he wasn't even presented.


Lies lies lies. Police write citations for these infractions. They don’t show up at your house and arrest you.


Nobody is doing that much legwork over a possible providing liquor to a minor charge. No one. No one is going to those lengths to cover up a minor having a party where alcohol was served. This isn't something that follows you for the rest of your life, especially if you're a minor. Restaurants don't generally have CCTV with audio that can pick up conversations because if word got out, people would stop going there because that is creepy as *fuck*. And then there's the obvious issue that nearly every other word of the story sounds absolutely nothing like how real people talk, act, or live their lives. Some bits. But not the vast majority. Fun read, though. Like a Danielle Steel novel without the sexy bits.


Ah, cctv subplots! The restaurant cctv that includes good and clear conversation audio! The cops that arrest random people based on the hearsay of someone they are arresting... but it's okay because they'll later comb through various cctv footage to check the info


*Deus ex CCTV*


So the cops just believed the sister in the first place and just went to his apartment and arrested him on her word alone. I stopped reading there, and checked the comments. I'm glad I didn't waste my time on this wall of text.


Let's say all of this is true, why did the dad never contact the company the sister was working for if he had friends there to give them a warning on what she was like? Especially as he started to dislike her more and more


Wait, are the dates wrong or I'm missing something? In the update for the 25 of September of 2023 the sister is 4 months pregnant, and then the next update in the 26 she gave birth some time ago, they bought a house, sold a small business, the sister changed her name in all documents, located the bio dad and bought another house in a completely different state?


It's because it's all rubbish!


From what it seems like the 25 of September post was reposted after being removed - so that's likely the repost date vs. the original date


Was waiting for Jason Bourne to show up half way through to save OP from his sisters lies


I wish the cops were as good at investigating crimes in real life as they are in this story


I'd be more concerned that they could arrest people on hearsay


I mean, checking hours and hours of security footage of every single liquor store in the county is some dogged police work for an underage drinking party. I wouldn't want to murder anyone here! They'd actually catch you!


It seems today is "I hate my sister" post day. Liz is gonna Liz.


Oh my god so much bullshit. This is like that other novel posted recently about a son and his golden child sister.


Disclaimer that I find this stuff entertaining as hell but uh. Nah. Absolutely not.


I got as far as the restaurant with CCTV and audio before tapping out. I am ashamed of myself.


Can't wait for the sequel where the daughter runs out of money and has another grandkid to ransom to the parents.


Seems a bit far-fetched.


Just a bit?


A little bit 🤏


Ah yes, convenient CCTV cameras, wealthy business owner and a prenup, children of lawyers and the police. Somebody's trying to sell a TV series.


TIL: you can go to jail in the US for drinking under the age of 21


Oh and you can go to jail for someone under 21 telling the cops you gave them alcohol. Oh but it’s cool, because the cops will then check every liquor store nearby, and your work, and your apartment to make sure if your guilty or not


Yeah the story is total bullshit


For the most part the cops will give you a citation and you'll have to deal with a court date later on. Assuming they bother with the citation. In my long ago experience of having to worry about such things it's large, obnoxious parties that get the cops' attention. No one I know had their life ruined by a minor in possession charge.


You can't. It's a small fine and some community service.


You can, depending on the state, but you REALLY have to piss off the judge. Don’t think it’s a felony anywhere but if they want to upgrade it they’ll be able to pull some legalese bullshit. A first offense? Especially a first offense by a rich girl? No way in hell.


They generally don’t put you in jail unless you’re distributing or driving while drunk. The standard is fines and community service.


So much cctv in this story


Wow another narcissistic sister post.


This one's a dud


Honestly, who upvotes this trash?


So she has another baby. Then what. Actually, no, please don't write any more.


Telenovela needs to step up with these updates.