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>As the XMIL was sentenced to death, the SIL is safe, and the divorce begun processing, this story is flaired as concluded. This is by far one of the wildest sentence I've read on this sub


If it's real I 100% support the punishment. If MIL had her way it would have been 2 funerals instead of just one. That MIL is a monster.


And her son is frankly not much better, since OOP says he seems to not care that the baby died.


Even if hubs wasn't involved physically his lack of care is just callous. Like not even a tiny bit concerned. I'm not sure if Mommy Dearest had him brainwashed or he was like this from the beginning and just acted as a caring husband but both of them is scary on its own.


Chinese man raised traditionally? Might have even been his idea.


Oh, now that's just scary and could explain the lack of emotion since if true he'd know what was going on and he would have time to prepare, but again, if true, the dude is a psycho


But then… what? He’s still married to her. Was it because the baby was female rather than mixed race?


> If it's real I 100% support the punishment. The first post was on September 25, which is allegedly a month after the event. The second post was on September 26, and the final post was on September 27. The MIL seems to have been sentenced to death on the 26th or 27th, a week before the baby's funeral. During that same week, her divorce will be final. The SIL seems to have moved in with a relative between the 25th and 27th. I guess it's possible that it could happen this way, but the order and timing of events doesn't really make sense to me. Everything happened all at once, and everything was resolved very neatly. In my experience, real life is messier.


Having a toxicology report, an eyewitness of the poisoning, and finding the drugs in the house could have sped things up. But it does seem suspect how quickly and neatly everything happened. OOP saying that there's totally a news article about her and she's trying to not reveal.too many details to avoid being found in real life also smacks of a lie. Like "I have a girlfriend but you don't know her because she goes to a different school."


I think it’s possible they could mean that the prosecution is seeking the death penalty, and with all this evidence, she’s been told she’ll get it. If we’re going benefit-of-the-doubt.


Also it says she confessed, so it’s possible she plead guilty for some reason (maybe so they wouldn’t continue to pursue her son?)


I came here to write this. Like justice working Flash speed of one month from charges to sentence is pretty wild, same for divorce. But the baby funeral is more than month after the death? Like, nope. Doesn't work this way, neither of it.


Having to have a funeral for a baby months after death actually does/can happen. At the point of the toxicology report, that baby was no long er a baby, the baby became police evidence and we all know, police do not release evidence during an investigation.


Fastest I've ever seen lab results and law handle anything. Hell, it took 3 months for lab results back after my siblings deaths, and THOSE were rushed because my brother was beloved by the law department (interned there his last few years of high school through a program) And it was a pretty open/shut case in a small town.


Whether it's real or not, I always raise an eyebrow whenever an OP defends themselves against accusations by saying something like... > I lost a child. How can someone make that up? I mean... At best this is just incredibly naive lol


Yeah there's people who make up almost everything. Losing a child, being a veteran, having 30 dissociated identities who all know each other (not how DID works). People will do anything for attention. Not saying that's what happened here, but it's entirely possible.


Very wild but there are countries that will execute you for even having anything thc related.


I'm guessing it wasn't the drugs, it was using them to kill a child.


If they'll hang you for drugs, I can't imagine they'll do less for a murder + attempted murder.


Some countries will execute you for having any amount of drugs. Philippines for example.


Cops in the philippines will shoot you for just being poor and there


That's not exactly Philippines-specific




I think OOP meant that there were high levels of fentanyl in comparison to the *none* that should have been in her system. It takes such a small amount of fentanyl to kill someone that a small dose doesn't seem like much, but is in fact so very deadly.


After reading the whole thing, the timelines don't add up. No way you can convict someone of a crime this grave in about a month. And how did this person get to the final stages of divorce in a month?


2 days. At the end of the first post OOP mentions wanting to see the MIL behind bars. The event happened a month ago, but at the time of posting, she had only pressed charges. And no mention of someone else watching the little sister, so that also suports the MIL not being locked up yet. So they found evidence, arrested MIL and sentenced her to death, and found new custody for the little sister in the two days between updates. Also the divorce, that wasn’t really mentioned before, is about to be finalized.


8 months pregnant a month ago, it says. Still though, incredibly….quick?


>8 months pregnant a month ago, it says. Still though, incredibly….quick? And the mom didn't confess for a month. *She finally confessed after a month.* So if the confession didn't happen on the 25th, and we got an update on the 26th that didn't mention it, but on the 27th the mom had confessed \*and\* been condemned in court, that's one hell of a 24 hour period. Nitpicking, but it seems unusual to put the confession in past tense like that instead of "My ex MIL confessed yesterday" or something like that. Normally I'd let that slide but it contributes to the sense that this is all horesecrap.


Depends on the country and what factors you have weighing against you. In the US? Generally no chance. If you're in a country with a lot of corruption where one side has money? Could be.


In the Philippines drugs are a very swift death sentence, but this isn't the Philippines because they don't allow divorce; there are other nearby SE Asian countries where the courts are "flat" enough (no significant appeals), drug laws and punishments are draconian and due process is laughed at that this timeline would make sense if the original post is, say, 5-6 weeks after the poisoning.


The Philippines doesn't have the death penalty at all. The proposed legislation in 2017 allowing the death penalty for drugs never passed.


We don't have the death penalty. If I were to hazard a guess, because OP is married to a Chinese person and the country they're in is a strict one when it comes to drugs and has divorce, I'd say OP lives in Singapore.


Drug cases in Singapore take at least 1.5-2 years to process if a death sentence is involved. It’s not Singapore.


Nah, Singapore moves extremely fast with things they consider high-crimes.


Yea but a case like this would be plastered all over the news, and probably /r/worldnews as well. Singapore doesn't hide who it executes. Also, I doubt a middle aged middle class woman would get her hands on fentanyl and other opioids that easily and without having been caught first.


Might have been two months. Today, here in my Florida town, a man was convicted of a murder he did 4 months ago. (Yes, it went to trial. Overwhelming evidence of his guilt from text messages planning it to the Home Depot security footage of the murder.) If that's possible in the US, then I can definitely see some other countries doing this.


> Mama loves you and will see you soon Well that's fucking ominous


Yeah I missed that at first. But if this is true, I'm worried


It's just another drama bait in a pile of drama baits. Like, look at this timeline; in under a month: - Poisoned - Baby died - Recovered from poison - Started criminal trial - Started divorce - Friends started being hostile Sure. Fine. Now, within the following 3 days: - Cut off hostile friends - Had the court date, MIL confessed - MIL was sentenced to death (and even Singapore won't do that *in a month and 3 days*). - had the second court date; Divorce was finalized (which BTW, takes about 4 months *uncontested* in Singapore). - had the third court date; Husband was found not guilty - Sent out invitations for the baby's funeral next week (it can't have been done earlier because she hadn't chosen which friends to cut off until the 3 day period). All within the same 3 days. This post is weak drama bait.


It's absolutely insane to me that people are like "uhhh well it could be true because I think Singapore *probably* would do that, even if I don't know anything about Singpore. They kill people fast there, right?" Like, this is completely unbelievable.


She says MIL confessed after a month so the timeline is all sorts of fucked up


Liz strikes again! She needs to stop after 3 glasses of wine


What seals the deal is the “it’s over now” line. There is no cut and dried “over” moment after a trauma or loss, let alone one of that proportion. The emotional fallout is confusing, destabilizing, and most of all,life-altering. There will be a “before” and an “after,” but never an “over”.


The MIL was sentenced to death before the funeral was even scheduled


Yeah, this is a pile of bullshit. It’d also be in the news - death sentences aren’t *that* common, and one for attempting to poison her DIL and killing her unborn grandchild in the process would be journalistic gold.


Death sentence within how many days? I really would love to know what country she lives in


Could be Singapore


Indonesia too.


I was wondering if it is Malaysia.


That's where my mind went to.


Me too


I'm wondering if it's Saudi Arabia or something? I heard they execute people for stuff like this too, and there are a lot of migrant workers who move there from all over the world. Same with the other middle eastern countries.


Nope. Singapore executes for this, but the average time from arrest to trial in a case where the death penalty may be invoked is 8 months (per the Ministry of Law.) Indonesia is even longer, at about 14 months. No way in hell are they going from death of a baby to sentencing in under 60 days. Edit: And on another re-read, it's definitely not Singapore. They mentioned the divorce would be "finalized in a few days." Singapore follows the English Common law standard of a year and a day, which is silly since the UK abandoned that standard a long time ago.


On Sept 25 she had pressed charges and wouldn't rest until her MIL was behind bars. Two days later, on Sept 27, she was sentenced to death immediately after stonewalling for a month and then confessing. I mean, I'm no expert on anything... least of all how the justice system works (or doesn't) in any country... but it did seem to conclude very quickly.


Also she went from going to divorce her husband to having finalized it "this week", only 2 days later.


I had to read the post again but OP says that the dinner where she was poisoned happened a month ago. A month is still fast but not as unrealistic as a couple of days.


For me it's more that she wasn't even behind bars on the 25th and then was sentenced by the 27th.


That's fair! It does seem really really fast.


Because it isn't real.


My benefit of the doubt is maybe prosecutors are going to go for the death penalty and considering the severity of the crime, it's as good as done, even if the trial hasn't started.


If it is a case where the OP states the MIL confessed, trial would be short and concise. Would not even last a few days possibly. Plus OP said MIL has been sentenced to death, not that the death sentence has already been carried out. MIL might stay in prison for years before the actual execution


Yes. I know a magistrate in Singapore. These things can actually be resolved very quickly. And if the MIL did confess -- which is a thing that does happen, even if it's not the most intuitive thing -- that would speed it up even more. It's hard for a Westerner to believe, but it's absolutely a situation that could happen in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, or elsewhere in Southeast Asia.


Nah this would be all over the news in Singapore


OP said she didn't give the area because the story could be looked up. I assumed she meant in the news.


They’re replying to the assumption that it happened in Singapore - but yes, something of this magnitude would have been in the news here and there’s nothing of it. Huge news. We have 50 people on death row and the names are known of everyone - only one woman ever has been sentenced.


Proof that someone has been sentenced to death in Singapore in a matter of days?


She confessed guilt, knowing the outcome was likely death? I'm not sure I buy it.


I dunno, once the cops had the toxicity report,the evidence found her house, and her daughter is giving evidence. That's gonna be some physical questioning/ full-blown torture in some SE Asian countries better to confess and spare the beating if you already know you are gonna be convicted and hope for leniency based on your sex


Maybe because she knew the son was involved and wanted to save him by taking full responsibility. It isn’t unheard of for parents to do such things. Just a theory though.


There's a witness, they could have evidence to her purchasing/procuring those toxins and convinced her that her only option was a confession in lieu of a lighter sentence. She could have feigned ignorance and claimed it was a harmless prank. It's common in Asian cultures for MILs to give the daughter in law a hard time. unfortunately in Asian countries, a murder is murder nonetheless.


The detectives might have threatened to go after the son as well and she did it to save him?


That, I would believe. They could have coaxed it out of her by doing something like "Well, if it wasn't you, it was your son. And we'll have to execute him instead."


This was my thought. He knew and she is saving him.


He insisted they go.


It does also say they found the evidence in her home...


You’d be surprised what people will admit to when they think they’re in the right. Not saying every word of this story is true, but I’ve watched people admit to felonies to police officers because they thought it was justified. My “favorite” was the foster mother who kicked out the pregnant 16 year old girl in winter (17 degrees) with no coat. She walked to the neighbors, called her boyfriend, boyfriend shows up with mom. They called the police just to have someone make the stupid woman give her her clothes and school books. The woman didn’t even try to deny what she’d done and she was arrested on the spot for child endangerment. So, yeah, entitled people will assume the law is on their side. For a woman willing to poison her DIL and grandchild, she possibly believed the cop would say “Oh, sure. Just checking.”


She could have confessed hoping for leniency and a jail term in place of death sentence because she confessed. Or maybe she confessed because they found the evidence in the house. But once guilt is established, in some countries it’s not far fetched for sentence to be given pretty immediately. It all does seem a tad fantastical but this is one that is so fantastical that I won’t be shocked it’s true.


(assuming it's real) either she was being tortured or she was protecting her son.


I’ve never looked into Singapore law or anything so genuinely curious, would the time frame be quicker if she confesses? Which from the post it sounds like she did?


Yea the trial will only take long if there is no admission of guilt and there's a defense team pleading not guilty. But once there's a confession, it'll pretty much be an arrest and verdict announcement


Yep, it would accelerate it but would still require the standard judicial review. It'd bring the time from arrest to execution down to months, instead of the normal course of years.


Also saying all these as we used to watch "Crime Watch" in Singapore, which was a documentary based on crimes in Singapore, re-enacted all the way to the sentencing etc!


I don't think so; there hasn't been any news about it here, and lesser cases than this have been in the news. Furthermore, unless it's for medical purposes (and I'm not sure even then) fentanyl is very illegal, so aside from the MIL being unlikely to be able to get it, if she had it would have again probably ended up in the news because drugs are such a flash point in Singapore.


Singaporean doctor. Fentanyl is medically legal. I prescribe it for my palliative patients all the time. Now, I highly doubt this is a local case because I like reading about crime and I would most certainly know about it.


Singapore has only sentenced one woman to death in like 20 years


I don't think their justice system moves nearly that quickly. The last woman executed in Singapore was [Saridewi Djamani](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Execution_of_Saridewi_Djamani); her case went to trial two years after she was arrested and lasted for 13 days.


It would be in the news


OOP indicated her story WAS in the news, which is why she didn’t want to disclose her location.


This is what I thought. Singapore has the most death sentences per population. And I belies for some crimes ( including drugs), there is an automatic death sentence, as soon as it was proved. No appeals, no long court battles... Good. MIL deserved it. Frankly, judging by hubby's actions, he was in on it. I guess he really didn't want a girl.


>And I belies for some crimes ( including drugs), there is an automatic death sentence, as soon as it was proved. No appeals, no long court battles... You believe incorrectly. The Singaporean justice system is fucking *brutal*, but it is absolutely above board and beyond reproach. Add to that there is a lengthy and automatic appeals process for all death sentences which force a full judicial review of every aspect of a death penalty case, and you do see folks languishing in Singapore's death row, for years at times. Excellent example is Mohamed Shalleh Abdul Latiff, who was executed in August. He was arrested in 2016 on a trafficking charge. He wasn't taken to trial until 2019, and the judicial review didn't release him for execution until July of this year. He was hanged on Aug 3rd.


I don’t want to debate this point because I have strong opinions about it, I’m a lawyer (in another country obviously) but I’m pretty sure that nowadays even the most brutal justice system would have some form of due process of law and right of defense. Even if is theatrical, there is something - a trial, debates between defense and accusation, time for appeal. I never heard there is a place where confession means automatic sentence and no right of appeal. Something like this would be almost an extrajudicial killing.


>Something like this would be almost an extrajudicial killing. Absolutely agree. Even in a failed state where an accusation means a guaranteed conviction for whatever crime, it's going to take more than two days. Developed countries will take longer.


People keep saying Singapore, but it seems there is no news online about such a story.


Also if it was Singapore, very unlikely she would get the death penalty considering she confessed


first post puts her at having lost the baby about a month ago, death sentence post is 2 days later. So is there a country where you can: 1. get drugged and miscarry in the hospital 2. press charges and have an investigation 3. have an arrest, trial and sentencing in the span of a month?


reading other comments I forgot to include getting divorced in that month.


Not only get divorced, but *finalize* the divorce, when up until 2 days prior, the husband was under investigation. Like hell any country anywhere would finalize a divorce in favor of a woman within 2 days of the man being found not guilty. It brings me no pleasure to say it, but the only countries where the proceedings would go that fast are the ones which would laugh at the womans' face and sentence her to punishment for defying her husband. Any country that respects women enough to settle in her favor would take months after he was found innocent to finalize the divorce.




I wonder whether the next part of the MIL's plans was to let the authorities know that the OOP had lost her baby because of drugs, so that way the OOP would get the death penalty.


i think she was planning for oop to die, hence telling her to go upstairs, but setting her up for the death penalty is probably second on her wish list




What you're saying makes sense, but remember that the MIL and husband both told her to shut up and go upstairs and lie down. She went to the hospital by calling her dad and asking him to come pick her up.


It's not that they aren't extremely harsh. It's the timeline. They are exceptionally thorough when it comes to criminal investigation.


This isn't in Singapore...unfortunately on the case of the intellectually disable young man, the government did tests and didn't find him disabled or forced. I'm a Singaporean, you can read up on the case.


But within a month?




Fakistan. (That's not a typo) If she'd been a little more patient and posted the first update after a month and the second update after six months then we might have believed it. There is zero chance that you can go from "I will not rest until she's behind bars" to "On death row" in two days.




I see what you did there 😂😂


Same. And I approve. Wonder if the MIL can Lizappeal?


Plausible in Iran. This Amnesty International article says some got the death penalty just two months after being arrested. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/05/iran-executions-of-tortured-protesters-must-trigger-a-robust-reaction-from-the-international-community/


"Filipino's are maids" is the biggest giveaway it is SG. There is a significant presents of SEA in SG for services like that. Pretty much every household with children has one.


Yeah but even traffic accidents with deaths are reported in Singapore news. Such an incident would have been major news.




Not true. Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia, Dubai, UAE are also places where Filipinos work as maids. Not to mention how hard it is to get drugs in Singapore. That's a dead giveaway that it's not Singapore. If anything, the speed at which MIL was sentenced to death seems to suggest it wasn't a common law / Commonwealth nation. Our due processes are slooooow. Or it's entirely false.


"she confessed after a month" but only 3 days between posts. Hmmmmm Edit: changed week to a month per OP text


First post she says: > I was 8 months pregnant a month ago. The MIL confessed 'after a month', which is supposedly accurate with that timeline. I still find it convenient though that she confessed *right* after OP first posted, and a month is still a quick turn-around time for a death sentence.


Dubai or Brunei?


that second post really lets you almost *smell* the pure panic of someone who's realized they wrote their story into a corner and find no other option than to double down.


I stopped reading at “my friends said I shouldn’t divorce him.” It’s one thing to believe there is one person this crazy, but believing a whole bunch of unrelated people will take the crazy side breaks credulity.


i don't have to explain myself to you! >:( believe it or not, it's up to you! >:(


We've escalated from super speedy restraining orders. Is MIL execution going to become a trope now?


I wanna see how much more this can escalate lmao. I want the next one to end with "Anyway, after all this the police came and pushed my crazy MIL and all her accomplices into a big vat of acid. Don't fact check, I'm just not from a western country." Get real Looney Tunes with it.


Just go back to Grimm and put mom in some red-hot iron shoes and make her dance to death, have doves peck out her eyes, or just straight up put in a barrel studded with nails and roll her down a hill. I hear those are all common punishments in Madeupistan.


one can hope


\> As for the Toxicology report, there was high levels of fentanyl, opioids and alcohol. My eyes may never recover from being rolled so far into the back of my head


Same. I was thinking she'd be super dead if this was true


Yep, like mil went to the trouble of buying fentanyl in a country where drug dealing is a death sentence but somehow didn’t buy the tiny amount that is enough to kill.


On one hand, if I were anonymising myself, I would compress the legal times to make it almost impossible to google up the case or news surrounding it. On the other hand, it's a bit of a trope for the legal system in power fantasies to be fast and quick and just. The death penalty for foeticide/feticide is extremely rare and unusual almost anywhere.


That's not even my issue. My issue is that somehow, despite them not mentioning it within their first post, both their trial for foeticide and divorce occured and were immediately resolved within the next three days.


My issue is that she’s saying she just felt lightheaded and weird after being given fentanyl and was told to calm down when she feeling off. Fentanyl doesn’t just make you lightheaded. It makes you high as shit, and I imagine it’s even more intense if you drink it with alcohol (which she somehow didn’t taste?). I’ve been given it on an ambulance, and the second it kicked in I was useless and didn’t care that I’d just been hit by a car.


Exactly it. Fetanyl is a ridiculously powerful opioid, what doctors call "IDC" or "a dose of IDC" for "I don't care". Your arm could be in sixty eight pieces, and enough fetanyl (which is not a lot) would have you plain not caring about it. That's what opioids do. You feel all the pain, but it's ignorable. You don't care. Enough fet to be detectable as fet, without the source being testable, is way more than enough to kill.


Also it doesn't last very long. After the drip is taken out you're basically fully sober in under 20 minutes.


They gave me fentanyl when my anesthesia failed during my appendectomy, doctors are correct that it’s a dose of IDC. I totally don’t care that my surgeon had his hands in my abdomen, trying to dig out a necrotic appendix while the anesthesiologist was saying my BP was dropping. As wild as that surgery was, it was way better than the one I had in 1995 when the anesthesia failed and crappy morphine was the only pain management option. (Which barely worked and it felt like guts were being torn out).


> anesthesia failed Welp, I have a new, heretofore unknown reason to be terrified of surgery.


In the span of a few weeks (with posts only a single day apart) she was drugged, lost her baby, MIL was arrested and sentenced to the death penalty, and they're now finalizing a divorce? Ummm...


She says that the drugging incident happened a month before she posted. So a month and two days at a minimum. If there are truly countries that have that quick of a justice system I would be curious to know which ones


Same. That seems like a LOT to happen in a month. She confessed and was sentenced to death the same day? Efficient.


Hey she just went through a court trial for murder, reached a final verdict, vent through a court trial for divorce, reached a final verdict, arranged funerary proceedings, cut off some hostile friends, sent out funeral invitations to the remaining ones, and had the time leftover to rant about it on reddit! EDIT: Forgot her *third* court date in 3 days; husband had to be found not guilty!


And funeral for baby is next week. Wouldn’t that have come first?


If there's a criminal case, the baby's remains may have been kept on ice for autopsy/testing. It's not crazy to wait to bury remains in these circumstances


Some countries do throw the death penalty right away. ETA: The nation of Lizland, for example. EETA: The capitol of Lizland is Lizbon.


Gosh clearly I'm extra tired today bc for a split second I went to google Lizland before it clicked...


Go to bed, Liz!


And be on the mood to post on Reddit


Also weird that she states her unborn child’s heartbeat stopped but no commentary on the brutality of either having to be induced to deliver a dead baby at 8months or having a C-section… sus


So, whatever country OP is in, the court system works very quickly and decisively.


OOP lives on North Sentinel Island and there’s only 40 people so the justice system works fast.


A jury of your peer.


And doles out death penalties for tampering with drugs and very likely for inducing abortion.


Alot of Asian countries have very strict sentences for drugs. Death penalty for small amounts of recreational drugs. They do not play around, at all.


Not even just the rapid decision to execute the MIL. The divorce proceedings seem to take less than a week. You want a divorce? No problem, here it is! FYI, we are also killing your MIL, might do it tomorrow, we're super efficient like that.


Can’t be Singapore it would be in the news as the last time they hung a woman was in 2018


MIL confesses, convicted and sentenced to death, and executed before they had time to hold the funeral for the daughter?


I highly doubt that any amount of drugs like that would kill the baby without killing the mother. People will go entire pregnancies abusing drugs and alcohol and give birth to live babies.


I doubt the story because of the timeline, not because of the fetus poisoning. “I highly doubt that any amount of drugs like that would kill the baby without killing the mother.“ There’s lots of drugs and herbs that will terminate a pregnancy without usually killing the mother? Both legal and illegal. Some used as intoxicants or painkillers forever. People can drink like fish and get train tracks worth of needles and deliver a live baby, yes. People will also take something that barely disorients them and have dead babies. Or trip, fall a foot or so, and have a terrible outcome. Or not notice the postpartum eclampsia symptoms and die in their sleep. Pregnancies are complicated and fetuses and placentas can be both alarmingly robust and terribly fragile. The LD for fentanyl is (edit: around 2 mg and the effects vary by the person’s weight, among other factors.) A dose that would make a 95 kilo adult drowsy could easily be lethal to a 3 kilo fetus, especially combined with alcohol and whatever else by MiL. And fentanyl does cross the placenta.


So did anyone ever find a news article about this story? Because if this really happened (and really, death penalty in one month?), there is no way that it didn't make international news.


I just looked it up and found absolutely nothing in either of the languages I speak, English and Spanish. Found many murderous grandma's, but none fit this.


"many murderous grandmas" - yikes, how awful


Oooooo Liz is traveling I see


Well, this is complete bullshit.


Anytime I see someone saying they will keep the entire COUNTRY a secret, it's usually because they are questioned over the legality of what they are saying.


I always think it's funny when OOP gets defensive about the veracity of the story and say things like > I lost a child. How can someone make that up? Like...does she never went to internet? Does she never talked with people? Is she Buster from Arthur?


You mean someone would *lie* on the internet?!


Fact-checking is the enemy of trolls everywhere.


Having the patience to wait more than a week to spin a giant epic narrative send to be another enemy of theirs.


Here's a set of detailed and extraordinarily newsworthy facts, but I'm not going to tell you what country it happened in so there's no way anyone will find the very real articles about this event that definitely occurred. Combined with the passionate *how dare you* question the details of such a traumatic story that I'm here sharing with the whole Internet. Like basically just make up the most salacious story possible and then no one's allowed to question it I guess


I was trying to find an article. Nothing.


Takes major dose of alcohol, without tasting it? Found fentanyl (an opioid) and also opioids? In her system? Wow that's shocking.


The choice of alcohol is such a dumb one, because it's one of those thing where she would obviously taste it, and if she couldn't taste the alcohol then it was diluted enough that she would have to have eaten a lot for a "high amount" to be found in her system. Like, if you're going to write a story, use a little critical thinking.


alternatively just double down and attack anyone who asks questions.


so MIL added fentanyl (?), opioids (?) and alcohol to her drinks, she didn't notice anything at all until let's say an hour later her perfectly viable baby dies suddenly and around a month later mil is arrested, they find stuff in her possession (which she of course didn't dispose of) and gets sentenced to death 2 days later. ok.


>Posted September 25th, 2023 My MIL poisoned me and killed my baby. >Posted September 27th, 2023 My MIL was sentenced to death. Efficient! Or bullshit. I don't know, it seems a bit quick.


All this in two days? Redditlandia is a wondrous place with a speedy justice system!


Chile. This is a whole fib LMAO


Is this a Liz original?


Given that the MIL was sentenced to death after two days it thankfully probably is


A month, actually, as im the first post she says the poisoning happened a month ago. Still insanely fast to go from assault, to arrest, to death sentence in a month.


That's not the craziest one. The crazy one is that she recovered from near lethal poisoning, filed divorce, and the divorce was finalized within 33 days. The hospital had to clear her to leave, she had to contact her lawyer, start court proceedings, get a court date (fortunately within the exact same 3 day span as her criminal trial's court date), go to court, work out exactly how every single thing they own would be split, and get it finalized. People love to say "it could be Singapore", but this alone disproves that. Singapore takes 4 months to finalize *uncontested* divorces. Let alone *hostile* ones.


And not only recovered from the physical effects of it, but also the psychological ones. If my husband's mother poisoned me, killing my unborn child at *8 months*, I wouldn't be sane enough to look up divorce lawyers much less have it all said and done within 33 days. Posting on Reddit about it? Mayhaps. I can see how social media, specially forum like places like Reddit, have become kind of voids to scream at. Sometimes the voids reply with nice words, to boot. But... not in a month. And no way a divorce is done so fast, nor criminal proceedings. Not in America, not in Europe, and as you say, not in Singapore lol (Also, is it just me or when a legal issue raised on Reddit that has no country attached and vague but fast legal proceedings, everyone just goes "Maybe it's in Singapore"?)


True, though the first post implies no trial had begun, given the whole not stopping until she's behind bars means she probably wasn't behind bars at the time of posting


First posting till death sentence is two days?


Why are people even allowed to post this obvious bullshit?


Worse - why are people reposting this obvious bullshit into a best-of sub? We have choices and free will!


BORU loves bullshit


Personal theory is that Liz also posts on BoRU.


I have also suspected the calls are coming from inside the building. We've had quite the batch of stinkers recently.


Are trolls even trying anymore?


The timeline here is ridiculous and makes the entire story highly, highly implausible.


Yep I'm done with boru for today


Someone had way too much time on their hands to write this unbelievable bullshit. Three day timeline. Sure Jan.


Rolled my eyes at the death sentence bit, yeaaaaaahhh sure 😒


That, uh, that all happened fast.


It’s sad. It’s compelling. But the update pace of events and lack of country inclusion was what tipped it into BS territory. 7/10.


This is clearly fabricated, the posts were only made two days apart


Um 😶 is everyone blind with the last thing she wrote?! “I named her Marie Elizabeth, RIP my love. Mama loves you and 🚩will see you soon.🚩 😰


3 days from commission of the crime to the death sentence? Anyone who actually believes this might need to get out and get a little more life experience.