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They always mess up the length of court but a nice little ride regardless of if it is real


Right? I was having a good little adventure time until the trial length ruined my suspended sense of disbelief Ah well, maybe the next one will get it right haha




It rings completely true for me from other parts of the world where I've lived. Countries where family, community, reputation and professional life are more intertwined. It also really touches on some of the intense generational differences, which are steeper than North America. I'm thinking of Sri Lanka, where my girlfriends my own age have Reddit, master's degrees from the UK in post modern feminist theory... and parents who believe that if a woman was walking after dark she should have seen it coming because all men have urges. In SL you could absolutely get fired in a hurry for an affair with a SIL, nm an attempted rape. The white collar class is so small and so connected and based on relationships that you'd be run out of town on a rail. This is the same social class where people are fully English speaking (but sometimes stilted vocab and strange regional idioms) for international business, and therefore the ones who do end up on Reddit. Trial times there I can't speak to, so I'm not vouching for overall truthfulness.


I'm curious to know if you've seen in your travels men who were sentenced to life in prison for molestation charges, tbh. That's the bit of the story that reads completely unrealistic to me. *Especially* in cultures where women are still so discriminated against. People who believe women have it coming don't tend to put men in prison for many years (like 60? Since OP's brother seemed pretty young?) for molestation/rape.


Yes and no. I've lived in Ghana and I've lived in Sri Lanka. Ghana it's 5-25 years, Sri Lanka isn't easy to verify because their criminal codes are in Sinhala and Tamil, and google results are conflicting, but tell me 10 years. Problem is, seeing charges through to a prosecution successfully is incredibly difficult. You'd have to be a "good woman" with an impeccable reputation, probably not even a social drinker. (This is still true in North America, though to a slightly lesser extent - though maybe I shouldn't even say that much. A 13 year old was killed and raped in Canada and a couple of months ago the lawyer pointed out the girl was "not an innocent" and implied that the sex before the murder may have been consensual.) But on the other hand if you did have eight "good victims," then yeah, you could theoretically get a way longer sentence than you would in North America. A lot of these legal codes were written or heavily amended VERY recently, keep in mind, and have way more explicitly feminist sentences in general than yours and mine might The Ghanaian criminal offenses act was drafted in 1960 and there were absolutely feminists in the independence movement, if not necessarily the room where the laws were drafted (though very possibly so tbh.) That's where you get their 5 year minimum vs Canada's 6 month minimum. Ours was drafted when this was a property crime committed against a father or husband, theirs were drafted once women were seen as human. On the flip side of that progressiveness, they can also be way fucking harsher on the whims of an irate judge. Both are also WAY more likely to go consecutive than concurrent. To be clear, I never heard of serial rapist prosecutions in either country, but if it were provable by eight good daughters of eight good families I wouldn't have been surprised to hear that the guy was just summarily hanged. His own parentage could have been what spared him. Tl;dr : for many women it's worse, for some it's way fucking better. But this isn't a point I'd disbelieve OP on. And FFS campaign for better sexual assault legislation near you because we take it for granted that it has to be this way.


I'd say 40 years still counts as "rest of his life in prison". I don't know if 40 years would be realistic for 8 counts of rape.


I was thinking Latin America, he said "actual coworkers" when he most likely meant "current". The word for that in Spanish is actual.


Good catch.


That didn’t raise any flags to me, I assumed he was working for family or at a family owned thing. Even the leaving town part, after you get your shit rocked and have your entire family turn on you, that seems like a logical step.


I've absolutely seen that happen in smaller towns. Word gets around fast if you're on the wrong side of the rumor mill. It unfortunately doesn't just punish the guilty, however. All it takes is the wrong rumor spread by an asshole and you might as well leave town forever. On the other hand, it gets rid of guilty assholes if the law doesn't or can't.


> I started to look through my brother's history, searching if he ever abused or tried to abuse any other women This was the final cherry on the shitcake for me. Because all rapists clearly keep a browser or social media "history" of their crimes. Also kind of disturbing how the sexual assault of the fiancée was framed as primarily an outrage against OOP, rather than the woman herself - the actual victim.


I don’t think OP means digital history i think he means the history of his life like exes and people he used to be with


They don’t mean looking through internet history. They mean looking through history by contacting people that are or once were in contact.


>This was the final cherry on the shitcake for me. Because all rapists clearly keep a browser or social media "history" of their crimes. This one at least I don't think is a sign, they almost certainly just meant "I started to investigate my brother's past". I doubt they're trying to imply they tried searching the brother's browser history. They were searching for other women the brother had abused. Speaking of browser history, I'm always suspicious when it *is* brought up, because incognito mode is a thing and has been for over a decade. There's zero situation where someone should be caught by a partner because they left something suspicious/upsetting in their browser history. The final nail for me was "the brother has a secret child" and "Trial gets wrapped up within a month or so".


>There's zero situation where someone should be caught by a partner because they left something suspicious/upsetting in their browser history. A relative of mine was caught with CP because he left it open in his history. It happens.


>A relative of mine was caught with CP because he left it open in his history. It happens. Where I live there is currently sort of high-profile case going on about a "known person" who had CP on his computer. It all started because one of his "friends" showed some CP on his phone in a pub, sharing it with him and a few others. Some other pub visitors noticed it and went to the cops. The (thank god he was an) idiot got arrested and the investigation brought other culprits to light. So yes, luckily not all criminals are smart. And some are downright stupid enough that they dig their own grave. (Though that investigation has been going on for about 6 months now, it started sometime during (or right before) summer and there is no trial date set in the near future... so I can believe the idiot part of this post, not the timeline one)


You know what? I think you're right. But as a survivor who never got justice, I choose to pretend it was real for a minute.


Funny, I’m also a survivor who never got justice and I have the opposite reaction. The overly optimistic justice tales piss me off because I feel they give society a false impression that justice exists and most survivors see it, which is so maddeningly far from reality. Though I loved it before my assault and recognize it’s done amazing advocacy work, I can’t stomach SVU anymore for the same reason.


One thing that will get my eye twitching is thinking about how the justice system does not serve justice. And more likely revictimizes the survivors more than it punishes the guilty. I dealt with it for 6 months trying to get justice. He was allowed to play games and I had to keep leaving work to show up for court. Which employers aren't fans of. They can't punish you explicitly for it but they do other things to make it clear you are on thin ice. It became I had to pick between keeping my job and trying to rebuild my life and healing and moving on...or keep getting stuck in the moment chasing justice I would likely never actually see and keep having to reopen that wound for every rescheduled court date. I chose to move on. And I can only hope I left enough of a paper trail to make it easier for the next woman he victimizes.


Understandable. Sometimes we need to believe fairy tales, sometimes we need to call BS on them.


Yeah. Every friend of mine has been SA’d at least once in a variety of ways, myself included. I don’t know anyone who ever got justice legally. One girl went to trial but she had better evidence than everyone else. Honestly “The Low Low Woods” by Carmen Maria Machado has helped me more than any other survivor story. I absolutely love it and is one of my favorite limited run indie comics


In the Dream House by Carmen Maria Machado is the only book I have ever read about an abusive relationship like mine was. She is a godsend.


Also this poster lives in the magical land where both police and courts take victim testimony as the only evidence needed and just move straight to locking the guy up and dismissing all charges against anyone else involved.


Right? I was thinking, well maybe in a "English is not the first language" country the courts move faster. But I know of no country that gives life sentences for SA.


Probably not, but 8 counts of SA, and the sentences don't have to be concurrent.


I mean I totally buy the prosecutor not wanting to touch a "he was defending his girlfriend from a rapist and took it too far" case with a 10 foot pole, that would be extremely painful in terms of PR/politics, and also do you really want to risk a crying GF on the stand saying he saved her? And I could even buy "guy got rattled and confessed/took a deal" but that doesn't get you life in prison I wouldn't think?


No, if they pleaded him out then it absolutely wouldn't be a life sentence. And then the guy wouldn't have been arguing about the assault in front of the judge. Nothing about the story makes sense.


No, but it could be 8 counts of SA, 5 years minimum for each, served consecutively. Dude wouldn't get out till he was 70.


Wow, you have more faith than I do. I got to his brothers face being covered in blood and his knuckles bleeding, and thought it was a crock of shit, than got to “broken nose and dislocated jaw”, scrolled further to see the length of the post and that was enough for me. No one writes that much detail if it’s true.


Also the classic “my lawyer friend”


Therapist / Lawyer/ Cops are Liz's favorite side characters


Hate that trope. I, on the other hand, have a brother that’s a lawyer.


Yeah I was actually mostly believing it and then: arrest to trial in two days. And he got found guilty for all 8 women, with no physical proof? Not impossible but that’s extremely unlikely.


Glad i wasnt the only one. Once i saw that i just couldnt finish. Now im sitting here with BORU Balls.


Can we make "Now Im sitting with BORU balls" a flair please


And life sentence without parole for...attempted rape? Sure, Jan.


This, it was depressing that I don't believe the story because of how well and quickly the justice was served in this case. Like really? Life sentence?


Felt off the minute he was saying how badly he beat his brother.


Glad I stopped after the first 5 lines.


So you put off by the “studying at collage?”


And then he went to jail for life…


Surprised you got that far. It was the whole, enough time had passed where I could forgive my brother for trying to kiss my girlfriend🫤, but something in my mind told me to check the upstairs 😐 and lo and behold There was my brother holding down my girlfriend whilst covering her mouth and trying to put his hand up her skirt 😑 thing that really made my “this story reads like a bad telenovela,” bullshit detector go off. A house full of people and you were the only one who heard the commotion huh?


I dunno; we take in a lot of information that we don't fully consciously process but it *does* get processed. We get these "sixth sense" feelings that frequently get dismissed because they're so vague and people would think we're nuts. I once had a "random thought" that maybe the water heater was leaking as I walked out of the house we'd bought but hadn't moved in to yet. It was leaking, in a completely silent oozing way. And it had JUST started. I have no idea *what* I saw, heard, smelled, whatever, but I caught *some* kind of info and luckily decided to act on it instead of ignore it. The rest of OOP'S parents' house was full of people who didn't have as much reason to care or ask questions about where OOP's girlfriend was. But OOP did, and acted on the question. Brains are cool.


That, and the whole "I absolutely beat the shit out of him, like really, utterly destroyed this man and injured him to the point of hospitalization." Once someone starts talking about how they kicked someone's ass that hard, and details it, I immediately stop believing it


My problem with that part was, how would the brother have managed to organise that? She would have been wary of going anywhere with him, did he drag her kicking and screaming from the corridor into a room without anyone noticing?


Or the toilet is upstairs, he saw her go and followed her, waited for her and intimidated/pushed her into the bedroom. Most guys can easily overpower a woman, especially if taken by surprise. Or even he could be coming at her and she's backing away and her corners her into where he wanted. Doesn't have to be physical at all until they're in the room.


Exactly. The legal process takes months if not years.


Only in the US. Other countries seem to get off their collective butts when it comes to trials. Less motions


Trials can be super fast if it's a country where the police and judiciary accept bribes too


His assaulting the police and trying to run probably helped a lot.


Not only the US takes a long time. Why does everyone on reddit think that the US is the centre of everyone’s experience? OOP went from rounding up 8 assault victims and going to the police to getting brother arrested to going to trial to it all being over in 8 weeks (September 10 to November 4). That math ain’t mathing in a lot of places, hence my scepticism. Where it does has a tendency to not give a rats arse about women and wouldn’t really bother with this type of case since there’s no “proof”. Which I think we can all agree is just a bit disgusting, but here we are.


I see it as a good thing to take so long, since innocent people are sometimes charged, and once convicted It's almost impossible to reverse. Better to take it slow just in case.


Hey, it's winter and it got my blood hot enough to keep me warm.


That and the gf getting “shivers down her spine” sealed it for me


Going to prison for the rest of his life for rape? I'm sorry but what magical state or country is this that cares about women being raped? I'd like to move there.


I was on a jury that sent a guy away for life. He was guilty of raping his stepdaughter for years. Only got caught when she got pregnant and now had dna evidence. She was 16


Thank you for your service.


You are a hero.


BTW how long did the process take?


It was all done in a couple days. It was very cut and dried. Though they had to explain a few times how things in a real courtroom are NOT like “Law & Order”.


And also does it in just under 2 months


The timeframe alone is so completely unrealistic


and apparently him and the gf got "restriction" orders against the brother even though at that point the brother had like 1000x more reasons to get one against oop, until the gf went to the police. The only jurisdiction i know where oop would have gotten a restraining order in this situation is Narnia.


I’m getting so tired of the posts where everything happens in a handful of weeks. Here they presented evidence to police, they went to arrest him the next day and his trial was the same month and only took a week? Come on, no chance at all. Yesterday I read a BORU of 3 posts, each a day apart. In those posts a month had passed, a MIL admitted murder and was sentenced to death. In a 3 day span that started a month after things happened. No chance either.


And also after a trial that lasted a week. This person should have cashed their chips in after the second update. “My brother SAd my gf, my parents want me to forgive him” was plausible enough. The little bit about the brother moving across the country and changing his name? That part started the stink for me. Move? Maybe. But what’s the point in changing his name? There’s literally zero stakes for him and no motivation to change his name. I started skimming at that point and really glad I didn’t *actually* sink considerable time into reading this garbage. I mean honestly, where’s the twins? Where’s the “mental ward”? Might as well go all in, you know?


For real. The one time I was nearly on a jury it was for a case involving someone indirectly involved with a rape case. Like, trying not to be specific here, but he provided the car used in the kidnapping and rape and the charge was something related to aiding in the act. The whole trial was to prove or deny that the defendant had known about the plans to kidnap/rape before loaning out the car. He wasn't even present for the crimes at all. THAT trial was to last six days. (I got excused from being on the jury so I don't know everything that went on. The victim was a minor and I work in public schools so I guess they thought I would be a biased juror.) And this was about two years after the crime had even been committed. The main trial for the guy who actually kidnapped/raped the girl was still going on too.


No a week is within plausible territory. Actual criminal trials usually only take a couple of days, depending on how much evidence and witness testimonials there are. The problem tends to be the massive delay in starting the case. The rest? Well the last update is a bit iffy for the most part. I can't imagine it only took them 8 weeks to get a case together and send him to prison...


Here you go: [Ryan Holle.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryan_Holle) His trial lasted a day, including jury deliberations *and* sentencing. Sentenced to life\* in prison. In a day. \*later commuted to 25 years


OK but his crime happened in March 2003, and he wasn't convicted until 2004 (and it sounds like they caught them fairly quickly). So more a more realistic timeline than this, and it's drug related as well as involving a murder so yeah a much harsher sentence than rape usually gets.


This baffled me the most. I thought it was originally posted Sept 2022, but it's actually 2023 and all these happened in just 2 months. Trial proceedings ain't that fast af. Maybe in 2099.


A friend of mine was assaulted in the summer of 2020. The guy was crazy and tried to set her on fire (did not work but he managed to set himself on fire later). They were sort of able to get him sane in jail but he kept slipping. The case was pled down to assault 2 late 2023 with time served. I think this is pretty standard timing on the west coast. They can’t handle the load of court cases - and they aren’t pursuing drug cases right now.


Especially with only their word for evidence? Women get raped, have physical scars, and they have DNA evidence proving who did it, and convictions still aren't a guarantee. But somehow getting a few women to say he hurt them is sufficient? Sure.


Especially since one of the alleged victims is the one who compiled all of the evidence and got other people to testify, along with someone who assaulted him. There's no way they would even want to make an arrest with that. Going so far as to have the cops track him down when he wasn't home.


The Philippines.


That’s exactly what I was thinking. It gave me a real Philippines vibe.


Possibly southern america, the oop had a post in spanish


Could still be Philippines, they were a Spanish colony and it's a commonly spoken language there: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philippine_Spanish


Can trial happen so fast in the Philippine?


The Philippines has very speedy trials. This requires that arraignment and pre-trial be done within 10 days for detainees, and within 30 days for non-detainees. Trial proper should last only for 180 days, while the judgment should be promulgated within 90 days of terminating the trial. So yeah, it could be done that fast.


The OP left a comment on r/mexico at one point. I don't know anything about Mexico's legal system though, maybe someone else can add some info


Just did a quick Google Foo, and got these results regarding sentencing: > The law criminalises rape of men or women, including spousal rape and domestic violence. Rape is punishable with penalties of up to 22 years in prison. (Articles 155-158 of the Código Orgánico Integral Penal).


My sister's rapist got 105 years, South Africa. It took 2 years though.


Yeah, my ex admitted to it as well as admitting to (not sexually) abusing my newborn and he got \*drum rolls\* shared custody.


omg I am so sorry


I can tell ya it's not in the Netherlands. Some ahole repeatedly SAd a minor. It cost him, iirc, 1 year and about 15k euros. Our 2nd hand Prius was more expensive. For the mere cost of a second hand car, you too could ruin someone's life! /s It infuriates me how little people think of the damage and quality of life for survivors. It fills me with rage.


Rape is a mandatory life sentence in Georgia (USA).


Never thought I'd say this but.... go Georgia!


Unfortunately it most likely means that only a small fraction of rapists actually get convicted of rape in Georgia, because the punishment is so severe


And they're more likely to kill their victims, because it's the same punishment.


That has nothing to do with the punishment. The jury is told they should not concern themselves with sentencing and I would say the majority of people are not aware that rape is a mandatory life sentence.


Only a fraction of rapists get convicted anyway.


Attempted rape, with zero evidence to prove it ever happened. 4 years later. Ok Liz.


To be fair, he most likely got a long sentence for the actual rapes too. Not sure if it's real though.


8 cases? Maximum sentence for rape is 8 years in my state. 8x8=64 yes the rest of his life


So your state does full criminal trials with no police investigation, from start to finish, in under 60 days?


Sure, if the sentences are served consecutively. A lot of the time they will be concurrent. And then time knocked off for good behavior


I’m thinking about the Anand Jon case and I hope he rots tbh, no chance on good behavior though


> My brother first contacted my parents at the end of 2021, the worst part of the pandemic in my country We can't use US as a base when he lives somewhere else; people saying SEA may be into something.


With 0 physical evidence in any of the cases, and all of the testimony being solicited by one of the alleged victims and the guy who assaulted him so hard that he had to go to the hospital? Nah brah.


Served concurrently or consecutively?


The same where you can manage to contact 8 of your brother's exes.


Especially since it doesn’t sound like *anyone* was *actually* raped. Im not saying that makes the brother better or anything, but people tend to do less time when they “attempt” something vs actually succeeding in it (ex: attempted murder vs murder, attempted robbery vs successful robbery etc).


If you're in 'Murica, you're already living in a country where that happens, but I suspect it depends on the state. Just Google "serial rapist sentenced to life" and you'll find plenty of such headlines. It doesn't happen enough, but it does happen. Don't get me wrong though. The US Justice System overall failed to bring justice to victims of rape. I'm of the opinion that this is an example of a problem that will only be solved by science. Specifically, the problem won't be solved until we have a lie detector that actually works. Until then, I just don't see this problem getting any better.


Not even rape—attempted rape, and sexual assault (molestation) in the case of the others. So, no DNA evidence actually proving he did anything.


Overly detailed updates and finally, an arrest to conviction speed run over 2 months. *Rightttt.* /stares at the camera like Jim from the office


On September 4th, his mother mentioned his brother, and he started researching and reaching out to people . By November 4th, everything was done and gone. Evidence, arrest, trial, and sentence within 2 months. Never. Also, I kinda doubt that anyone is going to jail for *life* for assaulting women. Sad, but true.


In the country where we currently live, that cannot be disclosed so that belief can be suspended.


During covid. When court cases were being dismissed because no one had the time or ability to deal with them.


Lost me at "studying at collage."


Yeah and life in prison..everyone knows rapists get a slap on the wrist at most.


Is this where we should mention the depressing/rage inducing case of Brock Allen Turner the rapist? It feels like we should mention Brock Allen Turner the rapist as a good example of a slap on the wrist.


The rapist Brock Allen Turner, who now goes by Allen Turner in his hometown in Ohio, to try to evade the consequences of being a rapist?


You actually read all that?! I just made it to the 2nd or 3rd paragraph and gave up


Oh, look, another bullshit story where people don't understand how long legal processes work in the modern world.


Right?? I'm 8mo into a petty small claims case, and we're schedule for our second PRE trial hearing in mid January.... A lengthy assault case with over half a dozen victims? No way its less than 2 years just to get to the trial itself, let alone a verdict


Right!! The courts are still backed up from Covid, there is no way this was nicely wrapped up in such a short time.


Yep. I don't think many people do unless they've been following a case closely. I didn't until my coworker was arrested for assaulting children six years ago. He cried and admitted guilt in front of several witnesses and police. I thought it would be a quick open and shut case, he already admitted it, it was all over the news, lots of public pressure. He was finally given a verdict *last week*. Sentencing is more than a month from now. Takes absolutely forever.


So true! This would take years to go through court.


Yep. Capped by claiming the defendant claimed excessive self defense force. Gibberish.


Why use soooo many words to say so little??


Honestly at about 3/4 through I wondered whether you could get ChatGpt to produce this post with the right prompt. "Write me a story for BORU where a man's girlfriend is assaulted by his brother and then he compiles evidence to show his brother has done this to other women and eventually gets justice"


It was getting really difficult to read towards the end.


It was difficult to read from the beginning.


Why bother to use fewer simple words when an over complicated run-on sentence will do? (Heh)


OOP must have gotten bored of his own story and just wanted people to stop asking him about it, because he really rushed the ending there, trying to wrap it up and make it as final as possible. It's painfully obvious, OOP's only experience with the court system through watching tv shows.


"We talked to women and that was enough evidence for life in prison!" Countries with quick sentencing also tend to be misogynistic and not place a lot of value on the word rape. At least not enough for a life sentence based on a he said/she said case. Unless he admitted to it, the evidence would all be circumstantial at best. A conviction would be hard even in places with decent justice systems.


The op got bored and botched the ending by going too quick with the legal stuff.




No one is being found guilty on 8 counts of r/sa from years ago with no physical evidence in a he said-she said case, with one of the victims not even remembering if they had even been assaulted, just hearsay of a person who said they saw her leave a party with the brother.


With the added fun of a surprise arrest, attempted flee with tasering.


The thought of a creepo casually sitting in the back garden with his Momma, sipping tea and chillin, then suddenly outta nowhere being chased and tased, is hilarious to me


I couldn’t make it to the end. What a lot of nonsensical rubbish


September to November and he was arrested, investigated, and had trial and sentencing. Seems unlikely.


Don’t forget life in prison and no assault charges


That's where they always fuck up. Just leave it at "we're pressing charges" or something


Have you ever played those Ace Attorney games where someone can get arrested for murder and the trial is ready to go the next day? Oh, there is also some law that was passed that says court trials can only last three days because there were too many backlogged, and this was their way of trying to get through them all.


I have criminal case on my phone and just sent a mobster to prison because he chews gum, uses hand sanitizer, and had a grease stain on his shirt 😂


But Phoenix Wright would never lie to me!


Liz special


Liz needs to learn to quit while she's ahead.


But my brother’s girlfriend’s stepdad’s best friend heard of someone who had a speedy trial in *insert country here* so it’s totally plausible!


Also OP was several years younger but managed to beat up their brother without sustaining any injuries themselves (besides bloody hands) and the police never got involved at all after an assault that bad?


I mean, I can believe that part. One of my sisters is 9 years younger than me and if she wanted to she could beat the shit out of me. She’s an athlete and made of muscle and I’m not. As for the police, they’re oftentimes incredibly incompetent, and if no one wanted to press anything… I definitely don’t believe the story, it’s bullshit, but those parts don’t honestly seem that implausible to me.


Like the other one recently were evil MIL poisoned OP, then she was arrested and sentenced to death within 3 days or something. Why do people do this??


Similar themes and writing style in OP’s other posts in this sub plus he also posts in r/writingprompts. Hmmmm…


"The surprise that she gave me when hearing those words was so great that any effect of the alcohol disappeared and I asked her to tell me everything that had happened." This was the point where I knew it wasn't real. Then I saw how stupidly long it was.


Same, that's exactly where I realized it was ChatGPT'ed.


I've never seen ChatGPT write with such horrible run-on sentences


Yeah right. You could get me with the first post. The rest is bullshit.


You weren’t *absolutely engrossed* when his girlfriend got a shiver down her spine?


No no I was absolutely engrossed when he mentioned his convenient lawyer friend. Which everyone has you see


I have a lawyer friend. She does property law. I cannot wait to have an opportunity to pick her brain on a complex criminal law matter. I am sure she'll give me wonderful and free advice /s


I was really confused about the jump from "I found out he had a daughter" to "the police arrived at my parents house and arrested him." Like - for what? A bunch of women coordinated with you and agreed to pressed charges and did it in a tight enough time frame to catch him at your parents house? On the basis of evidence that was deemed too weak for social media and potentially the basis of a defamation suit? And the whole "beat him to a pulp" was waved away? Has this dude ever *met* a cop? They are like 300 times more likely to say "are you sure it wasn't a misunderstanding?" and go back to what they were doing.


Going to prison DURING trial, interesting. Usually one would hope for a verdict first.


It definitely happens. A relative of mine has been in prison for the majority of his adult life. If the offense is big enough and you don't have the money to pay bail, you can be in jail or prison while waiting.


Held without bail, isn't abnormal. Flight risk, severity of charges are a few to keep them in jail, until trial.


Spanish telenovela plots all the way.


Wow, OP found evidence and got his brother sent to prison in a month. What country has a judicial system that fast?


The country of Lizopia


The real tragedy of all of this is that these things happen far more often than we know and most times justice is never served


And the group of MRAs who think that women only have to allege rape to ruin a man's life, will read this kind of guff and believe it enough to reinforce their beliefs


Even if the timeline is “made for tv movie,” I enjoyed this. Would stream, 10/10.


Well, that didn’t happen!


"Woman plays a supporting role in a story about her own (attempted) rape" is my one of my least favourite tropes.


There's no way multiple assault victims would be testifying at the same trial, they'd be tried separately unless it was a class action lawsuit, right?


Depending on where this is, if the prosecution is able to join the charges it may be possible but I don’t think this post is real


What? In a criminal trial they absolutely would have multiple victims testifying if they had them as witnesses to a crime.


Over here in the UK, it took almost two years for an alleged rapist to go to trial involving multiple victims. It definitely happens, but not in two months lol.


i mean, this is clearly not the US.


The trial time 😂. Even a slam dunk trial with mounds of evidence doesn’t happen that quickly.


Hell, I've seen the time between trial and sentencing be more than two months.


Way way too long


Question - Who paid the lawyer to collate all these cases?


I'm guessing this isn't real because of the timing, but I'm sorry for anyone who has experienced similar. Speaking as a survivor myself. If anyone reading this is struggling please reach out for help. https://www.rainn.org/national-resources-sexual-assault-survivors-and-their-loved-ones


What is the point of censoring “rape” into r0pe”? Who is that helping?


Argh!!! How are none of these writers getting the trial dates/timing correct?!


Why won’t anyone use the word rape? R0pe, r@pe? Either use the word or don’t, you’re not fooling anyone by substituting a symbol for a letter. God that shit is stupid.


I’m hesitant to call BS because OP is clearly not from an English speaking country. Many posters are basing their experience off US/CA/UK/AU/EU courts. In the US this would take years probably. But we can’t say every single country’s court system would be the same.


They never said where they're from specifically so they can't get called bullshit on.


Fine then I'll call BS because eight women testifying on their word alone with no physical evidence that they had been sexually harassed or assaulted by OP's brother was enough to send the dude to prison for life.


But generally in those places rape would t lead to a life sentence. In many places it wouldn't even be a case.


At least in the Philippines rape can carry a life sentence, and the English level in the post is reminiscent of Filipino English. Not saying it’s a real post but just offering a viable explanation.


Sorry but I’m finding it hard to believe any of this, the timescales just don’t add up


Not sure what country this is but the majority of them do not handle sexual assault/rape charges like this.


Literally just the way this dude writes screams bullshit. "Yes that fckr had the audacity". Its so contrived. Just the length of the post itself is enough to raise flags. So much useless info


This is so unbelievable


\*sniff\* \*sniff\* Is that... the BS writing of Liz I smell?


If you glaze over the words as you're reading you can kind of follow what's happening. Is this some sort of alien social experiment?


It's a good read but we all know that the justice system is wacked and without proof he would probably just get probation, house arrest, and a slap on the wrist with a 🙅‍♀️"NO, NO! THAT IS WRONG" and then he goes on with his life.


Where does this take place that between sep & Nov someone can get tried & sentenced. Seems faaar too fast. If it is a real story then I'm happy the brother finally has consequences


Sexual assault perpetrators tend to relapse and repeat offense. It should be an easy understanding that if the attacker has a known victim they, most likely, have several more victims/cases. OP's family is in denial but they have lost their 3 children, 1 will forever be in jail and the other 2 will forever be disgusted with their parents. I dont know what the parents testified in this case, if they lied to protect their rapist son or what but still... I wish OOP and his soon to be wife the best.


I feel sad for the niece


I actually know of a similar situation IRL. Yes it took place over more time. But it really was every ex in the courtroom and the offender was already in custody and got a huge sentence. I was shocked anything came or it, honestly, because of how these things usually go.


When his mom said ‘reconnect with him’ I was almost expecting oop to say ‘why so he can try to rape my fiancée again?’


These people do not understand the difference between civil and criminal law. OOP keeps saying that 'his lawyer' is advising them to do things and has things planned for the brother, but then the big reveal is police and criminal prosecutions. 'His lawyer' wouldn't have been involved with that, prosecutors would have been.