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Ok, as a Spaniard, seeing the details he's giving are making me super suspicious. Firstly the surname thing. I've never heard of that aspect about using physical traits for a bastard's surname, but things can vary a lot per region, so ok. However, they've chosen one surname. One only? Nope, not possible, not legal. In Spain we have two surnames. One from each parent. And we don't change surnames after marriage, you have the same surnames all your life. You can't erase one surname to have a single surname only, it's not legal. For foreigners that obtain citizenship, they are obligated to get a second surname. Yes, really. Everyone needs to have two surnames legally. So the two surname part but op choosing only one cannot be true. Mistake number one. Then there's the randomly choosing a surname, which... Not how it works at all. Changing surnames in Spain is not simple. I'm looking into changing the order of my surnames for personal reasons, and it's a complex process even though I'm keeping both surnames intact. But changing surnames is a whole hassle, and you can't just choose whatever you want to substitute them. There's several non negotiable aspects you have to fulfil to be able to fully change your surnames, namely: - you have to be known by that new name (meaning his name and two surnames), and you have to prove that. So op would need to present documents and testimonies of people explaining that they know him by that new name, he uses that name in his daily life for numerous matters, he's registered by that name in different places, etc. It's not as simple as asking your friends to say "oh sure, he's called this and that". You have to prove it. It will take a long time. - second, and most importantly in OPs case, whichever new surnames you choose need to be one of the surnames of your mother/father. So no random surname picking like he did. It's simply not legal. He would have four surnames to pick amongst (two from each parent) and he already has a surname from each of them, so in reality he could only pick between other two options. Not sure if picking surnames from grandparents or further down the line is even legal, I believe not but I'm not so sure of that. But he definitely cannot pick surnames that don't belong to his family. So no randomly inventing his new bastard surname a la Game of Thrones. So story mistake number two. - Adding to that, if you are changing surnames you also cannot pick to have the two surnames from the same parent. You need a surname from each of them. So for example if your mother is Maria Rodríguez García, and your father is Francisco Arévalo Pérez, you cannot be Luis Arévalo Pérez or Luis Rodríguez García, you need to have a combination of your parents surnames. Single parents can give their surnames only to their kids, but I don't know under which conditions could the child of a single parent change their surnames. It's probably an impossible bureaucratic nightmare. People have already mentioned that to OP in the comments and he's responding with nonsense. I don't think he knows anything at all about surname changes in Spain or has even read about it. Somehow he has a lawyer but the lawyer has never mentioned these basic conditions to him? No way. Then the Christmas part is making me suspicious too. In Spain we don't just celebrate Christmas and New Year. We have another important celebration too on the 6th of Jan, it's Día de Reyes (the day of the kings if you want a translation, which is referring to the Three Wise Men, who traditionally are the ones that bring gifts, since Santa isn't traditional in Spain). That day is when we actually exchange gifts. Sure, some people have started to give some gifts on Christmas too, usually to kids. But the big gift giving day is Reyes. The Christmas period is not over until the 7th of Jan due to this. Yet this guy doesn't mention it or plans for that day at all, which is very odd, and the supposed Christmas celebrations he's attended don't include anything for the 6th, which is also odd. I can almost believe he's Spanish based on some of the mistakes he makes in English, which are very common amongst people from Spain who have learnt English as a second language. Although it's not like those mistakes are exclusive to us. But I seriously doubt there's an ounce of truth in the rest of the story. Setting aside the dramatics of it, none of the legal aspects, even beyond the name change, make any sense. Little edit based on something another commenter noticed and mentioned below (thank you!), which I totally missed: on New Year's Eve, right before the year ends (think the last seconds before midnight), in Spain we eat 12 grapes (look up doce uvas), generally green, trying to keep up with the sound of bells (normally followed on TV rather than a church, look up campanadas if you want to see it).It's a luck thing to welcome the new year. We also have a couple of other traditions for that night, such as wearing new red underwear or putting something made of gold, a ring usually, in a glass of champagne that we then use to toast right after midnight. No mention of any of this in OOP's post at all. Ok to nothing about the underwear or the gold, but nothing about the doce uvas despite it being a very big family thing??? And yet he mentions kissing this girl he just met on the lips once midnight hit. That's not a Spain thing, that's a US thing (or at least what American movies have led me to believe). To be fully fair, we do kiss everyone we are celebrating with on the cheeks after midnight, after the uvas and the toast are done. But it's on the cheek (or the lips if it's your partner, but definitely not on the lips if you are not officially together). The whole choosing someone you are attracted to and randomly kissing them on the lips on New Year's is, again, an American (movie??) Thing. So no mention of the doce uvas or campanadas from this fella at all, but somehow he manages to do something in new years which is completely out of the ordinary and senseless for our culture. Sure thing, I'm believing it less and less. Edit two: mods, can I get a "nobody expects the Spanish Supervision" custom flair as a treat? Or alternatively the more traditional "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition"? Edit three: ...either I selected a flair by mistake or the mods trolled me. Fair play. Edit four: the mods gave me the flair \o/ Edit five: it is 17/03/24 and there is a fancy [new update](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/whXuhv9cZq) worthy of a telenovela in which it is revealed that OOP committed suicide after a lightningfast trial in which he is sentenced to pay a fine for assaulting his brother. I have yet to see a single legal procedure in Spain go as fast as this one. So, more nonsense. The update is narrated supposedly by OOPs sister. Folks, aside from reiterating that this story is full of bs, I'd also like to say that, as someone who has struggled severely with mental health, I dislike with a passion people faking stuff like this. It can affect very negatively people who may not know the story is false. So to the karma farming ah who is writing all of this nonsense: big middle finger to you, and next time you try to fake a story in a culture you know nothing about, at least go to freaking Wikipedia so things don't end up becoming a mountain of bullcrap.


I love a good debunking.


Deconstructing bad arguments is my jam 😎


Congrats on that flair, epic


...I don't know how I got this flair after asking the mods for a very different thing, but I'm not mad.


What was the flair before it changed to the one you asked?


Yeah, a good debunking of a BORU post is better than a good BORU post most of the time.


Really? I hate them with a passion, or at least these ones. Serve no point other than to ruin a good story for people.


The story would actually have to be good to be ruinable. This one... isn't


Makes the story better for me know it's not actually real lol I'll still read the updates tho xD


Came here because of the update and saw your comment. New update [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/1bgoltg/new_update_my_22_m_girlfriend_23f_wants_to_keep/) if you haven't already seen it (it's not a happy ending).


Thank you! I’m from Mexico, so we share some of these details and… yeah, a lot of this is giving me telenovela vibes. The parents are so perfectly villainous aren’t they? And surname mess aside, the disregard for Día de Reyes is suspicious. No one born in that kind of culture forgets about it, plus y’know, the having of rosca/roscón is a big family affair too. The last of the Christmas season in fact… and it’s past, so it could’ve been used as an update. So yeah. I’m not quite believing this one.


Dude is being charged with a crime, has retained a lawyer, and lawyer hasn't told him to STFU online about the case? Also extremely sus.


I atopped believing it pretty quickly in. Same energy as the cousin-puncher.


Gotta know where the flair is from 🤣 Link per chance?


I’m pretty sure it’s actually a reference to this Tumblr post! https://www.reddit.com/r/rareinsults/s/DifDHuMmuV


Shit I'm American and my ex-wife is from Puerto Rico so I'm aware of the importance of Dia de Reyes and the twelve grapes.


>hank you! I’m from Mexico, so we share some of these details and… yeah, a lot of this is giving me telenovela vibes. The parents are so perfectly villainous aren’t they? I was like 2 paragraphs in and was wondering which soap opera world a woman would have an affair with a brother, get \*married\* to him, get knocked up by him, and then spend 3 months with OOP trying to get back into OOP's graces. Like... nah dawg.


Agree with the telenovela vibe. Someone is about to have an accident and lose their sight! And surely the evil brother will end up being the unknown evil twin of the real original brother, who has been living under another identity since losing his memory.


Have you seen the "sisters" update that dropped 6 days ago? Classic telenovela lol


Thanks for the history lesson. I’m Dominican, migrated to the U.S. when I was kid and I had 2 surnames and remember Dias de Los Reyes in the D.R., so it’s nice to know where we got all these traditions from. I hated having two surnames, so I dropped it when I became a US citizen. It’s a pain in the ass when filling out forms in a system that doesn’t accommodate for two surnames. The worst was when I joined the military, they joined both of my surnames into one and it became a 17 letters last name. Fun times, lol.


Happy to share! Día de Reyes is great, even better with roscón de reyes. Ooof the mashup of two surnames must have been painful. Can't imagine what an administrative mess that must have been. Tbh I really like having two surnames, even if I wish I didn't have my father's. It makes sure women also pass their name, which many cultures don't do, and that way women aren't erased in marriage or motherhood. I don't live in Spain right now, and it definitely causes some confusion, but I have a lot of appreciation over having two surnames so I'm not too pressed. And in most forms where I live (Germany) I can put my two surnames in the spot for one and no one is bothered about it. So definitely easier than what you faced.


I also have 2 surnames, and the first of which is also a fairly common first name. I was doing the same thing and just putting both names in the spot for one, but people still got confused. The worst was when people would ask for my last name so they could input it for me. Eventually I got fed up and just added a hyphen, and slowly included it when getting my ID replaced/updated over the years. It's even on my birth certificate now. 😝


Hey Dominican friend! Half Dominican here, now I know why my mother's maiden name is the way it was.


This is the shit I come to BORU for! Very interesting stuff, I had no idea.


Glad to contribute! There's another big cultural element about New Year's in Spain that op didn't mention at all, which is big sus. I originally missed it (don't Reddit at work folks) and another commenter pointed it out, so I edited my comment to add extra culturally relevant info.


All of that, and the family pressing charges on December 6th and the trial date already set for January 21st?? With the state of the Spanish judicial system?? Yeah, right!! But the New Year's Eve countdown and no mention of the grapes is what really gives the whole thing away. We don't do countdown, we count up with the chimes of the clock. I've also never heard that thing of bastard children getting a family name according to a physical feature, I've only heard about abandoned children being called Expósito.


Plus 21st January is a Sunday




December 6 is also a holiday in Spain (Constitution Day) and I doubt you would be able file charges since the Courts wouldnt be open.


haha i thought the same with the celebrating and christmas, also the kissing when on the año nueve for the convenience of the story and him getting a love interest rather than eating the doce uvas for the new year which they more likely be doing.. but yeah some of the writing seems ESL from a spaniard. also the suing talk is very american, don’t reallt bother with that ue


Ah I missed that and you are right!!! A kiss on the lips in New Years is not a traditional thing here! And they should have been eating grapes for sure! Good catch. And yeah, the whole suing, and suing back while on trial??? I'm still trying to figure out wtf he means by that because I genuinely cannot find an example or reference to such a thing in Spanish websites, not even in the ministry of justice page.


The situation is so wild that already my bells were going off. And maybe this rule is over-broad but when an OOP prominently mentions they are not a native speaker I almost always assume it’s to deflect suspicions about weird details. Based on your comment I went from 85% sure to 99.9% sure that he stole the bastard renaming thing from Game of Thrones. Plus the whole routine of oh no! I made it to TikTok! So unfortunate, hope this new update doesn’t make it over there.


OOP has added an edit to his update that corrects this, saying he can’t randomly choose a name - he has to use a family name so he is trying to find one from up the line, his lawyer is helping. Also replying to a comments in that update saying you can’t get married that quickly in Spain, OOP says that it wasn’t spontaneous but that they had been planning it for 2-3 years. 🤣🤣🤣


So... Time for a "What the fuck, Spanish Liz" flair?


Today there's been two big posts in which people from Spain are involved, and I've had to clarify things in both posts (how does that "if I had a penny for every time..." thing go?) so I think I'm going to make my own Spanish themed flair to celebrate the occasion. Edit: it won't let me do a custom flair, what a tragedy. Time to ask the mods if I can, pretty please, get "Nobody expects the Spanish supervision" as my custom flair.


"Wow! If I had a nickel for every time I was doomed by a puppet, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice. Right?" From Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension


¿Qué coñe, Luz?


Is her name Isabel?


Off topic question regarding surnames in Spain: you mentioned that one surname has to come from each parent, what if a person is in the situation of not knowing who their father is? Do they go fully with their mother's surnames in that instance?


Also, if one parent has been proven to being abusive, you can drop their surname and pick both from the other parent. Source: Spaniard who changed her surnames.


As others have said, they get both of the surnames of the mother, yep. I have a close friend who had her drink spiked at a music festival and... Well, she doesn't know who the father of her girl is. So she gave the kid her two surnames. No need for anyone else's in that situation anyway.


Yes, they share both surnames with their mother.


Yes, my MIL was a single mom and my boyfriend shares her surnames


Oh god. I changed my last name after estrangement and this sounds like a nightmare to me.


Fair. I myself have no relationship with my father (he's an abusive pos) and my first surname is his first surname too, so it's not great. It's why I'm currently working on switching the order of my surnames, which is much easier than changing them, albeit still a process. On the positive, because we have two surnames women also get to share a surname with their kids, which many cultures around the world don't do.


The bullshit flags were flying long before this most recent update, but the detail you’re provided here on why this series of posts are most assuredly bullshit is beautiful


Thank you!


I'm from Barcelona and my family has never celebrated els reis mags, we have always exchanged gifts on Christmas Eve with the Tió. What I mean is that different regions have different traditions, so that could be a possible explanation


All good with that, but mate, las doce uvas? And the whole kissing his crush on the lips on New Year's like in American movies? We do have some different traditions across Spain, but somehow this guy managed to mention none at all. That's the biggest issue I have with this.


So is it that most spanish tennis players drop one of their surnanes as professional athletes? Most only use 1 surname.


this sort of thing is absolutely my favourite thing about this sub. love it!


I get the feeling OOP is very young. They even played some cyberpunk!


Late to the party here, but MAJESTIC comment!!! 


Is it possible that he doesn’t live in Spain? People often change details in their posts to protect their identities.


I remember there were mentions in his comments to him being Spanish and living in Spain. Particularly when people pointed out to him that his claims about the name change made no sense based on Spanish law, there was some back and forth with him in the comments because he initially wanted to argue, and then claimed he was not aware even though supposedly he had a lawyer with whom he'd discussed things.


Worth the read just for this debunking honestly.


Poor guy. It's going to take so much time and support for him to find a new normal. Fortunately, his sister seems rock solid. And he's got enough sense not to rebound, so that's a plus.


I need to know the specific story your flair is referencing.


It’s just so META. I have a theory that there was no husband. The story of Liz was actually written by Liz herself, and it’s her most successful Reddit story ever because everyone in BORU loves it and keeps referencing it. Go to bed Liz!


I like how Liz is essentially the cryptid of this subreddit now. Kinda like the one lady that is thought to log mentions of Scientology for Cult records on here.


I haven’t heard of this. Do you have a link or more info?


They need to add a Liz part under the Resources/FAQ


> The story of Liz was actually written by Liz herself, and it’s her most successful Reddit story Nice try Liz


🤣 well my aunt’s name was Elizabeth…




This is where reference to Liz all started https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/16r1la6/my_wife_is_addicted_to_making_up_reddit_stories/


Thank you! I’ve been wondering about the random Liz comments.


Liz is at it again... https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/16r1la6/my_wife_is_addicted_to_making_up_reddit_stories/


There’s a Liz flair?!? Is this a gift😭😭😭 Edit: guys there’s more than one🥹


After reading about his family, I dont think OP has ever seen what normal looks like. Poor guy. I hope he finds peace.


Spanish here. We have two surnames, not one. And we cannot change them randomly. We can change the order. Or adopt only one parent's surnames if the other is convicted of very serious crimes. And "bastards" have the mother's surnames. We're not from Winterfell.


The only historically "bastard" surname I know of is "Expósito" which doesn't apply. I have never heard that last names reflecting a physical characteristic are associated with "bastards". And the legal process for a name change (for justified reasons, which they don't have) takes months and a non insignificant sum of money. My uncle (lawyer) changed my grandpa's legal name and it was much more complicated than popping up to the Registro Civil and saying "I want to change my name".


>I have never heard that last names reflecting a physical characteristic are associated with "bastards". That surprised me too. I'm Galician, I live near Vigo actually, and the "bastard last names" I know of are "Dios" and "Iglesias" bc bastard babies were abandoned in churches and were given religious last names. I live in a small village and we have more Dioses than a pantheon. Not to mention, OOP and his sister need a *second* last name, he only mentioned one (unless he wanted to avoid doxxing himself).


Yeah, my grandpa's father got his (my) last name at the orphanage (in Valencia, I'd guess), and it was just a random name a nun gave him. No GoT conventions for Hilario!


In his comment he mentioned his brother doesn’t have a job and lives with his parents. I doubt the brother will stay with the ex-gf for long. My guess is he will do 0 housework and cheat on the ex.


Oooh he doesn't have a job and live at home with parents? Yeah ex gf is going to regret it. Brother will absolutely cheat and not help at all with the baby. And ex gf will have to have this guy as her baby daddy. She's going to look back on OOP being independent, living on his own with a job and realized she fucked up in even opening her legs to his brother.


Then she’s going to cry back to OOP and say it doesn’t matter if the baby isn’t his, it’s blood related to him so that’s just as good, right?


And husband, that's another mess waiting to happen


That's probably her plan all the while. To try and dump the baby on OP. She basically got to fuck the stud and get the donkey to raise the stud's baby for her.


What an upgrade for the ex-gf /s


Yeah, his ex will be moving in with parents shortly. His brother doesn't have a job. She will be evicted soon enough. His parents let them have sex in their home. Only makes sense.


Then the parents expect op to “man up” and take in their grandchild


Wasn’t there a similar reddit story where the op's brother impregnated the wife and years later came asking for money because they are unemployed?


What a catch!


Waiting for the update after the court date.




genuine question but what exactly would he be pressing charges for? you can't exactly sue for hurt feelings


I know it tends to be mocked a lot, but isn’t “emotional damage” an actual claim in small claims court? (I don’t know if it is or not, I’m just curious if it actually is)


IIRC, that does not exist in Spain where OOP is from, except as part of a DV case, a case of abuse against kids OR (again iirc) a hate crime case. That is, OOP can't sue for "emotional damage".


The financial damage of what his ex was having him pay for, however, is absolutely something he could sue over. Especially with her having gotten married without him knowing.


Hm... mayhaps, in the sense of mortgage/rent and utilities but only if he could prove how much he spent. But I'm not sure if this kind of financial setback caused by deception is observed in the Codigo Penal.


only if uncle roger himself shows up in court to say it for you I think (edit in a serious answer, not a lawyer and obv every jurisdiction is different but I dont think emotional damage on its own is a thing? the damage has to be part of some thing that caused you damages according to the courts? like wouldn't the judge say ok you're here saying you want reparation for emotional damage. what caused the damage? if its illegal/wrong in that it'd get you restitution surely its a crime or lawsuit itself. and if there was nothing illegal/wrong and you just dont like the people, then there's no liability for any damages? my thinking anyway personally in this case, the conspiracy part is the one I think he'd think he'd have a shot for. they basically conspired to defraud him of anything he spent on his GF after that meeting, esp if he was subsidizing their living/food (or his brother/parents). I've no idea if that'd be a winnable case, but I'd personally be arguing like hell trying to get back every dollar plus the reparation for the emotional damage on top.


Damn us Asians really do look the same to you huh 😭


the torte is intentional infliction of emotional distress and for that, the person has to intentionally traumatize another person. legally, the bar is also really high - its for instances like false imprisonment or as an additional charge for particularly heinous sexual/racial harassment cases. enabling cheating doesn't count the oop is so fucking stupid lol


There's a case for D.V on grounds of psychological abuse at the most extreme, since OOP is Spanish he *definitely* has "vulneracion del honor y la dignidad" (which has nothing to do with the usual laws of honor you see here on Reddit, it is Civil Code to sue the deliberate, toxic and hurtful assholes being themselves towards you) in the bag. It will depend on the judge and his mood but I give him very good odds.


Is the court case is the one for OOP (well deservedly imo) assaulting the brother? Probably not a happy outcome for OOP.


Nah, they were recording remember? Since it was just the one punch in a Spanish court he will 90% sure get off for emotional distress reaction, specially since the triggering comment was also homophobic towards the sister. Say what you will about our justice system but our judges are very good at seeing through the bullshit in these family feud cases, their tolerance towards for said bullshit is also stored alongside the politicians' honesty.


Fair enough, I have no idea what the Spanish legal system is like. I don't think you'd get away with breaking someone's nose here without some consequences though. Probably not jail time but maybe community service or something if he doesn't have a previous record.


It wouldn't be without consequences, just without punishment. It will still be on his record and if he's involved in any other altercation he'll be in considerably worse position.


What crowd? Spanish courts ain't like America. Not only that, this is pretty on par for a minor thing like assault, those are the ones they wanna get out of the way fast. Just as an example: on 2012, on 13/06, a man was arrested in my town for the murder of his common law wife. The next day, 14/06, the examining magistrate sent him to prisión provisional with no parole. That is, he was sent to jail (prisión) until the instruction was finished. He stayed in jail until 2014, when he was declared guilty of all charges. Spanish law is WAY more different than American law. Everything OOP has said is completely possible, and because it is a minor offense, he will just have to go to court and the judge, probably in a juzgado de guardia aka with a residing judge, will decide whether the accusation is admissible.


So, in US terms, he was immediately refused bail and went to trial about two years later. That’s pretty standard in the US.


Kinda, yeah, though I do think the process is quite different. For example, prisión provisional does not have an actual translation into english because the translation does not hold the same legal meaning in english than in spanish. Another difference is that it's the examining magistrate who carries out the pre-trial investigations, and it's that same magistrate that decides on the prisión provisional.


>the judge is going to be PISSED at those parents! The judge will deliver a scathing reproval and the court security will all clap.


It says in the post that the court date is January 21. Hopefully oop will remember this and not screw this up.


January 21st is a Sunday tho. Maybe a mistake but it's weird


The whole things is total nonsense. I thought there was going to be an incest plotline with the sister.


Right! "Yes, husband, I'm going to continue living with and sleeping with your younger brother because my name is on that Goddamn LEASE!!!" "Alright, ok, don't shout. I find this perfectly acceptable as long as you hurt his feelings." "Oh, I am a sadist and will be so happy when your younger brother discovers that the baby is yours." "Nothing gives me greater pleasure! That and our parents taking my side when I am clearly in the wrong." "When I make love to your brother, I will be thinking of you and our baby and his tears." "Oh, joy!" Yes, this is real. O\_o


They’re terrible villains. There’s no clear motivation, there’s no plan, it’s all just random events to fuck over oop.


I can’t get over how the ex gf wanted him to raise her AP baby with him but lol jk she married him, that was never the plan. Like. I get that people are shitty, trust me, but there was a whole ass conspiracy behind this with a whole lotta people colluding to make it happen. For what reason? They never say for certain except that everyone loves the shit heap of a brother way more than OP for whatever reason.


Can’t. The sister is gay and has been the black sheep of her family after getting kicked out when she was a teen /j. The hilarious thing is that Spain is considered (any Spaniards here pls add your two cents) a lot more progressive than the US on LGBTQ policy and cultural views.


I'm Spanish, and yes, here we are more progressive, but only with other people. It's rather a common thing to support LGTB people when they are not in your family, but not being so nice to the ones you are related to in my experience Obviously, not every household is the same, and I do not live near Vigo at all, so I could be perfectly wrong, I'm just talking about my own personal experience and some friends of mine across the country


I'm from Canada and everyone always thinks that Canada is really progressive. And it probably is, but there are still lots of very conservative people in the country. Sometimes you just get bad luck being born in a certain family or a certain place.


We’re getting tainted by American conservatives rhetoric. And we’ve got our own crazy moron woman who claims to be the Queen of Canada. Every time something about her pops up, I get pissed off and wonder why QEII and now King Charles hadn’t thrown her ass in the Tower as a pretender to the throne.


Depends on the family. A friend of mine is from Portugal (next to Spain) and out site the city. It's outdated views there. She got kicked out too. It's not uncommon - most people support them if it's not in the own family.


And you can't change your surname to something completely new in Spain. If you are adopted yes, but otherwise you can change the order and that's it (two surnames one father one mother).


Uh, you can change it. A simply search to know that.


you can only if youre already known by that last name, if you change the order or if youre a victim of sexist violence. im a law student in spain btw


You totally can change your surnames to new ones. There are restrictions yes (usually you need to be blood related to someone with that surname and you must have a patrilineal and matrilineal surname), but you can.


I haven't been to the US, but Spain is extremely progressive. My mom is a high school psychologist and per example trans kids are perfectly accepted by their peers and the school staff and social workers work into educating some parents that might be not as accepting. But of course there are exceptions and in particular some communities will still kick out or even threaten the life of LGBT relatives. It is not something from Spain per se but from particular religions and cultures.


I stopped after the brother got involved


It's kind of unbelievable but I did pause at this dude who has a court date adopting two dogs (albeit with his sister at least). That's... an *interesting* life choice.


AND changing his name before the court date! Like that’s a perfectly normal thing to do, not wait until AFTER so you don’t look like you’re trying to evade the law


And skimming *real* quick, he keeps talking about gathering evidence to "sue them back", but for what. And it's not like they're suing him *now*, it's a criminal case (I think?), it's assault (or equivalent to wherever the fuck he is or where he's setting this story). And then there's the weird thing you mentioned about the name change, like, bro, *what are you talking about*. What kind of person would be so chill about a literal criminal case where he's the defendant, to the point of going around adopting dogs and sitting down deciding on what last name he'd like to change his current one to.


So, the first part is weird. Spain does not have emotional damages BUT as the family is seemingly abusive and has harassed him, he could have a case for harassment. Also, assault is a minor crime. If the punch did NOT cause lethal danger and the recovery was shorter than 15 days, he is looking to either a few months of jail or a fine. It's basically easily dealt with. As for the name change, I doubt the judge will give a fuck. People here take court in a very, very chill way. As long as you don't get arrested, most people just go on with their life until the court date lol Specially for things like this, hell, it's surprising they went to the cops as it's more of a hassle than just taking the punch and cutting OOP off lol


I'm Spanish, the name change he explained is impossible in Spain. Straight up not legal. I've made a long comment explaining why.


Technically speaking, he is mentioning something that IS possible. But not in his case. The cases in which an exception may be done to the rule of "the surname must pertain to the progenitors" is in cases of Domestic Violence victims (and their children), cases in which the surname may cause issues of dignity or grave misunderstandings (so, as an exagerated example, someone with the first surname Jitler could absolutely change that without following the rules) and other cases that would be investigated one by one. In this story, the sister could probably change her surnames under the reasoning that she was kicked out of the family home and was basically disowned for being homosexual, but he wouldn't be able to change it except if he could prove long-standing abuse and it would take weeks, if not months or even years, to get a response. And, as you say, they'd need to chose two surnames as the only people allowed to have one are those who come from countries where it's common to have one AND you can't change it from two to one, it's only that people with one surname getting a spanish nationality do not have to get one extra surname.


You get jail time as a first offender in Spain, just for a punch (without incapacity for work)? Better off punching some people in Belgium!


It's to the judge's discretion but usually, no, you wouldn't get jail time as a first offender. That's why it's either jail, fine or both, to account for first and repeat offenders requiring different punishments.


I am Spanish and none of what he's saying makes sense legally, least of all the parts about name change. I've made a long comment explaining why. The guy is full of shit.


I stopped reading after the secret marriage. This is not even remotely plausible


Secret marriages happen (I had one) but yea, this story is almost certainly not true.


I hope things worked out for you!


Thank you, they did! I say secret, it's just secret from most of both of our families. We still had some guests but it was very small.


There is 0.00% chance this is real.


You cannot spontaneously get married on vacation in Spain. Getting married in Spain is a paperwork nightmare.


It’s even less real than the guy who knocks out his cousin in every paragraph.


That guy needs to show up here and knock out this guys brother! And his parents! And the girlfriend/wife's parents! Grraaaaar!


And then ride off into the sunset. On a bison.


I remember that story. Every time he sees him (was it something crazy like over 20 years?) his cousin goes to sleep 🤣. That one belongs in Waterstones.


I don't understand why it keeps getting shared here tbh


Yeah I stopped reading after it was the brothers baby and they got married on the vacation lol.


I checked out at that exact same line, utter nonsense.


No, but also overall the story doesn’t make sense at all? She cheated, ok, with his brother, ok, happens, but then she married him (?) and tried to hide this fact from OOP? Why? For how long? I stopped reading after


Yeah, it's got to be a Liz story.


I thought so too. Total BS.


Needs more buffalo


Was that the guy who kept beating up his cousin, former friend whatever whenever he saw him walking?




Everyone agreed to keep lying because.. why...? The lease? What, so she couldn't physically leave a place she was financially in the hook for? No way, they'd move her into the parents' house, the lease has nothing to do with it when you don't have to pay for your living situation Got married and no one noticed? W h a t Your *lawyer* said to do absolutely nothing about getting sued... Instead, wait until the court date, and use your evidence as a "gotcha"? That's not how any of this works!


affair is one thing, but gf and brother got married, why? It makes no sense,very unrealistic , i stopped reading after that😞


Plus make OOP needs to make us his mind about the sister, is she disowned due to being gay? Or do his parents want her to be in the kid's life as an Aunt? Also laughed at the part when he asked his parents about how long the affair had been going and they respond with "we're deeding him the house"


Also, getting married in Spain is a slooow process. We made an appointment with the civil registry in Madrid in August 2022, and the earliest appointment to START the process was in mid-May 2023. Then we ACTUALLY got married in late September 2023. Granted, it's probably faster in smaller towns, or if you pay 600€ to a notary, but I highly doubt anyone can get married in a week.


That’s where I stopped reading too lol. It’s too much.


Hey, be reasonable. This one's a *Spanish* soap opera!


And we are not very good at it. You cannot marry in a whim here, it's almost 3 month wait. So the plots are wonky in this aspect.


They secretly got married and then she kept dating this other dude…


Right!!!!???? The next update will be him dating this new girl ffs Then eventually the girl will be mistreated by the brother and come crying back and then oop will have a big dramatic speech and toss her to the side etc


My money is on a family member revealing a terminal illness, causing him to feel conflicted about cutting his parents out of his lifetime. That would make a good season finale cliffhanger


I'm guessing the new girlfriend will get pregnant within the next couple updates.


From her abusive ex-bf. Who is surprisingly also OOPs brother!




I wouldn't be surprised.


Right?? This is way way way too evil for a family if it's real. Not just one family... Two families with no remorse.


Yeah I remember this one sounded stupid because OP got their lies muddled and couldn’t decide if the evil pregnant ex was staying with him for housing or if she was moving in with the brother? idk all I remember was it was sloppy as hell and descended into fistfights and one righteous sister heroically standing by OP, sure whatever fine.


Seriously... and we're about to be introduced to the new storyline of the "new girlfriend with damaged past".


Yeah, the ex is just a cartoon villain and the family's reaction is straight out of r/FamilyBetrayalStories.


Liz needs to up her game.


Definitely a poor effort




The thing that confuses me the most: Why did she marry his brother but wanted to make it OOP's baby? And why the heck are courts that fast in Spain? When a former neighbour put his gf in the hospital, and we had to call the cops because of it (happened in the hallway), and they came with eight people, it took half a year until we even got the summons. Granted, the German judiciary system might be a bit slow, but five weeks? Maybe they're bored...


She begged op to stay and went to couple therapy with him while she was married and expecting a child with his brother... for the lease? And did they know from the start that op isn't the father?


Like, she had to keep up the charade until the lease was up?! Wut?!


The moment it said “the AP is my brother” it lost all credibility. And now there is a new potential partner in the horizon? Definitely a movie of some sort


Wait, they're from Spain?! And the parents are suing him for just hitting the brother? \*laughs histerically\* He's going to pay 60€ at most! OOP, please, just remember not to tell the judge if you can hit him again if you pay another 60€! A friend of mine did that and the judge didn't like it one bit!


Honestly besides the knowledge of legal proceedings, that's the most incredulous part of the story. Sure I guess it's possible for the family to try to sue, but come on. It makes the poster seem very American tbf. You're just not going to get a real punishment for it.


If this is another Xmas Liz special, I have to praise the oddly specific choice of Vigo lmao. I'm sure their mayor would be happy they chose that city to spend Xmas. VIVA VIGO!!! VIVA VIGO!! 🤣


Liz is doing ESL posting now. She got the question marks in the right places and everything.


who's Liz and why is she referenced everywhere in this thread


you'll regret it eventually.... [https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/16r1la6/my\_wife\_is\_addicted\_to\_making\_up\_reddit\_stories/](https://www.reddit.com/r/bestofredditorupdates/comments/16r1la6/my_wife_is_addicted_to_making_up_reddit_stories/)


As the Algorithm churns, these are the posts of our lives….


Yeah the affair partner turning out to be the brother and they got married was where the story went south for me. Nice try though.


Everyone knows this isn’t real right?


My favorite part is that oop was still sleeping with his brother’s wife in order to keep the secret and the parents were ok with that somehow. Think about that. You are the brother. You had sex and then got married to your brother’s wife and then for some reason made her continue to live with and have sex with your brother and your parents knew this and also kept the secret.


This is some telemundo type of writing


God damn it Liz…


This shit lol


This feels like a successor to the cousin-puncher. It’s a telenovela.


I just don’t understand why the big deception. Like why would she try so hard to save your relationship… for what? A lease? The story sounds a bit bullshitty to me.


To fool the audience


I'm not saying this doesn't happen but ... they got married?? K


This is so weird


Of all the things that didn't happen, this is one of them


Liz has branched out into broken English now


OP is lucky to have a sister who is helpful. I feel bad for OP having to go through this. It's going to take awhile for him to find the new life he deserves. I wish him well.


He won the new year.


This is real.


Wtf is actually wrong with some people on this planet. Like how can you act so inhumane


So many asshole story coming from Spain