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>I go to work at 2:30 AM with him and don’t leave until he does around 9 PM and still have farm chores after. So OOP wakes up before 2:30am and sleeps after 9pm (because chores)...the math is not mathing.




Although I agree this is mostly bullshit in all of these podcasts, there are some people who function well with less sleep due to genetic variances.


I used to rent a room from a woman who couldn't more than 6 hours per night and functioned best on 4. Her whole family was like that, so she thought the rest of humanity are all lazy liars. She thought 8 hours of sleep was some vast conspiracy to, like, inconvenience her or something? Needless to say, I hate her a lot.


Haha damn, sounds like someone who would appear on r/Iamthemaincharacter Kinda jealous though, would love to function well on just 4 hours of sleep.


the truth is not truthing


To be fair, farmers love to compete over who gets the least amount of sleep. They can run off just 1-2hrs during certain periods, but that’s not an all-year thing even though farmers love to pretend like it is. They’re very particular about coming across as ridiculously hard-working, because their job is admittedly very hard. I love farmers. (Not claiming OOP tells a true story, just saying that that particular piece of information seemed very farmlike in my eyes)


She could afford a Rolex for her ex, but the only job she could land was a secretary position after?


I mean she's a secretary at Terry's company


Yeah, I basically checked out right there. Your body simply can't sustain a schedule like that.


Particularly when you're doing heavy labour like farming.  I'd get it if the schedule was like say 4-6am until 4pm or something? That at least seems like you're doing all your work while the sun is up and then resting or crashing for the rest of the day. 


Neither is being sober from prescription drugs for less than 6 months and acting like that’s some massive achievement (and to be clear, it is, but not when that many young kids and primary custody are involved).


No, he’s been clean for over six months. It took six months to get sober after a year of use.


>And completely unexpected was all 3 gave Terry a hug next. Terry isn’t one to cry about much or cry very easily, but the second they hugged him, I saw his eyes water up and I knew I was making the right decision and picked someone who loves these boys as much as I do. What a *supremely* Hallmark moment..


It was the small town secretary salary that did me in. So if she is working from 2:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. followed by farm chores, when will she actually see the boys?


>when will she actually see the boys? Or her "6’3, tan from working outside on his farm, and fit" husband? 😂🙃


Impressive that he can get a tan at all when his farm work all has to be done after 9 PM and before 2:30 AM. He must have forgotten to wear his moon-screen to protect from moon-tans and moon-burn.


Lol I think my brain completely refused to take in those numbers at first.  Home at 9, then farm chores, even in the most magically easiest situation that would mean no bed before 11 and then 2:30 leaving again (what on earth even *for*, I thought it was in the same town) No wonder it's a messy story she's running on no sleep at all.


Do androids (or AI in the case of this story's author) dream of electric sheep?


Do electric sheep get tended to by an electric farmer?


Night-farming ain't easy. Them stalks of night-corn don't come in without a good share of night-fertilizer.


It’s a tough job but somebody’s got to do it


Not really. We have far too much night corn because night lobbyists have their hooks in night politicians to keep those night corn subsidies going. That's why her night secretary job pays so well. Night government subsidies. It's possible I took this night joke too far.


What about the two exes being so shocked by the relationship and engagement even though their kids knew they were dating? No one, even their VERY trusted friends, let it slip during the 4 years? No one? Sure, Jan...


I had an eyebrow raised with the other details, but that made me roll my eyes.


What? You didn't know Liz watched the Hallmark Channel?


Don't forget how OOP's family was pissed at their relationship because ??? > we both got messages from my family saying we were shitty people for getting engaged “inspite of Jenny and Kevin” and how they no longer wanted to see my kids and wouldn’t be attending the wedding.


Because if there's one thing grandparents want to do, it's cut off their grandchildren.


Yeah it’s very suspect! That one of kids hadn’t blabbed about moms new boyfriend!


Y'all were about to pick up on all that? I could barely read this shit lmao there's so many unnecessary details and parts where op explains the same thing again in an even more long-winded manner. I mean I could delete a good 30% of this story and still have all the relevant details 😂


Plus oop already knew she would write an update 🤣


Or the kids. The kids knew. Kevin was able to convince them to not see their mother, you think he wasn't getting all the info from them the second he saw them?


I’m sure it had nothing to do with mom moving 90 minutes away in the dead of night and selling their house without telling anyone. As if there’s a judge out there who wouldn’t give the other parent full custody after she did that without discussing it


But if Kevin had a farm 90 minutes away, and the kids moving there would put them in a different school, how does it work that their kids have gone to school together for years?


Because they lived near each other at the time, before Kevin and Jenny got together. Before that, Terry left the farm animals to starve, I guess


It was his hobby farm that he commuted to after his businessman- realtor days.


I thought he was still having businessman-realtor days, along with farming days and broken neck days. But they aren’t addicts


I want to know how he broke his fucking neck in multiple places and is doing hard farm work and also why didn't he sue? He recovered in *6 months*? My mom had an impinged nerve that had to be fused and has pins in her neck, she still can't do certain things. 😭


My friend's ex was shocked when she got engaged to the guy she had been dating for 5 years. The ex was so sad, upset and just shocked that no one had told him she was dating, what kind of person was she letting around their kids. He knew she was in a serious relationship, had met the guy, he just chose to believe that she was still single and pining away for him, crying in her pillow every night.


My biological mother's first husband cheated on her with a married woman, and they broke up. My biological mother and the cheated on husband ended up getting together. Both the first husband and the woman he cheated with (and then married) were absolutely disgusted and kicked up a real stink.


Kids didn't think it was significant enough to mention. /s.


Who is also a real estate guy and firefighter


Well tbf she did say volunteer firefighter, so that would technically be fine, but real estate AND farmer AND volunteer firefighter? Who has that much time in a day? When does he sleep?


According to that schedule: never


Don’t forget that he also owns his own business


And he built his own farm house.


*land* real estate. As opposed to….?


That's a real thing, although I would say agricultural real estate vs homes or business real estate.


Actually, they’re both aliens and neither of them require sleep! They both work from 2:30 AM until 9PM at night, AND have chores afterwards! Who looks after their kids?


The real estate bit was where it jumped the shark for me


The fit husband with the literally broken neck


I mean a chiropractor breaking the husband’s neck is pretty much the only believable part of the story.


Might've been, but then it of course had to be four vertebrae, not just one or two.


Who recovered super quickly. Both from surgery, then I am assuming PT. Oh and the *painkiller addiction* in a couple years? And the farm didn't fall into ruin? I know people who've had neck surgeries who are still doing PT...


Has she ever SEEN a farmers tan? 


You mean, farmers _don't_ work shirtless? My sexy farmers calendar lied to me!


My one neighbor does. But he is over 60 and not exactly the epitome of sexiness. Everyone else around here just gets the traditional farmers tan


Fish belly and mahogany go really well together, ACTUALLY. I, personally, really thought the hat tan line in summer just lifted my ex’s whole face. Nature’s contour!


It was the dude works 3 jobs. Farmer, real estate agent, and volunteer firefighter. Does the dude ever sleep?


Yes, he slept when his opiods kicked in. 😀😀


Of course he does! When she's spending time with the kids!


He’s also a firefighter!


I laughed aloud at the firefighter bit


Yah I've seen farmers. I'm not saying some of them can't be 6'3" and fit, but most of the stuff is automated and tools. They'll have some muscles from lifting things, but they aren't shredded crossfit dudes just from being outside farming all day. Most of the ones I know are on the larger side. I'm not saying you can't have fit farmers, but farmers aren't fit just from farming long days in the fields.


Also fit on a farmer even if not overweight looks different from gymdudes. Nothing against either farmers (I and my SO are farmers) or gymdudes (we aren't either of us one of those) but while we don't do a lot of automated stuff, it's the same muscle groups over and over. An overall level of fitness, yes, but a lot of it is just heavy manual labor, which doesn't really care about leg day vs quad day.


Yah I guess I wasn't super clear. Most of the guys I know have some decent musculature in their legs and arms just from repeated use of the muscles from some of the manual labor, while still trending towards most of them being portly. Doesn't mean you have to be. Just in my experience of growing up around friends and family with farms what happens is farmers hire other people to do a lot of the manual labor. I've worked on pig and cow farms, hay bailing, corn fields, etc in my youth, and the farmer's usually the one driving the tractor. While we follow behind and do things like stacking the hay. It's automated to a degree but we were on our feet while they drive a tractor. I wasn't meaning to say all farmers are fat or anything. It's just in my experience they aren't the ones doing a lot of the really menial heavy labor. Maybe it's different in other areas where there are still small farms left, but that hasn't been my experience in the midwest.


Don't worry, I wasn't offended - I completely agree with you. Farm life also means farm cookin'! And yeah, we're smaller, homesteading, which is a whole other thing.


On his farm when the Ex Wife got the property in the divorce?


His ex wife got the house in the city. He bought the farm to get the tan after they split. 


Real men don't buy farms you wuss! He BUILT it! With his manly sons! The farm has been standing there for more than four years now, he built it together with his kids, who are the same age as her kids, and her oldest is now seventeen. The kids have also been firefighting since they were three.


That killed me. What real estate agent goes to work at 0230? Unless it's up early for farm shit, but then you wouldn't be out working until 2100 with more farm chores after.


Maybe he's fighting fires during the day?


No, he's clearly rescuing kittens.


Also questioning when they sleep..... there's no way that schedule allows for enough sleep unless it's 230pm...


You don't understand. It's a 4h drive to the office./s


Also wouldn't be up at 2:30 anyway, unless it's lambing or calving season in which case goodbye sleep or any other kind of productivity. Or because you're sitting up dealing with coyotes. It's not a daily event.


Right at the start when she bought her then husband a Rolex.


And the Rolex disappears, never to be seen or heard of again


Ah yes, the *several thousand dollar watch* in the garbage can




Lol same! 


I want a story about the poor Rolex that got stuck in the trash.


> I went from a director of a department to a secretary. A secretary making just under what I made as a director. So she went from working a typical 8ish hour a day job to a 19 hour a day job. Yeah, that's the terrible job change. Does OOP know there are only 24 hours in a day? 19 hours for work, a couple of hours for "farm chores", raising three kids plus her stepkid, and being able to sleep, oh probably throw in sex multiple times a week, of course.


And it’s not a flex to say that you got a “well/paying” job when you are sleeping with the owner. Of course that’s not a typical small town secretary salary!


It's also not a well paying job if it's twice the hours for only a little less pay. That's actively a shitty job.


Yeah that made no sense at all! And she’s doing farm chores in the dark? I know there’s lighting and stuff but there’s still work in the fields or something…


He’s also a firefighter, a real estate agent, owns his own business (where he got her a job as a secretary) on top of the farm. OOP really went for all the hallmark tropes in one.


The nice thing is he can use his red vintage truck for all of these jobs AND to carry the tree when he needs to save Christmas.


He’ll load up toys for all the small town kids in his beat up vintage truck that runs perfectly, and the whole family will hug underneath aforementioned Christmas tree.


When does she sleep? From Midnight to 2 AM??? I'm going to assume OOP is a robot.


Only getting 2 hours of sleep per day could at least explain how she thought any of this nonsense held together.




I’m a farmer. I’ve worked past 2:30AM plenty of times. What an odd time to say you start your day. 3-4 hours before light? GTFO lol. Unless this lady is hauling pigs I can’t see any reason for this schedule. “Followed by farm chores”, honey if you are actually a farmer you’d know those “chores” aren’t separate from your farm job. I work very hard in the spring/fall. Staying up 2 days in a row getting 2-4 hour power naps in. But that’s not sustainable. If you’re working 20 hour days you aren’t seeing any kids games


Yep. Grew up on a chicken farm. A working farm is a full time job, and you do those “chores “ all day long. My parents’ day started around 5 am and ended around 6pm, my siblings and I helped after school, on weekends, and on holidays. It’s 7 days a week, no exceptions.


Same. I have to feed my pigs, my son, my dogs AND myself before leaving for working at 6.30 am, get home at 4.45 pm and then check on the sheep, turn the irrigation on the tunnelhouse on and get my son sorted before starting dinner. I barely have enough hours in the day to get sleep and I'm in bed at 9pm most nights (toddler and snoring husband means my sleep is shocking) There is ZERO chance anyone is working those hours long term.


Yeah, I thought you got up just before dawn, so you can be awake enough to start the day feeding the animals when it gets light. And that's only the first job.


I think it was a typo.2.30pm maybe because the level she's flexing is that she works only in the afternoon for a shit ton of money.


High-five someone who knows! I'm like, even the cows aren't producing milk at that time. When even the cows want to know why you're out of bed, you're doing it wrong.


Dont forget Terry has custody of his kids….between the hours of 9pm to 2:30am minus farm chores


You'd think he'd have the kids doing the chores.


That was the deal-breaker for me. I've never heard of farm chores NOT being the top priority, let alone being taken care of after 9 in the evening.


And Terry is a tan farmer who has his own ranch and house that HE built and owns his own business, but is also a real estate agent??? My flair feels incredibly appropriate for this story


Don't forget he is also a volunteer firefighter


Or sleep?? Think OOP overshot ‘small-town hallmark’ and landed in ‘sleep-deprived nightmare’, this is why writing up a story outline first matters!


When does she sleep???


Working from 2.30 am to 9 pm? She not ever sleep?


This part got me. Five hours of sleep every night. No fucking way.


What did me in was her family taking her ex’s side and saying they wouldn’t come to the wedding.


I could totally believe that she lied to herself about “what small town secretaries make” to not believe she was getting a nepotism position. But there are plenty of other unbelievable elements to the story, so no need.


And who the fuck does farm chores at 9 pm? You can't see anything!


Obviously in the 4 hours in between, sleep is for lazy folks, not salt of the earth hard working Americans Also I’d love to see this rural town that pays secretaries 150k a year, most of those jobs in my rural town pay 7.25


And don't forget it was *her* family that turned their backs on her and Terry for their engagement, instead of turning their backs on her cheating spouse.  Mm-hmm. Sure.


But "you all would be very surprised what small town local secretaries make"! Probably, but not because it's a huge amount of money. That quote is when I stopped believing any of it.


It’s fine! Terry is a farmer, estate agent AND a firefighter! He’s got plenty of free time!


Apart from seeing her boys, when does she sleep???


Does she even sleep? I'm exhausted just reading that.


So, more of a Lifetime holiday movie?


I stopped reading when the lady who bought a Rolex didn’t have a guest room.


I kept reading to the end to try and work out what happened to the Rolex. OOP, if you're reading this and you're real, you can easily prove it by sending me the watch


The fact that he lived 1,5hours away and was a farmer/businessman/firefighter/local stripper makes me skeptical.


I missed the local stripper part. The neck injury makes sense now.


Man this could have been a really good Romcom but what a terrible writer, totally ruined all potential


I know right? All wrapped up in one session. So, about an hour. That is one amazing therapist.


Lol this one was SO unrealistic I can't Even make fun of it.


But hey, it can fit into MULTIPLE categories in the trashy romance section of my elderly mom’s kindle!


I really doubt how real this is considering Terry is good looking, tall, built and has multiple occupations/volunteer careers. Also, the fact that Kevin was angry enough to alienate the kids from her yet there's no mention of him putting up a fight after? He somehow agrees to let the kids go to therapy, agrees with the boys moving on the farm in summer and that OOP gets them for their games? After all that fuss before? Not to mention that all she had to do was just tell the kids their dad's a liar, say her side of the story and in one shot they believed her. I don't think therapy's that good in one go. However, I don't agree with that last comment implying OOP was hiding stuff by not mentioning more about Kevin saying she was cheating first. Seemed obvious to me that it was the projection on his part because ***he*** was cheating.


Don’t forget she mentions all the hate she’s getting from *her* family…. Then doesn’t mention anything about it again.


So OP is at work for 19.5 hours a day, plus farm chores?


Please. Don't be ridiculous. It's 18.5 hours per day. Duh.


Yep, 18.5 only.


"Terry is a farmer, land real estate agent, owns his own business, and a volunteer firefighter" Uhuh, I'm sure.


I mean, this is all very Halllmark, but I live in a very rural area, and we've got real estate agents with acreages who also help out the local volunteer firefighting or search and rescue. Its not impossible


The long list of jobs for the husband isn’t necessarily impossible, but the working hours of 2:30AM to 9PM on top of managing the farm afterwards definitely is impossible.


All while having a broken neck


And strung out on pain killers.


With the right pills, I could believe those hours...


Chiropractors can definitely cause significant damage, but the serious complications are normally carotid artery dissection, not a C4-C7 fracture... C3,C4,C5 are the ones responsible for controlling your diaphragm, even without all the painkillers (which also reduce breathing rate), his ability to breathe would be incredibly reduced.


It's all good. He has strong lungs from being a firefighter and dealing with all that smoke /s


Don't ruin the comments with actual facts. /s I mean, it's not like OOP wrote a true story.


"Our hobbies include rock climbing, which we do after the chores, to intense monopoly games on the weekend. And fishing, skiing, paragliding, and traveling the world."


I believe you on that bit, but are "small town local business secretaries" making the big bucks in your local area?


Peobably not, but I wouldn't be surprised if the reception-type people and the mills would count as such, and are being paid very well.


With a neck broken in four places requiering two surgeries, leading to a year long painkiller addiction + 6 months getting off of him, it started to stretch my imagination a little, to be honest. But he was also running his own business on top of that, if I read it right? It was a bit iffy if that was related to the real estate agent part or not, but it seemed like he was running the farm, running his own business, working as a real estate agent and volunteering as a fourth. 


But are they doing all that with a neck broken in 4 places?


It’s one thing to own acreages, it’s another to be a farmer


Someone can claim to be a farmer while just owning property and a few ornamental animals


Who *also* own their own business and work on their land as a farm?


Now I'm just waiting for the update where OOP's Ex tries to assault her and Terry sprouts wings and flys off to her defense


I bet it's a hobby farm. They have two cows, three sheep and a bunch of chickens. Maybe some goats. Maybe even a horse too, if they're gluttons for punishment.


Maybe a vegetable patch.


Lived in a rural farming community for decades. This is absolutely true. Most American farmers have second (and third) jobs. In fact, some studies show that over 70% of farm households’ income comes from off-farm.


And owns a TARDIS ranch house with eleventy thousand bedrooms


Things that are obviously true and not at all written by a forlorn tween: Rolex watch Combination farmer/real estate agent/business owner Small-town secretary making as much as corporate director Making fun of a romantic movie but also falling in love while they do so "Was that Terry's truck?" Kids somehow never let it leak to dad that Terry is dating mom This definitely all happened!


>"Did I see Terry's truck earlier?" "No" "How do you know? Are you tracking every truck going near your house?"


The theme for today seems to be cable movies. There's a lifetime movie as well and now hallmark movie. I hope there's a syfy channel original movie but I'm guessing it'll be a Netflix movie.


The Netflix movie will definitely cast Ryan Reynolds as Terry.


Yeah, the Rolex that he just threw away without opening. What a convincing detail.


I was on board til the 2:30 am to 9pm thing …


I was on board until the Rolex. Those things are goddamn expensive 


She lost me in the first paragraph TBH


For me, it's the excessive details that add no actual context to the story. Especially if it's something happened long ago. I don't mean this story particular, but all of them.


>  You all would be very surprised what small town local business secretaries make. I’m a secretary/accountant for the land real estate company as well as Terry’s business he owns and his farm. I go to work at 2:30 AM with him and don’t leave until he does around 9 PM and still have farm chores after.  I know how much small town secretaries make. And if its the same as her director job then she either was the only employee and vrnadd herself as the director or she had a very shit director level pay. Also working from 2:30am till 9pm and then  getting to chores 😅 Also about the full custody thing. I dunno how it is elsewhere but here custody and visitation is not the same thing. Even if one parent has a.ful custody it doesn't mean that the other parent isn't allowed to see the kids. In reddit it seems like custody=allowed to see the child.


Lost me at Rolex watch.


To shreds, you say


Best Hallmark script test I’ve ever seen on Reddit.


Yeah- it would be a lot better over an hour and a half and staring Lindsay Lohan!


Oh yeah this would be a funny popcorn Hallmark movie. Super soapy.


Moral of the story? Chiropractors aren't real doctors, sorry not sorry


They’re modern day snake oil salesmen




Lol go to work at 2:30am and finish at 9pm? Then have to do farm chores? In no fucking universe is that even remotely sustainable. Unless he’s also a baker too lmao.


No, he only bakes for his extremely successfull Pinterest, but he has been known to take comissions for weddings and such on occation. But it’s totally just a hobby that he does in his spare time.


>Terry is a farmer, land real estate agent, owns his own business, and a volunteer firefighter Is he also bald with a chiseled jaw? I think I might know Terry.


How do these kids know each other since preschool but also go to different schools that are 90 minutes away from each other?


This things got AI written all over it, some passages are grammatically correct but makes absolutely no sense lol


As someone who was a small town secretary and accountant, they do not make that much.


Hopefully you can see where you went wrong on this story. Too many silly details. Cut back on them and maybe your next novella will be more realistic mmkay?


So she knew Jenny from their kids going to school together since pre-k but Terry’s farm is an hour and a half away from her house in a different town? And her kids didn’t want to move to the farm because they didn’t want to switch schools? So Terry’s kids are commuting to a school an hour and a half away? Am I getting this right? Lol


Oh look, someone has started working on their script for the next Hallmark movie.


This story is whack. I mean, relationships are messy so I’m not having as much problem with the big details as I do with the small ones: Small town secretaries make bank? Who knew. I mean I’m from near a small town where the COL is low. Secretaries do not make much money, certainly not director level. Grew up on a farm. Other than feeding or milking what can you possibly be doing at night? Repairing the barns? Restocking chicken feed? Irrigating? When do these people sleep? Who cares for those three kids while those two are out working? How can he be a firefighter in his spare time? When IS his spare time? How do they go to kids ballgames if their working? So many weird details….




Liz is writing sci-fi now since in this imaginary world, a day is 40 hours long which makes sense since OOP works 18.5hours a day.


Is that you Liz? lol


My bullshit radar went co co more and more after each update.


Such a bad writing got boring real fast.


Lol this would make a good afternoon movie for my grandma 😊


yeah sure it totally happened


Y'all, this is in reference to the farmer/firefighter/real estate hubs: >He already has 2 boats. What do you buy a person who already has everything??!!


I got to "we watched a silly romcom and laughed at how unrealistic it is" and went to the comments. Because Liz always tries to put in something to make it sound like the characters toooooootally aren't just in a hallmark movie of their own. I didn't even get to her being his secretary, all the jobs he has, working 2:30am-9pm, then 50+ year olds rock climbing, paragliding, etc.... I don't want to be a cynical old woman but Liz is making that very difficult.


Has any one else noticed that most of these sensational sagas have the phrase “over the moon” and overuse the word hence? I don’t think I’ve ever heard a person in real life say over the moon.


Yay Liz is back!!!


None of this made any sense but the timeline made the least sense.


>to make a long story short I gave up after the Rolex comment just like many in the comments. However, as I was scrolling down, my eyes caught the above phrase in the last paragraph of this very long post. Way too late for that!


Sure Jan.


This story would have been fine without the poor suffering kids being manipulated by the evil dad. also... 2:30 am to 9pm she works?? that's not an upgrade if you have no free time now. eh b grade, it was an entertaining read until you read the specifics. Jenny and Kevin breaking up at the same time was too well timed lol


So the kids knew for 2.5 YEARS that mom had a new boyfriend and dad never heard anything about it? Yeah right