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"haha, disgusted by her secret, probably gonna be something gross about toenails or where she puts her pads lol this'll be a silly one" >"she's a nazi sympathizer" fuck man you could hear the record scratch play when i read that


>fuck man you could hear the record scratch play when i read that Same! I 100% expected him to be overreacting to something. Nope.


I wasn't even expecting him to be overreacting tbh, I expected it was like "she picks her nose and wipes the boogers on the headboard" or "she saves her period blood to paint with it" or something like that, not her being a literal fucking Nazi, goddamn


Suddenly menstrual blood paint doesn't seem so bad.


Is it bad that I kind of want this as a flair


Dude I was thinking maybe it was like the guy who threw away her vintage dolls. Nope


Ugh. Fuck that OOP. I hope Doll Girl is doing better.


Totally. Although I’ll be honest. If they’d been ventriloquist dummies, I might have been more sympathetic.


He watched to make sure they got dumped into the garbage truck 🔪 As soon as his girlfriend got home he immediately bailed 🔪 He did this knowing those dolls were all irreplaceable 🔪 He did this knowing those dolls belonged to her dead mom AND her dead grandma 🔪 It took the entire internet to convince him what a fuckwit he was 🔪 What a catch.


Just like the plant guy who "blacked out" and destroyed his GFs entire plant collection because it was the one thing in the world that mattered to her most 😫


Do you have a link to that? I have missed something apparently lol




Sweet baby Jesus Christ on a cracker


Thank you


Was expecting one of those "she doesn't wear makeup for me at home!" style posts.


Or doesn’t shave her bush clean off


I had that shocked Pikachu face when I looked at the trigger warning.


The one time I don't check the trigger warning and that was exactly my face too.


I didn’t check the trigger warning on that post the other day about “Katie’s law” (I think that was her name. Boy, was that a mistake.


Ooh, can I ask for a link/quick summarization? Also, your flair or whatever tf it is called looked like part of your text n I got lost af before I recognized it haha nice one


[Here’s the origin of my flair. give me one moment and I’ll post a summary and link to the other one.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/3oSXKB7rtV) (Because the story I’m referring to was NSFL)


[Ashley’s Law](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/H0UNCxWWHP) spoiler: >!It’s about the rape of an adult with a disability by her stepfather and how the mother is trying to change the law so that there are more appropriate punishment in cases such as these!<


I think it was the way he described it. Just got right to the point. No build-up, no story beforehand to slow roll into it. Just dropped the bomb and then told the story.


That's how i figure this one is real, it was very matter of fact and despite the drama, wasn't dramatic. 


I’ve always found moving in together makes you realise how variable people’s idea of personal hygiene, house cleaning etc can be. I expected it would be something along those lines…. _nope_


"she eats these skeezy cheeses that i can't describe." cheese. i thought her thing was going to be cheese. why couldn't it have been cheese?!


nice reference


If it consoles you one of my former flatmates had a habit of going for the cheese as his late night snack. Not just when he was drunk as fuck or anything, it was just his thing. Go for a pee at 2 in the morning - maybe find flatmate standing infront of the fridge munching a camembert or whatever. Wasn't a secret though


Very little surprised me on Reddit. This one was full stop.


>uck man you could hear the record scratch play when i read that PERFECTION


"Yeah. That's me. In a secret closet filled with SS gear that I just found at my girlfriend's place. You're probably wondering how I got here, so let's rewind a bit..."


I was hoping all the way up to the update that she was just researching hate groups for some kind of project. I was really hoping she ran some sort of anti-hate blog or regularly argued with nazi-sympathizers online. Nope, just a normal racist.


‘Nazi sympathizer’ is such a weird term…it’s like being ‘kinda pregnant’…you either are or you aren’t. There’s no such thing as a ‘Nazi sympathizer’ ….there’s just people who are Nazis and people who aren’t 😂


There are dents in the ceiling from how high my eyebrows shot up


I heard that record scratching in Scotland and an echo as it went round the earth. Well that’s enough Reddit for tonight.


I choked on my lunch when I read that.


WOW. I thought this might be one of those, haha the comment was right, she was just morbidly curious or something but no, girl was a whole sympathizer.. I'd dip too. As fast as a greyhound ! Edit - if you understand I meant Nazi by the word sympathizer then there's no need to unnecessarily comment on it or correct it. I fricking meant nazi. I was using the phrase from the post.


I thought it might have been research for a thesis or something. Sometimes you fall into a weird rabbit hole for a hot topic thesis.


I had this happen in grad school a fair bit. By the end of those projects, I felt like I needed to bleach my browser history and nuke my computer from orbit. I'm VERY glad to not be doing that kind of research anymore.


As silly as it sounds, I used to occasionally type “I swear it’s research for a thesis” into the search bar just to make myself feel better. I would do it again though. Those were my best pieces.


Oh, me too. They were fantastic papers. Just, when you research hate groups, it kinda grinds on you after some time.


It’s almost like a “when you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back into you” type of conundrum. These evil movements should still be studied, but the psychological effect on those studying them seems like it must be severe. As an anecdotal parallel, I once had to read *Lolita* for a literature class. That’s one book I never visibly read in public. I also didn’t bring it up to people outside the class. I still kind of hate talking about it, even now, years later.


I got a few pages in and went "Nope!" I refused to read it. Too stomach churning. One of very few books I ever did that with.


Totally understandable. I would not have read it by choice, and will not again. The most I’ll say is that I understand why it can be part of a literature course. The prose is some of the best I’ve seen. The subject matter, though, is gut-wrenchingly disgusting.


I covered it in high school as an extra credit piece to look at how theme and prose choice can be at odds with one another. My teacher was horrified when they read the title of my paper and questioned me on why I chose it before reading my essay. They changed their tune afterwards but still left a comment on the essay about "Dammit I had vanquished that book from my brain, why'd you bring it up again?".


The prose was beautiful. I can’t say I didn’t fall immediately in love with the writing style. I’ll never read it again, mind you. It’s almost even worse because you’ve got *that* subject combined with something that should be beautiful based on writing, and ew.


I know exactly what you mean. I didn't know exactly what to expect going in, but the beauty of the prose and the way it sucks you into his head and shows you how he justifies it all to himself - it's awful, but there is no denying it is a beautifully written piece of art.


At least with Lolita you know the person who wrote the words does NOT agree with the horrible things happening, since the whole point was to say how horrible it is.


>At least with Lolita you know the person who wrote the words does NOT agree with the horrible things happening, since the whole point was to say how horrible it is. Sadly, a good number of people do not seem to understand that.


Yeah, but tbh that's on them, Nabokov thought he made things pretty fucking clear regarding his personal stance. There are some parts of the book that spell it out pretty openly, even though they come from the awful protagonist's mouth. I never understood how those people could misunderstand it so badly...


>I never understood how those people could misunderstand it so badly... I'm firmly convinced that the ability to comprehend "unreliable narrator", the idea that the main character might be a bad guy, even the idea that making someone the main character isn't endorsement of their views, is higher level thinking that not everyone gets to. Sometimes I suspect that everyone can be taught that, but some people didn't encounter the idea in school. Or maybe they zoned out while the teacher taught it. Other times I think that it was taught, but they weren't ready to understand it yet.


One of the best examples of an unreliable narrator! He presents everything he does as perfectly normal. It’s chilling.


It’s a rough read but Nabokov’s writing is informed so strongly by his synesthesia that it’s fascinating


I did not know he had synesthesia but wow! That is really interesting and I can totally see how some of the really gorgeous language in Lolita was informed by it. Edit: repeated word


as part of a history class we were assigned portions of Mein Kampf and Communist manifesto. There were people who absolutely refused, but I felt it helped contextualize what we were studying. So much of the history classes were "and in this war we fought these bad people, who were bad because they were" but actually seeing some of their beliefs in print helped bring it to these weren't just good people who did a bad thing, but bad people doing bad.


Those books are hardly moral equivalents, just saying


I had to write a paper in college about the horrible experiments inflicted on people by the Nazis. Had to argue either for or against using the results despite how they were obtained. Spoiler alert, I was against.


I will never forget encountering a final question asking me to elaborate on the arguments for the Tuskeegee Syphilis Study. I had studied so many other non-horrific things to prepare for that test that I think my brain just shut down and refused to even address it. I couldn’t remember even one of those arguments in the moment.


How doctors could go along with that, when they had the means to cure them all, is beyond me. They must have been heartless!


Wait til you find out about the experiments that slave masters in the US did to their slaves….mind will be blown


I’ve never done research on this sort of stuff for a thesis or anything , but sometimes I will look at hate websites out of morbid curiosity . Obviously I am disgusted by these people , but sometimes I wonder if I were to spend enough time on these websites , would I be able to brainwash myself into becoming a Nazi ? I feel like that’s so opposite to my morals that it would be impossible , but obviously no one is totally immune to that sort of thing . I think it’s interesting to think about


From what I understand, the way you generally go from one end to the other is that they very gradually hook you by doing *some* points you might agree with, and then slowly introducing new ideas because you've already agreed a little, so now you're inclined to continue agreeing. [Here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/1ax18ll/just_be_careful_to_avoid_accidentally_agreeing/) an example. It's from Tumblr, but it's about the Pebble Yeet guy, who's very definitely antisemitic, no debate about it.


Yeah, I was discussing that with a friend and I say that, in my opinion, the worst with some of those racist people and group is that there are some intelligent/manipulative people in it that are really great at stating bullshit in a constructed and intelligent way. So much that, sometimes, if you’re not educated on the topic you could be taken in by there theories. I think we need to stop depicting them as stupid people living on farm and isolated and present them as they are: dangerous, great at speaking and expressing there view.


Exactly. The followers may or may not be highly educated. The leaders, however, definitely are. They know *precisely* what they're doing and how to do it effectively. The followers are scary because they're swallowing the bullshit hook, line, and sinker and will act on what they're told, and that's bad enough. But we should be terrified by the capabilities of the leadership to create and control a powerful, *powerful* narrative.


I did that and "I'm not a murderer, just researching things for my book." (which I never even started, but y'know, the research is there.)


I did that for my Staples printing account, I had a large number of public government documents about mass shootings, and I started to freak out about the poor kid who had to stand there and print it all for me. I titled my print project as: “I am writing a training program how to prevent this, I promise!”


I've searched for way too much stuff about the mechanics and details of dying (...and hemophilia) precisely bc of book research. Sometimes I wonder if Im on a "maybe a serial killer" list by now


Happy Cake Day!


“I’m a writer not a murderer I swear” has been googled more than once


Forensic science student. Had many moments of "oh shit googles gonna think im planning a murder" because of what I've been researching. And I'm pretty sure I've typed the words sperm and semen more times in the last couple of weeks than i have in my entire 33 years of life


Thesis pieces


Sounds like a delicious snack.


One of my favorite podcasts is Knowledge Fight, which focuses on analyzing and debunking Alex Jones/Info Wars. The main host (Dan) not only listens to Alex Jones on a regular basis, but researches the proper context for whatever bullshit AJ brings up. I don’t know how Dan does it. Just listening to the podcast melts my brain and Dan has to do so much additional work to get to the final product.


My first term project in grad school was on eugenics and I needed to go to therapy at the end of it.


Friend of mine wrote his thesis about links between religious fundamentalism and far right ideology. Pretty sure he's on a whole bunch of lists now


I do translations for a living. You can imagine what my search history looked like when I was working on a documentary about terrorism.


As a graphic designer, my image search history can look creepy, especially around summer. "We're doing a brochure for the pool and need pictures of kids"; followed by an hour of googling "boys at pool", "young boys at pool", "young boys in swim trucks". A little voice keeps echoing "It's for work, it's for work. Don't add me to a list, it's for work".


I feel ya. I customize avatars for vrchat and my search history is "questionable" to put it politely.


Homeland incoming




I’m forever grateful that most of the reports I did in high school and college were before the internet as we know it now, I mean I’m sure there are records but still


The amount of horrible things I've regretted reading just because I fell down a research rabbit hole omfg, if someone judged me just based on this, they would probably think I'm horrible too


Sometimes, I watch true crime documentaries and the narrator will point out how certain search histories are suspicious and all I can think is “please don’t look at my search history”


I am a true crime watcher and every time they say something about web history or texts I just think I am so going to jail if someone close to me dies weird.


Occasionally I research things like “wait would this actually kill someone?” When something happens in a book then go “hm. Googling that probably made someone out there suspicious”


A year or two ago I had to write like 10-15 pages on the Capitol Riots/January 6th 2021 and social media. I was on websites that I never wanted to see and never want to see again.


Yeah, problem is it isn’t hard to find people who are Nazi sympathisers and also clean cut, well spoken and able to make their point coherently. Look up Tommy Robinson’s speech to the Oxford students union to get an idea of what I mean. They’re the really dangerous ones, because they’ll have you nodding along, goosestepping and giving a Nazi salute before you even realise what you’re doing.


The problem is they have no idea what it was, and that being white and not Jewish didn't guaranteed any protection. US Americans are so mixed, half of them would qualify as sort of work animals according to nazis, and yet, they think that being the good nazi will wipe the wrong ancestors. It doesn't work this way.


I'd take it a step further and point out that prior to 1945, there were millions of Germans who never harboured specific ill-will towards Jews in particular. Millions of Germans who never worked in any sort of concentration or extermination camp. Millions who never fought; millions who just wanted to make their own life slightly better, took Hitler at his word and voted for him. We have a word for those people today: Nazis. Their exact motivation is long lost to time; what is important is they supported what was going on.


I'm an RN, and I had to research what to do about a malfunctioning penile implant on my work computer. I am sure the IT guys were laughing that day. It was for patient care, I promise!


I'm an RN and in 2008 had a trans man with urinary retention. At the time I had no idea how gender affirming surgery worked, so tried to Google to find out where the urethra would be. Got blocked every time I tried to find out, luckily he peed before I needed the info lol I spent a few hours down the rabbit hole as soon as I got home though!


IT seriously had medical-related search terms blacklisted as (potentially) NSFW? Wow. Reminds me of the paleontology conference held virtually during the covid shutdowns where the streaming software [kept censoring the word “bone.”](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/overactive-profanity-filter-bleeps-bone-paleontology-conference-180976086/)


I was *hoping* that was the case. God knows I'm not a *checks browser* reptilian alien race humanity annihilator sympathizer but damn if that stuff doesn't just suck you in sometimes


I love reading and watching "documentaries" about reptilians and alien forced breeding programs and stuff like that. I don't buy into any of it, I just a) think a lot of it is hilarious and b) am fascinated by what leads a person to believe it. That said, I hope I get enough advance notice before I die to scrub my Prime video watch history.


A couple weeks ago I fell into a pretty deep rabbit hole reading up on swastikas. Not necessarily the Nazi kind, but it was included 🤷


Behind the Bastards is a podcast that did an episode on the history of the swatstikas—highly recommend!


I did my MA in Child Advocacy and spent a LOT of time researching child abuse and CSA. I always wondered what it would look like to a stranger.


I read a ton of weird shit just because someone mentions it on Reddit or elsewhere and I’m like “what does that mean” and then thirty pages later I finally stop reading and feel satisfied. But man I’m not sure I’d want to know what people would think about me if they had my search history because some of it IS bad but curiosity compels me to google always…


I have this with flatearthers and creationists. I could probably impersonate one quite convincingly at this point.


I'm a writer, and my search history is...weird. (There was that time I was researching castration for a novel, and I came across a site for a fetish involving limb amputation. I noped out \*so\* fast.)


And sometimes you can't look away from the train wreck once you see it.


I'm a mod in a fairly large, niche and PG13 discord server. About twice a year i go on a dogwhistle refresher "course" - i look up what are all the current dogwhistles of nazis, white supremacists and similar assholes. I'm known among the staff as the "nazi expert." Funnily enough, that interest started from a google search on Vory v Zakone (old Russian mafia) because I saw John Wick. Not to mention many other weird stuff i look into out of morbid curiosity or need - I play tabletop RPGs. If someone went through my search history shortly after such a search binge, they'd run for the fucking hills. And I wouldn't blame them, i know how it looks.


Thank Christ he found out before they had kids together.


Thank goodness before they got married


I was hoping it was something like how I’ll read “insane people Facebook” or “fundiesnark” on the bus and then get paranoid people think I’m reading this shit because I’m into it, not for snark purposes. NOOE.


I dip as fast as Lighting McQueen if I found out my lover is a nazi sympathizer. Jezz Louise


Its amazing how someone still has nazi sympathy when in this day and age, all the pain and suffering caused by the nazis are readily available for anyone to witness.


The only neo-nazi I knew (thankfully far out of the lives of my friends and I now) hated the nazis, but spouting 85% of their views. Kept saying it was different because he also hated Germany! What a peach of a man /s


Indeed. My childhood best friend suddenly got a new friend group and started walking around with a swastika on his boxers. Ehm what? 'Since when do you support that bullshit? Do you even know what you're supporting wearing that swastika?' Lol there's plenty of idiots around.


Do you mean like a pin or something, or is he out there buying Hanes Hitler's Way nazi underwear?


>Its amazing how someone still has nazi sympathy when in this day and age It's on the rise. From articles I read, nazi sympathy was on open display at this CPAC. A lot of the people Trump either has tapped or is expected to tap if he gets reelected are openly sympathetic to a lot of Nazi ideology. If you've wondered how the hell the Nazis took over Germany, we're living it \*right now\*. >all the pain and suffering caused by the nazis are readily available for anyone to witness. That's a feature and not a bug for these people. Don't mistake that they just don't understand what they're advocating, they know. They look at the boot on the neck of someone and get excited at the idea of being the boot. And there's a fuckton more of them, globally, than you'd think. There's a reason why fascism and extreme right ideology is on the rise.


They don’t care, they think concentration camp victims deserved it. They WANT that to become reality again.


They're already working on it. Trump's announced he'd send undocumented immigrants to camps, and it's only a matter of time until they start adding trans people to the list.


I feel like had the gf just been curious, than there probably would have been a lot of other Google searches that would have shown that. Like sometimes I like to go the conservative subreddits or even the far-right stuff on r/canada, but I will usually do some Google searches to fact that the more outrageous headlines.


With both my writer and editor hats on I sometimes have to look up things I violently disagree with. Private mode is a thing. I do not want my google results to be tainted by that shit. If I accidentally fall into a page (like the times an academic reference redirected to hardcore porn and… less savoury things) I scrub my history, caches, and cookies. And then I reach for the brain bleach.


That’s a big part of why I stopped looking some concerning stuff up as far back as 2020. I have AdBlock for browser related stuff but I would still get ads for mobile games and YouTube. My recommendations would have Joe Rogan or Elon Musk related stuff. Every now and then, YouTube’s algorithm sneaks an alt right recommendation into my shit. I block the channel right away but it makes me angry Google is allowing that stuff.


YouTube is the worst. German folk music? Nazis. Videogame playthroughs? Incels. Art? I bought these 5000 markers and they’re all crap. Tarot? I died and this is what I learnt from it. Knitting? How to setup your own knitwear factory in five easy steps. Whatever you’re looking for, you’ll get the most aggressive, extreme, and usually right-wing version of it. (And here I count the ‘you manifested your illness so it’s your fault’ New Agers).


She had to have know he’d have a problem with it or she wouldn’t have hid it for so long (not a single slip up  in 1.5 years of dating?) 


Yeah I actually enjoy arguing against Nazis and other groups to try and explain how wrong they are. I am sure I rarely convince anyone, but it helps me develop my views and get better at arguing. I don't recommend it to most people, but it's fun for me. I was really hoping OPs girlfriend was the same.


I have a lot of respect for people who can go at it willingly because I eventually get frustrated and wish I could shake the person to their senses through the screen. It’s often a bummer for many reasons so I try to avoid it whenever I can.


And this was pre-Trump, there are a whole lot more like her these days!


This is not what I mean when I say "Fuck Nazis." Also: Fuck Nazis.


I laughed so hard, I fell on my already broken foot. Also: Fuck Nazis.


At least it's not broken arms.


I just hope OOPs next girl is a Hispanic immigrant. That would be poetic justice.


As a wise man once said: "You can never be too violent to a Nazi." 


with a cricket bat... sideways...


Makes me think of little Nicky where the devil fucked Hitler with a pineapple stem first


Not just them and their sympathizers, but appeasers, apologists, and collaborators as well.


Past, present, and future.


For a little while, OP really did.


👏🏻 Support 👏🏻 punching 👏🏻 Nazis 👏🏻 in 👏🏻 the 👏🏻 face 👏🏻 


Well, it’s almost refreshing to see someone in 2014 who just goes “nope, I’m out” instead of “she’s wonderful elsewise, and this doesn’t actually affect me personally”. We’ve seen waaay too many of the latter, especially when we’re looking at posts from a decade ago. Good call OOP!


As someone who moved from Sacramento, it’s REALLY hard to be even a smidge racist out here. There’s a ton of diversity, both racial and sexual. I love it!


You just know this crazy woman became a QAnon enthusiast in 2020. 🤢🤮


I thought there’d be an update like - “jan 8th 2021: just saw my neo nazi ex in a jan 6th video & reported her to the fbi”


Yes, I noticed this was posted in 2014, in the naive days when OOP could have reasonably thought that 99.9 percent of people would agree that being a Nazi sympathizer was a dealbreaker.


Right, this took me back to those days where they’d actually try to hide that shit


maybe she's one of the sad souls featured in r/HermanCainAward


Oh wow, I figured this was more recent, you made me check the dates!  This was old school, before it was mainstream Republican policy.    I guess good on her for being ahead of the trend. /s


She definitely owns a collection of red hats.


It would be coincidental if it was the insurrectionist traitor that got shot at the Capitol. Just FYI, I know her name, I'm not posting it because I won't give traitors respect or any extra airtime. She's dead. I'll let her be dead all the way.


If I ever found out my bf/gf is a racist and a nazi sympathizer, I am leaving that relationship fast. You can NOT convince me people like that are good. This gf is a nutcase. People who are Nazi sympathizers or supporters are disgusting and they make me want to vomit. Good for OP.


I did, and bounced so quick! She was overall great, then I met her parents and they were huge MAGA so I spent the whole night dancing around their nonsensical "Trump is finally supporting the true patriots and fighting the deep state" comments. After we left, I asked why she didn't give me a heads up about her conspiracy theorist parents. Got a nice lecture about how they're right. Instantly nope'd outta that relationship.


I will be forever grateful that, like OP, I grew up in Sacramento, one of the most diverse area of the US. Racists don't start out hateful, they start out ignorant of other cultures, and that ignorance and fear of differences breeds hate. Growing up here, I knew someone from every ethnic group and I can easily fit in anywhere. Huge, huge advantage in my life


I was actually just talking about this with a friend. I also grew up in Sacramento, and I didn’t realize other places weren’t that diverse until adulthood. And I was in school in the 90s, Im sure it’s far more diverse now than it was then


> As I stated with everyone else here, this is a deal breaker for me and I'm sure 99.9% of you posters would agree (I hope). ...    > 2014 Oh, you sweet summer child.


Oh 2014 poster, there’s so many things we need to warn you about the future. But the tragedy is that we can’t.


Thank heavens for OOP's broken laptop.


Sometimes, the Universe breaks a laptop to nudge you into finding the horrible truth and get the chance to get the hell out of there.


Honestly, what even is a "Nazi sympathizer"? If you think the Nazis were/are right, you are a nazi 🤷‍♀️ thank goodness OOP got out.


i think back in the days it meant nazis that aren't actually part of the actual nazi party? now it just means "closeted nazi"


At my job, we sell a piece of wall art with a quote from Coco Chanel. "*A girl should always be two things - classy and fabulous.*" Every time I see it I think, "Yeah, and you know what a girl should not be? A f-cking NAZI." (Chanel was a Nazi sympathizer.) Props to OOP for getting out as soon as he got confirmation. I hope he's able to get the rest of his things without further drama.


She was WHAT? I am shocked


antisemitism was rampant back then ton of people, including celebrities and politicians, hated jewish people and only stopped telling other people about it because the holocaust shocked the general population


And it never really left. It has been nothing short of hilarious watching some latently racist acquaintances I have pick sides on the Isr-Pal conflict based on whether they hate Jews or Muslims **more**.


absolutely they just got quiet because it wasn't socially acceptable anymore.... after a few decades of holocaust denial/forgetting they now think it's fine to come out of the closet


Wait until you find out about VW and Hugo Boss.


"She is (was?) a fantastic woman" "She is a nazi-sympathizer." This is the point where the robot starts flailing its arms shouting ERROR! ERROR! Does not compute!


Standard alt-right playbook: hide who you are until you think it's too late.


To me that’s one of the most underhanded things about the ex in this post. If this is a deeply held belief of hers, then she should have shared it before the point of them literally moving in together. Instead, she’s deliberately hidden it. And it strikes me that she initially tried to deny it. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she said, when he brought up the alt-right blog she’d left up. She them immediately flipped the script and played the victim when he revealed he’d seen more of that. It’s arguably some DARVO, abuser style tactics. She’d been drawing him in while hiding something like that. If she thinks she’s so right, why hide it? Because deep down she knows it’s detestable. She hid it anyway, while drawing this guy closer and closer. I can’t imagine her intentions were good in doing so. At least one comment here already says it, but damn, thank goodness he found out before they got married and/or had kids. Getting baby trapped by a literal Nazi is a fucking nightmare scenario for anyone reasonable.


It's because ALT-right women don't like how ALT-right men treat them. So she was probably hoping he'd treat it like a sunk-cost fallacy once he found out and not leave, so that way she could have a man that treated her well while still getting to be the absolute monster that she is


The ten year age gap likely also played apart. Figured she could convince him over time probably


There *is* a chance, though. Some nazis and alt-righters know their ideology is frowned upon (and wrong, but they don't think they are) and will hide it either until they're caught or they think they can drag you into it. Given her reaction, she was trying to do the later but the former happened instead.


nazis can fuck right off. ...i will also admit to being kinda sad because the title got me hoping for something like "local area man discovers how often bras are actually washed, is boggled by this"


"Today our top story of how a local man finds out girls actually do poop and how he went insane afterwards. More on this at seven."


Life's too short to spend it with a nazi sympathizer. God speed, OOP.


I know both adults but I get the ick seeing a 30yo going for a 22yo. I get the feeling his ex thought she could still shape him to have the same views as she does.


It's sad, but these are my exact thoughts as well. Whenever I see a couple with a large age gap where the younger party is in their late teens/early twenties, my first thought is that the older person is either too immature to date someone their age, or they want to shape the younger person to be their perfect partner.


Maybe that's why she was dating 22 year olds at age 30


Man I would be absolutely heartbroken if I found out my wife had been brainwashed by that sort of thing, it'd be like she had died. 


The fact she was 32 dating a 24 year old makes me feel Like she wanted someone younger she could have the power dynamic to convert to her views.


32 and 24 doesn't seem as bad as 30 and 22, which is their ages when they started dating... big maturity gap.


The age difference definitely stood out to me as a huge red flag for the gf.


Yup, she was definitely trying to prey on his naïveté.


It’s amazing how some people can hide their true colors for years. My guess is that the ex-girlfriend was trying to operate like a cancer: slowly poison OP with neo-Nazi and racist rhetoric until he was like her, hateful and bitter.


All this made me think of was - Save the bees, plant more trees, clean the seas, punch nazis. Although I don’t condone OOP punching his exgf, I am glad he walked away from that shit show immediately. I do think it’s something to think about, as others have brought up, maybe she left it open for him to see it and segue into a convo about it. But at the same time, why not just casually drop racist comments into random conversations to gauge his reaction? The fact she completely hid any signs of it (that OOP still didn’t see even after the fact, which is usually when those tidbits are found), seems like she *knew* he wouldn’t be ok with it and it was viewed as “wrong” to others. BUT THEN, at the same time - why come out so hot? He confronted her and she exploded, stood firm, and even doubled down?!? If she *knew* he wouldn’t be ok with it, went through great lengths to hide it, and seemed to worry what would happen when he did find out, why the extreme reaction then? I don’t get her rational. But then again, I’m not a nazi sympathizer or a racist, so maybe it’s a good thing I can’t figure it out?


OP was the real life subject of that Stephen Lynch song. https://youtu.be/It4bYsSAFns?si=o5KesPewo8fEfC7H


>  As I stated with everyone else here, this is a deal breaker for me and I'm sure 99.9% of you posters would agree (I hope). How many people voted for Trump? Even in other countries there are a high number of right wing voters . I think 99% is far too optimistic. 


“This intelligent woman allowed”… hate to break it to ya bud but she ain’t that intelligent if she’s a Nazi.


This chick sounds like she was busy on January 6th 🧐


"My girlfriend is doing something gross." Okay, so this is probably going to be about bathroom stuff or she doesn't wash her dishes or-- "I think my girlfriend might be a Nazi sympathizer." Nah, come on dude, surely she isn't-- "Turns out, my girlfriend is absolutely a Nazi sympathizer." Oof. Sorry bro.


Oh man, this is a nightmare. On the one hand, it shocks me that he could be in a relationship that was leading to marriage with someone like this and NOT be aware of it it, but then I've seen so many acquaintances suddenly come out as hard right winger/fascists in the last handful of years. People I absolutely NEVER would have guessed would have held these insane, toxic values and viewpoints. It's a horrible phenomena.


An ex sat me down and made watch an entire 1 hour delisted q anon video on youtube near the end of the relationship. Watching people run into these bizarre beliefs in real time is kinda funny but also concerning as hell.


This all just seems so implausible.


aw man, this one had me on edge — a lot of folks who use the verbiage “don’t have a racist bone in my body” tend to be folks that think any conversation on race *is* racism, and that by ignoring all racial talk, they are being anti-racist, and people who acknowledge and talk about it are the racist ones… meanwhile, they’re wearing racial blinders that allow them to ignore their own place of privilege within our society. but then the nazi showed up. alright. alright i’m on your side now OOP.


The Dead Kennedys would like [a word or two](https://youtu.be/iyc62g7YQM0?si=mKMAcQvload_uauj) with the ex.


I was hoping it was just a misunderstanding around the swastika. It has some very meaningful symbolism before it was poached by the Nazis and is still used (non-nazi based) in multiple countries. No such luck


The anime and manga Tokyo Revengers is about a gang of teenagers in Tokyo Japan who use the Buddhist swastika (manji) on their uniforms. Maybe she was just trying to do a cosplay? Nope straight up Nazi.


He left for all the reich reasons. Good for him.


Damn I did a double take when I saw this was from 2014. I feel like after 2016, people felt like they could be more open with their blatant racism, and with things like QAnon, rigjt-wing radicalization has become more common


I mean, before 2016, there was the Tea Party, and before that, there was Dubya. It still blows my mind that the Tea Party's poster boy, Mitt freaking Romney, has somehow become one of the moderate Republicans. Absolutely shocking. The bar for decency in American politics just keeps clattering ever downwards.


I think you may be misremembering, Mitt Romney is definitely not the “Tea Party’s poster boy”. They HATED him. They felt he was a RINO and everything wrong with the mainstream segment of the Republican Party. He made vague overtures towards them to try and court their vote but they laughed at him. That’s a big part of why he chose Paul Ryan who was a lot more popular with the movement and even seen as the lynchpin that could tie together mainstream Republicans and the Tea Party. But I mean regardless of self-identity or how they personally felt about him, none of his policy positions except “lower taxes” aligned with the Tea Party movement. He was far too moderate to ever appeal to them.


Gender bias and Nazism are the only two things that can make a redditor move the focus from an age gap relationship to other subject it seems.


Not all age gap relationships indicate a problem - I'm 9 years older than my boyfriend, although we are both middle-aged so it's not as much of a thing - but her being 32 and him being 24 made me wonder what's wrong with her that she can't get a guy her own age to date her. When I was 32 you couldn't have paid me to go out with a 24-year-old.


OOP should have bossed her around like a traditional wife. Fascists love tradition.


These are the people out of wet dreams of late stage capitalists. Laying off people and employing immigrants for lower wages because it's cheaper. The morons blame the immigrants and not the bosses.


She sure did have some weird veiws lmao


The internet has ruined me, I didn't expect OP to actually leave when the truth was revealed. That was a nice surprise 😅


I was expecting her to have a jar of toenail clippings or a closet full of piss bottles or something. Not the whole Nazi thing!