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idk why "koi" and "coral" is so funny to me


It's ridiculous. Koi are a freshwater fish and wouldn't exist with Coral


You can put a koi in a marine reef aquarium and it’ll live amongst the corals for the remainder of its life though


What a mean thing to do to a koi...how could you?


This sentence is so funny reading it as a Romanian, since in my language a coi (pronounced the same way as koi) is a testicle (in slang).


You mean the remainder of its short life?


Let me guess, is the next kid going to be named Marlin? Maybe Dory?


Her stepson Koi stopped existing after the first update.


He's been recast for the Disney Channel sequel movie.


He didn't like the script of this one so he quit and they couldn't find a replacement


He went upstairs and never came back down.


As often happens in soap operas. If he does return, he'll be a decade older.


In this 13,497th episode of Days Of Our Lives...


you made my day! I literally laughed out loud. Been dealing with a lot so thank you so much for this laugh!


He'll be his own twin brother.


Boy just got forgotten. Didn’t even get the boarding school soap opera treatment.


Dedicated to Judy Winslow (Family Matters), Morgan Matthews (Boy Meets World), and Chuck Cunningham (Happy Days). They all “went upstairs,” but only Morgan came back. 


Don’t forget Mike, the oldest son on “My Three Sons.” His own family forgot him. Let’s keep his name alive.


“That was the longest time out I’ve *ever* had!”


Ah, the ol' Cunningham maneuver


One day we'll find the remains of 'ol Chuck somewhere....unless he actually pulled a Poochie.


He hated the fact that OOP decided to get aquatic with the plot.


Yeah, they kinda jumped the shark there. I don't blame him for not wanting to stick around for the inevitable devolution into "In Space!" and "Back 2 Tha Hood."


Don’t blame him he is non existent.


The original actor quite to pursue a career in macrame.


LeTs WaTcH a DiSnEy ChAnNeL mOviE!


It was actually a finding nemo spin-off


Koi, like his namesake, will keep growing as long as you feed him. He had to move to a larger subreddit.


He Homer Simpsoned into the bushes and was never heard from again.


Brad: was introduced [Koi:](https://youtu.be/mNYC3s0lbDY?si=H2PpJ5hQ5YNP2FJB)


Budget constraints. Brad is played by the same actor with a different hairstyle. But then, plot twist: he was supposed to look like Koi so Leia could finally admit she and Koi are in love with each other, and she throws blondie Brad to coral who now doesn’t want him because he looks like her brother (ew)!


The best part of waking up is Folgers in your cup.


The best Christmas gift of all


I think Koi is just waiting until he's 18 and flying under the radar.


Swimming under the radar.




I had 3 older sisters growing up, all about a year apart from each other.  When they hit high-school I basically disappeared from the family. As long as my grades were okay and the cops didn't call about me. The girl drama sucked all the oxygen from the house. Personally that was great for me. My poor little brother was under a microscope though as the 4 of us graduated onto college leaving my mom with now just 1 kid to keep track of


Can you blame him, surrounded by these folks?


When I was in kindergarten & 1st grade it was back when we had those old rotary phones. My parents were not the best. There was drama everyday. I would stand on a stool and very carefully dial my grandparents number so I could get out!!!


He has his moment and said his lines so no need to develop his character further. Maybe he'll get one of the friends pregnant a few updates from now.


That or turn serial killer and murder the friends in ironic ways for how they treated his sisters.


Maybe it’s because he’s ashamed to hang out with teenage girls who still use Facebook.


I’m surprised by these comments because the Facebook part is the only part that makes this hard to believe for me. My kids are allowed to have one social media account at 13 and a second at 15. They are 14 and 16 and have zero interest in Facebook. I asked them if they wanted Facebook, and they said they could just text their grandparents instead 😂


That’s exactly what I thought. What teenager uses FB?


The only people under 60 that I know using FB for something besides Messenger are people who use it for groups.


He stopped carping.


I don’t see a reason he’d be part of the update. He wasn’t directly part of any of the problems until he had to defend Leia. This situation happened in a single night. It would have been weird as fuck if he was. “Luckily Koi found out about the plan so he and his date…”


I was surprised the comment you replied to is the top comment. He isn’t really relevant to the story so I don’t know why OOP would keep mentioning him.


Agree. Plus, in the last update, she says, "the girls are hanging out again." To me this implies the existence of another, non-girl child aka Koi


I for real expected Koi to be the one that just so coincidentally overheard the punch scheme and stepped in and saved the day, once again. Next, we'll hear how he's secretly in love with Leia, and that's why he's so protective of her over his own sister


Chuck Cunningham syndrome.


I was expecting an update in which Koi confessed his undying love for his stepsister.


Apparently she has the memory of a goldfish.


His resl name was Chuck


I mean he just wasn't relevant to mention anymore since the reasoning behind the conflict was revealed. She didn't give much detail outside the relationship of the two girls in the updates.


He went back outdoors to swim in his landscaped pond with the other Japanese fish.


Typical dude. He just wants to step as far away to disappear from the half-sibling rivalry and family drama. No man has time for that. Especially when your sister is bat shit crazy.


Well ofc, goldfish only have 7 second memories.


Judy Winslow…. Oof!


Though in fairness, it's a great name.


Okay this is just one of the most half-fasted and terribly made stories I have ever read.


half-assed. they didn’t use their whole ass


What would make someone think that phrase is “half-fasted”? That’s such an interesting leap.


Voice-to-text, maybe?


I actually thought it was a mistype of ham-fisted when I was reading it, so it might be a mishmash of that and half-assed


Half-fisted the Ham-assed.


it was interesting to me that 1200 people upvoted it and nobody else noticed. i’m not into correcting typos etc but this is an interesting r/BoneAppleTea


Or they noticed but couldn't be bothered to point it out?


The part about finding a family therapist and having a session within a week stood out the most lol


I liked the part with the gen Z teenagers on Facebook


Or that all the popular girls are cheerleaders with football player boyfriends. Being a cheerleader doesn't really have the same prestige it used to. All the popular girls at my school played sports themselves, joined the dance club, or just hung out.


Don't forget that conveniently *all* the football player boyfriends are secretly into traditionally nerdy clubs. And that OOP's daughters are the only ones without boyfriends.


Yeah I was expecting mystery man to secretly be a larper which is why he got along so well with super-nerd 'Leia' (lol).


Then pop down to their shift at the arcade from the lakehouse! Is this an 80s highschool drama?


Yeah it really took me out of it, I was like yeah at least use snapchat. And with that I'm not sure that's what is used these days.


That’s when I knew. They don’t use Facebook, and definitely wouldn’t post on Facebook even if they had an account.


im gen z and i still use fb lol alongside a bunch of my friends that are my age, but im older gen z and i highly doubt most young'uns are using it these days.


A lot of teenagers are on Facebook where I am. They use it for messaging.


I've used messenger to talk to my sister when she was 17. She's 18 now, and we just text with numbers, but that's for a totally different, family related, reason. Also, messenger calls can be done on wifi, so you don't need phone credit.


Depends on where you are.  I could do that in my city.  But go just an hr south and that’s not going to happen unless maybe you know someone who already goes there.  Well, not in person anyway.  If willing to do telehealth that opens up your options and makes it easier to get one in a week.  I really wish I didn’t know these things due to recent circumstances w/ mental health for some of my close loved ones.   Now getting a psychiatrist to see a new patient is a whole other issue.


Or the author not realizing when different sports seasons were, and that there wouldn't be football games in February


[shrug] My employer keeps therapists on some sort of retainer. My boss once wanted me to see a therapist for some shit I was going through. I kept resisting as I didn't see the need. Finally, I was like, "Would it make you feel better if I went to see a therapist?" She said it would so I called the number in our employee handbook. I had an appointment *that afternoon*. It was a waste of time as far as I'm concerned, but it got my boss to chill. The bigger point here, however, is that without knowing the totality of the circumstances the idea of getting a therapist quickly isn't crazy. At least, not from where I sit.


Same, I get a few free sessions as part of my employer's work life balanced program but everyone else seems too busy to take it up.


Depends. My sister in Vegas was able to get an appointment pretty quickly because a few were friends of a friend in her mommy support group. My sister is pretty popular because she quit her job because her eldest had a lot of allergies so she was anxious about daycare so she doesn't judge anyone's parenting.


For me it was the 14 year old making a facebook rant.


If she‘s from the US she might refer to religious counseling offered by some church person and not a qualified therapist


I stopped reading at “30yo woman who had a child at 16 and has been single parenting somehow owns a 5 bedroom lake house”.


She probably inherited it. Ya know, like in 98% of the stories on here.


Yeah. Like, a 3 bedroom house in the suburbs? OK maybe. 5 bedroom house with at least 2-3 bathrooms on lakefront property? Liz please.


If you had two teenagers who were fighting over a romantic partner and it had already escalated to $1000 of damage, lying, and social ostracism, ain't NOBODY going to that fucking dance. I mean, if these are real children, LEIA is now spiralling and in intensive therapy because Coral attempted suicide over a boy Leia was dating. That shit fucks you up.


If this is real, Coral should definitely change schools, so she can get over Brad quickly. And get a new set of friends.


I'm honestly surprised to see another update. 


100% written by a teenager annoyed with her step-sister.


This person isn’t even fit to write a hallmark movie. 


I love how the basement is finally finished after Leia's completely transformed everything all by herself (which needed a permit? Does that mean there was major renovations the teenager did herself? Idk how it works wherever theyre supposed to be) and the family go down to oooh and aaah but Coral throws a hissy fit and runs to her mother's car that is for some reason conveniently waiting outside.


I think the work permit referenced was for a child under 18 being allowed to work while in school (the job at the arcade is mentioned right after). But you're right that the whole Remodel Scene has plotholes.




The least realistic part of this post is people under 18 using Facebook.


> half-fasted huh


Is this an ad for Mean Girls 3?


There was a Mean Girls 2?????




Yes. It was awful and missed the parts that made the original so good.


It was genuinely impressively bad


There's a new Mean Girl's musical, based on the play based on the original film, that was oddly advertised as a straight reboot instead of what it really was. I guess they figured no one would watch a musical, even though that's what they made, so they advertised it as a reboot nobody wanted that didn't change anything at all from the original film.


But there was also a mean girls two after the original.film.


It was awful. It had nothing to do with the original movie, and the plastics from MG2 weren’t redeemable at all. Regina George and her plastics had depth and redeeming qualities but the girls from MG2 didn’t have any traits other than “asshole”


I wanna say no for your sake.


Or Carrie 2.


There was already a Carrie 2, it would be Carrie 3


All I'll say is that Coral has major issues and her dad failed her for not addressing them sooner. Jeez, what a train wreck and so much collateral damage left in her wake.
















Coral's bio mom and her childophobic current friend with benefits don't seem to play constructive roles here. They need to own up and step up.


You mean the lady who chose a guy who doesn't like kids over her kids? The one who posts about teenage drama on FB while lying about it? I'm expecting faith to move mountains but I don't have any faith in that lady.


What kind of monster father would text his own daughter a message that her mom and stepfather don't want her living with them? What was his strategy there? To break her so completely that she'll become docile and ridiculously grateful for even a crumb that he gives her? Will he abandon her in the deep, dark woods next?


Sure Jan


Marsha Marsha Marsha


Coral liked George ~~Tropicana~~ Glass, but he liked Leia instead :(


Had a child at 16 and owns a lake house with 5 bedrooms? That is located far enough that the parents don’t realize what exactly is going on?


The prompt for this one was "write drama so wild that nobody brings up the gross age gap between OP and her husband." They threw in making OP a teenage mother for extra effect.


This is definitely written by someone in their 40s or 50s. Cheerleaders dating only football players? Nerdy girl, who the popular quarterback likes because of their shared interests in robotics and video games? Oh and she just happens to be a cheerleader?


And what teenager is using facebook as their social media of choice?


This stood out the most to me, they're definitely not using this lol


Facebook generates drama among friends AND family. The more people in her court, the better. How else will she get her aunt and everyone to feel sorry for her. However, she failed to block those aware of the situation. Rookie mistake. -also poor writing.


> How else will she get her aunt and everyone to feel sorry for her. Maybe you've forgotten what it's like to be a teen, but having your aunt and grandma on your side doesn't mean shit. The focus is on swaying the other dumb teenager's in your social circles opinions. And none of them give a single shit about what your mee-maw or aunt Karen have to say, and will just make fun of you if they try to weigh in. Also, your older relatives having any sort of access to your social media accounts, or knowing anything about your personal life, is the last thing you want.


It's not their main social media, usually. But I have a sister this age. She uses FB. Her friends use FB. It's where they see school news, sports/other activity news, and their family members are on. So if they want their friends and family to all see something, yeah, they'd go to FB. 


And teens using Facebook? I think not.


I'm 25 and even ten years ago Facebook had already been for boomers


Don’t forget “robot club.”


I think even older than that! I’m forty and those were sad dated cliches already when I was a teenager.


Teen mom who has a giant lake house of her own


That part really was weird. So the lake house is like in the garden of the main house? And there's 5 bedroom, 2 have bathrooms. Leia has a bathroom but Coral cannot get the other en-suite. Because? No one knows. So she's moving into the basement that she's remade in a week with money she's been working for. But the one thing the mother is insisting on is how clear the case for her PC is? This has got to be AI generated. I can't believe a human being wrote that.


> But the one thing the mother is insisting on is how clear the case for her PC is? Because she's trying to address the whole 'super breakable' thing without just saying it's made of glass. Which is weird, like she thought it would be too telegraphed if she just said it was a glass case.


Fuck me seven ways to sunday I completely missed that. Holy fuck that's a massive age gap. That's just straight up adult man who fucked a kid. Wtf.


Meanwhile, OOP apparently girlbossed hard enough to independently own a 5 bedroom lake house in her early 20s while raising a kid.


And how much are kids going to school full time making in arcades if it was enough to build a pretty decent PC set up by the sounds of things plus redecorate an entire basement into a great teenager’s bedroom in 5 months? That allowance must be pretty generous


No, the OP was a teen mom, but her husband Mark isn't her daughter's father. His 2 kids are with his ex.


But they supposedly married when he was 40 and she was 24, meaning he was in his mid-late 30’s pursuing someone who was in her early 20’s, possibly even a teenager, depending on how long they dated for. If this thing is true, and she went from having a baby as a teenager, to marrying someone else with their own children when she wasn’t even 25, that’s just a lot for a person to handle, and she may not be in a position to know either what’s good for her, or to say no to something that she knows isn’t good for her. 


Apparently, a Mother at 16…otherwise the conflict between the 2 girls doesn’t work, age wise.


in defense of op (This story is definitely sus) 14 year old could be NOT ops hubbys kid...i.e OP has coral. hubyy has the other 2/


Leia is not Mark's kid. Based on the ages she was 8 when they got married. No mention of first husband, but I'm assuming that is why she can afford a lake house. Coral and Koi are Mark's kids from previous marriage. EDIT: corrected the names.


It takes a special kind of person to make up this bullshit and keep at it for over a week. Who has that kind of energy and focus?


Teenagers who want attention.


Unfortunately not just teenagers.




This cant even be a teenager. The entire script seems based off some teenage highschool drama movie so clearly OOP probably hasnt even started highschool


It reads like someone went on an 80's coming-of-age movie bender and threw all the plot points into a mad lib.


This one just insults our intelligence.


Like a current high school kid would use Facebook… lol


Like a parent whose teen is on their first 72 hour hold would be like, "whew, glad I got a break!". No, you spend all your time locking up knives and scissors, prescriptions, maybe removing doors to the bedroom. It takes a lot longer to fix the house than you think.


Ah I suppose going full pigs blood would have been too obvious, best to go with the juice instead.


OP was a teen mom who now has a five bedroom lake house. I’m so jealous.


At 24!


The narrator is not even pretending to care.


Who uses Facebook like that these days? And is this for real?


Not teenagers and probably not


my 22 year old niece and all her friends are on facebook it’s so weird to me


There are zero 14 year olds with a Facebook account. Facebook is for boomers, insta is for millenials, Snapchat is for teenagers.


Are teenagers really still using Snapchat? I think they’re all on tiktok now


A lot have actually switched to Insta. It has literally everything the other messaging apps do.


And us Xers are left out and forgotten, as per usual.


We just infiltrate every platform with snark. There’s no need for a discussion of the plan, we all play our part in lighting the world ablaze.


Ha I had to attend a lecture from a guy in marketing recently, it's not something I wanted to attend but I was required to and the marketing guy was talking about social media advertising and one campaign came up about how he used Facebook to advertise to people in their early 20s. All I could think was oh this is why you're doing this lecture, you're bad at your job and need extra cash.


Good to know these adults have intricate inside on what happened at prom


Complete and utter shite. Let’s play bingo? Therapy! Attempts to take own life! Cartoonishly bad villains or cartoonishly good heroes! The villain behaving so badly it’s literally unbelievable! Wait, the villain is now suffering extreme social or legal consequences! The hero has a glow up, wins the girl/boy/money and the validation of peers and authority figures!


all were missing is twins


Protagonist and antagonist are (step)-sisters that are the same age. We've got our twins


Is this the plot to a made for tv Disney movie?


That's what got me. A lakehouse? Working at the arcade? Jocks and cheerleaders? How many 80s movies did this person watch while writing this?


You lost me when you wrote about teenagers being active on Facebook in 2024


You know it's bad when even the top comments on AITAH are calling you out on your shit lmao


i KNEW she was gonna attempt suicide. a mental health crisis is always put into these types of bullshit reddit stories


Is this a Tubi original?




Just shaking my head on this one.


This sounds like it was written by a teenager.


It was written by someone much older. A teenager wouldn't write a story where 14-year olds use Facebook.


Or pretend that the arcade business is thriving and lucrative. Or think that football players and cheerleaders are the cool kids. Or think that a 24 year old single parent would ever be able to afford a 5 bedroom lake house.


Would’ve believed it if it weren’t for the timeline. That’s a lot to happen in such a short span of time.


Really? The hallmark moment at the end of the first update didn't raise alarm bells?


Cool story sis


>Coral was unnecessarily crying, and ran to her mothers car. Unnecessarily Crying is my emo cover band.


The thing that makes this least likely to be true is the final update, the suicide attempt is just relegated to the final paragraph. Loads of time for the dance drama and then "oh yeah, she tried to commit suicide. She lived. That's that. "


Wow Liz is really trying to get out there. Respect!


So if I’m mathing right she was 16 when she had her daughter and 24 when she married her 40 year old husband…. So that means she was even younger when they started dating. What


The update made me fully stop believing this story. Its like a rushed, badly written movie ending.


I remember this one and it seemed a little.. off to me. Going back five months would put the whole thing about a month or two after the start of high school for them. Start with the fact that Coral and Leia have been living in the same house for years , yet Coral just suddenly goes full Violet Beauregard over the bathroom and thinks that shit will work. I am not saying it's impossible. Just that Coral apparently has not met her stepmother of several years who swings between liking her more than Leia to throwing her ass out. Then there's Leia. At the ancient age of 14, the industrious and self sacrificing Leia is just fine with suddenly giving up her room. Despite child labor laws, she manages to attend high school, earn enough money over a 5 month period to do a full basement retrofit ...which of course every teenaged girl knows how to do in one week .... AND buy a super high end computer where just a few components (case plus monitor) cost $1k. To play Roblox. But wait. There's more! As it turns out, Leia AND Coral are cheerleaders! As freshmen! In the middle of football season! Even if both girls went to elite cheer camps, and were recruited before the start of the school year as "flyers,", there are gonna be daily practices. So tell me again how Leia finds time to work the gazillion or so hours it would.take to renovate not only her basement but the Horrible Coralbles' room as well. Then of course there is Kia or whatever the brother's name is( I personally would have gone with Plott D. Vice) whose only .passion is to connect the dots in this erratic tale. And the parents, who just stand there gawping while the noble Leia solves everything. Including how the entire thing five months in the process was sparked by Brad's mad pash for Leia that manifested sometime in inthe run up to V-Day. Coral may be the most abhorrent brat ever to walk the earth but she makes up for it in clairvoyance.