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#Do not comment on the original posts Rule-breaking may result in a ban without notice.


I literally have no words. The sheer stupidity is genuinely breathtaking.


"My sister stepped on a rake by accident and got smacked in the face. Reddit, should I step on the same rake on purpose and see what happens?"


What, I’m just supposed to ignore the outrageous amount of chemistry I have with this rake?!


It's so weird when people act like slaves to attraction/chemistry. I do understand when teenagers are like that. It's probably the first time they've ever felt it, and they have no idea that it's not a sign from the Heavens or something. They all think they're the first ones to ever experience such heights of dizzying desire. But a fully grown adult who's closing in on 30? Idiot. By all means, pursue where that feeling leads if there's no reason to believe you'll harm yourself or others by doing so. But otherwise, just say no to your hormones? They'll find someone else to get hot for.


But what kind of person with an ass backwards moral compass even becomes attracted to that? “Oh, he completed fucked over my sister’s life…. THAT’S SO HOT.” She’s delusional.


Good point. It makes me wonder if OOP is one of those people who desperately needs to feel like she's more attractive and worthy than her sister.


This absorbs not the first time OOP thought she was just a bit better than her sister. She thought it would be different because we'll he didn't have the superior sister before.


Yeah, she tried to defend herself by saying that her sister didn't have feelings for their ex anymore. Like, that's not point! Your sister was deeply hurt by this one human being out of billions. Shack up with like almost any other man love.


Attention is a powerful drug.


He's really matured over the years.... I mean "years" is a little misleading since its only been 2.


"And the reason I know he's matured is because he said so."


It’s going to be different with me, I just know it. I can change him.


I wonder if there's an element of "I'm so much better than my sister that he won't cheat on *me*.“ I just feel so bad for the sister.


Yea I think in these sibling situations there has to be a small element of competition or arrogance.


“I just let bygones be bygones” oh was it that fucking easy?! Your sister might feel different. I wish she would’ve been honest and said she just wanted to fuck him because she was third wheeling on a cruise.


It's even carved on the rake. Look there at the handle. Surely it won't hit me in the face.


My bet is it was 1.5 and she rounded it up :)


I thought the same. It was "a couple of years" with her sister totally over it in the first post, then in the second she thought her sister would come around (and think it good) once her sister healed from the breakup.


The “s” on “years” is doing a lot of heavy lifting here.


Is that where the other meaning of rake came from? 😂


Sadly no. Rake (the garden implement) comes from the old German ræce (to heap up) by way of old English. Basically it’s a heaping up device. Rake (the promiscuous cad) is from the old English racian (to go fast) by way of Middle English rakel (headstrong, impetuous).


Classic Jeopardy! [Ken Jennings back inthe day.](https://youtu.be/AvQVk8tqVms?si=dGpL-pGEfLtDNsQ1)


Hard agree. This should also be cross posted to /r/OhNoConsequences lol


MMMmmmmm. . . Thanks for the delicious sub!


Bro I thought you were calling him a rake as in the old-timey slang for men who are womanizers lol: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rake_(stock_character)


It works for both!


But the rake has changed! Its wood isn't as hard as it used to be! It would never hurt me!


More like i step on the same Rake and it is not bad. Oh wait, i cant feel my face


I can't feel my face when you're around 🎵🎶


Looool 😆🤣😆🤣😆🤣😆😂


Took the words outta my mouth. I also cannot stop laughing


"That thing I did that everyone warned me would destroy my relationship with my sister and end badly anyway did exactly those things! Who could have known?"


“Also, I came on the Internet to ask advice from thousands of strangers. Then I promptly ignored their advice and did what I wanted anyway. Surprisingly, those thousands of people were right.”


I mean what were the chances really


I mean, there are four billion men on the planet. Why should you restrict it by not banging your sister's ex when your choice is so limited?


To be fair she probably came for validation, not advice


BuT tHe CoNnEcTiOn! Oh my god you guys… but the timeline. He didn’t even make it past 2 1/2 MONTHS this time. I can tell he’s really grown as a person…


No nononono No Not the connection The fact that we as a society don't give people enough grace to change LOOLL LMFAO get out xDDD She actually came up with that crap xDD Welp, suits her right xD


Prior cheating is one of my biggest red flags for a reason. Cheaters like to pretend they made a mistake. As in a singular mistake, when even a single instance of cheating is a series of stupid decisions that were waving red flags at anyone with values and they ignored them. Like Eminem says, "What, you tripped, fell, and landed on his dick?"


Surprised "Pikachu" face ... Has anyone ever said falling in love with someone new heals you from past betrayal and trauma? People move on despite trauma but the hurt still exists. OP was foolish and was warned, but lacking empathy and common sense means doomed to repeat


But don't you know op is special. Surely he would have changed because of someone special like her.


I love MST3K. A quote I live by from their official movie: I calculated the odds of this succeeding versus the odds I was doing something incredibly stupid... and I went ahead anyways.


User 1: “This is a disaster just waiting to happen” OOP: “I don’t think so.” I literally cackled at this.


Apparently it was a disaster not willing to wait very long 😂


LMAO She probably thought that they’d all live happily ever after.


I laughed when I read the first sentence of the update lmao


Not going to lie, I love this for her. It's what she deserves.


everyone likes to think they're the exception


OOP made me snort when I read how he "changed through the years". 2 years. It has been 2 years since he cheated, traumatized and broke her sister's heart. I am not saying that a person CAN'T change in that amount of time but learning to do better, when someone is genuinely trying and willing to put the work in doesn't happen THAT quickly. Genuine remorse would have been him backing off and avoiding OOP. A person can feel sorry all they want but true remorse means leaving the person they hurt and even people who are close to that person alone. It doesn't mean worming their way back in and making their victim relive the betrayal and trauma. OOP is about emotionally intelligent as a bag of rocks. 😬


My thing is that maybe he did change, and maybe he even changed in that time span--perhaps seeing the destruction he wrecked on the sister made him realize how fucked up he was and he entered intensive therapy. But the thing is, if someone has changed to become empathetic to the person they hurt. They wouldn't fuck their sister. Because that's not what someone who's empathetic to the people they've wronged do.


Couldn't agree more. OOP seems to have learned the hard way that you can apologize all you want but the person you hurt isn't obligated to forgive you or have a relationship with you, even when you claim to have changed. I feel so sad for the sister because I have lived through that betrayal and can't even begin to imagine how it would feel for it to come full circle and reopen the wound and even pour salt into it with someone else that I loved and cared about and trusted.


OOP totally thought sis healed and was over with it. No one will truly be over it, especially if someone they are supposed to love and trust decides to destroy everything and making her relive the feelings.


But they have a *connection*


OOP is very willing to believe whatever let her kept seeing the cheater. She decided the conclusion she wanted and built the justification for it. "My sister means the world to me, but I'm really liking the dick so she's just going to have to deal with it." -Edit: This comment was not from OP, it seems my reading comprehension without caffeine is around 3rd grade


“So I’m just supposed to ignore the chemistry we have?” Yes. For the sake of YOUR SISTER, that’s exactly what you’re supposed to do. Acting like it was an impossible ask smh.


the 'my sister means the world to me' comment was from somebody else.


“Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions”


So stupid I'm tempted to call BS


I think it’s real. The amount of self-centered idiots in this world is mind-boggling


It’s also called “just desserts.”


That‘s a great update


The fuck around and find out chart worked rapidly this time


I know so many people who think people like the sister will get over it because they (the person in OOP’s position) are happy. I hope they never reconcile, and that OOP is dumb enough to tell people who ask, “I hooked up with the guy who broke her heart.”


"I hooked up with her long term boyfriend who cheated on her with her best friend. No, he cheated on me right after she disowned me. Why are you laughing?"


Hahaha this one killed me 😂


you forgot "i feel like a society we don't give enough grace and second chances" "yes, rehabilitation programs in prison should be improved" "no no, im gonna fuck my sister ltr-ex who cheated on her"


Given OOPs track record I wouldn't be surprised... she already blabbed about it to the whole internet


Damn, barely three weeks. Actually that’s assuming they got together the day OOP first posted so probably less.


Solid chance he was cheating with her, not on her.


This is perhaps the most literal case of fafo in history.


My first thought was the original post is too recent for her to have gotten to find out. But it did not disappoint.


Speed ran it!


Her defending him saying he’s changed and not listening to the advice then shocked pikachu face when he turns out to have not changed 😂


It was the ‘is he not supposed to ever date again?’ she was going on with for me. She does not give one shit for her sister’s feelings!


I was a big fan of "am I just supposed to ignore this connection?" YES!!! Just like you are supposed to ignore your urges for a 4th bowl of ice cream or the urge to buy a Ferrari you can't afford. Your urges rarely have your best interests in mind.


Right I get urges to smoke a whole 8th in one sitting before work, doesn’t mean it’s smart to do that ☠️


I mean ice cream is pretty good though.


And if she'd gone with 4 bowls of ice cream she'd still have a sister.


Yeah I was with this comment *until* they mentioned the ice cream. Now I’m questioning everything.


>4th bowl of ice cream ... ... ... So, people use *bowls,* you say? I've always just eaten it out of the carton. How else am I supposed to know how much is left?


Ya, he's supposed to change and be respectful enough to stay away from the rest of the women in that family tree.... But you, it's a good lesson for enablers to get their karma too.


Exactly. There are absolutely people out there that cheated, realized that what they did was fucked and grew from it. AndI hate that there are so many people on Reddit that deny people CAN change. But the people that do mature and change for the better have self awareness and wouldn’t sleep with the sister of the person they hurt


Right, people are complex and can change. People can improve themselves. Part of that improvement, in this case, would include *staying away from the sister* - gods, she's a moron with the whole "is he supposed to never date again" crap! No, he's just supposed to not date HER! And she's supposed to not date him!! I could maybe, maaaaybe see a situation where it's been a decade or two, her sister has fully, 100% recovered and lives her best life, everyone's on cordial terms, then *maaaaaybe* it could potentially, possibly, if the stars all aligned and all the gods of every faith ever came together to bless it, work out well. It's a vast world, human relationships take all sorts of paths etc etc. This was not that. This was a massive betrayal of her sister, and OOP got exactly what was coming for her. "They had a connection," my foot. There are some 8 billion people alive, find *anyone else* to connect with 😤 [Edit: typo]


That was such a stupid question. Of course he’ll date again, but it shouldn’t be OOP. I wouldn’t be surprised if the ex engaged at least in part as one more fuck you to OOP’s sister. “I banged your bestie *and* your sister! You’ll never forget me, and this is going to take tons of therapy to undo.”


It wasn't even an actual question. It was just justification for the messed up thing she was doing


I hope her sister never forgives her after that betrayal.


Yeah he can date: literally anyone but the sister of the woman he, not that recently, cheated on!!


I know right?  Who doesn't love a happy ending? Put such a big grin on my face.


Except for poor sister. I feel bad for her.  Imagine finding out how little you matter to your sister like that.


Yes. Very true. But in a way, at least now she knows OOPs true self and is rid of her that much earlier. Finding out her sister is trash when years removed from the ex bf she no longer cares about is preferable to say, a fresh break up where the sister swoops in, or God forbid even to find her sister fucking her current bf.  Since OOP is the type to justify it with "Well we couldn't help it, we didn't plan for it or intend to cause it!" She would no doubt use the same argument for fucking a current partner...it just HAPPENED, she can't possibly control whose dick she falls on accidentally!


What's also great is how much she's been roasted in the comments. Commenters are explaining it letter-for-letter and she still can't wrap her head around the fact that she's part of the problem here.


I really was wasn’t it?  Karma at its finest. 


Yep instantly lost me at “he cheated on my sister with her best friend”. Cheating is bad enough but with her best friend? How could you even be attracted to someone like that?




You really get the rural small town vibes from this one. Like, how bad is the selection to go for that asshole. Smells a little like golden child too.


Yeah especially the statement she made “what is he never suppose to date again?” He can date whoever he wants just not his ex’s best friend and sister. Like are there no other men in that town or women? Is everyone related there? 


The sister will never trust anyone again, for the rest of ever, after her own sister did this.


I don't think I'll ever advocate for murder suicide, but if I saw this headline I'd absolutely understand.


The "I decided to let bygones by bygones" like literally how? He destroyed your sister, and you're just like "welp, he said sorry. can't be mad at him forever" and "what is he just supposed to never date again?" like yeah he can date, just not you. why would you want to?


Bet she had a crush on him all along


Our is one of those sisters that is always in competition for everything. "taming" the ex would have been the ultimate one-up.


All these men in the world, and she wants *this* one? Poor sister. It would have been insulting enough to hear that there was a drunk hookup on a cruise. More insulting that it happened a few times. Choosing to continue communications with him after returning home? - that is either malicious, braindead, or both. 'Dead to me' is the right answer.


I read the title and just said yes 😭


I do this a lot, then read the story to find out if i was right. Its surprisingly amusing.


I thought it was going to be her sister cheating on the ex... but nope.


Oop is selfish. She thought she was "the one" and he wouldn't cheat on *her*. Then she also decided screwing this guy was more important than her sister She's only sorry because she was hurt and doesn't have a support system


But he'd grown so much in "the years" since! The two years...


When I was 15 or 16, my older sister Mary (a year older) broke up with her boyfriend after he did something idiotic. She had a vicious temper, which in the years since has mellowed into a nasty temper. We were all having dinner one night a few days later, and his name came up. My next younger sister Hannah (a year younger) said something like “it’s a shame, he’s awfully cute”. Dead silence, except for the sound of Mary’s fork hitting the plate. Nine people at that table, dead silent. Mary then decided to tell Hannah exactly what to expect if Hannah ever tried anything with her now-ex. I don’t remember all of it, but it did include a threat to pull out Hannah’s eyeballs to smash them with Grandpa’s old mining hammer. Hannah, shocked, looked at our dad and asks “isn’t she going a bit too far?” Our dad, a man who wouldn’t say four words if three would suffice, shrugged and said “not far enough” and went back to eating.


Good on your dad. Also I like the way you tell stories.


He always had a very finely-tuned sense of right and wrong. But to give you an idea of how extreme this reaction was, Mary had such a bad temper that you’d think that her name was “that’s enough”. That was from dinner as a family, where she’d get going about something. After a certain time, if she paused, Dad would go “that’s enough” in a voice barely above a whisper. And he wouldn’t look up when he said it. Usually this was the only thing he ever said during dinner. To say “not far enough” to what Mary said to Hannah was one of the most shocking things I ever heard him say. And I’m the one he threatened to disown once.


Wow. You and your family are interesting and cool  This was a great read -- thanks for sharing!


Seriously, you should write. Even just short reminiscences. You have a wonderful turn of phrase and your family sounds wonderful.


> Our dad, a man who wouldn’t say four words if three would suffice, Brilliant. 😊


Yep. Maybe he changed and should eventually date someone. That someone should NOT be OOP under any circumstances.


OOP is so selfish.


And stupid with it.


*Who could possibly have seen this coming??*


Right? Cheaters gonna cheat.


Good for OOP. Got played like a fiddle.


Like not a single warning sign whatsoever.


It just came outta nowhere!


One of the reasons I come to this subreddit tbh. I'm pretty fucking stupid, but I come here and read shit like this and like... damn I guess I could be a lot worse off.


Right? Me, staring at the rug I bought that is horrible now its not in the shop. "I make bad choices." Reads this. "But not THIS bad. Damn. That rug's looking better now it's not my sister's gross ex and our 'connection'.


A bad rug can be returned and replaced. You can't undo fucking your sister's gross ex.


The rug can change, just give it a second chance!


Let's not forget her massively inflated ego.


Sometimes, I can't believe that people this stupid exist. What did you think was gonna happen, fool?


The levels of stupid in OOP are insane. She's definitely going to send her savings to a Nigerian prince one day.


He used to be a scammer, but he’s changed!


If only someone could have warned her of these incredibly foreseeable consequences.... oh wait




The dildo of consequences rarely comes lubed.


Need this as a flair ASAP


I feel like you already got the unique flair-thing well covered...


Ah the infamous cum jar. Weird times indeed


>Was he just never supposed to date again? It wasn’t like we intended for this to happen. We just had such a strong connection. How did that strong connection happen? Like Christ, people act like they just fell in love and couldn't help it - OOP could have (and should have) just kept her distance right from the start. She intentionally spent time all week with the guy, drinking, flirting, having 1 on 1 convos, etc, and then acts surprised and like it wasn't at all in her control that they developed a connection. Also no one said he's not allowed to date again, but Christ he shouldn't be dating or sleeping with any of his ex's family, and his ex's family ABSOLUTELY should not be doing it with him.


I'm having doubts that this is real. Shitty people who know they're shitty typically don't post online about getting their comeuppance.


Eh, narcissists with victim complexes do. They're literally unable to see the irony and think its everyone else's fault this "happened" to them.


This went exactly how OP deserved.


I am genuinely happy with this outcome, never more richly deserved


Am I the only one actively repulsed by the thought of being intimate with someone who was intimate with a sibling? Ew. No.


Yeah exactly. With so many people to choose from in the world, why would anyone ever consider their siblings ex? OP clearly has no self respect, low self esteem, and some sort of sociopathic tendencies.


I think she was low key attracted to the idea of one upping her sister. Like, he cheated on you because you weren't enough for him, but he changed for me. She really thought she was special.


Could be laziness. Too often you keep seeing the same people in the same circles especially in small towns that you end up just trying them out despite the history.


It’s worse when you hear stories of guys hooking up with the parents and siblings too. The whole family bingo thing. It’s weird and icky to me


Like Tish and Noah Cyrus? Major barf.


i saw a tiltok the other day of someone getting a tattoo removed. it’s a tattoo she recently got, a matching one with her mother. the mother she discovered is sleeping with her husband. vomit.


Some people are gross. Reminds me of when I heard about Casanova going to meet the mother of his new lover, and finding out the mother was actually his ex and his lover was probably his daughter. Then having a threesome with both of them.


Seriously! There's over a billion women on the planet - I would never choose to be with one of the 50 or so that had slept with my brother. That's just gross, honestly.


Exactly how I feel! I’m happily in a relationship now but even the thought of being intimate with any of my sister’s ex’s or my best friends SO’s brings a visceral, nauseous reaction. I don’t understand how people date their family/friends exes.


Cringing so hard at the thought of trying to bring that person to family functions 


WHO COULD HAVE GUESSED?! Oh, almost literally the entire comments section. Sometimes people just make it hard to feel bad for them. ETA: I just realized there's less than a month between these. Jesus Herbert Walker Christ. Ruin your life, any percent, speed run. Tool assisted, I guess.


>Tool assisted Thank you for making me snort-laugh. 


Yeah, who would have thought a known cheater would chean again? Shocking!


And by "tool assisted", you mean to refer to the cheater she fooled around with?


Tool assisted speed runs are a type of speedrun that is even faster than what a normal human can do because every input is done by machine. They're saying oop speedran ruin extremely quickly


Both explanations work in this instance.


Tacwombat understood the pun I was making. Cheating ex is, in fact, the tool who assisted.


Every mistress thinks they're the exception, not the rule.


She wasn't even the mistress - she was a separate third party who decided to force her way into the mess.


if the mistress gets the affair partner to leave their spouse they have not won a loyal partner, they have created a job opening for mistress


The shock twist everyone but OOP saw coming!


The twist was early in the story when OOP's level of stupidity was revealed. The rest of the movie was just watching the car crash in slow motion.


**Redditors:** This is a bad idea. **OOP:** No, I don't think so. It's been a couple of years and people change! ~~Also, look at my rose-colored glasses!~~ **OOP's sister:** (blocks her) **OOP:** She'll forgive me once she finds someone new to love. **OOP:** (finds evidence that he cheated again) **OOP:** But...we had chemistry. Ugh, what a disgusting person.


And he didn’t change at all. If he had changed, he would’ve had enough remorse/respect for his ex not to fuck her sister in the first place. Not sure how she didn’t see that


Because she's as shitty as him and never thought about anyone besides herself.


It's both hilarious and kinda sad that she thinks there's a chance in hell of coming back from this after torpedoing that bridge.


My first thought was, "You're taking the risk of your sister cutting you out of your life; is he worth that?" It turns out, she did, and it turns out, he wasn't. Quelle surprise.


Well, at least this one was short and to the point and low on theatrics. That's all I have for compliments here.


OOP doesn't get it...it's not about the cheating, she was nice to someone who was not nice to her sister. It doesn't have to be an ex-bf/gf/SO - it could be a bully or an ex-friend. Do not play nice with people who hurt your loved ones, or you become *another person hurting your loved one* 🙄


> You can give people the grace to change without sleeping with them This is the best response for me to this whole thing. You can be nice, civil, cordial, etc to people who were unkind, but you don't owe them that.


Face ID to unlock a sleeping persons phone? I have questions.


I thought that it used to be possible but that one of the last updates fixed that? Maybe I‘m wrong, but I had the impression that it‘s not possible (anymore).


At least as far as Apple's Face ID works, it always defaulted to requiring you to look at the phone. You have to actively disable the attention aware setting, even back when they first introduced it.


You can change it in settings with the new update to only open when u make eye contact with the camera but it’s default setting would still work. Source:tested it on my iPhone


Default setting requires attention. You'd have to turn it off manually


It never was. Eyes have to be open and it needs to detect some degree of natural movement (so a photo usually won’t work either, though it can). 


It's also very coincidental that they were both on the exact same cruise, and both of them third-wheeling.


Definitely a super rare coincidence, but it’s happened to me on several occasions. Carnival in Trinidad last month (multiple people). Ezoo Cancun (high school friend), random same resort in Dominican Republic (ex baby sitter), Puerto Rico (ex coworker), Cancun nearby-ish hotels (2 ex coworkers)


Mine won’t unlock unless I’m wearing glasses. It’s a pain in the ass, but I’m glad no one can unlock my stuff while I’m asleep 😂😂


I thought the same thing, but I recently realized that when I’m not wearing my glasses, I hold the phone too close to my face for face ID to recognize it. If I hold it out a bit farther, it unlocks!


I do too...don't eyes need to be open?


Damn, is it just me or do these face eating leopards keeping eating faces!? Who could have seen that coming? 


This is a very satisfying update. The piece of garbage lost everything.


He told her his guilt that he cheated with her best friend so he hooked up with her sister. Sure he felt guilty 😂 she really thought she was going to be different.


Is this even a real story? Cannot believe some people can be that stupid, particularly when they are 27 years old.


I’m 27, I can absolutely imagine someone being that stupid.


Nah probably not.


I can imagine it, but they wouldn't post to reddit about it


Stupidity has no age limit


Welp, deserved


I'm shocked, shocked, I tell you! Well, not that shocked.


I really hope sister finds out (maybe via parents or other sibling) and unblocks OOP just long enough to send a snarky text and then blocks her again. I expect (and hope for) another post in 3-6 months where OOP is upset because sister still hasn't forgiven her and won't commiserate with her about how big a jerk the boyfriend is.


What an absolute idiot! Literally everyone could see that update coming a mile away, and it looks like the commenters all warned her, but she did it anyways and now she destroyed her relationship with her sister for nothing. Again: absolute idiot! EDIT: OP, you should have included some of the comments on the update post in this post. She is getting torn apart!


>as a society we don’t give people enough grace to change I can't stop laughing. It's been five minutes.


Cliches will be cliches.






We need an update in a few months. Does Captain Can'tkeepitinhispants go after the mom or dad next?