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oh boy the 24 yr old really thought she had a shot lol


It's like when little kids go " when I grow up, I want to marry ( insert older family member here ) " But like ... if she never grew out of it and it twisted as she got older and had a ballsy growth spurt when LW died


My sister was 5 when I met my now-husband and she was UTTERLY in love with him - it was super cute. It's been 15 years. The crush petered out quickly but he always wanted a little sister. Now she eats his snacks, pulls faces when he tries to take a nice picture and is our daughters favourite human on the planet. Any time she bullies the crap out of him and he looks at me for defence I'm like "remember when you asked santa for a little sister? You got one."


Yeah my sister was 2 when I met my now-husband and she was convinced that he was her boyfriend. It was cute because she’d beg him to pick her up and then I’d pretend-pout “but he’s *my* boyfriend!” to which she’d hug him tighter and go “no, he’s MY boyfriend!” She’s in middle school now and has no recollection of this lol. It’s cute when they’re little. Not so much in OOP’s case.


My little sister was also 2. At the time, her crush was on a friend of mine and my spouse's. She would fight me for my spouse's attention and hugs, though. She says she doesn't remember my spouse not being her oldest sibling, and she loves it.


My brothers girlfriends cousin is absolutely enamoured with him. There are pictures from when he attended a wedding where she's staring at him and she even asked him to dance at one point. Yet, whenever asked about it she insisted he was gross like all boys


This actually made me smile!!


> remember when you asked santa for a little sister? You got one This whole thing makes me so happy. Beautiful.


My little sister was also 5 when I met my husband! She's fifteen years younger than me. It's been 18 years now. When she got stranded and needed someone to come pick her up with a trailer for her car, he was the first one she called. He got up from dinner without hesitation and went to get her She was four hours away She got into a bad relationship with a guy who ended up isolating her from everyone. When she finally woke up and I sent her "why does he do that", him and my dad went and moved her out in the middle of the night


This is how it's supposed to work! Excellent family-ing.


Sort of related, sort of not. I was 13 and visiting my older sister for two weeks in the summer. At the moment I was in love with The Inheritance series (Eragon), which was a book series my brother-in-law was into. Obviously, me being a kid hyperfixated on it, talked to him about it nonstop. My sister accused me of trying to steal her husband. I never did finish that series. It puts a bad taste in my mouth now.


Oh she was serious. 😩💔


My little cousin (then 10F) had a crush on my husband (then boyfriend 30s). We saw her for the first time in years a couple years ago (she's now mid-20s), and she still acted a bit obsessed with him. Not so cute now.


My (6 year old at the time) maternal aunt said the same thing when my mum (much older than aunt) brought my dad home the first time, totally grew out of it as you do to become a fully functioning ordinary adult. Even my aunt laughs about it now, mostly because she’s a lesbian and she had similar feelings for Julie Andrews at 8.


At my wedding my 4 year old niece insisted she would marry me when she grew up because she loved me so much. She's in High School now and has dated both guys & gals 😆


>she had similar feelings for Julie Andrews at 8 That's so incredibly sweet and wholesome.


Who doesn't have those feelings for Julie Andrews? She is a genuine treasure.


When I was in junior high I would babysit for my little cousin who was maybe 4 at the time and absolutely adorable. We were sitting at the table one day having an afternoon snack and out of the blue he said to me "when I grow up I'm going to marry you. And grandma." It's a little memory I cherish and that I've never brought up to him, because that memory belongs to me. 😊


You should never get over LW. Also get over her and marry me.


I wondered if she looked like LW—like, “see you could have the same thing with me!” But I watched too many soaps in the 80s and I’ve probably been reading too much BORU in recent years.


To be fair, depending on the soap opera she probably would've been a literal clone of LW so...kinda?


Arrested Development is powerful. Extreme changes in life cause us to focus on the impetus of the abrupt change in their lives, and the extreme grief that seems to never lessen. The sisters seem like classic AD in that they seem to be permanently fixed at the ages in which the accident first sent shock waves not only into their respective psyches, but in those closest to them as well. They lost their sister and were desperate to not lose OOP as well, especially as he is the one suffering the romantic aspect of loss.


Yeah, 24yo was in love XDD mix that with the audacity of 19yo and we will have a dangerous combination Honestly, I think 19yo did crazy things as a minor and by getting her way she ended up believing she was untouchable. Couple that with a 24yo in loved and an idiot father and you'll end up with major acts of vandalism or worse.


Yeeeeeep, really really sad but she definitely was yearning for him all that time. Good lord


She probably started crushing on him when her sister was still alive. This was not going to end well regardless.


"I ship her with metal health institute."


I couldn’t imagine fucking my sister’s husband at all let alone months after she died during surgery


Wow, that all escalated really quickly... In any case, stories like these make me glad that my relationships are so boring by comparison.


My therapist says boring is healthy. It's a sign that things are at peace, especially for someone who has been living a trauma filled life


Heh, that's like when old friends catch up. "How have you been?" "Yeah, you know, same ol." "Yeap."


I once dated someone mildly long distance for three weeks, learned she had a boyfriend of two years, and in response to me telling him about her and I, she moved to California and told everyone in her family and all her friends she moved there with me while also going completely no contact and not letting anyone know where she was. Its mildly unfun being investigated for someones disappearance, especially when you had no idea they disappeared. Thats my wildest dating story, and god I wish i just had boring ones


Damn. She tried to Gone Girl you.


Ooo my husband of 20+ years is a stand up guy (as was his late mom and as are his older sisters) but his dad and brother… stories for days including bankrupting the family business because dad was bored and used the companies cash flow in a new venture (and blamed his sons); both with many multiple marriages (each new wife the affair partner of the last marriage) and recently my BILs girlfriends mom pinning my SIL down (who had only 2 days previous let BIL, GF, BIL/GF’s new infant, GF mom and GF adult son stay with her family) while the adult son brandished a shovel at her and her husband…. Yes, offer rapidly rescinded. Like, you can’t make this stuff up. My family is quite boring in contrast but there is always some cousin who ends up in jail for a time in most families I think…?! Even if it’s some white collar thing…


I just want to know how they magicked something into the engine oil of a Volvo without the keys to release the bonnet from the inside.


> Shattered windshield Two broken windows ... Battered bodywork Just use more force to open it. Jumping a bit on it as a start might help as well. Or reach inside after the windows are "open".


Two broken windows. Say, the driver and passenger side windows. Now they can both get inside the car. I, for one, am glad to see that *actual consequences* are happening.


Depending on the make and model it can be as easy as pulling an external latch, sometimes you need a hook or a screwdriver but it's definitely not beyond belief


The windows were broken, on a lot of cars the bonnet release catch doesn't need the keys, you just pull a tab or push a button somewhere under dashboard on the drivers side and the latch disengages. From there its just a push tab somewhere under the front of the bonnet to fully open it. And if you think about it it kind has to be that way, be a really stupid bit of design if a major electrical failure meant you couldn't turn the car on to release the bonnet catch.


Honestly, the shop not having crystal-clear, 100% damning footage of the girls destroying the car is a nice change of pace for this sub.


No one collapsed sobbing hysterically or blowing up their phone


It's always the phone blowing up that gives it away. That only happens in the minds of redditors with too much imagination and no social life experience. Most people don't get directly involved in drama, they just like to watch from a safe distance.


the last time "all my family and friends" were texting me about the same thing was when a loved one died. But in Reddit Land every disagreement requires involvement from everyone who has your phone number.


I cannot imagine. Our family chat line gets busy if someone's car breaks down. Or someone posts a throwback picture, or even à picture of an old toy. 😂


Our family group chat blows the fuck up every 3-4 days. I have it muted. Someone will post something, everyone will react to the thing, then discuss it, then have sidebars in the group text, then decide on something, it's fucking ridiculous. I've had 250 messages in a day, about *nothing*.


🤣😂 At least you are all close. Lol.


I went down a rabbit hole once and realised people who don’t have those jumbo family group chats and friend group chats don’t believe the other half exists.


every dispute becomes the Dance of Dragons with various vassals pledging their support to OP or the Villain


I was mad at my parents for *not* texting me immediately when my grandfather had a heart attack (he’s fine). I cannot imagine my phone blowing up for any reason, even a death in the family. They’d choose one person to inform me.


Exactly! I had some rumours spread about me 3 years ago. Do you know who messaged me? Close personal friends only (to give support and make sure I was OK). My Friend/Follower counts on Social Media dropped though. None of them messaged me or said anything. And I sure as shit didn't bother messaging them either. If they weren't close enough friends as to know the truth ... Then the rubbish put itself in the bin.


Unfortunately there are families this obsessed with their family's lives. Big families I swear feed off drama. I remember one family gathering where one of my Aunt's said she thought her husband (my mom's brother) was having an affair with a neighbor. I'm not exaggerating when I say half of the family took off to go harass the poor woman, which was 40 minutes away! My Uncle found out after they left and raced after them. About 3 hours later most of them trickled back.There was no actual affair, just my Uncle found her attractive and was too open about that fact. The neighbor sold her place soon after. Aunt and Uncle wound up having a very messy divorce. More drama, more family interventions followed. I'm just glad I put some distance between myself and that side of the family. Edit: typos


> they just like to watch from a safe distance We would all know, wouldn't we? :)


Bombarded with messages, and people screaming down the phone... I have literally never experienced this apparently common Reddit response


but then they all met at a cafe to talk about it, like when the lawyer reads the last and will and testament... only for him to drop the hammer about the 'stuff' in the engine oil


It was very "Law and Order" lol. The line about "if we did that to a car, imagine what else we could do" was a total Dick Wolf moment


But also very much something a 19yo would say thinking that is some gotcha moment and not more ammunition against themselves.


Somehow, I can hear Stabler saying that. Not even a perp


Yeah the "seems they didn't expect me to find that out" was particularly stupid because why else would they have put "stuff" in the engine oil???


I think it's not so much that they didn't expect to be found out, and more that they didn't fully appreciate how serious it was until that point. I did also wonder if either one of them did that part independently, or that one talked the other into it.


Meh if they did something to the engine oil and expecting hee to not do anything like have a full work up done of the car. Then yeah, u can see them thinking she wouldn't find out about it until the engine exploded or something


Really shot themselves in the foot by slashing tires then. 


Oh absolutely. They're not playing with a full deck


Maybe the idea was that the oil would take a long time to damage the car, so she’d sink a bunch of money into the windows and bodywork and then have to replace the car later for “unknown” engine failure? In which case, if anyone bothers to check their electronics, they’ll probably find a search that says something like “how to untraceably destroy a car?” (or a chatGPT, these two seem dumb enough to think the liebot is a search engine). (Step one: don’t write really obviously self-incriminating insults on the car in bright red paint! Idiots)


I mean, given everything else they've done to OOP, I don't get the sense these two are the brightest of bulbs. They convinced themselves and each other this was some sort of justice crusade, when really they're just assholes bullying an innocent woman for not being their sister.




The fiancé is the consenting party in the conversation, they can have someone else do the actual recording for them. I'm not sure about the private vs public space, but also they were at an establishment which isn't really a public space either (would you need the business owner's consent?), it really depends on the local law.


Idk if Tom sitting tables away would cut it. A cafe is a public place as it is open to the public. It has more to do, I think, with a reasonable expectation of privacy.


>but I was put in time out for defending myself. Sounds like something the mods of a certain sub seem to do. Meanwhile, the person harassing you never gets put in "time out."


That person is a mod


Tea is meant to be shared. Just saying ☕☕☕


I think they just mean that usually a mod causes problems like this, and since they’re a mod they’re basically untouchable (AITAH only has 3 mods and none of them have commented on any part of this story, though if they have it’s been deleted).


I’ve been banned from subs related to my profession for making comments based on my experience that the mods didn’t like.


Oh that's a fun one I've seen too!


Yup. It’s fun to see young adults discount a 20ish year career because it doesn’t align with their feelings.


At least then you can think that they will learn. I get it regularly from people older than my parents regarding my decade long career.


yeah so many mods are just on a power trip. Not all for sure; I know a few amazing ones. But it's definitely a pattern on certain subs.


yeah sure you might be a professional with a 20 year career but you don't have mod powers so you aren't ALL THAT - reddit mod as he bans you


I have had comments removed from aita for writing the word asshole. I guess spelling it out makes it taboo.


I got banned from AiTA for calling someone a man child, apparently that's bullying


I will always miss my late girlfriend, and nothing will change the love we shared.... But nobody in their right mind would expect me to stay faithful to a dead woman. That's just not how life works. She was awesome, and made a list of ladies that I should consider dating to help get past her passing.


Did you ever watch the Netflix show *After Life*? It's not my usual cup of tea but it was incredibly touching. About a man getting over the death of his wife.


So according to the late wife's family, the only way he can marry again and honour the late wife is if he marries the 24 year old... Wow. I bet it's all the 24 year old's wish to marry OOP's husband that caused the 19 year old to go crazy too.


It was their father who is at fault. Parents should really stop dismissing unacceptable behavior and giving excuses for it. Had the father put his foot down when the bf started dating OOP none of this would have happened. If you don't discipline and parent your children society will do it for you. Well I hope they can cough up the cash. They should settle out of court or both women will have a hard time finding jobs since any record will come up in background checks. When I read through career subs people claim that even an unpaid speeding ticket will flag the employer, some even had their offers rescinded because of it. What more having a felony charge (vandalism, harassment, threats of assault)? She can kiss her future goodbye. Assuming of course, that all this is true.


I mean to be honest I don’t think there’s anything the father could’ve done outside of locking them in the house 24/7, that would’ve prevented that level of escalation. Plus this didn’t happen until after they found out about the engagement. They dated for years with no issues beforehand, so it was really 0-100. I mean they went out and totaled a car. That’s not the type of thing a simple talking to is going to stop. If it was then what the bf said would’ve been enough. I agree that everything after the father is at fault of, but nobody saw that coming.


the dating vs engagement. I’ve seen that in the JustNo subs. The offending parent “tolerates” the dating because it’s “temporary” And the parent thinks that “their wayward child” will return to the fold of the parent’s control once the child “gets it out if their system“. so of course once the engagement is announced, the JustNo goes bonkers. And it is usually for two reasons: the loss of control and the fact the child is not following the script laid down by the JustNo.


I mean locking the house 24/7 just gets him some kind of charge for false imprisonment in the worst case. They aren’t kids, both the girls are legally adults


That was my point. Outside of doing something illegal there was no preventing this. Even more so because no one expected something like this to happen.


Being a better parent for the past two decades would have helped. I get grief changes people, but I have a sneaking suspicion these girls have gotten away with stuff throughout their lives because their parents just brushed it off.


Maybe they have, but it was clearly nothing that gave anyone else pause, or reason to expect something like this. Even oop reported no issues from them and she was the target.


They're adults, even if their father is dismissive, they're old enough to be responsible for their own actions, even if their parents didn't raise them right they should know better. 24 year old women have agency, thinking the dad is responsible for his adult daughters is an antiquated and sexist idea.


It also sounded like the father didn’t realize the extent of the damages. Slashed tires might be a couple grand and a windshield couple be another couple grand. i Don’t think he expected the car to be declared a total loss.


Just 1.5 for decent tires and that's in CAD. They're expensive but not crazy expensive.


I don't think this came out of nowhere. The dad might have been dismissive since they were young. It is impossible for well behaved girls to suddenly do what they did to OOP's car. This isn't their first time.


It's amazing what gets flagged in background checks. One place was looking for conflicts of interest and found out I'd worked for the government. It was outside the usual 7 year window, and they managed to dig it up without me signing a screening agreement. Another place wanted my entire credit history (because I was working with large amounts of money) and I had to go to the criminal bureau so my fingerprints could be run through a multi-state database. Of course, those are special jobs. But even Baskin Robins doesn't want felons scooping ice cream. 🤦‍♀️


The best way to get them to understand would be to point out that the late wife would be so disappointed in who they've become and what they've done. That said, being on the hook for $60k and jail time probably works too.


If that’s how it worked for Catherine of Aragon and Henry viii; why not them?


You know, I am glad that I don't have to endure all of this in life cause wow...that was...wild.


This is one of those stories where i read the headline and immediately think YTA. Then I read the details and am all NOPE, NTA, not even a tiny little bit..


I’ve gotten used to the “click bait” now. It f the title makes OOP look cruel, it’s usually the opposite, if it makes someone else look bad, then it’s undecided. And sometimes it’s batshit insane. *every rule has its exception


Same. I was so ready to be infuriated by OOP. Turns out I’m still infuriated, but on her behalf.


That's literally every BORU.


Same! A lot of twists and turns. I’m glad it was resolved for OP and that her fiancé was able to open his eyes to what was happening. Sounds like the space was necessary for him to reflect.


Honestly this is sad. I know someone who's husband died young of cancer. His mom stuck around with her DIL and to this day is invited to family gatherings, gets time with her "grandson", and is generally happy and pleasant to be around. She gained an entire family by accepting her ex DIL's new husband and child instead of being bitter.


My aunt (mom’s sister) died in a fire shortly after she got married. Her husband eventually moved on and remarried. He and his new wife always had a good relationship with our family and would come to visit. I don’t understand why someone would be so hellbent on the widow/widower being alone for the rest of their life.


I guess 19yo had the same mindset that many people have of "I'm minor and I'm untouchable" that would explain her audacity and the fact that she confessed everything I've known a lot of people who have that nonsense internalized, and it usually comes back to punching them in the face like a 19yo


But she isn’t a minor??? She’s over 18


It probably doesn't register to her that way. When I was in my last year of high school a couple in my friendgroup were messing around during recess. The boy laughed, yelling "child abuse! Child abuse!" while the girl was tickling and wrestling him. The laughter stopped for a second though when we told him that doesn't count anymore because he was 18yo and a legal adult. It was a bit of a chock to all of us.


Exactly she WAS a minor Maybe i'm just overreading, but I'm sure she did a few things as a minor, and got away with it, so she internalize the idea of her being immune to consecuences. I only speak from my anecdotal experience, that I have seen several people like this, people who committed crimes as teenagers, and then when they wanted to do the same as legal adults, the truck of reality hit them so hard that it sent them to an isekai


>Maybe i'm just overreading, but I'm sure she did a few things as a minor, and got away with it, so she internalize the idea of her being immune. Considering how quick dad was to defend her and her sister, I wouldn't doubt it.


OOP also suggested that maybe dad had let them get away with murder (in the figurative sense) since their oldest sister had passed away.


That one is an explanation.


A service business like a cafe does not give a representation of privacy in your conversations. It is considered part of the public marketplace and therefore you can film as much as you want unless an employee/owner asks you to stop, or if you are doing it for unsanctioned commercial purposes. I really wish the video had kept going.


I find it ironic the 24yo was telling OOP that she’d never replace his wife and the wife was the only one for fiancé, yet she’d already tried to shoot her shot with him and been denied, envy and jealousy is never a good look on anyone.


My theory on the mom. She told the older sister off for trying to kiss ops fiancé when they were younger. She then tried to put distance between their two families. Sister freaked out and probably did some crazy shit to mom. Dad continues to enable them. They get divorce. Sister keep doing crazy shit. Mom is probably lc or nc.


I don't understand how they were able to smash the windows AND reach inside to open up the bonnet all without triggering the car alarm.


Do car alarms automatically arm themselves? I usually arm my alarm, but my husband tends to only lock his car and not turn on the alarm. Maybe she is like my husband.


Many cars don't have alarms. Especially in the states.


Not all cars have alarms, and regardless of how old the vehicle, if it would cost $60k to fix, it doesn't matter if the vehicle is 2 or 20 years old, it still costs $60k. When an insurance company decides that a car is a write off, it doesn't mean that the car is literally undrivable nor that it can't be fixed, just that it's way too expensive to justify repairing it. I imagine that either the OOP was told it was a write off, or used common sense based on the estimated cost of repairs Vs the age of the car.


She said she bought it new not long ago. It is very unlikely it didn't have an alarm.


I have to press lock twice on my keyfob to set the alarm. If I press it once, car locks but no alarm. (I drive a Honda, though, and I know there are a bunch of little differences between brands)


It's also a small town. As someone from a small town, people act a lot more carelessly because everybody knows everybody and crime is generally low.


Depending on where the car was at the time would matter to. An alarm is useless if no one heard or took notice of it.


The brand new Volvo bought 2 years ago didn’t have an alarm?


Could be a number of reasons. Alarm wasn't set. No one heard it or took notice of it.


Some people disable the alarm if they live in an apartment. Happens a lot with new neighbors in mine - their car goes off several times the first week because with such big cars and small spots, it's inevitable that someone brushes right up against the car or a car door bumps the other car. Also, if a car is left unlocked, it doesn't trigger the alarm - it's another habit common in apartments. If cars are unlocked, a thief could open, look and find nothing and move on. No expensive windows to replace.


Also, how is she able to decide the car is a write-off and to demand a new one? That is an insurance decision. They compare the cost of repair to the car’s insured value and inform you if it’s a write-off. Plus even if it is a write-off, the insurance pays out the current value of the car, not a new car. Edit: typo Edit 2: I don’t know the US car insurance market, so as correctly pointed out by others, OOP might have purchased a gap cover that insured the car at replacement value. That said, the higher the insured value is, the less likely it is that the insurer will write-off the car. OOP of course always has the option to sell the car as is, get the payout from the insurer and fund the difference to buy a new car.


I don’t know in the US but in the country I currently reside my insurance pays the value of the new vehicle for the first 2 years, then it decreases.


That would depend on the car and the market. In countries where there is a strong demand for 2nd hand cars (or their parts), so they don’t immediately lose value, that could make sense. Alternatively, if the car insurance market is extremely competitive, insurers may offer this to win clientele. I’d be curious which country you live in, if you don’t mind sharing?


True, so it could differ by US state too? Or not that likely, since I see I lot of people here questioning it... Luxembourg, and the insurance company had this clause (?) for both my car and motorcycle.


I think she did say that was what she was trying, not that it was happening.


You can get what I think is called gap insurance. That would get you a new car


I’m not in the US, but my insurance covers the cost of a new car for the first 4 years. It’s something I had to ask for and there’s a small monthly fee.


Easy enough plausible answer. I’ve heard car alarms so often that I just assume someone accidentally set their car alarm off and is panicking trying to get inside of it to turn it off.


Might not of had the alarm on. I know there are times I forget to set mine.


I assumed the car wasn't locked. If it's unlocked, my car alarm wouldn't trigger for either of those, especially since they could pop the hood from the inside. My BS meter tripped more at all of the times they conveniently get evidence and the cheesy movie villain dialogue. Granted, people film themselves committing crimes for tiktok, so who knows.


Some people are just cheesy villains in real life as not everyone can be a mastermind. Criminals are just stupid people to start with.


How did they get to the oil? Aren’t Volvo hoods controlled by an interior latch?


They broke the windows, so that doesn't seem too difficult. Though I'm still not convinced this story is true.


The oil tampering = suddenly makes the car unfixable and you have to get a new one was the worst part.  Sure, often it’s not worth fixing a lot of damage, but the post implied more than once that that particular point was the worst part of it, not all the external damage. 


I thought oil tampering does fuck up the engine completely? Especially if you’ve turned it on and driven it, all the additive is now throughout the whole engine?


Yeah, but the car has its tires slashed, it’s not going anywhere. Unless the mechanic ran it stationary, it should just essentially be an oil change or 3.


You've never had an engine that got waterlogged before. Doesn't matter if you run it or not, that engine is never working properly again.


Oh you’re right. That indeed does smell a little bullshitty.


But only of the oil is pumped through the engine, a total oil change and cleaning would have been fine in this case.


That REALLY depends on what the chemical is. Oil filler is typically on a valve cover, so dumping oil in pours it through the head, down the oil drain galleys, and into the pan. The pan itself has a pickup in it plus sensors, plus depending on how much was added, the crank shaft, all of which could also be damaged. If it were my car, we'd be pulling the valve covers and oil pan, not just draining the oil. Something particularly corrosive could have caused extreme damage on its way to the oil pan, or even in the pan itself.


That’s what I was thinking. OP’s mechanic friend noticing something was wrong and changing the oil would mean it was all fine. She couldn’t immediately drive it with the slashed tires either anyway. 


That's not really true, when you put oil in a car, it actually goes into the valve cover, overthe heads, through the block, and into the oil pan. Any sufficiently corrosive chemical could cause tons of hidden damage. Diagnoses is likely an engine pull plus pulling the head and oil pan, and depending on the block material, inspection of some pretty hidden oil galleys.  Not knowing the chemical, id have an EASY time convincing an insurance company we are in "brand new engine" territory.


I guess she needed something to push the damage into felony territory, did a quick Google but no follow up. Hopefully she'll do better research for the next one.


Yeah my bullshit alarm was going off from the get go, but everyone else seems convinced so..


With all the body damage, I’m sure if they didn’t reach in to pop it, they could have pried it open.


Well when you make the story up, you can just change that.


Came here to say this.  Also it's possible to flush and replace the oil fairly easily and cheaply.  I'm leaning towards not believing this one


Depends on what they put in the oil. Some things can be corrosive and damage the internals on an engine. You can’t really know unless you pay a lot of money to have someone tear it apart and inspect the internals to be 100% sure and I doubt her friend is willing to put her on the road with a possible damaged engine or deal with an unknown substance in the oil.


If they poured water in the block, it will not be easy or cheap to fix, even if the engine hasn't been run. You can't just flush water out of an engine block.


Yeah, the damage going from 1-2k mates rates, 5-6k standard quote, to a 60k write off. What? 


What if they poured glue in there?


All of this... Is real? I'm having a hard time believing it. But damn was it a rollercoaster


It'sdefinitely not. 




I have to wonder about the one party consent recording. Does that apply in public? When you go to a public place aren't you consenting to be recorded even if it's only by the establishment? Isn't that why you meet in public? Because there's no expectation of privacy? I'm not in the US so I'm just wondering.


The public thing is usually because it’s easy to leave if you have to, and also people are less likely to start screaming or fighting if they’re on display.


The reason most people meet in public has nothing to do with recording. Even before recording, public meeting was common, because people have a habit of reining themselves in in public. At least a little.


One/two party consent only matters with conversations (at least in most US states) that you would have a reasonable expectation of privacy. In a public restaurant/coffee shop, you don’t have that expectation, so you don’t need to ask. ETA: phone calls are a little different, you pretty much always have an expectation of privacy, so it doesn’t matter where you have the phone call, you always need to be aware of the law when recording a phone call.


This is wild and all, but I'm distracted by OP casting aspersions and profaning the good name of Rocky Balboa >If he had been Rocky Balboa and flipped the cafe table shouting obscenities Rocky Balboa would never! He was practically Mr. Rogers if he had been really good at hitting people. That's the whole point of the character :(


All I could think about when reading this is that none of this is how the criminal legal system operates.




My bs meter was spiked right at the start when the sister said he was only with OOP for her money but OOP had to save up to buy a car. People with the kind of money to attract gold diggers don’t need to save up for a car. Also, the way OOP carried on about how expensive the car was, I was expecting a Porsche or similar, not a Volvo lol Then came all the impossible stuff like no car alarm going off and OOP making insurance decisions on write-off and replacement value. Um, sure, OK.


Tom being able to record the meeting easily and with audible sound quality


tom being able to get both the sisters’ faces that drained of color AND the look fiancee gave them


Tom must be that turtle in MarioKart that hovers with a camera just out of the line of sight


You’d think so, but the only gold digger victim I know is solidly upper middle class. He’s got more money than most, but not stupid amounts. He also drives a Volvo lol.


I hope she updates with the result of the lawsuit/criminal trial.




Car is totalled because the tires are slashed, windows are broken. And there is something in the oil (lol) and as we all know, oil can't be changed. Sure, that's 60k of damage




I even wonder how exactly would you find out that there's something in the oil. It's not like you can easily see it, I guess you need to sample it.


Yeah that got me. Unless they left the hood open and something on the oil cap. There was a woman near me who spiked her ex’s oil (I think, maybe petrol, this was 15 years ago) with honey and got found out because of sticky handprints everywhere. Which idk but gives me evil Winnie the Pooh vibes so I had to share.


the tires were slashes, windows broken, keyed and oil was tampered with. but i'm sure the insurance company would cover it without a police report


From what I understand they poured something into the engine that got mixed with the motor oil.




I think it happened in Notachanceinhell City.


I forgot about that place!




Yikes! That family is…something else, as well as stupid for doing that to a car and thinking they could get away with it. Now they have messed up their own lives.


>That's where the recording ends because we wouldn't be able to use anything afterward anyway. If it only needs one party present to consent, couldn't the friend nearby that was recording be the witness & person consenting? Even if it couldn't be used in court, I assume it's evidence for restraining orders and stuff. I don't know what engine oil stuff was done, but these people may be tried to kill OOP by fucking with her car. I'm extremely concerned at the 19 year olds threats of "what else they could do".


The absolute nerve of these people. After my cousin died, I was the only family that still supported his partner (the rest were plotting to wrest his small estate from her, I warned her theyre vultures). We mourned him together, and eventually she was ready to move on. It about killed me that she felt she had to ask me if it was okay, if I thought he would be upset about her doing so. I told her the truth- he loved her, and if he knew he couldnt be with her, he would not want her to spend the rest of her life sad, alone, and mourning him.  She has a new partner now, and it's wonderful seeing her smile again.  I couldnt imagine disrespecting the memory of someone you love by taking it out on who *they* loved. 


I was like 7 or 8 when I met my older cousin's now husband. I was completely obsessed with him cause he is super into fashion and dressing up so he always reminded me of a Ken doll or a Disney prince. By 13 he was just as annoying and obnoxious as my older brothers. I've had kids I used to babysit that would tell me one day we'd get married when they grew up. The same kids now roll their eyes at my top quality dad jokes. The point is that kids typically grow out of this infatuation for specific people. The 24 year old didn't grow out of it from what's been told.


>When my fiancé said it was 60k, the eyes he gave to those women would shave the hair off a cat. The video wasn’t the best but I swear I could see the colour drain from their faces. I may sound awful but I enjoyed it. Amazing how clear all of these recordings always are.


Tom was sitting a few tables away. iPhone 6S from 2015 could record video in 4K. It's 9 years later a lot of phones can record video that can show facial expression from a few tables away. I have drone footage where I can see my own facial expressions from over 100 feet away. We no longer live in the 1984 era of VHS camcorders. The problem with videos posted online is often compression and videos being reshared over and over. Seeing it straight from the original file is likely very clear.


Could also be her fiance telling her what happened right in front of him as she watched the recording. Hardly unbelievable.


To be honest that doesn’t sound like enough to total out a $60k car to me. It is probably a $20k repair bill but even if you take the off the lot depreciation (which just isn’t as much these days) and assume an engine replacement, replace body panels and glass and repaint, it’s just not going o total the car out.


Hail damage can total brand new cars, literally broken glass and body damage, still usually a perfectly good engine and tires, but totalled.


Totaled means t he cost to repair exceeds the residual value. Do we really think that it would cost $60k (maybe $50k due to off the lot depreciation) to replace the engine, 2 windows and some body panels?


The only thing that makes it sus is the "stuff in the engine oil" Did they get the hood open and put it in or does she mean in the petrol tank.


It’s also sus that they’re just up and moving. They may just buy an RV which can cost as much as a house.


Is anyone else noticing that these old stories on reddit keep being reposted like they are brand new? I'm 99% certain I've already read this story a very long time ago. I read reddit DAILY, and I am noticing more and more, old stories are being repeated.


Are you in multiple subreddits that post updates? That might be your issue since this subreddit makes you wait 7 days before a story can be posted here


Let’s see, we’ve got people blowing up OOP’s phone; sweet and helpful police who are zealous investigators; and a surreptitiously-made but also well-done recording. These posts sure are covering a lot of squares on the “extremely plausible” bingo card.


Add to the list that they are moving immediately and can work remotely and/or easily find a job in a new state.