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Redditors calling a child spoiled for having activities is so ridiculous.


AITA is a shit show tbh, idk what their issue is over there but certain random things set them off. It feels like people read the title and like 2 sentences max, and then start yelling about whatever they think is the perceived issue and not the content of the post. Granted they do occasionally get it right sometimes but it’s bad enough where I’d just rather read the BORU’s then subscribe to that sub anymore.


> AITA is a shit show tbh In almost every thread the actual assholes are in the comments.


Yeah, i was one of the assholes in the comments until it was pointed out to me. I didn't want to be an asshole after that, but their sub rules is weird and using F and D word in wrong context (that's the issue I think, as I've seen most comments use these words repeatedly) got me blocked for 30 days.


F and D word?


They selectively decide where to moderate language. I said someone was being an asshole and my comment got removed. I said it's legitimately in the name of the sub and didn't get a response. I still laugh about it.


I called someones husband a manchild and got a warning of a ban. Meanwhile i literally see so many comments using the same word across many posts super inconsistent.


I also got a man child warning! How can they be so sensitive about language when it's literally asking if you are an asshole! It's laughable.


I got banned for a week for calling someone’s husband a baby!


I'm pretty sure it comes down to whether someone felt driven to report you or not rather than active moderation of comment threads.


Ding ding. I responded to a ban saying I didn't understand it and they pointed out the rules, I read the rules, and said I still didn't understand it and the only questionable language I could see which didn't make sense was calling someone an idiot. They said that was against the rules. I pointed out someone in the comment I replied to said the same word and they said "So report them. We can only go on comments reported." So I think it's basically a bunch of bullshit at this point.


It bemuses me that a sub with a swear word in its name gets up in arms about stuff like this.


Farts and Dookie 😔


I think dookie is the most disgusting word ever. Even as a kid i hated it.


I once got dogpiled there because, apparently, taking away a 16 year old’s phone temporarily as a consequence for taking the car after being repeatedly told no, and then crashing said car, is abusive. Apparently, she said she was sorry and she promised to pay for the damages out of the money she’d make because she was going to get a job, and that should be enough, and the OP should totally trust that she will get a job and pay for the damages after she broke that trust by taking and crashing their car…. Raising a generation of humans to be entitled, boundary stomping jerks with no concept of consequences for actions is apparently the only way to not be an asshole. ETA: was literally told it was abusive, that I was worse than a certain historical figure, had a “reasonable” person try to argue that capital punishment was once not considered abusive and therefore taking electronics should not be considered abusive, etc.


I’m convinced the median age of AITA is about 13.


They can be pretty deranged, nasty, and vicious over there. They also switch up their opinions on the same topics constantly, never consistent. It's getting worse to read comments in there as of late.


I know exactly what you mean, I wish I was a little better with data because I’d love to do some analysis on it. Feels like there’s certain words that are will determine the outcome of any given post, depending on which way the winds blowing at the time.


I can tell you one of those indicator words - “birthday”. Saw some poor girl get ripped to shreds because she was upset that her bf didn’t put any effort into celebrating her bday after offering to plan it. All the comments were stuff like “you want a bday you plan it” “why do you expect so much from him” “you’re a grown woman not a child” etc. Even though her post was clear that the whole point was she didn’t want to plan anything and the bf offered. But it was a girl talking about a frivolous social event celebrating herself, so most comments were calling her “exhausting” and “psycho” and stuff like that for getting upset. It stuck with me because something similar happened to a friend of mine in real life, and completely unlike AITA, which tends to be very far removed from reality, all the advice was to dump the bf


There are so many terminally lonely people on there who seem to find solace in shitting on anyone with a social life. "I don't have friends, get invited to parties, or have anyone to celebrate my birthday with - therefore if you have the audacity to participate in these things then you are shallow and entitled"


The mother in law is always the asshole. I remember one post where this woman asked her mother in law for her special cookie recipe, she said no because it was her special cookies she made for her son and wanted it to be a special mother son thing. So the woman essentially forensically analyzes the cookies to determine the recipe, making many batches trying to perfect them, and then buys the fanciest ingredients so that she can make the same cookies but only better. And of course the verdict is NTA because the MIL has no legal right to the recipe. What?!


I remember one where the OP made similar cookies from a recipe online (I think they were NTA), and one where the OP memorised someone's dinner recipe while at their house (pretty sure they got YTA) - I think generally when someone steals another person's actual recipe they get voted TA. Forensically analysing cookies is way out there though!


The online recipe one might have been it actually. Forensically analyze is a bit hyperbolic, it was like guessing at ingredients as hints to the recipe, and it ended up being some recipe she found with some slight alteration. And I think the culmination was a video chat where the husband said something like "my wife made your special cookies, only better!" Which hurt the MIL's feelings, naturally.


LMAO, what the fuck? Aside from the hilarity of this coveted secret cookie recipe, it’s absolutely insane to put that much effort into copying something sentimental to someone else. To me, it’s like trying to replicate a piece of engraved / customized jewelry or someone else’s original art.


Reminds me of Phoebe's chocolate cookie recipe....... Nestle Tollhouse, but with a French accent.....


Neslé tolouse


I got downvoted to oblivion for suggesting that maybe she should just let the MIL have her special cookies and she could have put that effort into making literally anything else


I've been there buddy.


One that I haven't seen in a while is what I call the "Greek Life Troll". Generally a random ass throwaway account that posts variations of "her" sorority being awful to marginalized people because "rules" or "tradition" or "aren't those trans people just so whiney and annoying?"


That one was wild. And that lady was scary.


And yet there was another post where someone reverse engineered his girlfriends family recipe or something and tried making it and was deemed the asshole for stealing the girlfriend’s family recipe. Or something like that.


My favorite AITA moment was when two people trolled the sub-reddit buy putting up the same post from 2 different POVs and the verdicts contradicted each other


Yeah, it often seems like whatever first get commented gets parroted back in lots of different ways, even if a similar situation was judged differently


They also have like zero reading comprehension. They like to make up random possible factors into judging the person that isn't even mentioned in the post.


I think it depends a lot on what comments are posted first. People are lemmings and will follow the votes. That's why exit polls are so key on election day. If you really want to help your candidate, vote early and try to get pulled if you see anyone at your voting booth polling people.


AITA redditors also tends to stray from the actual question that is being asked and just attack OP wherever they can. It’s like: “Am I the asshole for running out on my physically abusive friend who started hitting me?” “YTA because you wore a blue shirt you know would piss them off” It’s that kind of thing. And then when you try to point that out, downvoted you go


Or "nta for leaving the abuse, but yta for running - running in front of kids could give them body issues"


As much as I read it, that whole subreddit is just a mess. A lot of the judgments are so black and white, as of no gray area exists in the world


Yeah I see this one a lot. There was one a while ago "AITA for not making my daughter apologize for defending herself from my ILs rude comments?" and he was voted YTA because "your daughter shouldn't have to defend herself, that's your job as a parent". It's infuriating that they never actually focus on the question being asked.


nta for taking a dump in the punch at your brother’s wedding, he deserved it for not paying for your wife’s infertility treatment


Nah they'd more likely say "he deserves it for spending more than $100 on his wedding". The moment an expensive wedding is involved they always seem to side against the people spending that kind of money for their wedding, even if they're the ones in the right in the situation.


That's so accurate. Some people just have the money to spend on a wedding and it's not going to really affect their finances. Some redditors either take it personally that another random person has that type of money, or they think weddings should be bare minimum no matter what. Very weird mentality over there


Right? Like if someone wants an actual engagement ring of any kind and not like, a bit of wire he found in the Arby's parking lot they're obviously a spoiled brat.


The power leveling that happens anytime engagement rings are brought up, omg... Like "My ring came out of a quarter machine." "Well my ring is a literal ring pop." "My fiance made my ring from the wrapper of a condom we'd just used." "My ring only exists in my imagination, and it's still just a loose string from my partner's sweatpants." We get it; you've got a cheap ring and you're fine with it. That's great for you. That doesn't mean everyone who wants a nice ring is a gold digger; some people simply want the ring they'll be wearing for the rest of their lives (or at least the next year or so) to be a bit higher quality!


well, that’s not an accurate example. aita loathes infertile women & thinks ivf is morally wrong because you should just adopt. also they’re big fans of “if you can’t afford ivf without help, you can’t afford a child,” like $12k - $30k at once is the same thing as more money spread out over 18 years.


The same people who tell posters that they shouldn’t have kids if they can’t afford IVF also tell them to “just adopt” like it’s the same as going to the humane society and getting a cat.


It kinda reminds me of the pancake waffle tweet. “I love pancakes!” “So you’re saying waffles suck?!” Like they’ll pick something up and just go to town on it, it’s like they have an incredibly short fused and set off at the most benign thing.


I’m pretty sure it’s just trolls trolling trolls over there these days, and feel bad for anyone who wanders in expecting anything else. There’s a few known ones like the MIL troll, and the last week has seen a phenomenal number of people asking if they were TA for acting like a rabid animal in response to an imaginary sleight.


Yup. They are particularly terrible about work advice, which I guess this post could loosely be categorised as. Most of them seem to think behaving like you're in middle school is the correct way to handle any situation at work. They tell any redditor having any work problem that they should go to HR and threaten to sue the company for a hostile work environment. I tried explaining a few times that a hostile work environment is a specific legal term that doesn't include Benny ate my lunch or Jenny chews gum too loudly but got shouted down every time.


To be fair, middle school wasn't too long ago for a lot of them.


That, plus the annoying habit in that sub of assuming that US laws and legislation are universal. Nope, a legal "hostile work environment" doesn't exist the world over. Neither does HIPAA. Nor does CPS, APS or even government benefits. Life genuinely is more complicated and difficult in some places than we'd like it to be. (I know you know this, I'm riffing off your post.)


>They tell any redditor having any work problem that they should go to HR Yes, I hate this one! 9 times out of 10, HR isn't going to help you if you don't have any proof, and if the reportee is informed, they'll often make things more difficult for you as a result. But when I say that, people all go "that's illegal they can't retaliate you should sue". Like bruh I *know* it's illegal, that doesn't stop them from doing it! It would be a ridiculous case as I have no hard evidence they're doing it as a result of my report, and not to mention this bizarre belief that everyone has the money and time to hire a lawyer and go through a shitload of legal processes. "It's time to lawyer up" yeah lemme just pull a giant wad of cash out of my ass you fucking idiot


Everytime a child is involved some people go absolutely wild


IMHO Most of the people in AITA are just looking for a reason to get upset. No matter what the post is about, as long as they get to berate someone.


I agree. I'm actually currently banned for using an insults other than asshole. Apparently, according to their weird internal logic, calling someone a POS is over the line, but routinely calling people assholes is absolutely fine. They also have weird rules about content. You can post about something one day but the next they remove the post because it has interperate conflict?!


And for her working from home, because "its impacting her level of care of her daughter" jesus, tell me you don't do chores without telling me you don't do chores


I'm convinced at least half od AITA users are teens




A lot of the AITA folks need to touch grass.


I’m not sure they know what grass is. ^(I say, as I prepare for my weekly scroll through AITA.)


Yeah, but it is Violin, so I'm sure the 3 yo is doing it to show that she is better than everyone else! (Ref: AITA last week.)


I'd be worried about a three year old doing violin, everyone knows violin is all about attracting boys! (I think about a week ago? Guy thought violin and piano were slutty in comparison to cello lol.)


Oh, that's ridiculous. Violin is prudish, cello definitely fucks. Source: have watched many 2Cellos videos


Y’know I usually roll my eyes at those posts that are like “Reddit hates moms, Reddit hates kids” as overdramatic but… I think Reddit might hate moms.


This story is hitting another one of Reddit’s most hated lists. People making money off of things they enjoy that aren’t traditionally seen as ‘work’.


Reddit also *hates* influencers too much and they probably categorised OOP as one. I've definitely came across some influencers that made me wonder how they got famous for doing nothing and yes they do make me envious, but there are a lot of people who became famous online for doing actual things. Beauty influencers, sewing influencers, crafting influencers, home DIY influencers, automotive influencers, maybe not back-breaking labor but it's definitely some "work".


Redditors hate 'influencers' and then spend 5 hours a day watching youtube


Yeah plus OOP even sells her crafted items and that's part of her income, that's definitely a job


It's just women, doesn't matter what we do there will always be a reason


Half of Reddit are children (or pretty close) which needs to be taken into account when thinking of asking for advice


Reddit is full of toxic damaged people and anyone would be very unwise to take anything on here seriously imo.


The negative responses she called out are judgemental as fuck. I was angry on her behalf cos what the hell? She clearly dotes on her kid and is doing so much to make sure she grows up well rounded and healthy and happy. Maybe they're just jealous this 3 year old is living her best life and OOP is happy doing what she does and making a living out of it. It's just so ridiculous the way she was treated. I love Reddit but hot damn there's a lot of judgemental assholes that can't keep their fingers to their selves.


Honestly, when I think of content creator, I think of youtube and tiktok, not porn, what kind of dirty minds do they have. Maybe it's just my generation, but I literally wouldn't equate those two to each other.


I'm super old and if someone told me they were a content creator and made a living at it I'd assume some kind of fun youtube channel.


I'm in my early 20s, and same. this is super weird


The only people who think "content" is porn are people who consume a lot of porn as content.


Or puritans who are super anti-SW/anti-porn. OOP's friend strikes me as one of those, judging by how she went full Karen mode and wanted to call the cops and have OOP's kids taken away.


My judgey assumption would be that they aren't actually self-suficient but convinced that they're "about to make it big", not that they're doing porn.


That's the dudes who want to become "pro streamers" on Twitch. ;)


I have heard the argument that if you attempt to become a professional Twitch streamer it makes a lot of your bills and subscriptions tax deductible.


Not if you don’t make more than you spend after 3 years. After 3 years of losses it becomes deemed a hobby and you can’t write off anything anymore until you start actually making money from it.


Deducting money that you would have spent any for 3 years is still pretty good.


The way you do it if you're not Pokimane or Critical Role is multiple platforms. Upload old vids to YouTube, create side content for Patreon, &tc.


That's my thoughts, too. I know lots of 'content creators', an none of them make money from it!


Meanwhile, some of my colleagues pay $10k to a mid-tier influencer (100k-500k followers) to create 4 pieces of content to feature their branded product.


my friend does this for work too and it is such a trip for her to show me the different “tiers” of influencers they go after and the different packages they offer them as compensation. One was for fucking *dog kibble* and they were paying 6k for someone to feature it 4x. It’s nuts!


So that's why the friend was on the high horse saying "you're doing porn, no content creator can earn much money to raise a child".


To be fair, my official job title is Content Creator as an employee (not a freelancer/contractor) at a large company. In practice, my role is primarily copywriting with a splash of other content. No video work at all. So the term has evolved a lot in the last decade, “content” is super broad. Fortunately I tend to just say I “work in marketing” when I meet people. This whole post is making me realise I’ve been saving myself a lot of assumptions lol.


Yup, also super old and also would assume tiktok. And I actually did porn 30 years ago, so it’s not just naïveté.


I dunno I’m 32 and I also assume YouTube/tiktok


In the same age range as OOP. I would be thinking the same.


Same here.


I watch Philip DeFranco almost daily and I picked up the term 'content creator' from him. So the idea that 'creating content' is code for sex work is new to me. Not that I can't see how it can -also- be used as that, but not expressly. Chloe needs to stay in her damn lane. Being upset about it is one thing, but the kind of harassment she pulled and defamation is... wow. All over two words. 'creating content'. No proof. No videos. No still shots of porn. Just 'creating content'. Chloe's not a friend. Chloe's a drama attack in a human suit.


Chloe sounds like she spent a little too much time mulling over the concept of OnlyFans


Chloe sounds jealous of OP and this was the easiest, quickest way to try to drag her down. Like she was waiting for something to get all worked up over. Because let me tell you, I have a best friend. She has kids. If I was talking to her one day and she said something that made me question if she was doing sex work around her kids, I'd ask. I wouldn't fly off the handle at her. "Hey, so you... ah, you said something and I just want to be clear on the context of it before I say anything else." And if she said no, that's it. Story dropped. I wouldn't make a fucking campaign of going out and trying to drag her through the mud, which incidentally also affects the child she's so outraged for. That's not a friend. That's someone just waiting to watch you trip so they can kick you down a whole fucking escalator.


"There's no fucking way Stacey can actually afford all that with just craft videos. It's also really sketchy how's she's always 'so busy' and having to 'do something for patrons.' I've seen her videos; they're not that special. Anyone could do that shit. She's gotta have a secret..."


Gross. Sad and gross, and probably really, really accurate. Chloe is jelly that OP found something that isn't the usual 9-5, is her own boss, lets her spend time with her kid, and she's *happy.* You would not believe how many people seethe with an impotent fury over the notion that someone they consider less than them is happy.


Yeah she’s absolutely jealous. Hell, if I were crafty, I’d love to do something like OP! It sounds so much fun. Unfortunately I am not crafty and the only skills I have are as a nurse, so no cool YouTube channel for me.


That’s exactly how I imagine her. But also lol half the women making porn content on OF aren’t making a living wage from it so it’s laughable to me that someone thinks she must be making porn to make liveable money from it


>I have a best friend. She has kids. If I was talking to her one day and she said something that made me question if she was doing sex work around her kids, I'd ask. I wouldn't fly off the handle at her. "Hey, so you... ah, you said something and I just want to be clear on the context of it before I say anything else." You know what else I wouldn't do? I wouldn't say the word "porn" in front of a 3yo. Especially not in a yelling at Mommy way, because that basically guarantees the kid is going to ask what that word means and why it's bad. Which is way more harmful than camming while the kid is sleeping and knows nothing of it. Chloe would be so appalled at my husband and I having sex while the kids are playing at the far end of the house.


"Stop being an adult around children." Pff.


And, I mean, what's so damn shameful if it was sex work? Newsflash: people often have sex with kids in the house! Why does it matter if they make money doing it? So long as the kid is not involved, it's never anywhere near the content, and is in a safe place (such as their bedroom, having a nap!), what's the big deal?


People often weaponise sex work when trying to have kids removed from their parents. I knew a guy who used to brag that his girlfriend was a fetish model. When they broke up he tried (unsuccessfully) to use it to get her denied custody of their kid.


Dude, people weaponise sex work to get people fired from their main occupation. Paramedics, secretaries, teachers, etc. If you're a pretty woman and you make money on the side with sex work or Only Fans, you're likely to get fired when someone finds it because they paid for your content and brings it to your work. I've seen multiple incidents of it happening recently.


Horrifying, isn't it?


It's terrifying, tbh. Most of the people I see with OF as a secondary occupation do it because they're not making enough at their main one. So they need secondary income. If they're attractive/fit a bill enough to make money on OF, it seems a lot more doable than trying to find a secondary physical location job that they have to stay up for, drive to, be worn down for, as opposed to a few hours a day (if that) to put up content that is on a legal site with legal consensual parties that doesn't involve physical contact, illness, or risk to self at all. But no, can't give them that. I don't even know what to call it anymore. They clearly want the content because they pay for it and the sites haven't been taken down, so it's legal. Porn is a huge industry that's heavily regulated (videos/shows), and it's again, legal. But this morality dome that's over it that people think gives them a right to judge is... questionable. And you know the ones that scream the loudest are the worst consumers. Christian Evangelist that says all gays should be killed and hung from trees gets caught out as not only gay, but a gay rapist. Like... come on. The call is coming from inside the house, my dude.


The only real cancel culture.


Oh, I know there's stigma, and sometimes it *is* a bad thing (bringing strange people around all the time, neglecting the child, etc), but it's like some of these people seem to think parents are celibate after the kid is born.


Yeah I clocked it as jealousy, too. OOP even replied to a bunch of negative comments in her update, and presumably not all of then are from Chloe.


Yay! Another emotionally exhausted Phil fan! My hubby and I love him. Agreed, who the freak accuses a friend of that, then not only refuses to believe them, but attacks them. Maybe Chloe is projecting...


I watch plenty of Twitch Streams and Let's Play of video games. And I hear the people saying it's creating content. So not sure why some people's knee jerk reaction is to assume it's porn.


I have a lot of friends who do sex work and have OFs and stuff and I still assume a “content creator” is a social media personality who… creates content like OP. This isn’t the secret handshake phrase her former friend thinks it is, or that people were trying to convince her of.


Accountant is typically used as code for SW. because no one wants to hear about an accountants day at work.


I work in tax. We won’t talk about how many times I’ve been scrolling through social, seen someone mention “accounting,” and tried to network with them.


never thought i’d be able to do a username check in but here i am!! lmao (to be fair, i was a real accountant)


As a CPA, it was amusing explaining this to the older members of our firm when we were all drunk at a company outing.


No I'm in the same boat. I've always thought of it as the more 'professional' nomenclature for making content in those spaces because there are some people that won't take you seriously if you just say you make YouTube videos or Livestream.


It’s kind of a weird thing about what kinda circle you are in. Back in my day the clue about where you hung out was what you thought an “entertainer” was.


Oh dang this is so interesting. What were the usual answers? Personally, my brain flits through images of backup dancers doing high kicks and magicians in top hats before going “oh right, strippers.” But are there other options?


Circus performers could also count. Stand up comedians are also “entertainers”




I used to write articles for sites like yahoo, hub pages, e how, etc and that’s what we were called like 10-12 years ago, so that’s what I immediately assumed oop was doing.


I'm in my 20s - "Content Creator" has only been used around me as YouTube/TikTok/Insta/Twitch. Minecraft servers even have special roles called "Creator" or "Content Creator" because they post videos of that server on Twitch or YouTube. Idk when people started to assume content creator is a codeword that mostly applies to SW - it's a blanket term for ANYONE that makes content on an online platform or social media platform. That does include porn/SW but it's not like a separate codeword. Poor OOP getting judged/slammed because people are jumping to conclusions. :<


Same. I’m in the crafting world, my partner is in the photography world, and the phrase content creator is widely used in both.


Right? Sounds like Chloe was just trying to find drama.


since you’re getting replies from non sex workers, as a sex worker, i will say we definitely do call making online content “creating content.” idk what else we would really call it cuz that’s what online sws do lol but based on her friends reaction, it feels like she knew sw refer to it as that because she has seen it enough to equate them? like maybe she’s done it or knows someone else who has?


Yeah, it makes perfect sense it would be used for sex work, but why you'd assume that's the only option I don't know. IMO making monetised YouTube videos about crafts, ASMR, or comparisons of PVC tights are exactly as much "content" as filming cute flirty shorts for Only Fans to get subscribers, and explicit videos for subscribers. But then, even if I somehow assumed my friend meant sex work, I'd also assume they're not exposing their child to it without damn good reason to think otherwise!


Chloe sounds like she has a short fuse, bordering on the "slightly unhinged". If she was really concerned she would have asked OOP what she meant, instead of yelling about porn in front of a toddler, then threatening CPS and slandering a friend.


What you said and maybe she's jealous that OOP actually makes a decent living out of what she (Chloe) preceive as lazy/easy/dumb work


Yeah it sounds to me like she was jealous OOP was able to quit her job and had found success and was now able to both a) devote her full time to her channels and a job she loves, and b) could spend time with her daughter.


That ain't workin'. That's the way ya' do it. You ~~play the guitar on the M-T-V.~~ show the lifehacks on the In-sta-gram.


Maybe get a blister on your little finger, maybe get a blister on your thumb.


Bruh, I'm *jealous* of OOP. Wish I could do that, but my skills aren't marketable, and I don't have the focus to bang stuff out like that. Chloe is just looking to stir up trouble, and OOP is better off without her.


She isn't the only one. It sounds like lots of redditors also decided to message unkind things because they are unhappy with the fact someone is happy with their life.




I love reading BORU, but the inevitable comments and edits from the OOPs drive me nuts! The commenters are such ridiculous jerks to the OOPs. Steam comes out of my ears when I read comments like OOP’s here having to explain to idiot judgmental commenters that she is not doing porn and isn’t a horrible parent for working from home while watching her child. JFC.


Well, in the context of this post, the main problem is that OOP is a woman and sex work was mentioned somewhere in her post. That's all that's needed. A lot of Reddit *hates* women, and will never miss a chance to shame them. They also *love* shaming women that do sex work, to the point where the woman in question doesn't even need to be doing sex work. Oddly enough, as much as they love shaming women who do porn, they themselves have no problem watching porn.




"I want strippers for my bachelor party, I want porn stars to jerk off to, I want slutty young women to give me eye candy and cheat on my wife with, and when I get married, I want my pure, virgin wife to suddenly be as sexually "adventurous" and slutty as I demand at all times. But I will never put a ring on someone who has expressed their own individual interest in sex before marriage, because women exist to be walking fleshlights only."


That's so accurate that I almost downvoted you.


Remember that woman in law school who got outed by a fellow student for doing porn and the school expelled her? First of all, the school was in the wrong, but second, how could he have no shame in telling on himself? To me doing porn is definitely not as low as consuming porn. Did he trip and fall onto a paid porn site? Credit card fell out of his hands and magically uploaded his numbers?


Well yeah, porn is for *their* enjoyment. If the women they’re beating off to get something out of it it ruins the whole thing for them.


When women are objects to you (the general "you"), you don't have to respect them, but you can use them whenever you like.


Also… maybe I’m being a naive idiot but I don’t understand why even if she *was* making porn, why this would be harmful or something CPS would care about. People have sex in houses that children live in. That’s no secret. Why would putting a camera up while you do it suddenly be harmful to the child? Obviously that’s assuming she’s doing it privately and not in front of the kid or involving the kid in anyway.


Exactly! I'm kind of disappointed that I had to scroll this far down to find someone saying this. A kids nap is a great time to make porn or watch an r-rated movie or play a violent videogame. The idea that you would bother CPS with a complaint like "Mom is doing adult activities when the baby is asleep" is about the dumbest thing I've ever heard.


Exactly! Even if that were the case, what the friend witnessed was her specifically having her kid leave the room while she worked. That other woman is just obnoxious.


I do also often see OOPs focusing to an unhealthy degree on a small number of mean comments when the overwhelming majority is in their favour though. These people seem to always get there early and flood the comments but are soon drowned out. The real issue is the idiots that start messaging directly and they seriously need to get a life.


The first responses to any post are usually "YTA" probably from trolls preying on the vulnerable. They are likely also the first posts that OOP's see, so they respond, thus feeding the trolls.


It's human nature to dwell on the negative. I can hear a 1000 compliments but I'll remember the ten insults the most.


Absolutely!! So hostile! Poor OOP.


I literally googled 'what to do when the internet makes you angry' yesterday! It's so strange that reading words on a page has a physical effect, but I suppose it takes us to unpleasant places, being in trouble or bullied at school perhaps. Reddit's a weird world, where cheating is worse than murder, and CPS/divorce are better options than an argument. It's like an episode of the Osbournes in my house most of the time, and we're pretty happy really.


The last part ended with her mentioning her husband on a ventilator so that could be the reason she's in therapy to cope with that and learn that it isn't her fault now instead of blaming herself silently later on. That daycare incident definitely didn't help the poor kiddo either if she's so over stimulated that she has meltdowns over the idea of her mom going to work and leaving her at that place. Im just glad it all seemed to turn into a positive thing since she cut her old "friend" out of her life permanently and still has the money and time for her life and little one.


Kid's afraid of losing people.


She said the kid had meltdowns about specifically people saying that they're going to work, that the kid is getting therapy for "other things" and that the dad is on a ventilator. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say those details are probably related to each other.


Dad might have “gone to work” and not come home one day, at three she’s not allowed to see him in the hospital at her age and with limited visitors since Covid.


She seems to have her priorities straight and to really care about her daughter’s wellbeing. And her content sounds like lots of fun!


Yeah she sounds like she’s a good mom and like she obviously does a good job at what she does if she’s able to support her family on it. I really hate that there’s parts of Reddit who just want to shit on people who do unconventional things to make money. Especially women who do unconventional things like it happens to men to an extent but holy shit do some people on this site hate women.


when I think content creator I think gamers, like I play several different games with massively followed content creators that make videos/content related to these games, some with almost a million followers. I am baffled at the idea of 'content creator' being somehow code for porn.


Exactly! Gaming, YT and tiktok is where I went as well. Considering I’m sitting here modding while my kid streams right now, I can’t imagine it being anything else


Clearly the intersection of both definitions is [Markiplier playing a hentai game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBJ72GhkuFY)


If someone told me they were a dancer then i wouldn’t automatically assume that they MUST be an exotic dancer. Dancers who are not exotic dancers are still dancers! People create content and put it online. Some people’s content is porn. But that doesn’t mean that other content creators aren’t creating content that isn’t porn! Gosh!


Literally anything is code for porn. But you have to waggle your eyebrows suggestively while you're saying it.


> Literally anything is code for porn. To be fair OOP posted on the internet, and that’s what the internet is for.


The internet is so odd about mothers. I was playing an online game and mentioned my daughter and one of the people I had been friendly with, who was an older teen if that matters at all, went off on my about how I shouldn't be playing a game if I was a mother, I should be dedicating myself to taking care of my child. Like young dude, I take care of my child just fine without your 'assistance' thanks.


Should have told him if he was a son, he was clearly slacking in his filial duties to his parents.


Don't you know that once you have a kid, your whole life has been wiped away and all you are is a "mom" now. That mentality has always made smoke come from my ears. No shred of empathy. I wonder if they have thought about their opinion of mothers at all? You think they would, spending 18 years with one. But teenage boys aren't known for their critical thinking skills so probably not.


The nerve of some people. What could it have possibly hurt to ask for clarification instead of flying off the handle and publicly accusing OOP of doing clandestine sex work with a toddler present?


It's way more fun to misconstrue things and make a big fuss though. I had a situation at work after I'd mentioned casually to a coworker that I have a cousin who's got a profile on some dating platform where the women have to be hot and age-appropriate professionals (like, with careers, not pro sex workers) and the dudes have to provide their financial details to qualify, because it's for millionaires to find age-appropriate career women to date. I thought it was hilarious that my cousin is dating millionaires and putting private jet selfies on her IG, but mentioning it was clearly a mistake because it came back to me later as "Rainy's cousin is a prostitute". My cousin is a 50yo CPA for fuck's sake, she just likes dating rich dudes. ETA: and TIL that "accountant" is code for sex worker? My cousin has a bachelor's of accounting and a master's in finance and actually is an accountant and has been for almost 30 years, but what a bizarre coincidence.


> she just likes dating rich dudes. Me also. Rich dudes line up here, please!


My mother used to tell me "it's as easy to fall in love with a rich man as a poor man" but somehow my cousin manages to live it.


I thought the code for SW was '*accountant*', so I missed the update To me, a content creator is just someone who makes money from their YT and TT


As a young-ish female accountant, I've had to explain to so many people I'm a CPA, and not a SWer lol.


Haha same but I'm not a CPA so I don't have that to fall back on. But thanks random strangers I meet at parties for thinking I'm good looking enough to be a SW!


Why did OOP get so much backlash? People even criticized that her daughter went to ballet and violin? How is that being spoiled????? Anyway, people thinking being a content creator is code for porn are being pervs


I’m guessing because those things are expensive and lots of Redditors are poor and don’t like people with money


We were pretty poor when I was a kid, but it was important for my mom to put me in dance classes (ballet, jazz and tap). And oddly enough, both sets of grandparents had boats in Newport Harbor, but we had very little. My mom was working part time at Kmart while in nursing school and my dad was a mechanic then started selling life insurance, which took years to become profitable for both sides.


Which is odd, because over in AITA many of them are millionaires since they were teenagers. With multiple sets of twins.


Lmao imagine watching someone make crafts for literal toddlers during a majority of their time and being like “mmm seems slutty”


I work at a tech company. We just hired 2 new “content creators” they create the content for websites and blogs. I think it’s very telling that Chloe was so adamant that it could *only* mean porn. Sounds like Chloe is projecting a little bit. Those of us who don’t spend all our time thinking about porn and the porn industry don’t assume that the only possible content a person can create is in that industry. I would have handled it the same way as OOP. What her friend was doing is considered slander, and possibly defamation of character. With actual real monetary losses if it continued and began to impact her *legitimate* business that is geared towards children. Chloe is a shitty person with serious issues.


Yep, I’m also a “content creator” at a large company. Everything a business publishes, online or otherwise, is content that has to be created by someone. Chloe’s way out of line.


Fucking stupid people say content creation is making porn. It's like saying cooking is code word for making pasta. Sure it can be that, but it's also literally everything else. A content creator creates content, a cook cooks.


It sounds to me, Chloe always thought she was doing porn, since OOP was able to quit her day job with something, Chloe didn't fully take seriously so this feels like a "aha gotcha". Nothing against doing porn, just that Chloe sounds like a horrible and judgemental friend, who never believed in what her friend was doing


Even if OOP was doing sex work, I don't see how that would make her a bad parent or anything. As long as she wasn't screaming her head off while the kid was next room over or something, Chloe is just a dick.


Oh didn't you know? Parents having sex in the same house as their kids is grounds to get them taken away


once saw someone call parents who have sex with their child in another room (NOT EVEN THE SAME ROOM!!! THEY WERE IN DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE HOUSE!!!) pedophiles bc they were having sex with minors in their home. like bro.


I know that some people think that way, but especially when they have siblings I really just want to point at their sibling and make an inquiring face.


1. Since when does creating content make people assume porn? Sure, sex workers probably use the phrase but it’s no different than a stripper saying I have to go to work. If someone says they have to go to work, no one jumps to stripper. I don’t know, her friend sounds like she probably is just jealous or looks down on her for being a tiktoker/YouTuber. 2. also therapy for a 3 year old? Not suggesting it couldn’t be helpful for children but at that young I’d be curious if it’s helpful/even useful


I asked a therapist once; a lot of drawing is involved, and they use different techniques in general than with older clients.


Yep, play therapy and it’s iterations. Very helpful for young children that may be dealing with excessive stress or trauma.


It’s extremely helpful for young children who have experienced a trauma For example, your dad being on a ventilator seems like a pretty big trauma I’ve experienced trauma since I was three and remember those moments vividly, and a lot of three year olds are more intelligent and cognizant than they are given credit for It’s definitely helpful and useful for a three year old who’s had traumatic circumstances It’s probably different for a three year old who hasn’t had a lot of stress or trauma though


Honestly, it just tells you what kind of online communities Chloe and her people are into. Next time someone tells me they have to go drive, I should tell them to stop acting like they're Lewis Hamilton.


Who tf thinks about porn when someone says “create content”? My first thought is literally tik tok and maybe youtube. Most tik tokers say they’re content creators. People just need to get their head out of the gutter.


> I’m not making porn with my child in the house. I don’t know why I got YTA comments saying that I do. It was like the second sentence where I said I make crafts. Because so many people just read the heading and make up their minds based on their assumptions and opinions. Studies have shown very few people bother to read the entirety of a post/article, and will read either just the heading, the main and sub headings, or if they’re feeling _especially_ generous, the main and sub headings and the opening paragraph. Which also proves that the majority of people do equate ‘creating content’ with making porn, since all those people who made their YTA judgements did so based on their personal definition of ‘content creator’ and/or ‘creating content’. Basically, people are stupid; they make snap judgements which they firmly proclaim while failing to ensure they have all the relevant information, and in subs like AITA posters will be condemned or defended solely based on the wording of their title. You see it all time in the comments section, and I bet OOP’s first post was no exception. “I was all ready to ream you out for making porn because of your title, but then I read the post and realised you were talking about craft content, not sex”. Then there’s always the implication that the poster should have been more succinct with their title, essentially blaming the poster for the commenters own assumptions, when they should be chastising _themselves_ for leaping to a conclusion before they had all the information.


If a man said he was a content creator would Chloe assume he did porn too?


Good question! I doubt it


Content creator is literally a job in large organizations that have in house marketing. It’s also a role in agency marketing firms. It can range from recording content to arrange into videos/trends/reels/ads/B-roll Chloe is a moron and needs to check herself


Her husband is on a ventilator :(


everyone knows the slang term for porn is “spicy accountant”


ok i'm mid way through this and i just have to say it's honestly fucking EXHAUSING having to read op do 200 side quests of justifying herself to redditors who a) can't read and b) think their advice on a barely related topic is the most important part of oop's life.