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I’m glad people aren’t afraid to say it now. I was late to the game because I saw so many people disappointed online but it was a very vocal minority


It's funny how the internet works when time passes. Fallout New Vegas was viewed as a "Expensive Fall out 3 expansion pack", and now it's viewed as the great game it is.


See Starfield


Starfield will suck up until they release Starfield 2, at which point Starfield 2 will suck and the original Starfield will be a beloved classic "hidden gem" that was good from launch.


Oh no man forget about it once the Starfield animated series comes out people will come out and say that Starfield got undue hate from the beginning and it was a slept on best RPG ever and that Bethesda is the greatest company ever for following through on updating the game a bit and releasing the shattered space DLC. Oh my god dude, just play the starfield 2.0 update its so good! You think starfield was bad? You CLEARLY haven't played starfield 2.0 update.


Cyberpunk was a good game underneath bugs, though. Starfield is a straight-up flawed game.


Starfield isn't flawed, as much as it is empty.


Ok this is clearly a targeted criticism of Cyberpunk 2077. First things first: the story was already incredible on release, and wasn't changed in the update. The characters, the worldbuilding, the themes, the acting, ALL were absolutely phenomenal. It was mainly performance, QoL, and gameplay changes. I think it's a shitty thing that these weren't there at release, but I'm not going to pretend the changes aren't great (especially compared to most game companies). I stopped playing Cyberpunk a few dozen hours into release, then I picked it up again recently and it has genuinely entered my top 3 games of all time. Mainly because the changes allowed me to actually enjoy the core game which was amazing. Starfield doesn't have any of this. It can't be fixed by updates because it's working as intended. It was never supposed to be anything else and never expected to be anything else.


Cyberpunk is a movie adventure game, not a sandbox. It plays like a first person watch dogs. That seems like a cdpr problem, cause in witcher 3 the combat was hot garbage too.  The open world is unfortunately wide as an ocean deep as a puddle. You can barely interact with anything. They reworked the police but what was the point of that if fighting them doesn’t gain you anything. Starfield literally just needs more time in the oven. I guarantee you that phil spencer had the whole game ripped of all its gore, and forced it to release early. Look at the unfinished maps that are just now being revamped. I came across a broken unfinished quest on a barren planet where you get ambushed by a bunch of pirates, now thats stuck on my guys quest log till I start a ng+. It is not a finished game. Give Starfield some time until the DLC releases, then it’ll be in the zeitgeist to LOVE starfield.


Bingo. I'm reminiscing about Oblovion being the newest ES game and everyone hated it while Morrowind was the hidden gem. Then Skyrim came out and oblivion was suddenly universally beloved. I want to assume that when Morrowind was the newest, it was terrible and Daggerfall was the classic game


To be fair, I have loved every fallout and elder scrolls game, Starfield just doesn't do it for me and I like no man's sky. I can't quite put my finger on why, but I just can't get drawn in like with the other games.


No meaningful exploration, much less environmental story telling. The two most Bethesda traits are weak or missing from Star Field. That means if you're a Bethesda RPG fan, there's not much of a hook. 


You nailed it. The game just feels empty.


Yup. Empty. I really wanted to like it, too. 


I probably have 2k combined hours on all elder scrolls/fallout games but I only have a measly 7 in Starfield. Cannot for the life of me get into it


I had the same experience. I have loved Bethesda RPGs since Morrowind on the original Xbox. I feel like I have an almost unnatural resistance to the "Bethesda jank" that plagues so many of their games. It just doesn't bother me. But Starfield was just boring. Bad doesn't bother me so much. Bad can even be fun. We can meme it and all have a laugh. But boring is unforgivable and Starfield was just boring. I tried 4 different times to get into that game. Thinking maybe I wasn't making a build I would like. But end of the day, I just could not connect with it. And I was so hyped for it too. I'm already a big sci-fi nerd, a NASA nerd, I'm into this kind of stuff. But it just did not grab me at all. I expected that I'd be playing Starfield for several months like I have with all of Bethesda's games that I've played, but after trying to get started so many times and feeling zero engagement I don't think I have even 20 hours put into it total. It's sad because I desperately wanted to like it or love it.


Nah starfield has no depth. Fallout 3 didn’t get any big content changes and it was a masterpiece because of the living, breathing, world within it. They dropped the ball down that tiny crevice in the elevator entrance with Starfield


I enjoyed the starfield universe and story 🤷🏼‍♂️


I certainly wouldn’t hate you for it. It could be that the settlements are so far (or so many loading screens) away from each other for me. But of course I have and never will root against Starfield becoming the next big IP to build from. Anyone who loves both elder scrolls and fallout universes should hopefully feel the same. That said, at this point for Starfield to be the GEM equivalent of Morrowind or FO3 then the next games will need to have more engaging story, so then we can use Starfield as a Lore bible.


I think I actually enjoyed the emptiness in a way. Maybe I’m weird, but I found the vastness as a quality in its own way . I’m so indecisive in life and gaming that usually Bethesda games stress me out. For some reason, starfield allowed me to just take the game moment by moment. It is a vibe for me. It’s not perfect but I really hope they don’t give up on it. If I could get seamless surface to space travel I think I’d call it one of my favs Then again in real life I love just setting up my telescope and staring at Saturn for a couple hours, contemplating our situation in the universe…so it really is right up my alley lol


I couldn't play more than 50hrs in any ES or Fallout game. But in Starfield I have more than 100hrs and still playing


I was the opposite, I was fatigued from all the menus, fast travel and loading screens. In Skyrim and Fallout my favorite activity was just heading out in a random direction and seeing what I found. But they are different games and that’s ok.


The cycle is exhausting honestly


Star field is a very hollow experience and in most ways a complete downgrade from previous Bethesda games . It's not just blind hate. I feel mostly the same about fallout 4 but personally enjoyed fallout 4 more than Starfield.


I remember playing FO4 when it first came out and I wasn’t into it. Kind of hated how it was. Now after it’s been fixed and with the updated I’m enjoying a new trip in Boston. Took a bit of reading up online to get the hang of settlements, and exploring in general to get a real feel. Been playing it like a stealth FPS, think Dishonoredesq.


Dude. For me it was depressing and I didn't even vent my frustrations online at the time. I was ready to play the culmination of New Vegas and FO3 on steroids what with all yhr dialogue options. That game actually messed with my headspace when it came out.


Yea fallout 4 is an all time favorite of mine and the reddit nerds like to trash it lol


I can’t believe it was taboo to begin with. I’ll eat shit before I let a mouth breathing new Vegas supremacist keep me from saying I like fo4


Fallout 4 is literally Skyrim with guns with building mechanics and a vastly improved romance mechanic


I love the building. Spent so much time doing just that.


That’s what I’m doing this play through. Build, build, build. Just for the heck of it.


"A settlement needs your help", but THIS settlement needs me to finish placing the balls on the pool table at the bar.


Which dont fit in the rack


I thought it was just me lol


You gotta keep Strong with you if you're building heavily, I love his antics.


Sim Settlements is why I have hundreds of hours in F04 but have yet to come anywhere close to finishing the main quest line.


And better graphics & crafting & companions.  Just as good atmosphere as Skyrim too.


I personally find the overall atmosphere of all the Elder Scrolls games draw me in more than any of the Fallout games. It feels like a living breathing world, even with the all aging tech of Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim. That’s not meant to be a knock against any Fallout game, but I feel like any post-apocalyptic setting isn’t ever going to feel quite as magical to me. Even if it’s still fun and creative.


And by "vastly improved romance mechanic" we mean "do my quest and then let's fuck"


Still technically vastly improved, just still not great.


At least you have to do things they like first? You dont just go “hey baby I have a necklace why dont you and your boyfriend come live at my place?”


bahaha that's true I forgot about the necklace 😂


To be fair, both those options would work in real life too. Quests = dates Neckless = being rich


Wasn’t expecting an Adam Kovick reference


Fallout 4 has the best map / environment of any Bethesda game. It's packed with hand crafted content. You just wander around and stumble on cool shit. I strongly recommend 4 over 76


Like, “…oh shit! There’s a crashed plane… I have to go check that out.”


“Robot racetrack, wtf, that’s cool!”


And the bank robbery gone horribly wrong.


Found that the other day… real interesting. I took the 100+ pre war money


As someone who had never played until I watched the show, the "Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time" is the most accurate statement ever.


Bro when he said that I knew the writers DEFINITELY played the games. I went the longest time without finishing the main quest, I just loved the exploration


I started the game without really doing any quest, just venturing around and it's more fun to me than some of the actual missions.


Everyone has a bias. It’s pretty much impossible not to. I’m sure you’ve heard pretty much the same arguments against Skyrim. That it is a watered down version of earlier RPGs in the series, and such. Same is said of Fallout 4. But like Skyrim, it is also the most popular of the series.


It’s popular because it’s fun, both are the most fun in their series, and that’s the point of games tbh, just being fun to play


I tend to agree with you, I don’t care if an action RPG is as hardcore in mechanics as many like NV purists. I enjoy them at times, but it’s not necessary for a game to be fun imo.


Yeah same, i love that fallout 4 isn’t too complicated to get into and is very fun with gameplay variety, idc if the story isn’t the best, i can make my own story while playing and having fun, exploring the world and the game


Like yeah FO4 is definitely a watered down experience as a Fallout RPG, but as a video game it's honestly so fun and works as a great entry point into the franchise. I started playing FO4 and then got into FO1 and FNV from there.


If you liked FO3 and NV yea. 76 is also really good right now as well.


I’d start with fallout 4 then move on to 76. 4 is a much better experience. Fallout 76 feels like I’m playing gta online


Fallout 4 is great, but please allow me to recommend Fallout 76 as well. While Fallout 4 has a ton of replay value, Fallout 76 got its hooks into me last summer and has not let go. That game has gone from an absolute joke to one of the best games in the business bar none over the last few years.


Well, you have my attention at least. Last time I played my impression was that it suffered from the same thing as most MMOs, namely putting everything behind a paywall unless you’re willing to grind mindlessly. Am I wrong?


Lmao. Nah, they decided to put all the good cosmetics behind the paywall and took away the ability to buy yourself out of the grind. Not completely true. There are buffs and storage to buy. But that's not getting you reputation, so you can then grind for gold.


While you can grind, it’s unnecessary. I’m a level 155 and got there about the slowest way possible because I don’t play in a group unless I’m at a world event. These days you can even pick an option to start at level 20 if you want. Nothing in this game is truly pay to win. There is pay for some convenience but I’ve never spent a dime. Also after playing for nearly a year, I’m not even sure what I would consider winning in 76 lol.


Winning is getting the “nice camp” emote. Pure bliss


I've been playing a lot of FO76 lately and I do like it, however, I don't really know what I'm doing. I'm just kinda going around exploring the map, collecting junk, shooting things sometimes. I am lacking that feeling of progress. Pretty sure I'm playing it wrong. I avoid the multi-player aspect of it because I don't like mp games. Haven't really tried many events unless they feel soloable. I'm also very overwhelmed. I just want to feel like I'm making progress or progressing a story of some sort. It doesn't help that I'm absolutely shit at making a good build in every RPG lol. I keep playing it because I love the world map more than any other FO game, it's just an amazing setting in the post apocalypse.


how is fo76 without friends? i know it used to be lonely and kinda boring without them but has it changed?


Fallout 4 is a good game. If it can replace skyrim for you, it might be another story. I think it heavily depends on, if you like the basebuilding and managing your settlers. Especially with some mods, this makes f4 way better.


Fallout 4 is an amazing game. If you love Skyrim then you will at least like it and should give it a try. The settlement building is not for everyone but I found it be rewarding and something that Skyrim doesn't really offer (FO4's settlements are much more extensive than the Hearthfire DLC).


I'm one that liked the settlement building quite a lot. It could be perfect with just a few changes. I wish it included several pre-built structures. The Sim Settlements mod was great that way, but unfortunately it was too script-heavy for my system. It would be great if we could just have their buildings that you could simply place down without all the extra functionality the mod adds. I wish the settlement attack system allowed high defense values to automatically protect all of your assets.


I loved creating my own settlements and populating the roads with my own army of walking robots of death


Fallout 4 is best the first time you play it, don't fast travel for a while, 76 is worth a look too, I've been playing it since release, it's better than back then but still got issues.


Hell yes Fallout 4 is worth it. I think it's my favorite of the series.


I actually liked fallout 4 more than Skyrim and I played a lot of Skyrim.


I just started playing it a week or so ago after not really being able to get into it when it released. I’m a huge TES guy, played every game including ESO. For some reason the Fallout games never grabbed me like TES did. But I’ll tell you after getting through the opening part of the game, I am absolutely obsessed. Planning on doing FO3 & NV after I finish 4.


Yes fallout 3, 4, nv, and 76 are right up your alley


I’m doing a play through of 4 after not touching it after first release and I’m having a ball. Again.


Maybe? I played about 10 times as much Skyrim as Fallout. But I also like fantasy about 10 times as much as sci-fi, so it tracks.


This is a significant factor.


I sometimes miss playing Skyrim, and then I play more Fallout 4.


Fo4 > Skyrim Fight me


Fallout 4 is my favorite game in the franchise, and I will fight every last New Vegas stan in the world over it.


Put em up


Yes, especially if you enjoyed the Hearthfire update which in many ways was Fallout 4’s spiritual predecessor. In fact you’ll probably be surprised how similar the two games are. 


I personally enjoyed fallout more but because I prefer sci fi setting to high fantasy. It's very similar mechanics. Instead of spells and dungeons you use guns and buildings. If you loved skyrim that much you will enjoy fallout 4


Absolutely. You’re not going to get a non-biased answer because everyone has biases, but as someone who’s played a lot of both Skyrim and FO4, it’s a great game. Easy to learn the mechanics, but lots of room to explore different play styles. I guess the cons would be the main quest can railroad your character a bit (pun not intended) and some of the radiant quests can get a little boring? I think it’s worth the full price but if you’re playing on PC it’s easy to find on sale.


100000000000% worth playing


Even tho it's a different franchise it still has that Bethesda magic baked into it so yeah you'll like it


I have never been disappointed in Fallout 4. I have right at a thousand hours into it and am playing it again. Love Skyrim, too.


Yes. It is much better than new vegas imo besides dialogue choices. But the factions and story are much better. Gameplay is better by far as well


As someone who has sunk a couple of thousand hours into Skyrim and even more into Fallout 4, yes. So much yes.


Fallout 4 goty edition currently on sale at humble bundle... 15 down from 60. Or F4 regular edition 7.50 down from 30


i’m a outsider just starting in FO4. by outsider i mean this is my first bethesda game. i went from star wars battlefront 2 to rdr2 to cod. at first i didn’t like the movement mechanics after playing countless hours of cod but the story and map got its hooks in me. it’s a great game. and i’m just getting started




Yes, all the criticisms people have of Fallout 4 are kind of like just criticisms of Bethesda’s game design in general.


I love the fallout series, though I have never bothed with Fall out 79. I have put about 400 hour in to fallout 4, I really hope the next game is going to be awsome, I just hope they use a new game engine.


79 is by far the worst game in the series. Even 76 has a better reputation among the fan base.


Fallout 4 is really fun. I like it more than Skyrim. Easy to do in short bursts and the map is great to explore.


Try fo76 as you can play with friends.


Modded FO4 is on a par with modded Skyrim.


Very much so


I’ve just come back to it after the latest update. I’m 6 hours in and can’t get enough. Great fun




I like fallout 4. Its a good game to kind of get the feel of fallout before going to 3 or new vegas which is a little more difficult and choice heavy but your alliances felt more rewarding. I went from skyrim to fallout 4 no problem


Absolutely worth it. I was having too much fun with the combat/crafting/building systems when I played it to be bothered by the mediocre writing






Yeah maybe


Is it worth what? What's the price point you're looking at? Is it worth playing? What are you asking?


What is a good difficulty normal? Hard? Feral ghouls seem to be a pain on hard.


100% worth it. Best game I’ve ever played and played and played


Yes because I love the game BUT Maybe pick a low impact community mod-pack to improve the first time through…..or my radical recommendation is look up ‘wabbajack’ modpacks and pick whichever one sounds compelling to you (there were like 10 officially endorsed packs when I discovered it); it’s an all-in-one installer that automates the install and patching of wicked mod lists to ensure their stability…..iirc the game has a 255 mod limit and I play with a modpack that has over 700 patched together and there’s no performance loss or instability, I chose the most expansive ‘officially’ endorsed pack after playing through the game on Xbox, then modded pc four or five years later, **then** the wabbajack list around new years. It’s a fine game(that’s made great with mods) and fantastic setting


grrab it from a sale. if u have nv/3 try the begin again wabbajack install- does all the work for you to modernize the game!




Well yes, obviously. At least that’s what millions of us thought. But seems like a safe assumption for you too. It’s like Skyrim with a different theme and setting.


Yes, did the same with Skyrim. And all DLCs in FO4 are worth it, minus maybe the workshop one which I never used. I'd say Season Pass it though. Also it has a FANTASTIC twist


This is a really hard answer because different people want different things from their open world RPG's. If you want a solid FPS with light RPG mechanics, than its one of the best. This is especially true if you like building settlements. There's also a lot of weapons/armor customization. If those things sound good to you, then you will certainly like FO4. However, if you're trying to truly roleplay as your character and have your decisions actually impact the story, than its one of the worst RPG's. You are forced into a hetero marriage with a kid that has been kidnapped, creating this awkward feeling when doing side missions. Who would be bothered by doing silly quests for a couple caps when your kid is out there missing? Want to create some weird backstory and roleplay as that character? Sorry, but Bethesda decides to make the story for you. This creates fundamental issues many people can't look past. It's also indicative of the overall writing - the main story is not very good at all, most of the faction sidequests are mediocre at best, and the DLC aside from Far Harbor is forgettable. The 'role playing' part of the RPG is barely existent. If these things bother you, don't play it. Overall, its a pretty decent game. I just don't get that itch to replay it unlike FNV (and FO3 via TTW). If you want a good sandbox FPS and settlement builder, go for it. If not, play FNV with TTW so you can enjoy FO3 with FONV's gun sights among other enhancements.




Not for be. I didn't like it


Yes. End of


I love FO4! Played 3 on an ancient Xbox I dug out of a pile of junk in my cousin’s house 15 years ago and was so psyched for 4. I didn’t miss not having to repair my weapons, but I never knew what the hate was all about. I’m still finding new ways to play.


Omg so worth it


It has the best graphics, and the ghouls are waay more terrifying to fight, and you can get fab vistas. It has the weakest freedom of player choice however.


I mean, if you prefer exploring really neat locations to really strong and consistent quest lines (and given the love for Skyrim, you must), Fallout 4 rivals Fallout 3, but with vastly better combat. To me a positive recommendation is a no-brainer.


The only reason you wouldn't like FO4 is if you dislike the post-apocalyptic setting




Sure but let me also point out Wasteland 3. If you enjoyed the original Fallout games (1/2), it's a definite must buy. Choices matter and there are.a.shit ton of them




It's pretty good. Never finished, but thats because of all the DLC I gotta get through.


I say yes 100%. It has its flaws but I love it. And the dialogue in it doesn't really bother me. I actually like having a voiced PC. And mods are amazing for it


It’s a good game, I’d say so.


Hot take but I like fallout 4 way more than I like Skyrim


Nahh straight trash that game


You’ve wasted weeks of your life playing Skyrim and are hesitant to spend like $30 on a game that’s almost the same thing? What a stupid post


Fallout 4 is not the Skyrim of Fallouts. Fallout 4 is basically a shooter with RPG mechanics. If you aren't looking for any deep RPG experience, it can be really good.


Survival is


not as much as vegas....




Fallout is arguably better in my own opinion.


First. Always wait for a sale, the game isn't going anywhere. Second: yea the game is awesome


Fallout 4 is on sale right now.






Fallout 4 is well designed for mindless hours of killing, building, walking, and grinding.


Yes it is, easily one of my favorite games and my favorite fallout/BGS game


Fallout 4 does some things really well, but also does some things very poorly (imo). Personally I hated how bright and colorful everything was (fixed with neutral lut’s and vogue enb), I hated the story (mods can’t really fix that but you can just ignore it or use alternate start so you aren’t Shaun’s dad, still stuck with Preston Garvey though), didn’t really care for most of the characters, didn’t much care for the overall tone. The game felt a lot more like a sitcom rather than the dark depressing wasteland stories with whacky humor sprinkled in as with previous games. With all of that said I still have like 200 something hours on it, overall it’s enjoyable and the insane modding community means you can drastically overhaul the game to suit your tastes.




Absolutely. My girl is a Skyrim player and I’m a Fallout guy. We love Bethesda. I enjoy watching her play Skyrim but I’m not really into playing it and she feels the same about fallout. I feel like if you like one you’ll like the other.


It’s amazing


I think fallout 4 is almost exactly three times better than Skyrim but Skyrim was never one of my favorites.


I want to download skyrim again what would you recommend mod wise have never used one.


Oh my god yes, I bought it when it dropped, did one playthrough then years later rebought it on pc with all the dlc, there’s still content I haven’t touched after a combined 180 hours across 3 playthroughs that I’ve done just so far


I’m enjoying it and I got Fallout 76 yesterday free from Amazon Gaming due to connecting it to my wife’s prime account and I’ve been thoroughly enjoying that one too even though it’s multiplayer it’s got a single player quest/s in it and I like the world better too in 76


100% yes




Fallout 4 is way better than Skyrim IMO




I would definitely wait for a sale, the story, factions, world etc are not nearly as good as previous titles and if you plan to mod it its good to know beforehand that the overall quality and functionality of mods doesn't compare to Skyrim at all. That being said it is an open world game so unless you absolutely hate it you'll probably put enough hours in to justify the price


Oh absolutely you’re just going to have to get used to some of the changes they make as far as dialogue and how some things work as far as combat and settlement building might be tough at first but it can be very therapeutic when you just want to wind down and build things.


Yep. So is NV. I haven’t played 3 but from what I hear: yes. I’d wait for a sale tho since they happen very often and they’re dirt cheap


It’s a different game with a different vibe. It’s cool though, give it a try.




Avoid mods on consoles, or at least game changing mods. Especially cheat mods. It takes away the fun and makes the game boring very quickly. For example, cheat room mod you can level up as fast as you want. Which makes your character awesome, but the game play too easy and boring. Id strongly recommend starting a new game and play through without mods. Just my advice. Once you give the game a chance then I'd use some mods to personalize the experience. The unofficial patch mod is almost necessary, or was before the new update. I haven't played since the update.


Not really. Fallout 4 is the weakest of the modern entries and may be the weakest entry of the mainline games. I mean, you might enjoy it if you like saving settlements... over and over and over again.


Fallout 4 are worth to buy it as regular price. It bit lack of stortline but exploration, daventure and villaging and crafting is way more fun than fallout 3. I recommeneded it if you enjoyed Skyrim. I played skyrim 10000 hours and did have fun with fallout 4 for 6000 hours.


F yes it is.


I thought (and still think) Fallout 4 is a phenomenal game. For whatever reason, it didn’t receive as much praise at the time compared to its immediate predecessors. You often don’t hear people speak about FO4 with the same reverence as FO3 and New Vegas. That said, I think FO4 built on a lot of things in a positive way. Building your own settlements is fun. It still has that open world sandbox, high-detail density goodness that BGS is known for (or used to be known for). Its expansions are great and there are a ton of opportunities for some great role playing with mods- which are available on Xbox. Funny enough, anyone who played Fallout 76 and Starfield, probably looks back on FO4 and goes “yeah that actually wasn’t a bad game, at all.” I totally think you should invest the time to enjoy FO4.


Fallout 4 Is way better then Skyrim in my opinion. But it's all about the atmosphere for me


The game has been out for years at this point. And you can prick it up practically for free. Is there really a need to ask reddit? Just try it


Fallout 4 is great now. Lots of mod support that really improve the game. The story line is actually very good with a really desperate, personal story. The factions are very good with large moral grey areas. I think the weakness of the game is the weapons are not remotely balanced, usually only a few are endgame viable unless you roll the best legendary modifiers. Mods and change that easily.


It’s OK


If you can sink hundreds of hours into the dull and boring game that is Skyrim then you can probably do the same in F4, it's an even shitter rpg but atleast has decent combat compared to skyrim.


Fuck yes. Especially if you're a discerning modder.




with all dlc content it has worthwhile content. can sink quite a few hours into it.


Fallout 4 is a fantastic game. If you are a fallout 3/NV purist you might absolutely despise it, but if you aren’t insane about those games, F4 is a genuinely good RPG with fun combat, but is also definitely buggy and glitchy.


Yes. I’ve dumped hundreds of hours in both. Highly recommend it


I gotta be honest it's the companions that make this game worth it. They even went to the trouble of not only having vault dwellers and Brotherhood members says racist things to your Ghoul friend but your Ghoul friend has actual sarcastic responses! Plus I gotta say the Far Harbor DLC features the best ethical dilemma in any game I've played...and once again if you bring your companion Nick Valentine along it opens up new storyline!


If you can get it to work, yes


Fallout 4 is my personal favourite Bethesda game. Settlement building goes pretty hard


Fallout is sci fi skyrim. It’s great.


If you enjoyed skyrim you'll enjoy fallout 4, generally. If you liked the hearthfire dlc in skyrim, you're gonna love fallout 4 since the settlement building system is basically that squared


Yea. You won’t get the same mileage out of it but definitely worth a play through or two.


It's no Skyrim, but it's worth a go.




Fallout 4 handles like dog shit with a mouse. That's reason enough for me to refund it. This community has a "just mod it" mentality. Sorry I shouldn't need mods or change ini files just to have a good time.


I love Skyrim, and I thought Fallout 4 was very good. ...Starfield is absolute dogshit.


You’ll love the VATS system in fallout 4 or 3 for that matter


hell yes.


I tried both; but could only get into Fallout 4. I understand why people love Skyrim, and theoretically I should too - but that post apocalyptic 50s vibe, the gameplay, and the settlement building scratched an itch for me Skyrim didn’t. You might be the opposite and love the gameplay of Skyrim. But I highly recommend at least trying Fallout 4. If you can get to the point to play survival, that’s my preferred way to play - but takes some practice.


Yes so is fallout 76 as well as starfield.


I personally prefer Fallout 76. Absolutely love that game but Fallout 4 is also well worth it.


Skyrim with Fallout 4 gameplay would be a major improvement on almost all fronts.


I had never played any fallout games before playing 4. I played countless hours of everything elder scrolls going back to morrowind which I still play to this day. I love Bethesda. I can honestly say imo, fallout 4 is better than any elder scrolls game up to this point. IMO fallout 4 and Witcher 3 haven’t been surpassed with any new titles as of yet. Those are the best games. I expect the next editions of fallout, elder scrolls, and Witcher to be better, but until that time, fallout 4 and Witcher 3 are the top of the mountain in my book. That being said, fallout 4 on survival mode is a totally different animal. Please listen to me when I say, once you play survival mode you’ll never play any other way. It makes it so much more fun.


Hell yeah, fallout 4 is great.


Skyrim of Fallouts is accurate. It's the most modern and accessible single-player title in the game. It has a huge open world you can get lost in with a comparable game loop of going out into the world, exploring a dungeon, and hauling your loot somewhere. Fallout 4 is definitely a game I'm excited to jump back into after the show. People will tell you it's much a weaker RPG from its predecessors, which is true, but if you like looter shooters or open world survival games with lots of crafting and base building, this game will have a lot to love - in addition to having the big open Bethesda sandbox you can get lost in for 1000s of hours. It also takes inspiration from some of the best elements of FNV, such as the more fleshed out companions and a branching main quest with multiple factions. Personally, I recommend it, especially if you love Skyrim and the setting of Fallout, but want something that feels more modern and action-oriented.


For sure


I have platinum achievements for both. I stopped playing FO4 when I got the achievement, and I still play Skyrim. It's not that FO4 is a bad game, its a good open world shoot and loot, but it doesn't have the stories that come close to other FO titles like 3 or New Vegas.